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Image Enhance: Details and Super Resolution

Lesson 20 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom

Jared Platt

Image Enhance: Details and Super Resolution

Lesson 20 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom

Jared Platt

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Lesson Info

20. Image Enhance: Details and Super Resolution

<b>In this lesson you will learn everything you need to know about the Super Resolution tool in the AI Enhance features in Lightroom and how this tool will help you in the process of working on your images.&#160; This tool uses Artificial Intelligence.</b>
Next Lesson: Image Merge: HDR

Lesson Info

Image Enhance: Details and Super Resolution

1 The Enhance feature inside of Lightroom 2 actually does more than just remove noise. 3 There's several things you can do with Enhance. 4 You can get to it via the grid by hitting right click, 5 and then go to the "Enhance" option here. 6 Or you can also do it when you're inside of the image, 7 looking at the full image in the detail view, 8 you can still right click it 9 and click on the "Enhance" option, 10 which is down at the bottom of the dropdown menu. 11 Either way, you're gonna get to a menu that looks like this, 12 and you've already seen the De-noise option, 13 and it works awesome. 14 But when I click on 15 or click that off, 16 I can also just do something called raw details. 17 So, if you have an image 18 that needs some extra umph in the details, 19 look at the difference between this. 20 So, I'm just looking at her hat. 21 So, I'm looking at, let me just zoom out, see the hat there. 22 If I zoom in on the hat, look at the hat. 23 And if I click on before, see how soft...

it is. 24 And then after, nice and sharp. 25 Same thing's true with eyes. 26 This is before, a little bit soft. 27 After, nice and sharp. 28 So, those types of detail enhancements 29 are really, really useful. 30 It does a great job even with the hair. 31 So, you can see the hair gets even sharper there, too. 32 So, you've got this kind of fuzzy hair 33 and then boom, it kind of sharpens up. 34 So, that's one thing that you can do 35 is just improve the raw details on a particular photo. 36 But the other thing you can do is if I turn that off, 37 I can also use what's called Super Resolution. 38 When I click on "Super Resolution," 39 it's going to enhance the size of the photographs. 40 So, it's gonna increase the size of the photograph. 41 And this is what it would be like 42 if you zoomed into that photograph. 43 And it's about four times the size. 44 So, it goes from like a 6,000 or an 8,000 pixel image 45 to like a 15 or 20,000 pixel image. 46 It's pretty big. 47 We'll see what it does here in a second, how big it goes. 48 But if I were to zoom into the photo 49 at the size that it's going to increase it to, 50 that's what it would look like, 51 and it's really blurry. 52 And if I let go and give you after, 53 see that, it's still sharp, it's still nice. 54 So, that's before, after, before, after. 55 Does a great job. 56 And I'm gonna increase the size of this photo. 57 So, if you have a family portrait 58 and you shot it on a, say a 30 megapixel camera, 59 but you need it to be 40, 50 inches wide, 60 Super Resolution is going 61 to make your life a dream come true. 62 So, it is fantastic. 63 It does a great job 64 if you're doing landscapes, if you're doing people. 65 It doesn't matter what you're doing. 66 It does a fantastic job at increasing the size of the photo. 67 So, Super Resolution, here we go. 68 Six seconds to enhance this photograph. 69 I'm gonna wait for it, 70 and it is done. 71 Okay, now notice, again, it's got the little two 72 on the top right hand corner. 73 So, that tells you that there are two of them. 74 And if I click on that two, it opens up the tray. 75 This is the one that we've fixed, 76 and this is the original. 77 Now, you're not gonna see a difference 78 between 'em when I'm out far like this, 79 but what I want you to notice is up here in the information. 80 So, this new one is 13,000 pixels wide, 81 and the old one is... 82 6,000 pixels. 83 So, it's 6,000 pixels or 13,000 pixels. 84 111 megabytes versus 29 megabytes. 85 So, there is an incredible size increase. 86 And when I zoom into the original photo, 87 that's what it looks like. 88 Okay, I'm just gonna show you her, her eyes, her hat, 89 and if I click on the other one, the new one, 90 and I'm gonna zoom back out to about the same size 91 so you can see what it looks like at the same printed size. 92 That's what it looks like. 93 So, it's this one, 94 which we'll zoom in a little bit, 95 or this one, 96 which also looks nice. 97 So, the Enhance feature does far more 98 than just remove noise. 99 It also cleans up the details if you need it to do that. 100 And it also enhances the size of the photograph. 101 So, those three things are very useful tools. 102 All of them just right click, Enhance.

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Ratings and Reviews

Tim Byrne

Great job, Jared! You have delivered a master class for anyone beginning a journey into Lightroom, presented in absolutely clear and relaxed style. And for those with more experience with the program, every old dog can learn a few more new tricks. Teaching software is tough. Jared does it by breaking down each function and including not only the what, but the how and why as well. And each step is amplified by crystal clear photos which are manipulated with the function at hand. Bring a pad of paper, some snacks, and a cup (or two) of coffee. He is relentless in his presentation. You might watch this course as a freebie, but buy it to be able to refer to it for specific steps and processes. I've been using Adobe products since the mid 1990s and this is the best instructional presentation I've taken. ABSOLUTE WINNER1 Thanks, Jared

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