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Class Introduction
As you're getting momentum at work, as you're getting momentum in life, if there's a blend in there for any of you. When you're getting momentum, it means you're moving things forward. And what's neat about this kind of a class is, with this kind of a course, people are attracted to this who will be in a new space 12, 24, 36 months from today. I like taking a look at what I call the curvature of the horizon, right? I mean, those of you who are tuning in live, thanks for being here, but if you were to take a look in your notepad right there, and you were to draw a line. How far out can you see before your vision falls below the ocean here on the west coast? That is, is it six months from now that's pretty clear, you can imagine your business, your life. Some of us it's 12 months out. One of the in studio students was asking me about my business and I was saying, if I have a good "x" number of dates on the calendar I get to relax. It's when things tend to dry up or maybe I'm not being in...
vited to the right meetings or I haven't had time to think strategically about the future. That that's when it's necessary to be resilient. I love this word, resilience, mainly because it means something different than what I was taught as a kid. And I've been studying this for a few years now. And this concept of being resilient just let yourself hear that word, resilient. Resilient...resilient. Resolute, resolved, resign, reservation. There's all these words that I can kind of free associate it to. Resilience when I was a kid, it was taught to me as a concept of bouncing back. Of getting knocked down and then coming back. And I don't know about you, but the world that I'm living in, there's no back to get to anymore. That is when our business faces a challenge, when a relationship faces a challenge, when our community faces a cha-. We don't go back to the way it was, we get challenged, we move through the challenge, and then we're almost creating a new normal. A new expected. Or a new accepted. And we're gonna play around with those terms today. What I wanna do is just share with you a little bit the direction that we're going in, some of the topics that we'll cover. Mainly I wanna get you think'n. I wanna start this process of you looking at that woman or man in the mirror and asking yourself, "Well, when have I been resilient or where am I gonna have to be resilient." Or, "I'm pretty resilient." But now we look out the window and go, "Who might need my help in being resilient?" So just a couple of spot checks of what we're gonna look at today. I want you to tap into your own experience. I'm probably gonna share some stories, I'll probably give you some things to think about from my own personal life or people that I've worked with over the years. But really, let's make this about you. Studying that man or woman in the mirror. Letting the thoughts land in your notebooks, your journals. If those of you who are online, if you print out that accompanying PDF, please avail yourself of that process. We're gonna take a look at a topic near and dear to my heart. It's actually what I studied for my second masters degree, I studied psychology for two years, specifically I studied self talk. And I looked at, and listened to, what happens when we talk to ourselves. We talk ourselves into or out of things. And if I could harness, if I could grab onto, if I could redirect the voices in my head, I could own a little bit more of my experience. Wanna make sure that we talk about a couple of tenants that we teach, and one of them's called the ideal day. I'll mention this several times throughout this course. No one I've ever worked with has one ideal day. We have many of them. Since I started doing this back in 2003, I guesstimate that I've handwritten out more than 2,000 ideal days. And I'll share with you a little bit about how that process unfolds. I also wanna take a look at something very important with resilience, which is this concept of being at my best. Being at your best. I like to remind myself, when it's time to perform, I don't have time to get ready to perform. The times when I can see a performance coming, by the way, I'm not talking about acting, I'm talking about being, doing, having. If I'm gearing up for an 11: phone call with a client and that thing's scheduled for 11:30, What can I do to put myself in a position to be at my best? If that's scheduled for 11:30 their time, is there anything that I can do to pre-think how to set them up to be at their best and I'll unpack that as we go through. I'm a big fan of experimentation, this probably happens because I studied Albert Einstein quite a bit. Actually, one of my trips to Zurich, I got to hang out at the bar that he taught at. Talk about a teacher, met his students at the bar. What an idea there. And Albert was way into thought experiments of writing things down, of playing with it, of turning the page and then redoing it. I'm a big fan also of Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci was probably one of the first guys that I ever researched who leaned into things so far, he would wright letters to kings and princes and monarchs, he would write letters to people telling them he could do things that he had no idea how to do. And he figured he had enough of a gap in between 'cause he would tell someone what he could do, but he was busy for the next 18 months. And when he got the yes, he would double down and would take 17 months to learn the thing that he'd have to go and perform. That is what I wanna talk about the significance of biographies. Because what I know is so important to me learning about and being more resilient, is studying people before me who've had it tough. Tougher than I can ever imagine. And sometimes watching that documentary on video, reading that documentary book, that biography, listening to that. Gives me a sense of release or relief. This person had it tough, I think I had it tough, that made it through, I bet ya I can make it through.
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Fantastic class! Highly recommend- Jason has such positive energy and enthusiasm, all his courses have been fun to watch and very informative.
Misty Prewitt
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