Segment 12 - Word - Basic Text Formatting
Lesson 12 from: Microsoft Office for Mac for Creative ProfessionalsAlicia Katz Pollock

Segment 12 - Word - Basic Text Formatting
Lesson 12 from: Microsoft Office for Mac for Creative ProfessionalsAlicia Katz Pollock
Lesson Info
12. Segment 12 - Word - Basic Text Formatting
Day 1
1Microsoft Office - The Basics
21:29 2Segment 2 - Desktop Publishing - Using Word Pt 1
29:48 3Segment 3 - Desktop Publishing - Using Word Pt 2
34:05 4Segment 4 - OneNote for Mac
35:51 5Segment 5 - Outlook - Basics and Tasks
26:36 6Segment 6 - Outlook - Using Email
29:03 7Segment 7 - Outlook - Communication Tools
23:06Segment 8 - Outlook - Calendars
30:08 9Segment 9 - Excel - Budgeting Your Project
22:47 10Segment 10 - Excel - Formatting a Spreadsheet
30:23 11Segment 11 - Excel - Charts & Conditional Formatting
28:07Day 2
12Segment 12 - Word - Basic Text Formatting
23:33 13Segment 13 - Word - Additional Formatting
24:49 14Segment 14 - Word - Line & Paragraph Spacing
34:13 15Segment 15 - Word - Page Layouts Part 1
28:33 16Segment 16 - Word - Page Layouts: Part 2
34:47 17Segment 17 - Word - Watermarks & Tables
22:00 18Segment 18 - Word - Intermediate Techniques
23:24 19Segment 19 - Word - Adding Spreadsheets, Lines, & More
45:39 20Segment 20 - Mailmerge in Word
16:46 21Segment 21 - Mailmerge Labels & Powerpoint
25:23 22Segment 22 - Word - Dictation & Symbols
25:38Day 3
23Segment 23 - Excel - Data Tables
18:22 24Segment 24 - Excel - Pivot Tables
20:14 25Segment 25 - Excel - More Intermediate Techniques
39:53 26Segment 26 - Powerpoint - The Basics Pt 1
37:09 27Segment 27 - Powerpoint - The Basics Pt 2
30:05 28Segment 28 - Powerpoint - Animations
31:07 29Segment 29 - Powerpoint - Transitions & Video
20:25 30Segment 30 - Powerpoint - Uploading Presentations
13:35 31Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Office for iPad: Word Pt 1
17:46 32Microsoft Office for iPad: Word Pt 2
24:41 33Microsoft Office for iPad: Excel & Powerpoint
34:24Lesson Info
Segment 12 - Word - Basic Text Formatting
So it's time to get going this is microsoft office for creative pros with alicia cats public so guys that you're able to join us today I told you that yes, they morning a little story about how alicia's first foray into the world of technology was when she created a database for her father's dental practice now in addition to that, though she has so much knowledge she's held microsoft ofthis certifications for the master level since nineteen, ninety two hours before I was born. She has also many courses for m s word powerpoint access and outlook and she's talked it he'll college and corinthian western business college she's also a member of the apple consultant network we are so thrilled to have her here at creative life peace welcome back, unleash a cat's pollock welcome back you're now another stunning necklace, which I'm sure you designed yourself with the some tell us about this one so this is actually the same necklace as yesterday's necklace but in a different life and a differen...
t color. And so with all the wandering star jewelry, all the gem stones look like the planets in color and size and this one sort of an amber bead like a head yesterday has a little happy face it's really beautiful now we're going to talk about wondering, starving wrong because this is something that you're very passionate about when you're not teaching and in a way, I would describe you as eclectic in a way because you have so many different passions, so many different interests we're going to be learning about them as we go along, but right now we're going to be learning about microsoft office, so we got much to get on with. I will get out of the way. Alicia taking away thank you now, before I get started as a segway from yesterday, one of the topics that we had was one note, and I would like to point out that I am actually using one note on my ipad with all of my notes for today, so as I'm going through our curriculum, I have it on my ipad in this is the same files that I was working on yesterday on my computer, so with that being said, we are going to turn our attention today to word, so we've kind of got word all day, and I want to start from the very beginning. So for people who have never used word before, we're going to start with the very, very basics, and we're going to get up through long documents with page numbering and tables of contents and using styles we're going to do mail merge, and I'm going to throw in a lot of different tips and tricks and little cool things that you condemn, you know that makes it kind of the blue ribbon employees because all kinds of things that nobody else actually knows so I want everybody to be an expert so first thing that we need to do is open up word and so you'll either see the blue ribbon w on your doc if you don't see word down there another way that I'd like tio open up documents is by using spotlight the magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner and assumes I just start typing w o it goes out wait she wants microsoft word and so I can go ahead and click on it there or just click on it from your doc icon down here and when word opens up it opens up into a template gallery and yesterday we took a look at some of these the different kinds of desktop publishing layouts today we're going to really just work on print layout generating documents completely from scratch and so all you need to do right now is double click on the word document in the upper left hand corner you can also click on at one time so it has the orange border and then go down to the choose button in the lower right and a new document will open ok is everybody have your blank documents all right so like I promise we're really going to start from scratch so the first thing that we need is a little bit of content so I'm going to do some typing and you can take the same thing or type in anything else that you want, but we need a couple lines worth of content so that it wraps around, so I'm going to type when I'm typing a sentence I don't want to press return at the end because I want the text to rap to the next line that way I can change the text and it will always look great and so that's just going to give us something to work with as we as we go now, when I get to the end of this paragraph, I'm going to hit my return key or you're in turkey twice and that's going to give me a little bit of extra space. So the first thing that I want to show you is this little icon up here on the on the toolbar, and it looks this is a paragraph mark and the little told tips has show all non printing characters, and I'm going to turn that on and what I get when I see that and I'm going to use the zoom in the bottom, right? So that I can zoom in and you can see it a little better is I see some blue paragraph marks and the first thing to understand and where is that when you say paragraph in word, it's not actually meaning a paragraph of the way your grade school teacher described it it's not three to five sentences about one paragraph where doesn't care about that word just wants to know how many? When did you press return? So these paragraph marks are basically saying that that's, when I hit return or fear on a pc when you hit enter on the keyboard now also noticed that there's tiny little dots in between each of the words and so every space is a little dot and that's helpful, so that you know, if you have two spaces or an extra space in between your words and I always leave this button on, and if you're not used to it, you might be distracted by it at first, but you'll come tio appreciate being able to use those paragraph marks and use it as a way of troubleshooting your document so I can't work with them off. The good news is that they don't print at all so it's not like you print this out, you're going to have all these strange characters it's going to look just like it would if the button was off, but I'm going to go ahead and turn it on, so the first thing that I want to talk about is the default styles for word and they are a little bit different depending on what version you're running or if you're on a mac or pc, but you can see appear that there's a normal style and in no spacing style and so mine came up as all single spaced, and when I hit return, it just goes to the line right below it. But some versions of word you might have their spacing might be a little further apart on dh. You might have a gap in between your paragraphs, and so your normal style might be a little different than mine and that's. Fine, we're going to compensate for that as I as I work, so the person that I want to do is just some basic text formatting, so I want tio, I'm going to highlight my paragraph, and so I'm going to click of the end of the paragraph and drag up and then to the left, and I'll show you some other ways of selecting some other cool tricks in a few minutes, but I just want to get started with this. So go ahead and highlight that text. And up here in the upper left hand corner is the name of the font that you're in, and if I click on the drop down arrow, it will expand out and show me all of the different funds that are installed on my computer. And your list might be different than mine because you might have different fonts. Then I d'oh and that's. One thing to take into consideration when you're designing documents is, are they going to have that fun on their computer so I can go ahead and pick anything that looks good to me? I'm going to go ahead and shoes off the near, but you can choose anything that you would like. The folks have a veneer on your computer's. Ok, perfect. Okay, so you can see that that makes it a little rounder. If you are, for instance, sending something to a publisher or entering a writing contest, they frequently just one times new roman. And so, in that case, I want to show you a quick way of getting there. I mean, I could click on the drop down and then scroll, score, scroll, scroll, scroll all the way down to the tease, but instead, if I click in the box and type a t, it will jump me to the tease on the list. So if I click the drop down arrow and typed the letter t I will jump down to the tease and that would make it really easy to go back two times new roman, did that work for everybody. Ok, so the next thing that I want to pay attention to is the size of the text and there's two ways that I can adjust the size actually, there's three one is to drop down next to where I see the twelve here, drop that down and I can pick different font sizes off of this list. You also can click in the box and highlight the number that's there and type any number that you want and that's particularly handy if you want tio hit the font size that's not actually listed, you know, there may be times when instead of twenty two, I want twenty one and so you can type in your own font sizes here. It does not have to be something that's on the list, and then the next way are the next two arrows that say, increase font size and decrease font size. And so those are nice, because those will allow me to keep moving it up and moving it down until it fills the space the way that I wanted to, and so I frequently will turn to these before even picking things off of the list. It may take me another click or two, but then I can actually watch the formatting as I go, and this is in particular why. I have the context of the sense that I have here you notice that as we make the fonts bit larger and smaller it wraps around accordingly and so what I see people doing sometimes when they're typing information in is what you don't want to do is when you get to the end of a row you don't want to hit return here and force the text to go to the next line because what happens when you start changing your font sizes is you get weird breaks in your text like that to correct for it all I have to do is just take that paragraph mark out we it if you're on a mac you're backspace qi says delete and so of course that's going backwards if I am click right before my paragraph mark and I want to delete forwards if you're on an extended keyboard like on an imac he might have a little delete key on the right hand side of it but if you have a standard square keyboard like most of us have or if you're on a laptop hold on the function key the fn key in the lower left hand corner and then when you hit delete it deletes forwards um I like tio used to joke about deleting would eat like pac man so delete function delete eats your text I was so busy typing that I missed the part probably got the little paragraph marks that's against little icon right up here in your toolbar it kind of looks like a backward to pee backwards. Okay, got it. Good. How many better? Okay. Okay, good. All right. So some more basic of formatting. If I want tio make this bold, I'm going to highlight it again. You always have to highlight before you apply paragraph I'm sorry. Don't fund formatting. If you're changing the actual shapes of the letters you do have to highlight first, if I was just clicked and I tried to make it bold, nothing would happen because I don't have any letters highlighted. So I'm going to re highlight my letters and I'm going to make it bold. I can also make it I talic just by clicking on the b and the eye. If your keyboard command friendly, that would just be command be and command I next in line you have underlying, but I would actually avoid underlining because into today's technology. When people see something underlined, their instinct is to click on it. And so you don't want to put underlines in your documents now, because underlining has come to mean interactivity in the old days, when original type setting an underlying was what they did on the type presses when they would lay out the letters and they would put a little bar underneath it for emphasis but decades of centuries later we have a whole different purpose for it, so I'm going to turn off that underline I don't want underlined we have there is a little drop down arrow next to underline that does give you different underlined options so you khun double underline dot and underline wavy underline you do have some underlying options there there's a strike through and notice aiken turn these on and then tap it again to turn it off there's, superscripts and sub scripts and next I want to dio fun colors I don't want to do this whole sure I will never mind s o if I click on the front color button right now, it would turn it red if I click the drop down arrow next to it, I can choose any of the colors on this color palette, so maybe I'll make it dark green so that's how you change the color? The next button is a highlight, so if I turn it yellow it's going to highlight it if I am going to actually undo that and the undue is this orange arrow up here at the top and so that's what I can use to undo it's also a keyboard command that I used frequently command z will also undo and I'll demonstrate that in a moment the reason why I've under that is if I just want to highlight literally highlight just a section of text that's when I'll hit that text highlight button and there are other colors as well it doesn't have to be yellow you can highlight in pink you can highlight in all different colors and when I turned on the high later noticed that my cursor has now become it looks like it has a little highlighter marker on it and so this is not just a formatting technique, this is actually a when you're reading and you're highlighting. So for those of you who are in school or reading business documents and he want tio call out certain sections of it it's just like reading a book with a highlighter and using that pen over and over and over again when I'm done, I can either press the button again to turn it off or I can hit the escape key and the upper left hand corner and that also turns the tool off next I want to turn our attention to these paragraph spacing of our paragraph options right here now with paragraph you don't have to highlight what you're changing wherever your cursor is it will make this change from one paragraph mark to the next paragraph mark and I'll keep repeating that in different ways, but what that basically means is whereas when we did text we had to highlight it to make the text changes apply when I want to make a paragraph change all I have to do is have my cursor in it so right now I'm left justified meaning that the left side of the paragraph is straight but the right is kind of jagged if I want to center my text my paragraph now it's centered on the midline of the document and I can see on both sides that it's not even a little jagged when I go to the next button I'm going to align the text on the right so now the right is even to the margin and then full justify is what you'll see in books and magazines when both the left side and the right side or other newspapers both sides are justified now when you do full justify text it does spread out the words and depending on the font that you have in the size that can look a little bit awkward it gives a nice overall balance to a document but it could also be challenging for your layout so for that reason I'm going to go ahead and move this back toe left justified again so the next thing that I want to dio is duplicate this paragraph so that we have some more text toe work with so I'm going to show you several different ways of copying and pasting so I do have to highlight what it is that I want to copy so go ahead and highlight that paragraph again I'm actually gonna knock down the size a little bit. I'm going to make mine of fourteen, so that looks a little bit more reasonable and when I want to copy it, there's several ways of doing it now, I want to point out first that I have made my word full screen, and so right now, u, I don't see my mini bar at the top until I jammed my cursor way up it, the top and the way that I did that if you're running mavericks, is that when I look at my word window in the upper right hand corner there's a double headed arrow, and when I click on that that's when it fills the screen and my top many line is gone until I need it. So you see how I move my cursor up and it comes back up, and if I want to get it out of full screen mode, I simply go back to the upper right hand corner. Now those two arrows have turned blue, and that brings me back again. So while I'm looking at the word menus, I'll leave it in this mode and we I'm going to go up to the edit menu and here I see cut, and what cut does is it removes it from the page and then I can paste it somewhere else. In this case I want tio copy it so I'm going to go up to edit and shoes copy which leaves the current one in place and then when I go up to edit and paste it makes a second copy of it right below I want to show you a few other places where I couldn't do that I'm going to go ahead and hit return again to make a blank space in between my paragraphs and next places on my ribbon I have right here a scissors and a and two pieces of paper now right now they're great out how come I can't use these two buttons what's the trick here exactly I don't have anything selected so it doesn't know what to cut or to copy so I'm gonna go ahead and highlight either of the two paragraphs and now I'm going to use these two icons to copy and I'll click down underneath and then I'll go up to this little clip board and I will paste it my next way of copying and pasting is to use the right click or the short cut menu and if you have a mouse that has two buttons you can right click but if you're on a track path like on a laptop if you press your track pad with two fingers you'll get this little pop up and then I can paste it again and if you're not on a track bed but you're still on a mac you can also hold on the control pee on your keyboard so look on your keyboard for control and when you see control you can go ahead and click where you want it and there's paste on that menu as well so there's a whole bunch of different ways of pasted now right now I don't like all of those formats that I have on this no, I'm not really trying to make a document that looks good I'm just really showing you techniques but that's a whole lot of pink and yellow and green and italics so I'm kind of start over again when I want to wipe out my formatting I'm going to go ahead and highlight all this that text again and now right now I have so much of it it would even be an easier way to go up to edit and shoes select all or do a command a and that will select all of my text and there's this wonderful life saving button right here called clear formatting and has an a and b in a little early racer next to it and want to click on clear formatting that wipes away all of the text formatting that we have so it brought it back to cambria twelve it brought it back to took off the bold it took off the italic the one thing it didn't do was take off my highlighting so I'm going to go back to my text, highlight color. And I'm going to tell it none. And boom! That wipes away all of the colors that ahead.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tomas Verver
Never used Word for Graphic Design. Do use Powerpoint for client presentations. Some clients do like their project being editable in word. So for that purpose its a good Office Course
a Creativelive Student
It was perfect and professional