Lesson Info
Connecting the Jump Rings
How this connection works is that you have a jump and you start with the jumper ring here and for adding on let's start this way we'll take our smallest one when you're opening and closing jump brings there is a particular part of this process that you need to pay attention to you don't want to open it this way it's not a open dramatic motion it's a sideways like so think of twisting arrests open that we can add the other jump ring them we grab our players and move it back always go back and forth before you get them to stop and meet together that has a little tension at work hardens the metal a little bit so everything stays together some of the ad that medium size one are the actually third level one because you're a part of me, said one on add that there just like that and then our largest one now since they already started my chain here I'm going to just add on to this so you can kind of see how our great asian works small, medium large that as soon as we get to the largest piece w...
e start with the small one again and use continue on connecting them all together just like that so for this to add it on since here's my large I'm adding it like that when I see how that works for the great asian ok, so we're gonna close that up now and this is and we're doing a fairly large chain right here and this is kind of where that chain nose pliers these players kind of get their name they're the best for kind of getting in there and opening up jump brings and closing them because you want that flat surface of the tool as well as the taper point so there we go and because you know once again this is thin wire some of this adjustment can be done by hand but it's also really good practice to get used to the pliers because it could help you hold it now I have really strong fingertip so me gripping onto these small little objects it's second nature to me and so I make once again and make it look easy but doing what I just did physically it may not be as simple as it may seem, so use the pliers they're definitely there, you know for you, so once you've got the full link that you want so right now our chain is about looks about eighty almost eighteen inches just about seventeen so once we have everything connected, all the jump rings are closed fully it's important that when you're doing this that it's fully closed now let's say you didn't cut this properly when you saw it initially what you khun dio is grab a file and if it's open a little bit now a needle file would be the best kind of kind of gets into those crevices really easily you can remember always file with your metal supported and just kind of go in there and lightly file that joint any time you have tio you've cut metal and you needed tio make sure it fits really tied for saw during filing is always your best bet now since we have a lot of jump rings here a k a lot of things that we have to saw her together a lot of points on joints um you don't want to sit here and sand every individual piece so this is one of those moments where you're like ok throwing this in the pickle the cleaning is totally the way to go opposed to sanding it because you're going to spend like a ridiculous amount of time doing that so and you actually need to have it in there for very long so mr drop this in here just for a few seconds no, I'm not going to saw her every single one of these but I'm going to show you how how to saute them all together what you need to do because basically everything is in place now when you're sauntering and you're having that many things close together I've mentioned this before you need to be mindful not slaughtering something close that you don't want, stoddard and since these air all gonna be right next to each other, they're touching each other and crows box amee and could shift around you really need to pay attention to this. So while that's sitting there, I'm gonna cut myself since sauder before you do that, does the amount of time that it's in the pickle matter like it doesn't have to stay the pickle longer if it's a longer team? Um, no, not at all it's just a matter that any time you're placing anything in the pickle it's important that let's say, if I had a little basket to place it in like I mentioned before in like you can use, you know those baskets like, you know, cherry tomatoes or something comes in a little green baskets you can use those and place them in your pickle pot is a easy way to grab small things out of there. Now, when you're placing a piece of material in there, you actually want to prop your medal up, so if you could imagine, for example, here let's listen it's my pickle pot here and we this's my piece of metal so you want you don't want to sit flat in the base of that, all right? You wanted to be kind of propped up on the wall, so the chemical comes all the way around it, so the longer the chain is that mean there's more links that are loosely sitting on top of each other. And so if it's on top of each other, then this the pickle may not be surrounding it getting it clean enough. So you may need to shift it a few times, it's in the pickle pot so that everything gets clean. Good question. So and I'm gonna be using hard again. You're only gonna want to do one piece on each joy. So you do want these to be small. Now the goal at any point when you're sauntering is to basically not have any cleanup meaning use the proper amount of sauder to fit the exact size of that joint. That's the ideal mind you you know, if it's extra you know is always the ability to clean it up it's just extra time. So I just got a handful of pieces here. The pieces around let's say this size right here, we point to it there. So that piece right there that's probably a good sized piece for the thickness of this material that we're working with. You can see that there. These guys are huge that one's, like monstrous for or doing there'll be a big glob later.
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Judy Craik
I thought Bonnie was very informative, however I didn’t like the camera angles. Most classes I take, the focus is the table and shows the teachers hands. Thank you Bonnie, I enjoyed you short class.