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Keywording Techniques with Q&A

Lesson 6 from: Advanced Adobe Lightroom 5 Workflow

Jared Platt

Keywording Techniques with Q&A

Lesson 6 from: Advanced Adobe Lightroom 5 Workflow

Jared Platt

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6. Keywording Techniques with Q&A

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Keywording Techniques with Q&A

I've selected my images now I should go in and start finishing the key wording on the images so when I'm working on key wording I'm going to go to a different job right now in order to keyword so we're going to go to the new year's day two key word these images here so this is just a little party that we had on dh I was grateful that everybody all the all the mothers signed releases so that I can show you this super fun cute little this is this isn't my it's my daughter's world she like has amazing parties that air put on by her mother that are just out of out of this world cute so I love it anyway so this is so we put way bought movie snow and then we we covered the entire backyard because it doesn't snow in phoenix andi covered the whole thing with white batting and then we poured the movie snow all over so their snow all over the ground that they can play with and then we use that like spray frosting and put it all over that you can see it back here that's all frosted yeah hung that...

all over was great so last year was really really cold for new year's this year it wasn't all that cold but it was still chilly enough that you can have a little blanket and the girls love it so um anyway, so we're going to we're going keyword this the first thing that we do on import as we keyword when we imported today we key worded that it was a color check her passport and that it was a test but if we're doing a wedding would say wedding phoenix you know arizona, that kind of thing on import here we said new year's day party I put tea party and maybe snow or something like that is there snow in all of these photos on dh? Then once we once we did all that now if I go to this image and scan up to the key wording section here, you can see that I've already done some key wording on it, but you've got arizona chandler children details fake snow girls new year's day phoenix red and white, red and white is a key phrase tea party and winter so those are all my key words and phrases that go into these images on doll of those can probably be universal toe all the images because there's going to be girls and each of them is generally speaking see what happens if you go you see there's girls but there's no girl in the image that I just selected, so this is obviously what I brought in and the bulk of these images what girls however I want to then removed girls from any image that doesn't have girls in it because I want to be accurate about mikey wording but they're probably mohr images with girls than not and so at this point I can go through and I know that there are no girls from the very beginning until the girls actually show up um here and then minus the two of my daughter here so away she's in the sun too so I know that there's no girls there so I can highlight a section of images and I can go in and type in details and now that all of those I added details all of those as groups so you can go through like if you're a travel photographer you can go through and highlight everything from rome and type in rome and then everything from cnn and type in sienna and so you do big groups if you're a ball game highlight everything and say ballgame and then go the next thing park you know whatever as you move around those sections khun b keyword easily like details for a wedding or or you could say getting ready or ceremony things like that and you know it's ceremony could do ceremony comma saint peter's cathedral comma because it's all in the same place highlight the whole set and then add those keywords so that's the first way to keyword is in bulk as big groups also I can remove the key word in those I can go over here and say, well, these don't have girls in them, so I can highlight that keyword and delete it out and enter and now the keyword has been removed from all of those images because they were all highlighted the other way, then I can go in and even get more specific about key wording is I can go into the tool bar, which is down at the bottom, hit the tiki bring that up and there's a little spray can down here right there that spray can if I pick it up, I can tell it to spray different things so I can spray keywords if I spray key words, then I get to choose what the keyword is going to be and let's just put in girls and notice how light room was suggesting girls because I started typing it and so just hitting enter with them except what it was suggesting and that's why I was telling that light room learns from what you're you've been putting in andan this case now I can go in and say, ok, everywhere that there is, and I'm going to increase the size of these thumbnails really quickly so I can see him a little bit better and everywhere that I see girls, I'm going to sew. If I sprayed right now, it would add girls so I just added girls to that one photo. But if I hold the option key down, it turns into an eraser so mean I mean, zoom in on that second, see so if I hold the option key down, it turns into an eraser. If I click on it with that eraser, it removes the word girls and see how this one has a small key line border. This one has a thick key line border. The thick key line border tells me that it has a key word in it that is inside of this spray can, and so I need to remove it so I click on it. And now it's gone so that it's that the key the key to knowing whether the keyword that you have currently inside of this spray can is whether or not it has a thin key line or a thick key line with a black key line on the outside of it and that's how you can tell so again, look at the difference. So there's thin white key line this one's a thicker white key line with a black border around it that's how you know the difference between keywords in and key words out on ly for the keyword that's right here, which is girls, so I know there are girls in this keyword but there are girls in the photo so I simply hit the erase key and click and drag over those like that and it's removing it from all those images they're so now it's not on any of these there's some of the girls so the girls are in there I want girls in there this doesn't have a girl in it that's actually the neighbourhood boy watching um let's see now this one see how the little hand is in there maybe I should keep it something click on it but now if I want to add her hand because I want to be able to say I had a picture of a little girl's hand then I'm gonna click on that picture and hit command k and that brings up the key word area the entry point and I just hit put hand and now that's in there and then I can keep you know spraying and these I need to remove girl from those I need thio remove girlfriend those that's interesting because we're actually doing a removal instead of an ad but it's the same concept we're just going through looking for any place that we need to remove girls and then and then what and then what we can do is we say okay we removed all little girls now let's change it to snow comma not snowman comma play um comma throw and I'm gonna say throwing snow, you go and so now I'm just going to spray anywhere I see them playing and throwing in the snow like that all that kind of stuff and just all have to do is just spray I'm clicking and dragging and it's spraying the keywords everywhere and as I as I just kind of wander around and just spray it anywhere out there's another one right there, there's another one right there, so I'm just spraying, throwing snow, and if I happened over spray something that is already sprayed with that key word, it just it doesn't add another version of the cure, and it just says that's already got it moving on, so then what you do is you would just go up and down and you would keep changing what's in that key words set in the spray can so I would say groom and then I would spray the groom, and then I would say bride, spray the bride and then I would say, kids spray kids and then I would say flowers and if I do flowers and new flowers comma the company that made the flowers spray him up, so if I was doing, you know, stock, I would hold up a set of images that were similar that I'd shot on that day like, say, you're out on the beach and I would start spraying and I would say details while all of you know all of them are texture, so highlight a mall in, say, texture and then I'd say driftwood anywhere I see driftwood and then done with the driftwood, okay, now I'm looking sand anywhere I focused in on the sand and then go and just keep going up and down looking for things that and then occasionally you'll come in tow one image that's completely unique and at that point you would say, ok, this is unique and has its own specific things, so you would click on that image on the side on the frame because if you click on the centre, it'll spray key word, but if you click on the side, it won't because it reacts different see how the spray can goes on when I'm on the picture, but when I go here it's just a narrow, so when I click on it on the side, it doesn't have the key word it's just selecting the image so I can hit command kay and I can say candy uh, candy cane tree again the candy cane with an a n e okay, just make it all right, so I'm adding unique key words as I go through to not just random, you know, on ly spraying sometimes it's very, very unique you know like maybe a lot of times you'll see an image and it will have a metaphorical idea and so you click on it and then add the metaphor and then keep moving on so that you can then search for it by that metaphor all right, any questions there about key wording um so images by sara wanted to know is significance of key wording mawr for finding images for google ceo or is it more for your organization technique all great it's both google a cz long as your your web system uses the key words then google is going to use those keywords so like for instance wordpress khun use keywords as tags my my portfolio site which is made by life books takes the actual key words from the photos and then builds html around it that suggests to google what's in it and so those keywords become tags on dso google then can utilize them but it also helps for searching for images in my portfolio later on so when I'm trying to find an image I can then go to my portfolio and simply search for those images and then values pop up so both it's absolutely essential for bull cool ifyou're not key wording you can't find your photos and neither can anyone else here's a here's a magic question esti photo of victor would like to know can you keyword search different catalogues at the same time you cannot and you have catalogs and each catalog searches photos within its catalog however you can outside of light room I can search on this so in this little search spotlight area up at the top right hand corner I can search up there for key words and I can come into if I know the drive that it's on I could also come into the drive that it's on and just searched the entire drive so if I click on this drive here and I type in grand canyon I have just found a wedding from the grand canyon do you see that that's a d n g now it won't it's not gonna find a rhyme a cr two or any f because they can't contain keywords but it could do it for a d n g which is raw but it has the key words inside of it that's why at the end of working on a job I always convert things to d angie's because now the dmg has all the information in it. So while I can't search between catalogs aiken search system wide any hard drive that's attached to my system I can search all of them simultaneously for any key words that I have and if I want to even be mohr serious about my search I can go to goto bridge and bridge can search system wide and create kind of a virtual folder full of images that are based on your search and so that's the reason for bridge that's bridges existence its reason is so that it can cross search your catalogs and find all that imagery and still show it to you the way you would see it kind of in light room where you see it kind of in a grid pattern and you can see all the changes that were done to it. So that's what bridges for so you know it's I open bridge once every millennium come on dh it's for that purpose is that sometimes I need to find something and bridges the easiest way to find it across all systems wei have a question actually from our own seal nikki what's the difference with keyword ing with the spray can versus on the right hand side there's no difference it's adding keywords it's just there's three points of entry for key words the first point is on import and that doesn't globally the second point is select a set of images as a set or chunk and add some keywords kind of globally to the that set so it's a little bit more targeted and then the spray cans for very targeted spraying of keywords in tow like this person that that that that that so cool just different different tools for different purposes thank you and here's the interesting one that I'm not familiar with so view from the lake says light room has keyword hierarchy is there some way to prevent the hierarchy from showing up in keyword meta data yes if you export when you're in the export dialog box like let's say we're going to create a some high resolution images that were going to send out or we're going to send him to our web place or whatever if you come down to the bottom that in the metadata area there's one that says right keywords as light room hierarchy and then if you uncheck it it's not going to write it is ira acree it's just going to show it kama kama kama kama okay, so for when you were talking about key wording so for titles and comments if you're going to export it like, say toward press or teo I stock or something like that I titled them but they don't seem to be properly exporting andi I just wanted you to talk about titles, comments and that other poor community so down in the key wearing section in the library module you have the ability to type in the keywords obviously but below that in the metadata area what she's talking about the title and caption areas here if I zoom in you can see this file name copy name title caption actually shows you what folder it's in there's a lot of stuff in the metadata that's actually very useful for instance that folder name could be used to create smart folder are smart collections that ask I want only one star images from a folder named such and such so the meditate is very, very useful in finding imagery title and caption are interesting because people different systems use different terminology for those things for instance and wordpress it's not called title and caption inward press it's called all tag and description and so if you put something in the title, it will go to the all tag and if you put something in the caption, it will go to the description that's just kind of how it operates on dh those are perfectly usable on worthwhile places for that information to go so there's no problem with doing that there is a another place in wordpress that's shows up on the actual word press like for the other two is what google sees but there's a third one that's blank that won't come in from here because it's what your reader sees and if you want the reader to see that, then I would search for a plug in that will reroute it. And so I don't know if a plugin exists, but I wouldn't I wouldn't doubt that someone has written a plug in to reroute the caption to a different place so I would search for that so when you're dealing with with you with work wordpress, I would look for plug ins that help wordpress to translate what's coming out of the metadata and light room there's a lot out there a lot of stuff out there, andre in fact one of the best places go for light room plug ins that will help to organize stuff forward press and for blogger and for you know all these different places is called photographers toolbox dot com they have a lot of great plug ins there. So it's I think it's photographers and then a dash toolbox something just google att photographers toolbox dot com is a great place to go for that so that's that's my suggestion on that the other thing that you should be aware of in meditating is that the default has quite a bit of information on it already so you can see that's got a lot but there's also so much more metadata inside your files than you're actually seeing s so if you go to the exit and I p c data there is a ton of stuff like there's just there's headlines there's categories there's, other descriptions and there's I mean there's copyright information there's credit lines so there's just including whether or not it has a model release is in this area so there's a lot of metadata that khun b put into your files so that you can find images I could find images have model releases because I can tag him as model released so it's very very important to get to know that and the only way to get to know it is to open it up and just read each line and just seeing what's there what's available to me so that you can start using it because amore amore information you put in to hear the better off you are and when you go to that import dialog box and you're importing something and you have the metadata menu here, go into the edit preset and look at all the information that you can put in and create presets for that information so that you don't have to put it in more than once but every time you're importing, say, food shots and you know that when I do food shots, I get this this and this and these ducks are in line then just put all that information and here automatically so that then you know anytime you search you could just find those those things that you're looking for. So anyway, so that's that's just my don't s oh that's just my plea for using pre sets as much as possible, but you really just have to go in and investigate what's there because there's a lot of data data that you aren't using that you certainly could be using, but when it comes for title in caption all it is is a definitional thing so the system that you're going to call that something else. And you just have to find a way connected.

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Essentials Preset Collection
Outsource Pack
SnackPack Preset Collection
Making a Sync Box
Presets Made on CreativeLive
Working Files - Images
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ShootDotEdit Catalog Template

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a Creativelive Student

Jared is the best. Really, his class was absolutely awesome. He can teach you everything with an ease and you will not want to leave your computer untill you see the whole class. I am so happy I purchased this class, it was the best investment! Than you Jared for such a brilliant classes you bring to us.

a Creativelive Student

It takes a lot of devotion to spend so many hours in front of the computer but I found myself not able to leave the monitor. Thank you Jared Platt and Creative Live for providing this quality education and information. We also get the bonus of seeing beautiful images during the sessions. Jared is a wonderfully clear teacher. His extensive experience both behind the camera and in processing digital photography is so very evident in all that he covers in his seminars. I'm looking forward to the next time.


I believe that this man has saved my life, or at the very least returned my life me. So many wonderful tips and time savers. I had never realized how much time I wasted at the computer for no good reason. He is funny, easy to listen too, and he explains in a way that can be understood. If you could only purchase one course, this is it! I attended WPPI and Jared's Platform Class and at the end I wanted more so thank you Creative Live for have him.

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