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Best Practices: Seniors & Families

Lesson 25 from: Mastering Business Fundamentals

Sal Cincotta

Best Practices: Seniors & Families

Lesson 25 from: Mastering Business Fundamentals

Sal Cincotta

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Lesson Info

25. Best Practices: Seniors & Families

Lesson Info

Best Practices: Seniors & Families

Class Materials

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Model Release.docx
Model Release.pdf
SCP Wedding Contract.pdf
SCP Wedding Copyright Release.doc
SCP Wedding Copyright Release.pdf
Initial Booking Email Templates and Call Scripts.pdf
Initial Booking Workflow.pdf
SCP 2013 Pricing Guide.pdf
Top 10 Objections for Sales.pdf
Mastering Business Fundamentals Keynote.pdf

Ratings and Reviews


How is this just $99? I would of definitely payed at least twice as much!!! Half way though the course and this information is more than what the price is worth. Thank You sal, We love your great energy and amazing information.

a Creativelive Student

My husband and I truly enjoyed this informative course. We love the way Sal is straight to the point about things and how to handle difficult situations. Taylor was awesome and helped me to embrace who I am and make it work for me. We can't wait for another class by Sal and Taylor. Josh and Lory

a Creativelive Student

My husband and I truly enjoyed this informative course. We love the way Sal is straight to the point about things and how to handle difficult situations. Taylor was awesome and helped me to embrace who I am and make it work for me. We can't wait for another class by Sal and Taylor. Josh and Lory

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