
Lesson Info
welcome to death therapy. We spent so much for a time in front of a computer behind a desk, really in the sedentary lifestyle that we tend to start to get hunched over shoulders creep, Ford are back to becomes kind biotic. In this video, we're gonna touch in those areas in tow, opening up into the chest, the upper back really working through the mobility of the shoulders and even into the quads and ankles, which tend to also be problem areas from sitting a lot. If you have tight quads, you'll need to use a strap. If you don't have a strap, belt will work and one of the poses is going to be restored it. So having a block or even a couple of pillows will be fine. We'll come onto our hands and knees, curl the toes under wrap, the try says back, press firm into the hands. Lift the knees up off the ground. Send the heels down towards the mat, lift the hips up and back. If you're really tight through the ankles, which a lot of us are, you could start with the knees bent and the heels lifted.
But what I really want you to focus on is melting the chest back, but not so much the back that we start to open up into the shoulders more, but just a little bit. Wrap the traces back, starts a press the heels down towards the mat. They don't go all the way. That's OK. Just as far down as they go. Lift him up nice and high. Slowly. Start to lower the heels down, lift him up nice and high. What this is doing is it's starting to stretch out to the back sides of the legs, as well as doing a little bit of neuro flossing, really working into all the nerves and the tension of the nerves to kind of get rid of some compression that we have through that so slowly lower the heels down, lift him up, down, up just as much as you can go down up last time, Lower him down, lift him up, look forward. Roll forward coming to the top your plain. Wrap the crisis back. Lift the center of the chest up. If you need to adjust defeated, just the feet will work a little bit into the ankles as well as the Cavs shift four. Bring the shoulders forward over the fingers. Come up nice and high on to the toes slowly shifted back. Send the heels back so that the shoulders air coming behind the wrist shift. Ford. Bring the shoulders in front of the fingertips, high upon the toes. Shift backs in the heels towards the the end of the matter, remove the shoulders back behind. The risks will do this three more times. Shift, Ford Shift back every time working into the Cavs, you should feel it there and into the wrist into the flexibility. So we're stretching, stretching out the wrist a little bit as well. Shift back last to shift. Ford really keep engagement stability through the core. This is going to help you out a lot. Shift back all the poses that we dio. Make sure that the core is stable. Last time should Ford shifted back. Come into a neutral position, so the shoulders air directly over the wrist. Slowly bend the knees so that they almost touch the mat, but not quite and hover here. This is just building up into a little bit of strength. You could move the feet if you like. lifting these up. Lower him down. Lift the knees up straight in the lakes, Slowly. Lower him down by now, I should start feeling a little bit into the shoulders. Lift them up slowly. Lower him down. Another two up. Lower down. Last one lifted up. Take the hips up on back. Downward facing dog again. If you need to bend the knees, bend the knees so that your Maurin this position. But you're nice and straight. This is gonna help Open up into the shoulders. If you have the flexibility, send the heels down towards the mat with an inhale lift The right leg up. Press out through the hell. Really? Flex. Atos, send the left heel down towards the mat. Press into both hands, create a little bit of lengthen extension down the back side of the left leg square, the right hip down. We have a tendency to open up here. I want you to keep it down by keeping it down. We're gonna add a little bit more stretching into the back of the left leg. You should be feeling nice and intense here. If you don't feel that you could lift the right leg up a little bit higher. Come up high into the left toes. Draw the right knee and the nose really round through the spine. Gaze down between the thumbs. Step the foot Ford. If you need to. You can come upon to the fingertips or even grab the foot and pull it between the hands. Sometimes beginning, you know, it takes a lot of mobility and flexibility to just step the foot forward. Lower the right. Sorry. Lower the left knee down to the mat if you need to put a blanket or anything underneath the knee. If the knees is sensitive, go ahead and do that. Or you could even fold the mat under. Just add a little bit more padding. But really what you want to do its work down onto the top of the left thigh. Press the hips. Ford activate into the left, but to kind of help lengthen the tailbone down. We tend not to use our glutes a lot when we're sitting. So as much as we could use our glute, especially to these videos, it's really going to help you out. And we have weak posterior chains generally, so press Ford engaged in the glutes, lift the chest up. Take the left arm in front of the body, right arm over across the elbows of the best you can and bring their hands together. If you can only grab on the thumb or whatever best you have, our best you can. Or if you can bring the palms together, shift the hips forward, inhale, lift the chest up start to create a little bit of a Backman. Lift the heart a little bit more. Sin the elbows up to the sky. That's our first back, meant to take it gentle, nice and easy. We're here. It is for about three or four seconds. Inhale into the belly. Keep flexing into the left glute. Pull back on the right hip. Tilt the chest. Ford. Hopefully your left toes are still cold under lift the left knee up shift forward, balancing on the right leg straight in the right leg. Up into this kind of Eagle Warrior three. Lift up through the bottom right rib square, the outer left hip down. Press out and activate the left heel. Reach to undo the arms. Reaching arms back. Inhale. Lift the chest up, create arch through the back starts a fire of the back muscles on the exhale Pull it in really challenging the balance here and creating all the support through the outer right lake Inhale lifted up Arch the back gays Ford Exhale Pull it in Just do one more These really used all the back muscle that you can inhale Lift it up Lift the chest lift the chest lift the chest On the exhale Step forward into chair pose Reach the arms up Open up in the chest Will keep a little bit of a back Men here, open up across the shoulders Lift the hard up You want to think of employing the hands back and sending the elbows four. Just a little bit more Stick it down a little lower in hell If the heart up in a lace the fingers behind the head Lift the heart a little higher stand Press the palms up to the sky, Create a little bit of a hall of body shape So now we're tucking the tail boom kind of working little on relation through the spine. Sit down, work the arms back open up across the chest. Field should feel a nice stretch across the front part of the chest is well into the shoulders, maybe even into the biceps. A little bit too. Inhale Stand up, curl the tailbone. Reaching arms. Ford Arch Finding this hollow body shape exhales. Take it back down. Open up into the heart. Take it down a little bit more last time. Lift up Curl. Don't bring down. Release the hands. Reach him up to this guy. Come up onto the toes. Were just lifting the heals Slowly. Lower the heels. Now the quad shots should start to engage to feel a little bit. Works in swimming and chair. Lift the heels up slowly lower him down. Three more of these lift the heels up. Working into the Cavs, the ankles last to lift the heels nice and I just on the toes. Last one lifted up. Bring the hands down to the hips. Slowly lower the knees and but down to the mat as slow as you can go. Set the knees down. Uses much core as you can sit back towards the heels. Lift the knees up. Takes a little bit of balance here, but this is really good to work out into the feet and the fossa of the feet. Uh, you know, we don't really do enough on our feet. They tend to be really tight, specially the ankles in the toes. So slowly lower the knees down. Lift him up. We'll go for four more of these. Lower than these down. Lift him up. Lower the knees now. Lift him up lower than he's down. Lift him up last time. Lower the knees down. Lift him up. Send the heels anthem at plant the hands, fold forward. If you need to keep a bend in the knees, bend in the knees. If you can't touch the ground, that's okay. Just hang forward. We'll just do you know about 10 seconds here just to let the back open up through a nice, relaxed state. If you can imagine the head being really heavy, it's almost like a weight will start to pull out the spine and and create length through all the disk and the spine. This is going to help more with the mobility and starting to open up a little bit more. Maybe even tuck the chin in towards the chest to create a little bit of neuro attention across the back of the bodies is a nice stretch through the nerves in the spine. Inhale, look up. Plant the hands, step back to plank post, then the knees. Slowly lower the knees down to the ground. Set him down. Look forward. Shift four. Bring the chest down almost the nipple line right between the thumbs. Look for slide it up. Cobra pose. Wrapped the shoulders back. Lift the heart. Come back down. Curl the toes under either through down dog or through child's pose or straight back up in a downward facing dog. Lift the heels. Set him down one. Lift lower to a little bit quicker this time. Lift the heels. Lower him down. Three. Lift the heels. Lower him down. Four. Lift the heels, lower him down. Five. Inhale. Reach the left leg up to the sky. Press out through the left. He'll soften the outer hip down. The the right heel doesn't come down. That's fine. He could always bend the right knee and just want the arms as straight in the shoulders as straight as possible. But if you're feeling some sort of stretch along the backside of the right leg, that's fantastic, he pressed in the hands press out to the hell just a little bit more on an inhale. Come up high into the right toes, Draw the left me in the nose, round the spine, gaze forward. Step it for That's great. If you need to grab the flip and pulled forward, do that. Whatever you need to do to to take the foot forward. Lower the right knee down to the mat side the hands back shift the hips. Ford again on same thing on this side. You want you to flex into the right glute this this is really gonna help fire up and keep the low back nice and healthy and also start to activate. Just get your mind around working into activating and firing up the post Syria chain of the body. Shift the hips. Ford if you need something underneath your right knee because your experience a little bit of pain, of course, put something in underneath. This ah plan is supposed to make you feel good. So whatever you're doing, you should be feeling good and reaching arms up. Take the right arm across the front of body, left arm in front, cross the elbows eagle up through the arms that inhale. Lift the arms up. I think the hips ford lift the chest, slowly worked the elbows away from you. Send the heart up just a little bit more sink down, activating even more into the right glute. Pull back on the left hip, lift the elbows up a little higher. It's a few more breast. Breathe deep into the belly. A little bit more shift. Ford. Look forward. Lift the right knee up. He who walked the foot. And if you need to send the weight over the left leg, stand up on the Left Lake into this eagle arm Warrior. Three. Square the outer right hip down and for having trouble, bounce to your best. Release the arms back. Inhale fire up the back muscles. Lift the chest up a little bit higher on the exhale. Pull it all in together. Inhale. Lift it up. Exhale. Draw it in inhale. Lift it up. Exhale. Draw it in last time. Inhale lifted up. Exhale chair post. Sink the butt down. Reach the arms up and bend into the arms. Create a nice little arch. The back. Lift the heart up. Stand through the heels, interlacing fingers press the palms up. Come into a hall of body shape Talk the tailbone by Nice around Sue the back on the inhales Bend the knees sink the but back arch through the entire back Work that hands back and lift the chest Maybe even bring the gaze up If you can try to straighten the elbows as much as you can And said me and real bent here So we're really working the arms back Inhale stand hollow body Exhale Sink down Hollaback in here Exhale back to hold back Inhale stand whole body Exhale Sinking down Hollaback Last time Inhale stand hollow body Exhale, Hollaback, Release the arms. Bring them down to the hips. Lift the heels up off the mat. Slowly. Lower him down. Go for five lower for lower three. Lower to lower one. Keep him lifted. Slowly Lower the hips, Knees down to the mat. Set the knees down. Lean back. Lifting these up really again, working into the feet toes. Who's gonna hold this here on the toes and a little double toast and for about seconds, kind of stretching out. If you could send the heels forward a little bit more this is really nice to activate into the toes knees for just a little bit more, maybe even start to lean back a little bit. Slowly lower the knees. Now lift him up. If you need to use your hands for ballots, of course, you could always use your hands. The challenge yourself, the balancing muscles, the stabilizing muscles are really important to to fire up, and we don't use them enough floor down. Lift him up last time. Lower down. Lift him up. Plant the hands, said the heels, now full forward in his length. Enough halfway. Tuck the chin round and as he fold in him, come up. Plant the palms. Step back. Plank pose. Slow down. Lower down the knees. Look forward. Our setback. Set the chest down between in his Slide it forward. Exhale. Bring it back into child's pose. Come forward to make her way onto her belly. Bring the elbows down to the mat, make sure the elbows air underneath the shoulders and the hands air straight out in front of it. So we're not out like this. The stakes, a little bit of shoulder mobility, and if you're not there, do the best that you can't. This is called Sphinx Pose, and this is a great pose if you if you can, if you have a laptop and you could work on the ground. I like to answer my emails like this or in afford full that bring my laptop down and I kind of type on it this way. This is a great way to start to open up into the back in the shoulders, start to make a little bit of movement with the shoulders, Ford and back, or even one at a time just feeling through, uh, through the shoulders, in the chest. Whatever feels good feel around with the shoulder blades working down and up the back if you're not really sure what I'm talking about, just, you know, do your best to explore these kind of motions. I like to make big circles here through my shoulders in my chest and then reverse it. Plant the hands, lift the chest up. So if this is really intense for you, you could walk the hands forward a little bit more to decrease the Backman. If it's not intense, you could always walk the hands back and create Morva. Backman will do the same thing with the shoulders circling him out. I think it's a little bit easier to work the shoulder motion when the arms are straight. But again, this takes more back flexibility, and this is kind of why we're in this position is to work into the back and roll it forward. The hands just a little bit farther. Ford, curl the toes under lift the butt. You want to be really extended here so that the needs stay underneath the hips. Look forward. Melt the chest down towards the mat. This is to open up into the shoulders and the upper back. If you could bring the chin down, that's great. Or just go is low as you can. We're gonna hold this for a full minute, so try not to be too deep and try to get nice and comfortable in his Relax, the best you can look forward if this is too intense, start with a forehead down on the mat like this. But if this isn't intense enough, bring the gays Ford. You want to think of wrapping the outer arms down and this is going to help protect the shoulders If, ah, if we just relaxed in the shoulders. Sometimes we could cause cause injury to the shoulders, and you don't want to do that. So keep the outer shoulders wrapping down and work the armpits down towards the mat. And this is really gonna help toe open up into the upper back as well as the chest when she should feel a little bit of pull across the chest, even into the by sets and the inner shoulders a little bit in the upper back on and I stretch the enact. This is great because we spend so much time looking down that this is ah, you know the opposite. To counter that, really accentuating the looking up motion. Just the last few breasts in this pose. We're going to revisit it again, So don't feel bad if you haven't fully got into it. Gays Ford, lift the chest up, roll forward all the way onto the belly. Use your strap if you need it. Reach back with the right hand. Grab the right foot. If you can't grab the right foot, you could always hook the strap around like this and pull it. And this is for the quads. If you have a little bit of quad mobility gonna pull the foot Ford and then start to work the fingers for it around and lift the elbow a pinpoint the shoulder down. So somewhere, anywhere from this here to all the way forward the other arm we're just gonna use to assist herself up. This is called Artemis Costner Half frog Post. Hold this here for 30 seconds. Working into the quads. If you want to move into it a little bit, that's nice as well, but not too much. Tryto keep a little bit slower and just as much pressure as as is needed. This is to open up into the quads and kind, alleviate some of the stress on the knee, more flexible that our quads are less chance we have of knee injury. Usually people injured there needs because their quads a really tight So you're crucial ligaments take Take the blow when we step wrong or move into something wrong. Five seconds. Here. Release the foot. Plant the hands, Same spot. Lift up. Make sure that the knees air underneath the hips, melt the chest back. So what I see often is that the needs air Ford and it's kind of like a child's pose. That's not really what we want. We want the needs really kind of far back. Gays Ford even walk the hands forward More to make it Ah, deeper, Melt the chest down Gaze Ford here for another minute. Nice slow breaths into this pose throughout the outer try sits down. Bring the armpits down, Chef Down Gaze Ford and he could play around with the positioning of the knees and how that affects the stretch. So with my knees just a little bit more Ford, I could stretch even Mawr into the arms and shoulders with back a little less so and then too far forward. I don't get any of that. Stretch it all so you could mess around and find out what works best for your body in your limitations. Whenever you get to this place that feels good. Just want to relax and melt into that last few breaths and come back up back onto the belly. Work the left ankle with the left quad this time, right arm in front. Reach back with the left hand, grab the left foot if you need the strap off course wrapped the strap around the foot and just pull it in, you know best you can. The idea is to feel the stretch in the quad. That's the hard up and quatre one's muscles that surprised me will open up quick if you work it often. Our problem is, is we never? We never work into the quads, but there's such a big muscle. There's a lot of room for flexibility in it. We just tend to be really tight because we're always sitting on. So, uh, sitting is probably one of the worst things that we could do for the body, cause we just lack all this mobility and movement by opening up into these. It's really going toe, make us healthier, uh, elongate our lives and just make your body feel better. Trying to counter act all the all the stuff we do from sitting. So the couple more more seconds here, release the foot. Take the left arm out to the side, will start, start on the left, roll over, use your right hand and bring your knees in. So this is a nice little shoulder stretch going to keep your right hand on the mat, and you could activate mawr into the stretch by lifting the right arm up. We're gonna start with the hands straight out at 92. The body. So a nice perpendicular arm stretch. We're gonna hold this here for 30 seconds or so. Um, just go is much as you need. Try not to overdo it. The shoulders are really sensitive. And if we overdo the shoulders, then the you know it could actually cause more problems than good. So you don't want to take it to deep but stretching out your shoulders. It's something that's just essential for normal healthy movement. Five seconds. Bring the chest down. Take your hand down about degrees so it's closer towards the hit, but still out to the side Lift up. I was working different parts of the shoulders this way. You know, depending on where you're tight, this is gonna beam or intense or less intense. This tends to be a little bit less intense in the 1st 1 That that we did it still really nice toe work into this. And this is you know, this is all through the chest and your interior adults. You use the right hand to lift yourself up even more. Lower down. Reach the arm up 30 degrees from the 90. So kind of out to the top corner. Press the chest stuff and this is this is really intense for me on almost feel Lismore through, like the inner arm and the bicep on the shoulder. This is really nice, and this is working into also all the nerves. Um, try not to push too hard. Just feel what's comfortable for you. Come back down, roll over onto your back, work a little bit through the mobility. This is called Skopje. Who? Moral rhythm. Bring the back of the hand down onto the mat and you're gonna try to keep the back of the arm grounded the entire time. Reach the arm out to the side, keep in the back of the arm down, up in overhead and really extend and reach out through the fingers. So when we get the top, you want to press out, bring the hand down nice and slow, reach it up and around and get to the top. Extend out. Try to keep the whole back. Part of the body is grounded as possible. If the hands lifted way up here like this because the shoulders air tight. That's OK. Do your best. This is that just means that you need this exercise even more. Reach it out, up and over. Extend out through the fingers two more times over and up. This is actually exercise that is really helpful and useful for me, especially cause all the handstand stuff that it helps with with the the movement of my shoulder blade come back down and add a little twist into and this is called chalk circles. So we're gonna take the legs over towards the right, wants you to reach the arm back and around and kind of fault with the gays over across the front, your body and reach it over around. Try to keep the arm as low as you can. Ford around for two big, nice circular motions through the arms. Really reach out through the fingers. Three. Add in the twist in four and five. Come over onto the back across the right ankle over the top of the left life. Flex the foot, pull the left knee into the chest, reach through and grab a hold of your left shin. If this is too much for you. You could always just grab a hold of the foot or take your strap and reach around and grab a hold. This way. Pull it in, you know, But I think for most of us, we should be should be able to grab here. And also even here, if you're super tight so pulled us in. This is really to target the outer right hip. You could even press the knee away with the right hand. Really nice little reclined. Pigeon post. We're here for you here for about two minutes or so, so settle into it. It's nice to even close the eyes and just focus on the breath. You know, half of recovery and is is the body, but big half of it is actually even more than half. I think it's the mind slowing down, and these longer, more restorative holds allow us to do that, especially if we could focus in on the breath and slow the breath down. Last few breaths. Here, release the lake. Grab your block. Hopefully, it's close by and handy. Or if you don't have a block like I said, a couple straps, you're gonna keep the right ankle over the top of the lake. Lift the butt up. Take the block right below the sacred. If you don't know, the sacrum is It's this flat part of the back, right above the But you're right above the tailbone on this is really nice. This is a nice release for the sacred. Something firmer like a block would be better. But like I said, if you don't have that, you could just use anything that's gonna elevate your hips. But the more firm it is, the better that it's going to be for opening up into the sacred. And even until the S I joint, which we tend to have a little bit of compression and sitting and open up the knee like this helps to open up in the front of the hip as well as into, uh, you know the pelvis and to provide a little bit of relief across the sacrum again, we're here for a minute, so just slow down and relax is a nice restored oppose even more for the mind than for the body and all these poses. I want you to think about focusing in on the breath, the breath is is the king of everything. The mind controls the body and the breath controls in mind. So if we could learn to control the breath, we could learn to control the mind. This tends to be where the breath goes. The mind will follow. So if the breath is rapid, then the mind is usually anxious and not focus. But if the breath is slow that the mind is calm and clear, more focused, there's a few more breaths. Uncross legs. Lift the hips up off the ground. Remove the block off the side. We're gonna come back onto our belly. This time, we'll work into the right shoulders to reach the right arm out to the side. Perfect 92 The body. Plant the left hand. Lift the chest up. Look to the outside, stretching into the shoulders. You pull your knees into this kind of helps. Um, this. This just helps to give a little bit of support, so we have to use the left arm as much. And we're here for 30 seconds. Is working into the chest into the right shoulder interior. Adults try to keep a little bit of activation through the fingers. That's just helps to protect the joint a little bit more than when the arms completely relaxed, especially if you're tight in the shoulder, lacks it down. Bring the hand down to about a 30. Lift the chest up a little bit more, just working into a different part of the shoulder again. Really? Keep the focus on the breath. If you're tight in the shoulders, these supposes could be really intense. If you're nice and loose, you might not be feeling much of anything. It also, you know, just do what you can. You could really work on lifting the left shoulder up even more, and this increases the stretch. And the more that you bring this shoulder over towards, uh, bring your back down towards the map behind you, the deeper that the stretch goes rock back in, walk the arms. Ford reached out kind of out of 45 to the front corner, the mat lift the chest up for me. I've always had a little bit of shoulder stuff. This goes back from years of of wrestling in my right shoulder, so these kind of moves like this a really intense for me, but they're so good they're so good for opening up on its monsters when these movements that I don't do enough. And I'm actually excited for for this plan because I plan on doing these more because really just healthy for the mobility of the shoulder, in the health of shoulder, in the tendons and ligaments and everything in the muscles through it. Like I said, I feel this a lot even through the inside of my arm and threw my medial nerve bicep. Least the art will come down onto our back. Same thing these half circles reach the legs out or keeping bet. Whatever feels good for you. Start with your hand by your right hip, palm up slowly. Make this nice, big half circle around. Once you get to the top, reach out through the fingers, create length through the side. Bodies were opening up into all this. All this tissue and creating extension through the serrated on the side ribs real big. Stretch out. Come back around. Try to keep the back of the arm and the hand connected to the mat or the ground lifted up for to get to the top. Extend out, really press out and reach lower back down. Lifted up for three out through the fingers. Retreat! Retreat! Reach lower down. Last two. Extend out last one. Reach it out. Come down. Draw the knees and come into a little bit of a twist. Here, reach the arm up and over. Follow the finger. Take it over and around. Try Bring the hand down. Accentuate these movements as much as you can. The more that you accentuate the big arm circles, you traces chalk line, the more benefit that you're going to get out of it. And he could even really adding this extra twist, which feels really good through the entire spine. And the shoulder just got two more of these reaching up and around all the way. Last one up in, around across the left ankle, over the top of the right shin. Draw the right knee in. We're here for two minutes. You're wonder where I'm looking. I got my timer up behind me. It's kind of awkward, but helps keep us on track. Draw the knee into the chest. Senate away can also bring the hand here and kind of pushed open up into the left outer hip a little bit more really, make sure that you keep the left foot flexed. Anytime we flex any joint, we protect the joint. So if we flex the foot, we helped to protect the knee. And by adding this engaging in, we support all the muscles around the knee when the foot sluice the muscles or losing the joints not protected. So keep the foot flexed as you draw the right in the end and take it as deep as you want. Also, think about keeping the tailbone down. Eso We're not rolling up here into a little ball, but we're keeping the spine nice and long, nice and neutral here for about another 45 seconds. You can keep the focus on the breath. Bring the foot down to the mat, keep the ankle cross, grab your block or whatever you have to elevate the hips. Lift the butt up, slide the block right underneath the sacred right onto the nice flat part of the low back, and you can play around with it to feel what's comfortable. Relax and left me down so keep the left foot. Flexed. Likes the shoulders, at least the arms down by the side. We're here you know, just for about a minute. Lift the butt. Set the left foot down. Move the block off to the sides. Sit up. Coming to afford fold. Most of what we've done has been all back Men's. This is a nice little fort fold in gentle hip opener. Bring the right foot to the inside of the left leg. Needs to the outside. You'd start with the knee bent, Grab ahold of the foot. And most of stuff that we've done has been opening up the chest. Upper back. So now we're gonna counteracted with this nice Ford folds called head to Depose or John. You sure Hasna start rounded here, then worked the Lake Ford just as much as it goes forward. It's better to start these stretches with a leg bet holding onto the foot. Um then with the lake straight reaching for the foot, what happens is when we this is called a close, close circuit stretch when we're able to hold onto the body, feels safer because we have controlled and when we when it's open like this and we're just reaching for it. So it always encouraged my students to grab ahold of the foot and start here. Plus, this is a lot more comfortable. Extend the Lake Ford until you feel resistance in the hamstring and resistance to the back, and then this role in If this knee is bothered, you could always take your block. ANA. Set it up underneath to keep it elevated. You know whatever is working for your body, it's good to have props. Props. Just allow us to move into things a little bit more comfortable. If you're a little bit more deep in this, I want you to think of bringing the elbows down to the mat rather than trying. Teoh send ahead to the knee, so this is the first step. It's elbows down, forms down. Then we really work through the rest. This rounding. We're just here for about another minute and 1/2. A total of three minutes or so Allow you taught yourself time to move into these poses. If we move into faster too quick than yeah, then the body will lock up until it's not to go any deeper because it's a you know, worries about injuring itself. But if we take the time you nobody recognizes that is intelligence of moving deeper into the stretch, and so we're able to go deeper and it's able to open up a little bit more. I also want you to find a little bit of activation into the into the left hamstring by activating into the muscles as we stretch it. We tell the muscles that they're useful at this length, and then they become longer and, you know, the But, like I said, the bodies intelligence. So if we use it in an intelligent way, it's going to provide for us. And by activating the hamstring it wants to, it wants to be useful. So it's going to create more length and more muscle fibers through that so that it's that's useful at this length rather than moving into it just in a relaxed state. Inhale. Come back up. We'll switch it out. Send the right leg out. Give a little shake, pulled a left footed. If you need to put a block underneath the left leg will start with a right knee back. Grab ahold of the foot. Keep this close this close chain stretch. Send the hell Ford go until you meet resistance and just hold it there. Don't feel in a rush to get the lake straight or the elbows down or the head down. You know, it happens in time. No, this is about making the body feel good. And if you stretch too fast too quickly, the body is not gonna feel good. It's not gonna like it. You know, we're kind of defeating the purpose of what we're trying to accomplish here. And that's just to feel better in the body and have less pain and less aches. Seven foot forward a little bit more always stopping when you feel that resistance, not trying toe stress the body if we were moving into a near and your stress in the mind and then we're waking the mind up, so keep it out of the stress. Keep the breath nice and slow around to the spine with the head Hang heavy. Keep the breath, relax and slow and just listen to the sound of your own. Inhales in your own exhales could be very meditative. Think about even slowing them down a little bit, not trying toe over. Breathe. Notice where you're holding tension and release it. Just last few breaths in this pose. Inhale slowly. Come up. Send the heels to the outer corners and mat Lay down onto your back. Turn your palms up for last and final pose. Really take much time as you need here. This is a well deserved rest pose and something that's just absolutely necessary to let the mind calm down and slow down because the body is great. But from these long days of work and every all the stress that we have to deal with, it's the mind that we really need to focus on and removing the stress and calming the mind and calming the nervous system in this post as the king of all poses to do that. So take a much time as you need. You know, you really earned it when you're ready. Finally he go on with your day. Thank you so much for allowing me to share my practice with you. I hope you're feeling great. This is a practice that you need to do all the time to really get the benefits of it. See you tomorrow. Now must a
Ratings and Reviews
This class was the gateway to yoga for me. I was surpriced to find something sport related in creative live - thanks for that! Because of the name "Desk Therapy" I gave the course a try and loved it. The first course was a tad fast and challenging at the beginning but that motivated me and showed me an other side of yoga which deleted all my prejudice. The obvious benefit of "Desk Therapy" was the stress relief after a work day sitting in front of the computer. Dylan is an excellent teacher with very good instructions and tips. Thank you!
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