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Class Introduction
So yeah, this is going to be editing video all on your iPhone, and usually people don't believe me when I say that it's absolutely possible. So, today if you didn't believe it, I'm going to make you and turn you into a believer. 'Cause, it's absolutely possible to do some great videos editing all on your iPhone. So, let's get started. I just wanted to share how I kind of got into this. You guys probably always have your phones around. You're probably always recording something, right? And usually, all this footage just stays on our phone and we never do anything with it. So, I wanted to do something with the video footage that I've shot. So, I looked into all these different apps, and kind of really got into it. And so, this is all on my own discovery and then I started doing it more and technology advanced and apps really went further. So, now you can really do a whole lot with video. Okay, so today, we're gonna learn all these things. So, we're actually going to edit a video together...
. So you're gonna see it from the very beginning, to the very end. We're even gonna go all the way to adding some cool effects. So, this'll be cool. All right, so now, let me just go over why you may want to do this. So, the iPhone is an all in one system. And I think most of us just use our iPhones as phones and we don't realize just what it's capable of. So, your iPhone, not only is it a phone, but if you think about it, it's a camera, it's a full on camera, and it's also a computer. You have a computer in there, and then you have the phone. So, I think this is a great system for video, because you never have to get off this device. You're not carrying a camera, you're not carrying a laptop plus a phone. So, if you haven't bought into it yet, trust me if you do it this way, it's so much easier and you're just all on one device, and once you learn today, you'll be like, okay, this is the way to go. All right, so I'm totally biased, but. (laughing) So, let me start with a quote. 'Cause this is how I feel about editing. So, the quote is, I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. So, you're probably wondering, why did you include that quote? So, have you guys done any video editing before? Just raise your hands. A few of you, okay. So a few of you know that video editing, it's an iterative process. There's no, you don't nail it the first time. And in fact if you did, I would say you probably really did not push yourself enough to explore what you could have done with that video. So, I like to bring this up, because I want you to encourage, as you edit, I want to encourage you to explore and not be satisfied with the first edit. Like, try different kinds of music, 'cause you never know what you're going to discover. And so, editing to me, is kind of trying out 10,000 ways and then finally arriving at that one way that works and tells your story, perfectly. Okay so, that's how I feel about editing. And so, I totally geek out and I just be like on my phone and it looks weird 'cause I'm actually doing real work on my phone and not just messing around with it. All right so, you're probably going, what do you use to put together these videos? So there are a few apps that I do use. One that you are already familiar with is your photos app and we're gonna go over how to use that to make your editing a little bit more organized. Next one is called LumaFusion. And, this app, actually, took me forever to find this app, but I would say, LumaFusion is, here I go with my analogies, LumaFusion is to mobile editing, like Photoshop is to photographers. This is kind of becoming the industry standard for mobile filmmakers. This is the app that really lets you do super complex videos. The next app is called Kinemaster, So, the first one, LumiFusion, it's only on iPhone, but Kinemaster, Kinemaster is also an Android. And this is a great app. I also like to use this app especially for effects, because they have some cool libraries of different effects and fun stickers and they keep adding to their library. So, it's a really fun one and I like to use Kinemaster for effects. All right, so before I dive into the actual fun of editing, 'cause I can get so lost in that really quickly. Let's talk about the importance of having a work flow. So, I know a lot of you are photographers, so just like photography, there's usually an order in which you do things so that you are as efficient as possible. Right? So, it's the same thing for editing. If you do things kind of out of order, then you will end up redoing a lot of your work. Does that make sense? Okay, so usually the first step, and I'm just gonna gloss over this, because we're gonna delve into the details soon enough. So, if you don't understand some terms I'm throwing out, I'll go over in detail. The first step is, you're going to organize your footage and figure out which film clips you want to include and you're going to import them and you're going to trim them and kind of arrange things around. Next step is you're doing some fine tuning of your clips and then you're going to trim and rearrange. Next step, you will be adding your titles and your transitions. And the reason why that's the next step, a lot of people mix up the adding audio and voice over before titles and transitions, but usually it's best to do your titles and transitions here because it adds to your timeline. Right, so, I mean, who knows, if you have five titles at two seconds you have an extra 10 seconds in your video and that matters a lot when you're adding music. Then, next step is audio, voice over, music. And then, the last two, I sort of flip flop, depending on what I'm trying to do with my project. So, video effects you can add in LumaFusion, but sometimes I don't do them, and I just export out of the app, and then I go into Kinemaster and then I do the effects then. So, I kind of, depending on each one, has different kind of effects. So, I will kind of flip flop between those two. Cool, all right so, now, let's talk about organizing your footage in your photos app. So, this is actually a really important step, so that, you're not hunting for all of the videos that you want to include in your edit. Right, so, have any of you ever created an album before? Okay, one person. (laughing) And yeah, it's very common, you know, we don't usually take the time to organize our photos app, just like a mess of stories and photos and random things, right? But, when you want to edit videos, it's really important to have all your assets in one place. So, the first step is for you to organize your footage, or your photos as well, you can include photos in your project. And, if you've never done it before, this is just quick overview. You go into your photos app, you select the ones you wanna include, you say add to and then it takes you to this motol, new album and then you name it something that you'll recognize. And then, so this one I called it a iPhone, so it's that top right one, and then when we start editing, you will see how this makes things a lot easier.
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Ratings and Reviews
Sparkle Queen
really liked the instructor; super clear and went at a good pace that meant you could follow instructions but also not get bored! Have been trying to get my head around video editing for ages but its hard to find clear instruction and guidance; the discovery last month of 'Creative Live' and its classes has totally de mystified the whole process! Feeling excited to try this out myself now - when i feel i have it nailed will try to remember to post some work in here to show my efforts!
Excellent class but I wish it was longer. I learned so much! Cielo is a natural when it comes to the great work she creates, as well as teaching others. I couldn't recommend this class more!
Stavroula Fotiou
Great instructor and great class. She really breaks it down so you can grasp the small steps that lead to the end result.
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