9:00 am - Product Overview
14:55 29:15 am - Photography Basics
06:31 3Button Layout: Top Deck
34:01 410:30 am - Button Layout: Back Side
28:26 511:00 am - Button Layout: Other Sides
11:38 611:15 am - Lenses
11:27 712:15 pm - Menu Systems: Shooting and Movies
32:34 812:00 pm - Displays
13:08Lesson Info
11:00 am - Button Layout: Other Sides
So let's, flip around on the left side, talk about that side. We have the little speakers so that when you play back your movies that's where the sound is coming from and we have a couple of access stores rubber doors that we can pop open, we have the remote shutter release uses a type in three, which means that you can use thie too different cannon remote swon is just a really simple cable. Elise, if you need to fire the camera and not be touching the camera so that you don't have any vibrations, this is the basic remote sells for around fifty bucks closer to one hundred twenty five. One hundred fifty dollars is the tc etienne three. Now this one is really cool because it does what the top one does, but a lot of other things you khun set for a much longer self timer. Let's say you want to have the camera take a picture in one hour, you could set it up to take a picture of one hour from now. One of the main reasons people buy it is for the interval ometer feature. This is a great way o...
f doing time lapse photography. What you'd set up here is you set how frequently the camera takes a picture and I will use this tissue time lapse. Where I might shoot it picture every ten seconds so I would set it to ten seconds and it just fires the camera every ten seconds. You could do a really long exposure. For instance, the camera's limit is thirty seconds. If you want to do a five minute exposure, you can program that into the camera. You could also have it count through images if you want to and there's also a little light on there so you can see exactly what your programming and so, for a little bit more sophisticated, user who's got a little bit higher demands on the camera that's a very handy device right below that is our microphone inputs, so if you have an external microphone and cannon doesn't make him but there's other companies sign heizer makes a nice small on the m k four hundred I think it's a really nice one very small in size, gets you stereo sound gets you better quality sound gets you an insulated connection from the camera so that if you're adjusting buttons and dials on the camera, you don't hear as much or any noise at all. Road makes a really good one it's a little bit more money, but it's pretty small in size both of these are going to get you better quality sound than the built in mono mike on the camera over on the right hand side we have two more connections. One of them is an a v out connections so that if you're going to hook it up to a traditional tv or you were going to download images directly from the camera to your computer, you would use this connection here and then if you're going to hook it up to an hdtv, you would need an hdmi port cable and you can go directly to a tv from your camera so you khun you can pull video off of this over on the right hand side of the camera, not much going on except our memory card door. Now this camera uses a single sd memory card also confuse the sth sea or the s t x c, which just indicates different sizes of cards. One of the customization is you could make on the camera is that you can lock the shutter up if there's no memory card in the camera. So it's kind of like preventing yourself from taking pictures with no film in the camera, which is a good option will turn on when we get into the menu system. Be aware on these little cards there is a right protection switch on the side. If that is in the downward position, you won't be able to record images to that memory card so it's just kind of a safety precaution and for anyone who shoots video there's a card classifications card speed down here you want class ten or higher so be aware of any cheap cards that our class two or four they're not good for writing video because they can't sustain the minimum right speed video is very demanding because it's constantly writing information to the memory card now he did talk on the other side of the camera about downloading from the camera and I would highly recommend the fastest and easiest way to download is just to take the memory card out of the camera and plug it straight into your computer if you die don't have a slot on your computer for the sd memory cards which a lot of computers these days do have. I would highly recommend one of these card readers they sell for anywhere twenty to forty dollars they're going to speed up the process they don't require any software like sometimes the manufacturer's require and they work the same on peces as well as on max and so these air great devices I always take these with me when I'm traveling even though my computer has a slot just in case something get happens to that slot you know who knows the kid next thing on the plane stuffs gum in the side of your computer it's always nice to have an alternate choice so the card reader is a good choice for any photographer tohave working away around on the bottom side of the camera before we go we're gonna have a couple questions that looks like a head couple questions thank you just a couple ones from the guys sam cox asks did I miss the usb port? The know the usb port was the top one on the right it's not a direct us be it's kind of a cannon proprietary plug and the other end would be usb perfect and then frankie asked if the sd card port speed is limited like on the five d mark three well that's a deceptive question because everything is limited even my my lamborghini is limited to a certain top city I don't really own a lamborghini but everything is has kind of a limit as to how fast it can go and it can handle all the different cards now at what point does buying a faster card not get you anything? I'm not real sure I was doing some testing of my own and I had a car one card was a forty mega byte for car forty megabyte for second card and the other card iss eh ninety five megabytes so forty versus ninety five and I noticed a performance difference when I shot a burst of shots general average stuff I didn't notice anything but when I did shoot a first I was seen a performance increase up those higher levels and so I don't know what that limit is cannon doesn't list that anywhere and I haven't seen that posted as to what's the fastest car that it could make you so and you like me asks, is the microphone jack mono or can't record two channels of audio it's a stereo jack so you can get a stereo mic cool all right back to you okay, so back on the bottom of the camera obviously we're going to plug in the battery uses the same batteries the five the mark to the mark three, which is great because a lot of us who have been shooting with cannon for a little while have these lin have these batteries around so it works the same same old battery cells for about sixty bucks a little on the pricey side and if you want, you can go into the setup menu and you can get specific information about how much charges left on that battery and how good that battery is. Which is a nice thing to know anyone who shoots a lot of verticals and the two types of people that shoot a lot of verticals are portrait shooters and sports shooters and sport shooters air portrait shooters in another way, you might say because they're shooting people shooting verticals I find a vertical grip much easier to work with when you are shooting the camera on a regular basis in a vertical mode it's also good for people who just have big hands it's also good for people who wanted to put two batteries in the camera and have the battery life last longer than it would normally and so that's the pg thirteen and that's going to sell for around two hundred fifty bucks and you're going to get basically double the battery life when you do that because you're going to be able to put two batteries in the camera at that time. Be aware there's a serial number is right down there in the bottom of the camera so that you could record that for your insurance purposes. And of course it has a standard tripods often a quarter inch wide twenty screws parades so you can put all your standard accessories on it. The camera comes supplied with what's called a travel charger, which is kind of a slow trickle charger takes about two and half hours to charge isa very convenient and simple little wayto charge up the battery. There is a a car charger that you can plug it into your car, although I typically use an inverter and I plug that into my car that way I can plug my phone and my computer and any other accessories into it as well, but if you wanted to get a dedicated car charger, they do have this one it's about one hundred fifty bucks so for anyone using this in a studio or maybe in a scientific environment that needs to keep a constant source of power in the camera they can't even have the battery die ever on the camera you can have constant power running to it with the a c adapter kit, which is going to sell for around a hundred twenty five dollars working our way around to the front of the camera so the little red dot that indicates where you should be matching up the little red dot on the lands so that's your mount index we have our mano microphone here on the front of the camera a lot of the newer cameras air having stereo microphone so that's kind of the next upgrade for this camera you might say let's release obviously taking the lens on and off we have are mere that, of course makes it the single lens reflex. Be aware that these air your cpu, these air, the elektronik context that communicate with len it's so make sure that they're not obstructed or dirty or have something piece of tape on him or anything like that over on the side of the camera, we have an unlabeled button. This is our depth of field preview button and this used to be a big time cool professional feature and cameras because when we shot film we didn't know what the picture was going to look like until we got it back and so this case I'll show you a little video here and over on the left hand side you'll see what's happening when you press the button and it stops the lens down and I'm gonna actually back up and play this again and if you watch the image on the right you can see when you look through the viewfinder it's a very shallow depth of field and when you press this button it stops it down to show you how much depth of field you actually get when you're taking the pictures I'll do it one more time so the lens stops down you could see all your depth of field and we'll say goodbye to the pirates and so that's what depth of field button does nowadays it's not that big a deal because you can just shoot a picture and look at the back of the camera but sometimes when you're in a really bright environment the depth of field is kind of nice to have now some of the other cameras like the cannon seventy and the five mark three have elektronik grid screens that you could turn on not in this camera this camera has actual focusing screens that you can take in and out in the mean reasons people change him number one is they want I wanna have a grid pattern maybe they're an architectural photographer and they really want to know about vertical lines you can get the key grid screen, which sells for around thirty dollars, to put that in there, there's also people who like to use this with manual focusing and the screen that is supplied with the camera is designed more for auto focusing. It works for manual focusing. But some people prefer the super precision mats screen, which is going to sell for around thirty bucks or so. And this is going to give you a little bit better image for focusing ifyou're really into manual, focusing on it. We have our remote control sensors. So if you'll recall the little wireless remote for about twenty dollars, that's, what needs to be visible so you can't have a hand or a piece of tape in front of that? And then we have our self timer lamp, which comes on when you're about teo, take a picture so it'll blink at you. And then it will stay steady for the final two seconds.
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Ratings and Reviews
Emmon Scott
There’s a saying in golf that it’s the swing, not the club, that counts. I’ve found that true in photography, where the most artistic photographer I know uses a Canon Rebel and an old film camera. His stuff wins awards and gets chosen for big exhibits. As recently as this past summer (2017) he told me he MIGHT upgrade to the camera this course covers, the 6D. Not the newer 6D Mark II — this one. If he gets it, I hope he takes this course. Is this course relevant in 2018, six years after the camera came out? To me, it is. I’ve read the hype about newer cameras — and they sound great — but I like the idea of seeing if I can do more with the 6D in my bag. And this course has already helped with that, really explaining the options and techniques for focusing, techniques I’ve started using and that have impacted how I composed some shots. The teacher, John Greengo, is the guy I’d want to meet behind the counter at a camera store. He knows the camera inside-out and upside-down. In this five-hour class, he takes you through every button, dial, and menu option — judiciously skimming past things less likely to be useful and focusing time on the key stuff. He’s a smart teacher and this is a smart class. Other examples of things he spent time on that caught my attention: How to adjust this camera and shoot remotely with an iPhone. How to use "mirror lockup" to keep the camera still at slow shutter speeds. How to update firmware. If you another camera and John Greengo offers a Fast Start course for it, my guess is you’ll find it worth your time.
This was an awesome class. This helped me so much in learning my camera better. I am so impressed with all of John Greengo's classes. His level of detail in going over the functions of equipment and cameras is so awesome.... he always gives the best UNBIASED information.
John's style is fun, personable and professional. While I've used the 6D for a short while, it was comforting to learn a few tricks and short cuts. Also the preferred settings information was useful. Feel more confident that I will get better shots and be able to make adjustments more quickly. Don't expect any tips on situational shooting; lighting, composition etc. This is an in depth look at the 6D options, set-up, preferences and nice explanations for the choices. John's presentation was easy to understand, well paced and arranged with excellent graphics. One thing that may have been missing... the C1, C2, C3 set-up. This is a little different than the 7D. Recommended.
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