Lesson Info
5. Adding the Clasp
Lesson Info
Adding the Clasp
It'll be nice and shiny like the finishes here on our peace I always use tongs to kind of pop it's open it's really hard to kind of grip onto otherwise usually they'll be kind of some soapy residents you just want to rinse it out then you're pretty much ready to add your finishing touches now are finishing touches is our class and joe briggs now you couldn't use once again your own trump brings for this I just have some round basic jump brings that I bought pre made so yes you can buy pre may jump brings you don't have to make them but um you're not going to see really get as many variances in your design if you do it so I'm going to take my class period the lobster class where lobster class and I'm gonna attach that to my chain so once again opening up my jump ring here like you do to the side, twist the wrist, slip that on the class and then slip on the one end of the chain closing remember back and forths adds that tension at her last jump ring here and depending on what what you li...
ke this could be um you know, so realistically speaking, this keeps everything streamline if he's the same size jump bring some people find it to be cumbersome when you're tryingto wear like to hook it in so if you find that you like bigger jump rings that when you have your lobster class is easier to hook on to, then you can use a bigger jump, a ring, they're different depending on the length of the chain. This is a class any any class can be used with the size of your class will lengthen the chain. So if you're going for a really particular length, where to sit on you in a particular way, then you would want to make sure, you know, keep that in mind most when you're buying something pre made like this is a nine millimeter class, I believe. Um, yes, and so you want tio keep that in mind, but I mean, it could be a any class if you want. I think lobster class just kind of are easy to handle. It could be an s hook. It could be a toggle, whatever you would like, um, and and you could even make your own class if you're really feeling ambitious, that's more of a, um ah, separate class about, you know, doing mechanics and stuff like that. So but for this instance, the square jumper a are they using the squared with the square jump rings and the square class, it just kind of ties in everything together there I did it's this chain were actually long enough that you didn't mean a class that you could just slip it over your head death how would you actually how would you attach the one long piece of chain so that it's a full necklace? So if that was the case that I would just connect my jump ring so let's say these were not sauder closed here so these so warm I jump brings ended I would actually join that last jump bring together and slaughter it close and then it just be one big piece that I could slip over my head and it was really long he could wear it in layers so um so you would still use a jump bring even if it was never going to be even if you wouldn't use the premade ones these round ones or the class you could just finish with one of your other jumper or the jump brings you made and then that would be slaughtered together to you skip this connection step this just allowed you to slip it on easily. Um if you wanted to be a shorter length and how easy is it to purchase the jump rings in the same metal that you're using for the premade ones there's plenty of companies that actually give you different sizes, different shapes this particular one you can actually certain companies allow you to get them in different wire thicknesses. So this one I believe, is actually sixteen gauge. We were working on fourteen gauge wire. So from a proportional standpoint, this looks, you know, a little bit more clean thing comparison, used thinner wire with smaller jump brings but you can get jump brings that are bigger diameter. If you like. It's. Just a matter of what stylistically you're going for. And that is our main chain. Beautiful stuff. Has this inspired our students to go out, go out and do it? Yes. Have you may change your room before you said not? No, but what I because I don't have a long attention span. I would love, though, to make a few of the larger jump, bring it and just attach them to maybe a you know, just have them get smaller in size and then attached them to man made change. So at least you really get to see the handmade elements. Definitely. And honestly, you can make these and all the kinds of shapes. So these large, the larger ones here was done on a rectangular base or take their mandrell. But you could be it could be triangular if you find the right shapes for it, you know, whatever you want to be oval, of course, and so on. Yes, but he's also being made into a bracelet, and definitely this easily could be a bracelet. You're just not adding as much length to it. So instead of being let's, say eighteen inches, you might make it six inches. And then, depending on how you like your jewelry, if you like big, chunky jor, you might keep the links the size that they are. Or if you like. You know something a little bit more delicate that you might work with maybe a few sizes smaller, so that the ones great, the great asian, is a little bit more delicate.
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Ratings and Reviews
Judy Craik
I thought Bonnie was very informative, however I didn’t like the camera angles. Most classes I take, the focus is the table and shows the teachers hands. Thank you Bonnie, I enjoyed you short class.