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New Features in CC: Resizing and Shake Reduction

Lesson 24 from: Photoshop Mastery: Ultimate Mastery

Ben Willmore

New Features in CC: Resizing and Shake Reduction

Lesson 24 from: Photoshop Mastery: Ultimate Mastery

Ben Willmore

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24. New Features in CC: Resizing and Shake Reduction

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New Features in CC: Resizing and Shake Reduction

Two photo shop cc now when I refer to c c c c stands for creative cloud previous to this version of photoshopped photo shop was called photoshopped cs and we had photo shop cs six as the last version in that siri's cs stood for creative suite. What they ended up doing in general is they belittle together photoshopped with illustrator in design and other products in similarly to microsoft office they made it where if you buy the sweet you get all those together and they were attempting to update them all at the exact same time when they release it each time, well, that isn't the most ideal release schedule. Imagine if you were a photo shop engineer in suddenly you get behind on a particular feature you wanted to release, but because everybody else illustrator in design, everybody else is trying to release their is on an exact date, you have to do that with photoshopped see see it's a different setup. Instead of buying the program outright, you pay a monthly fee and then photoshopped jus...

t checks once a month online to say are you paid up? And if so, everything's fine. If not, then it's going to disable your use of that version of photo shop if you have the old version photo shops see essex, you still use that, but you couldn't use the c c version a couple things that are good about that though is they can release new features whenever they feel like it and they don't have to coordinate it with in design and illustrator and all the other products so they can come out with more frequent updates so if I ever mentioned a feature and it has to do with photo shop c c I can't tell you what version of c c it it came out in it's more or less if you're a cc subscriber and you've checked for updates, you should have these features available if you're not a cc subscriber instead you have c s six or something older you won't have these features you could use this session to determine isn't worth you upgrading or not so let's take a look first off if I'm going to resize an image here a happened have a graphic image it's just easy to tell what happens if I resize it because oftentimes graphic images when you resize them start looking really soft and so I'm gonna go over here to the image menu choose image size brings up the image size dialog box and there are some changes they've made in here first off if I type in a percentage let's say I'm going to bring this up to four hundred percent of its original size I'll set this menu on the right two percent and I'm going to type in four hundred we have a nice preview in here now where I could move around to see what kind of quality and by getting it for one hundred percent view so I can tell us that getting too soft or do I wantto back off on that a little bit and there's a pop up menu at the bottom that set to automatic, but they've added a feature in here you might not be aware of in there used to be that there was only one choice down here for enlargement, where it was idealized for enlargement. There was by cubic smoother, but now they've added one called preserved details and let's see what it looks like, it's faras the difference goes if you watch this preview here on viewing the image on one hundred percent view, and this is what the older version of photo shop would give me footer shop cs six would if I set this to preserve details scything and noticed any difference in that preview area, we'll just have to let go and you'll see it update I see more defined details in there when I do that for those of you on the video feed, sometimes it gets a little too small on your screen, I'll zoom up for you. Make a little bit easier to see the difference here is what I get in an older version of photoshopped you see how much softer that isthe and here's what I can get in photoshopped cc so you fend up doing a lot of enlargement with photo shop can be rather nice and if you simply leave this menu on its default citing what automatic it will automatically choose that for you if you're scaling up your picture but that's something you might not discover immediately if you just start using federal shop cc but it is it in there let's see what else we have here's an image where if you look close at it it's not the sharpest thing in the world especially for look where the eyes are there looking real soft the reason for that is a camera moved and you could really tell it if you look at my shoulder just a little kind of double edge there well if I go to the filter menu and I come down here to sharpen we have a new feature in photo shop cc called shake reduction so if any softness to a photograph has to do with the camera moving not the subject moving but the camera itself maybe you were shooting hand held or you bumped your tripod when you're shooting now a shake reduction brings this up you will automatically analysed the picture and let's see if it ends up looking any better now I can zoom up on this with standard zoom keyboard char cuts like man plus command minus and so on and we can see what we're in and up with here if I turn preview auf here's what I had previous to this just looks a little soft in general turn preview back on and look at how muchmore sharpness we're getting out of that image. My eyes are much more well defined, the hairs in my goatee and other areas much more well defined with this you have some control over the end result if you find that there's more than one area of your image where the blurring really shows up, you can go on top of your image in click and drag to define another region for to look at. But that region does have to be of sufficient size. And so if you do, if you define a rectangle and you find that it might suddenly pop the larger size because it needs a certain size area to think about, and then it will show you that over here the different direction and thinks the camera was moving in. How it's correcting the image if you find that after doing this it almost looks like you're mitch has been j peg and that it's got some artifacts you have artifacts, suppression slider you could find tune to see if any of those sod kind of weird looking areas can be dealt with in this particular case you might notice if you look over by karen's hair over by her neck if I get this up real high it keeps that area looking somewhat soft because it's trying to prevent artifacts there if I bring the arctic facts oppression down, you're going to find a little more kind of odd artifacts around her clothing and things. So if you ever see any of that oddness, bring up artifact suppression and see if you can get it high enough to do that or if it's inari that just looks like overly weird you might want to consider defining it as another area by clicking and dragging too to find an area conceiving do a better job in that spot but know that if you put too many of those in there, it can overdo it like in this particular case you can always hit the delete key on any one of these regions and have it on ly concentrate on one particular area if you'd like. But this feature that is thie camera shake reduction can make it so there's a lot of images that you used to not be able to salvage because they were just soft, not usable yeah now photoshopped could do something with him which can be uh rather nice revert this image because this image originally had some layers in it um let's say that I want to work with text. Well, with tax, there might be some standard typeface is I'd like to use maybe my corporate font, that and abusing. So what I could do is set up some styles, and I want to show you a new feature related to styles if I go over to paragraph styles. Uh, if I have some text, maybe this is the look that I like to have, uh, justin, size and everything else. I can create a new paragraph style at the bottom of the styles panel, and if I double click on it, I could give it a name, that type of thing. Ah, choosing the color and fine tuning the typefaces. If this is something I want to use in a regular basis, there is now a choice of going to the side menu that's here and there's. A choice of save that is my default type styles, and therefore it can be used any time to create a new document. I can have them in there or let's, say, do something where I reset my preferences or I delete some of thes. Stiles I can come to the side menu then and say load those defaults styles to get them into any document, maybe it's a document that I had that had other style said to finding it in the past, and I just wanted to get to those defaults to always have them available to me on the side when you can now load those default stiles so saving and loading of ah defaults set of paragraph styles can be useful, but is something new in photo shop? Sisi let's take a look at a bunch of other stuff that we've changed infighter shop, cc as well uh, take me one second here, though one of the things we could do in this new version is if I have a bunch of layers and I want to apply a filter to them. If I go to the filter men, you have the choice of convert for smart filters, but they were certain filters that did not work when you were working on a smart object. So if I go up to the filter menu and choose that convert for smart filters, that's going to take my layer converted into a smart object, and you see this little icon on top of it to indicate it's, a smart object, some of the features that they've added a ce faras further support for filters that didn't used to be available is if I go down here to blur the field iris until shift blurs can now be done on a smart object, as can the one known as liquefy and I really like that liquefy could be done on a smart object now because it's very easy to change things using liquefy and not necessarily notice that you've overdone them until you make a larger prints of your image and being able to simply go back and change anything you've applied to an image where you can click okay to apply it and it's applied as a smart filter was just an attachment to that layer that I could simply turn off, return back on and then double click on the word liquefied to get right back into the filter to modify it. I find to be overly useful because then I can undo things if I want teo, I can get things back to the way they used to look all that kind of stuff, but both liquefy and the new blur cal gallery filters like field blur and all that now work. If you're working with, um, smart objects couple other changes they've made in photo shop cc is if I open an image it used to be the defender raw file I double clicked on, it would allow me to of course adjust the image using kim a raw but now you don't have to do it when you first opened the picture let's say that I had an image maybe it's not even raw file instead here's a tiff file and I'm in photo shop and I started making change to the image maybe I came in here and ended up doing a curves adjustment layer I ended up darkening the image somewhat and then I started to paint on a mask to say don't affect the middle portion of the image but the main thing is I started to progress and work on this picture I didn't think about kamerad beginning well now in photo shop c c if I click on the layer contains that picture and I go up to the filter menu one of the choices his camera as a filter usually only can use camera awe when you first opened a picture. The other thing about cameras a filter is that I can convert something into a smart object first and then come up there and apply camera as a filter so therefore the changes that I make with in camera are not permanent they're ones that I can always get back and changed the settings on and so if I choose camera filter this is going to pop up and I can use things like white balance, temperature and tent here I can have features that I don't usually find in the main part of photo shop like clarity to exaggerate the fine textures in the image and just make it pop out more usually I can only do that at the moment I think about opening the picture when I first might encounter camera but now in photo shop cc I can apply it right from the filter menu you'll find though that certain features are not available in this camera the one that could be applied as a filter. The main thing is there are certain features within here where he usually be able to change the size of your image like down the bottom there's usually a line of text where you could determine um how many pixels you end up within the width and height of your image you know how many mega pixels it is that's gone because thie images already open you've already defined how many pixels it's made out of so doesn't make sense for it to be there at the top usually you would have a crop tool up there you find it's not there because of filter can't usually change the size of what's in a layer it can only change its general appearance so that's not there either uh you're going to find that anything that has to do with rotation also appear there's usually a um a tab called snapshots where you could have different kind of like different presets applied to this one particular image and those aren't going to be available also, any lens profile corrections usually little check boxes. And with those they end up needing to read the metadata that's in this layer to figure out what lens was used in all that in there, not available in here. Because it's just not able to get to that kind of data. But it is great that we can get it here as a filter, because then I can apply it and I can always then paint on this mask toe limit. How much of the image was affected by it? I can duplicate this layer if I wanted to to apply it it was different settings and then maybe mask that layer. It just opens up a lot of possibilities as to how you can adjust your images. The main thing I like about it iss in camera instead of having to go to about five or six different adjustment dialog boxes. This puts all things in one little dialog box. So if I want to adjust individual colors, I just goto h s l I confined to the individual ones. If I want to think about sharpening the image or doing noise reduction, I could do it in the same dialogue box instead of having to go all over the various menus there in the main part of photo shop. It's. Only when I need to apply things separately, where I might want to mask them individually, or something else like that, where I'm going to decide to not use camera. Instead, teo, go and use the individual features in the main portion of photo shop.

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Ratings and Reviews

RDM Photography

I have always enjoyed watching any of Mr Willmore's courses, engaging and entertaining with a gentle professionalism, with a good pace of delivery for the target audience. What I so enjoy is that the underlying theory is 'correct' with obvious care and understanding of the terms used and this speaks volumes as to the instructor's commitment. I have always learnt something from these courses and this was no exception.

Jose A De Leon

This is by far the best investment I've made. Ben is a qreat teacher. I watch repeatedly the videos over and over until the concepts become second nature. Since I bought the complete bundle, I can go back when ever I want and watch again. My Photoshop skills have improved exponentially. I'm extremely happy I made this purchase.

Lemmi Kann

I just started to get familiar with Photoshop and know the basic. After watching just first three lessons I am totaly blown away - I can see how much far I can go with editing my photos, what possibilities I have. I edited some of my photos and they look way better now! Ben Willmore is excellent lector and I encourage the beginners to buy this class too. It's easy to understand and follow if you already know what is layer and mask.

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