
Lesson Info
Anxiety Buster
Hi, Yogi. It's bright and welcome to this 30 minute anxiety buster practice. It's nice to have all of your props by you every time we practice in this plan. Just because we might use them, we might not. I'm pretty sure we will use the yoga blanket in this plan or in this class, The strap, the blocks in the bolster. Just nice toe, half let's get started. So anxiety is something that lives in her mind, and a lot of times anxiety can cause tension in the body. So we will attempt to remove some of that tension from the body, but also use the practice here to distract the mind so that through this practice we can begin to train our mind toe. Have those tools just ready for you. Each time you start to get anxious, maybe stand on one leg. But we want to distract the mind so that our focus is not on that anxiety, but on something else, something else more uplifting, something else more fun. So we'll get started in child's posts. Everybody has different levels of anxiety. I have anxiety. Someti...
mes a swell and child's pose tends to be one of those really comforting poses. So with this one, let's bring our legs together. Rest your ribs on your thighs, take your forehead down onto the math and enjoy this very comforting pose. One of my favorite things about Child's pose, though, is that I am in this little enclosed space here, and when I focus on my breath, I can really feel how my usually breath affects my body, because when I end him, my ribs expand and pushing to my thighs, and when I exhale, the exact opposite happens. I can almost get a little tighter, a little bit smaller, not only just the feeling of the O. J. Breath here, but I can also really hear it very, very well because my face is so close to the ground. So I want you to exercise the strength of your mind by really focusing on your breath on your O. J breath, trying to get your inhalations and exhalations as equal in length as possible. As you do this, keep in mind that some yogis feel like prana yama or any sort of controlled breathing can actually increase anxiety. So what I want you to do is not try too hard to control it. So don't restrict the muscles at the back of the throat too much and don't inhaled too deeply or exhale too much. So just enough on both sides. And keep that effort at a relaxing level. Two more rounds, breathing in slowly but just enough exhaling slowly but not too slow. Then take your fingertips underneath your shoulders. Inhale lift up to seed it. Staying in this VOD Rocinha position, we're gonna take a few rounds of a clearing breath with a lion's breath, so that means we're going to stick out our tongue. Make the funniest face possible, because I find that when I can distract myself from a anxious mind state, I actually end up tricking myself into feeling better. So take a deep inhalation through your nose, open your mouth and your eyes stick out your tongue. Actually, one of my teachers, one of my prana Yama teachers here on Kodiak. His name is Matt to build run. He does this the best, So if you ever get a chance to check him out, do so. I will think of him while we do it two more times in him. Open your mouth and bold your eyes. Stick out your tongue. I'm already feeling less self conscious. Hopefully you are to one more time. Inhale. Stick out your tongue, bulge your eyes Biggest one yet. Good job. Thank you for being a good sport. Now come into tabletop position. Another way to distract your mind and really get your mind is present as possible is to start to work on your balance which in this practice we will work on our balance on our feet as well. But with our hands and our knees down, make sure that your hands or shoulders distance your knees or hips. Distance. Spread your fingers wide. We're gonna work on the bird dog position. So first, send your left leg back behind you toes tucked understeer on the ball of the foot For now, come up onto your right fingertips and engage your core. So squeeze both your left hand and your right knee to the midline. Feel the naval lift, then see if you can reach your right arm forward and this becomes too much for you. Your right arm can go back next to your right hip. Turn the right palm in towards the midline If it's forward and see if you can begin to point your left hose and lift your left leg off the ground, really protracting that left shoulder blade and drawing the navel In working on that balance, inhale fully stretched the right fingertips. Forward the left toes back. Now exhale round and bring your right elbow to tap your left knee. Let's do that two more times. Inhale, reach. Stay present in the mind. Exhale round. Engage your court one more time. Inhale reach This time as you exhale on round, stick out your tongue. Inhale, reach back into that counterbalance and exhale back into tabletop. Right hand down left me down. Great job moving to the other side. Keeping your right hand down. You're gonna move your right leg back, tucking your right toes under. Then come up onto your left fingertips and reach either the left arm back or the left arm forward. Turn your left palm to the midline. If it's forward pushed down through the right hand, draw the naval in and lift your right leg up off the ground, focusing on squeezing both your right hand on your left knee to the midline. Inhale stretch forward and back. Exhale elbow to knee. If your left arm is back, you can just pull the right knee and inhale. Extend. Exhale elbow to knee round. Push into that right hand one more time. Inhale Feli on Exhale As you draw in, stick up the tongue. Great job. Inhale. Extend back into that counterbalance. Exhale into tabletop position. Great job. Take a deep inhalation, dipped the heart forward. Gazing forward. Lift the sit bones and exhale round. Spread your shoulder blades. Draw your tailbone down your chin to your chest. Inhale to a neutral spine. Tuck your toes under. Exhale downward facing dog. No yoga works so well for anxiety relief because yoga if you're actually practicing in a way where you're listening, toe all of the different cues that take place in the body, you could become really, really present in the body. Strengthening your mind body connection really help you get out of your head and being in your head too much is what perpetuates anxiety. So here in this simple down dog wants you to look forward at your hands, make sure your index fingers air forward. Grip the mat with the fingertips pushed down through your index finger knuckles. Then, as you drop your head back, I want you to spread the shoulder blades wide, creating space around the neck, lift the naval in the ribs and then pushed through the hands to the outer hips. Drawback. As much as the inner thighs press back, yes, all of that is going on in down dog. Take a deep inhalation here, deep X elation and then walk your hands back towards your feet, making sure your feet are still. Hips Distance fingertips underneath your shoulders. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale to fold. Put a little bend in your knees, interlace your fingers behind the back of your head or your neck. I'm just keeping that light bend in the knees. Allow all of that tension around the spine to release. Then, if you want a little more sensation to occupy the mind, you can begin to straighten the legs by lifting the sits bones up and making sure that your quadriceps the front of your thighs are engaged to protect your hamstrings. As you straighten the legs, use the weight of your elbows and your arms drawing down to really lengthen your neck. stay here, just taken inhalation and imagine that that inhalation is lengthening or putting space between each vertebra of the spine. Then, as you exhale, seal in that space by drawing the navel in. Drop your hands to the ground fingertips underneath your shoulders. Inhale to a flat back. Put a little bend in your knees as you exhale. Draw your hands to your hips on, then inhale. Rise all the way up towards standing. Great job. Step towards the front of your mat and bring your feet together, gazing forward and finding a focal point out in front of you that doesn't move. See if you can begin to shift your weight into your left foot. Come on to the ball of your right foot and really feel even as you shift the weight. How your left foot does a little dance. See if you can root down through all four corners of the left foot and draw your right knee into your chest. Balancing postures are so important for anxiety released or relief because they make you focus really hard on what you're doing. Even just finding that Driss Tea or that visual focal point that doesn't move in front of you helps to really occupy your mind and keep it as present as possible. Now press that left inner thigh back. Maybe you can hold the right knee into the chest. Is you. Reach the arms up doing great. Inhale and exhale. Release your right foot down. We're just going to switch sides. Bring your feet together. Find that focal point out in front of you. Once again, shift your weight into that right foot. Come on to the ball of the left foot. Now remember, each side is going to be totally different in its strength and its flexibility and its ability to balance. So just be present with that, do what you need to do. If you're feeling like you're shifting to the outside edge of your foot a lot that may be pushed down through the inside edge of the foot. Then can you draw your left knee into your chest? Still finding that Christie or that focal point pushing down through all four corners of your right foot, press the right inner thigh back, maybe lift the heart up a little bit more. I'm just breathing, focusing on this present moment. Let's challenge ourselves a little bit more. Keep your left leg up, Draw your navel in. Reach your arms up as you inhale, Get a little bit taller on the Exhale. Release big toes together. Draw your hands to your heart center, then inhale. Reach your arms out to come up. Gaze up a za palms touch. Exhale, folding all the way down. Inhale to a flat back step your left foot back. Now again, coming back to keeping your mind really present in your body and thinking about strengthening that mind body connection. Right? Because when we do yoga, when we learn yoga, we typically your learn yoga through sites, so we're creating shapes. But when you're listening to what I'm saying and you're following along with all of the little technical pieces, your mind body connection gets stronger. So I want you to make sure that your feet look like they're at least hips distance because a lot of us practices almost walking on a tightrope. Then place your left knee down. Make sure your right shin is in a straight line so the right knee does not go past. The right ankle on the left knee is behind the left hip than inhale. Rise up in tow on Johnny Asana reaching your arms up. If this bothers your knee it all you can always fold over the mat or pad up underneath the knee. Or try untucked ing the toes. Sometimes that helps with the position of the me. Then find the engagement of your hamstring. Think about pulling your right foot to the back of the mat. Lift your navel, lift the back ribs and challenge your balance even more. Inhale. Lift the heart, bring your palms to touch and gaze up. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Bring your fingertips down. Great job. Tuck your left toes under, lift your left knee off the ground and spin your left heel down, lining your feet up. Hips assistance Inhale. Rise up into Warrior one feeling that strong warrior stance. Her so many great stories that lie behind thes Astana's in the Bhagavad Geeta, which is, Ah, yoga book. Basically a really long folk tale, and all of the warriors have to do with warriors. So in this warrior want to really want you to feel to embody this warrior within you, because knowing and observing and acknowledging that you're strong is gonna help you get past any anxiety. Take a deep breath in challenge your balance. Once again, gaze up is a palms touch, then exhale. Take your fingertips down and stand up on your right leg, so fingertips down underneath your shoulders. If it's too low for you, you can always prop your hands up with the block. Your left leg is lifted. Drop your gaze for a moment and make sure that your left leg's not so high that your back bending square your hips. Your left host should face down. You can flex or point the foot. Squeeze the thighs together and think about drawing. You're right outer hip back towards the back of the map. Can you lift up onto just your middle fingers? Maybe you're right arm moves back towards your right hip. Then maybe you could even balance Indira. Bad. Rocinha 31 of the strongest warriors in the yoga stories. Squeeze the inner thighs together, gaze down. Draw the shoulder blades down the ribs and you could even find a little more strength in the post by reaching the arms forward. Take a deep inhalation here, exhale fingertips down. Left foot meets the right and folds. Great job. Inhale rising all the way up towards standing. Exhale hands to your heart. Let's do the other side. Inhale arms. Reach, exhale, dive it forward. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale right foot steps back. Now again. Slow it down a little bit. Slow down the way you enter. Oppose. Adjust your feet so your feeder hips distance. Make sure you've stepped back far enough so that your left knee is not going be on the left ankle. It's just not a very safe position for the left knee, and it's harder to engage the hamstring, which supports the bend of the knee. Place your right knee down, make sure that it's behind the hips, that you actually feel the purpose of the post, which is to open the right hip flexor. Then rise up into on Johnny Ascena as you inhale. Find the engagement in the left hamstring by pulling the left foot I symmetrically to the back of the mat. That action should lift the pelvis up a little bit and even deep in the stretch in the right hip flexor than challenger. Balance a little more inhale. Lift the heart up bring the palms to touch and gaze up. Exhale fingertips come down onto the map, tucked the right toes under lift the right knee up. Spin the right heel down, keeping your feet hips distance inhale. Rise up into a warrior one. Pushing firmly through the outer edge of your right foot. Spend the inner right thigh back so your hips air squared to the front of the mat. Then you can bend into the left knee. But keep lifting the navel away from that. Left me lift your back ribs up in. Embody that strong warrior that you are even just acknowledging that you have Anxiety is so powerful. So many people live with conditions or tension or stress, or even things like an anxiety, and don't even know it. So just that observation and that acknowledgement makes you very powerful. Inhale, gaze up as the palm such lift the heart and exhale. Bring your fingertips down. Stand up on your left leg fingertips underneath your shoulders. Lift your right leg up, engage your right leg. So whether the toes are spread Yogi style or pointed or flexed, just make sure that the foot is engaged. Then squeeze the inner thighs together. Draw the naval end and see if you can begin to fly up into that strong warrior. Three. Lift the shoulders, draw the ribs in. If you want a little bit more inhale, reach the arms forward. You gotta keep that left like nice and straight deep breath. Exhale hands down and fold. Bring your right toes to meet your left. Hanging over the size, he congrats. A hold of opposite elbows. I'm just sway from side to side. So anxiety is a little different from stress, because stress is something that we need to really work on releasing and finding softness where I believe that anxiety is a condition caused by a busy mind. So the mines job is to think so instead of thinking about quieting the mind, we want to just feed the mind some different thoughts that don't stress us out and inhale to a flat back. Step your feet back into plank posts. Exhale lower down to Teranga. Inhale cobra posts. Nobody comes all the way down. Lift the chest up. Exhale downward facing dog. Deep breaths here, finding those strong, strong arms, long back body grounded legs and feet. Bring your feet together. Inhale, Reach your right leg up and back, bend the knee, open the hip. So we always label ourselves right whether we think we're weak or whether we think we're flexible or strong. Whatever it may be, those labels tend to really stick with us. And within our yoga practice, we can really begin to find positive mantra as so here, you might notice that your right foot is off the ground and feel a little unstable, but both hands are on the ground. So can you stabilize your shoulders? Square them, using the strength of your mind to command the body to do something. Now inhale, lift your right me up a little bit higher. Exhale. Need to nose pushed through the hands and do your best to step your right foot forward. Spin your left heel down, lighten your right heel up with your left arch and inhale windmill all the way up into Warrior two. Doing a lot of warriors in this practice, but I've already explained why I find that any time I doubt myself. Any time that I worry about something and and bring that anxiety into my life, it's from an insecurity And so if I really embody what I believe are the stories behind the's strong warriors, I really embody that strength. And I believe that I'm strong, even if I know that parts of me or week in this moment, I am strong, and I am trying to feed myself those ideas of strength through this practice. Flip your right palm, inhale, reverse your warrior, straighten your right leg. Maybe lean back a little bit more to enjoy that release from the right hip flexors up through the right side body, then exhale. Lean forward. Draw the outer right hip, backing into the midline and lower your right fingertips down onto the right shin or the outside of the right foot, left arm up, shoulder blades down, maybe gazing up if it's available to you, gazing down can be a little bit easier on the neck. Draw your ribs in and the more that you lengthen the right side body. So the lower side body, the more that the left side body will deepen into the stretch. Now we're about to approach another balancing pose, Half Moon or artists and Rocinha. Look down, lean into the band into your right knee and see even come on to the ball of your left foot and slide yourself up into artists and Rocinha. It can be helpful to use a block underneath your right hand if you need to elevate yourself. Now, take a quick peek at your right foot. A lot of times the right foot turns in. I want you to make sure that you're right. Second toe lines up with your knee. Draw your right hip back and into the mid line. Find the strength in that right leg because I know you're strong. Flex your left foot ribs and naval in. See if you can begin toe. Lighten the weight on your fingertips may be coming up onto your middle fingers or no fingers at all, focusing fully on this moment in this pose. In this balance, take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale left fingertips down left foot, meets the rights and fold once again. Great job in that balance. And don't worry if you fell because falling is part of life. Right? Falling is where we learn, so just come on back in. If you ever fall out of these poses, inhale rising all the way up to standing. Exhale hands to your heart so we'll take our balancing a little bit further. Still standing on that right leg, you're going to draw your left knee into your chest. You can always stay here with your left knee bent. If you want to take it just a tad bit further and work on some flexibility in your balancing right hand to your right hip, grab your left big toe with your left peace sign fingers. Find that dress year that focal point out in front of you and slowly extend your left leg straight. It's kind of like a variation of your warrior three, right? Just in a different position. So make sure here that your left hip isn't lifting. So squeeze the inner thighs together. That'll actually help you balance route down through all four corners of your left foot and press your right inner thigh back. Let's take it out into B position, opening your left leg out towards the left, still drawing that outer left hip down. If you want a little more of a challenge, you can reach your right hand out to the right and look over your right fingertips and again If you fall, just come right back. Great job. Right hand back to your right hip. You're gonna keep the leg out to the side. Just bend the knee. Release the toe, of course. And bring your left foot to the right inner thigh for this final balance tree pose. Bring that left. Heel is high. Oppa's you can on the right inner thigh. Push the sign to the foot in the foot into the side. Draw the naval in. Keep pressing the left knee open and reach your arms up. Trees are so strong, so really embody that strength. But also that lightness of a tree. So if you're swaying, just know that that's completely normal. If you want a little more of a challenge, you can gaze up towards the sky, maybe even bring your palms to touch. And yes, I know that you're right. Foot is probably burning cause so is mine. Inhale and exhale. Hands to your heart. Release your left foot. Shake your right foot out Who? But if all you were thinking about just son was how much your right foot was burning then Hey, success, Right? You weren't thinking about anxiety or you weren't worrying about anything. Neither was I. All right, big toes together. Inhale arms. Reach, exhale. Fold it down. Inhale to a flat back, plant the palms step or hop it back through your Vinny Ossa, downward facing dog. Let's get to that other side. Bring your feet together. Inhale this time left like rises up in back. Bend the knee. Open the hip now, just like we did on the other side, bringing a bit mawr awareness into your practice. As the left knee opens, the body tends to turn as well, so you might notice that you're gazing underneath your left armpit or that your left armpit is opening towards the left. Let's square the shoulders so that even though one foot is off the ground, you still have that strong foundation, those strong roots. And then you can lift the left knee up higher and that actually give you a nice stretch in the right hamstring. Inhale, exhale. Need to nose use your strong core. Push away from the ground and step your left foot forward. Spend your right heel down, line your left heel up with your right arch, bend into the left knee and rise up into Warrior two. Now, a lot of what happens when we practice Yo, guys, even though we're doing something difficult, we said we tend to dip into habits as well, Right? So a lot of us know Warrior to is challenging, so typically will take warrior to kind of halfway. But I want you to challenge yourself. Go deep into the post. Get that left thigh bone parallel to the ground. We're not holding it that long, but challenging yourself will really remind you how powerful you are. So even if you're shaking, I am right now. Even if it's hard, do it. Get low into the posts. Great job. Flip the left palm, inhale. Reverse your warrior, reach up and back and then give yourself the gift of straightening your left leg. You deserve it in him and exhale. Lean forward over that straight left leg and bring your left fingertips down either to, um, the ankle, the shin or the ground on the outside of the left foot. You can always place a block underneath your left hand as well. Reach your right arm up, funding one long line of energy from your left fingertips up through the right draw the ribs in the naval end, gazed down or up whatever feels right. And then the more you lengthen the left side body is. You draw the shoulder blades down, the more the right side body is going to stretch. Inhale Exhale looked down. Start to bend into your left knee as you come on to the ball of your right foot, reach your left finger tips forward and then stand tall on that left leg. Lift your right leg up. It's okay if that was challenging. That is a really challenging transition. I find right now that my left foot's doing a really big dance. So if I look at my left foot and I use my strong mind to command it to calm down, route down through all four corners of the left foot, then I get really strong and present. Draw your outer, left him back and into the midline, flex your right foot, draw your core in, and maybe even start to take that exciting journey towards gazing forward or up. Great job. Inhale and exhale right fingertips down. Bring your right foot to meet your left and just fold it down. We're not done balancing just yes, inhale rising all the way up towards standing. Exhale hands to your heart. All right. Now, let's do some more. One leg balancing standing on two. Your left foot. Draw your right knee into your chest, finding that focal point that doesn't move or that Driss Tia's we call it in yoga. Your left foot will likely do a little dance, but again, use that strong mind to command all four corners of your left foot to root down. Press the left inner thigh back. You can stay here or left hand to the left hip. Grab the right big toe the right peace. Sign fingers and extend your right leg out in front of you. Squeeze the inner thighs towards one another. Lift the spine. If you want to challenge yourself just a little bit more, maybe take the gaze up slightly or all the way up towards the ceiling. You got it before we move in To be position, make sure that you gaze forward back to that Christie Point and then open your right leg out towards the right. Keep drawing that right outer hip down, pressing the left inner thigh back lifting the low belly up, open the shoulders and for a little bit more of a challenge, left arm out towards the left, palm up, gays over towards your left fingertips. You got a great job. Keep breathing, then inhale. Look forward. Bring your left hand back to your left hip. Release your right big toe, bend the right knee and bring the soul of your right foot to the left inner thigh and really push the foot into the thigh, the thigh back into the foot. To create that solid connection, open your right knee up and then reach the arms up, keeping that left leg nice and straight. Take a deep inhalation here, feel the chest, rise up and maybe even bring the palms to touch. As your gaze comes up towards the sky, inhale and exhale hands to your heart. Release your right foot down, shake your left foot out because I'm sure it's a meeting that shake Great job, and then we'll move towards the ground. Bend your knees as you inhale. Nice, strong dude courtesan. Exhale, sitting all the way down onto your mats. Now with anxiety, I think for me what I need, what my prescription is four different types of anxiety can be really different, right? If I need to stop my mind from running, then a lot of time Scanning, balancing poses or strong practices tend to help. But sometimes I need something that's a little bit more comforting. And that's where we go back into those like the child's pose in the beginning of the practice or even here in John Usher Sasana. So grab yourself a bolster, or even I am a pillow or even a block. If you don't have anything else a block and work, you're going to take the soul of your left foot to the right inner thigh. And instead of the hamstring stretch, John Nurse Osasuna were actually going to take it out into a wide group of east a stretch. OK, so the soul of the left foot might not touch the right inner thigh, but it's more like a one legged, Boavista wide like fold. Then bringing the bolster nice and close to you can be over that left foot. You're gonna lie the belly down onto the bolster. If you're using a bolster, you can place a block underneath it to bring your face down onto it and feel this nice, comforting stretch. Flex your right foot. Keep your outer right hip drawing back and down. Take a deep inhalation through your nose and as you exhale, just let your torso on your head be supported by the bolster on the block just stretching your legs after all of those one legged balances and then inhale rising up. I'm just switching sides, so right leg in right leg bent left leg out to the side. Floored folds are really great way to reduce anxiety because you're folding. You're letting your body be supported by the ground by the bolster. But at the same time you're also stretching, releasing any of that, um, tension. That's in those tighter muscles. Go ahead and full down. Turn your head to one side. Just flex your left foot to make sure that the stretch stay safe. Press your outer left hip back. Take a deep breath in here. Sigh it out each exhalation, thinking about melting into the mat into the bolster on an inhale rising. One more stretch like this, you can still keep the bolster elevated, but this time you're gonna fold forward into body can asana. So if you're feeling that you need more of a stretch in the groin area, you're gonna keep your heels as close as possible. Move the block on top of the bolster if you need a little more support. However, if you want to stretch your back a bit more, you can actually take your feet in more of a diamond shape around the bolster and still using the block if you can't fold that deeply like me right underneath your head so you choose what feels best in your body. I'm going to take the more traditional Bata Conason a shape and take my forehead on to the bolster and block folding down, taking a deep breath in here and sighing it out. Just connecting your breathing with the sensations in your body. Each inhalation. Think about breathing space between you and that tension and each exhalation ceiling in that space. One more breath and then inhale, rising all the way back up to seated. We're gonna close our practice with a headstand and then a shoulder stand. Both of these inversions are really, really calming. Anytime you go upside down, you calm the nervous system now, if doing an inversion freaks you out, obviously this is counterproductive. So, um, if you're not comfortable with headstand, then feel free to come into shoulder stand now. Also, feel free to use a wall. If you use a wall for headstand, we're going to do headstand. A. You interlace your fingers, open the palms and your knuckles can be right up against the wall, making sure that your elbows our shoulders, distance, place the crown of your head down so that the back of your head is cut in your hands in the palms of your hands. Lift your knees up and as you walk your feet in, pushed down through your elbow. So although it's called headstand, you want about 60% of the weight on your forms. You can still benefit from this inversion without even lifting your knees or feet up off the ground so you can stay here. Or you can lift one leg up, maybe at the wall, or maybe not and lift up into your head stand. Keep pushing down through the elbows. Squeeze the inner thighs towards one another. Engage the glutes, lift the shoulder blades. Find that Driss T that focal point and just breathe. What I love about inversions is that you have to be 100% present in your body to stay up in them, and that's so helpful. Any time I have anxiety to just flip my world upside down in a good way. Of course, inhale and exhale slowly. Come down anyway, that feels good for you and end up with your knees together in child's posts, arms forward or back. Whatever feels the most relaxing, just let the effects of your inversion just be present with them. Then take your fingertips underneath your shoulders. Inhale lift up to seated. We're gonna prep for a supported shoulder stand. Um, and what is supporting you is a blanket. So grab a blanket, yoga blanket or any type of blank. You you haven't home folded up and just make sure that it's on your mat. Looks like a little rectangle here doesn't have to be that elevated from the ground. Just a little bit of support to keep your neck healthy, you're gonna lay back, just making sure that your shoulders are right at the edge of the blanket. Hands by your side, legs up, pushed down and lift your legs up and over into how Lawson, um, this inverted fold is actually really comforting for me. I've always found it to be a very comforting pose and matching it together with the benefits of inversions at calming of the nervous system, the increase of blood flow. It's really great for anxiety relief Now work from shoulder to shoulder, interlace your fingers and wrap the inner biceps out to find external rotation of your upper arm bones that will keep your shoulders nice and healthy. Don't look around it all in this post. If you're going to go up to shoulder stand, work your hands up, asshole. I, as you can on your back fingertips facing up and then reach your legs up one by one, squeezy inner thighs together, each inhalation lengthen from the back ribs all the way up to the heels. Each exhalation. Draw your ribs, your navel and one more breath. Exhale. Bend your knees down around your ears for Karna paid ascena. Have your hands flat on the mat, trying to get your knees right up our own. The years stretching even further into the back of the neck and the directors that line the spine. You can even give yourself a big hug by wrapping your arms around the backs of your knees, slowly placing your hands down on the mat, using them as breaks, lowering the spine down, vertebra by vertebra. Adjust yourself so that the blanket is supporting just underneath the shoulder blades between your actually just your entire spines. Make sure that your butt is off of the blanket. Open your arms out wide, let feet drop open and close your eyes just for a brief moment. Taking a very mild supported heart opener. Close your eyes, relax your job. Take a deep inhalation through your nose and let it go. One of my favorite ways to close a practice like this is to gravel bolster. Or you could grab a pillow from your bed, just a long of a pillow as you confined and come into that fetal position so lying on your right side, using either your right arm as a pillow or one of your yoga blocks underneath your head in placing your right leg into a straight position, your left leg right over the bolster. Just closing your eyes actually sleep this way. But also find it to be very comforting toe hug something. So I hope that you feel a little bit stronger, little more present in your body and in your mind that this practice has relieved you from any anxiety for this moment. Thank you so much for practicing with me. Take Shiva Sena for as long as it serves you. No mistake.
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