Segment 4 - Get "Ready to Run"
Lesson 4 from: Session: Physical Fitness for CreativesKelly Starrett

Segment 4 - Get "Ready to Run"
Lesson 4 from: Session: Physical Fitness for CreativesKelly Starrett
Lesson Info
Segment 4 - Get "Ready to Run"
I want to turn our attention now to your next big thing if I'm not mistaken you've got a book it's called ready to run and I'd like to take a second introduce your co author he is a man who were hold your applause is for second the former editor in chief of traffic magazine former editor in chief of competitors magazine is writer he's a crazy runner himself yeah a ton of ultras marathon like he's in the running world he's one of the most prolific writers about running and traveling big warm creative live welcome for mr t j murphy wages for sex and I know I heard a rumor that you guys have a way well ok my bunch um I heard were when we have a video but first of all I would like to hear a little bit more about you in your own words we were just giving us some props there should give me a shout out but if I'm not mistaken you were once broken like I am like a lot of people were in the in studio audience and folks at home needed to figure out how to maintain your body and get yourself back...
to health so give us your short back story if you wait super brooke super broken broken n'est organist wow it's about two thousand eleven and how is editor in chief of traffic magazine it's time and I my running resume included two thirty eight marathon five iron man's had been a big part of my life for fifteen years and there was editor in chief of traffic magazine of the largest drop on magazine the world deacon of athleticism, endurance, athleticism and the creator of the writer that area and I like a lot of your viewers I was at a desk I was an editor so I'm looking at we're documents in design documents all day never paying attention away it's that or how I use my feet but I think there are my back or go out or my knee would go out and I would around the office my co workers would see me use the cubicles like a guard rail you walk around because my back was so bad here I am supposed to be kind of a leader in this entire world and about that time I was doing a half marathon I was training for it and as kelly knows you talk about this task completion thing I would have my knee would go out but I'd go to the drugstore I would buy a span itches I get all the high profile handle and it still get to my next workout and finally it was after that half marathon is october of two thousand eleven I said in a curb afterwards and my knees just felt like they're on fire and I was pretty sure I was about five weeks from my first knee replacement around that time I was doing some reporting on dh came across bryan mckenzie from crossfit endurance who said you got to go see kelley cigarette and so I flip to san francisco and took a cab I wasn't standing at the time and I took a cab to you sam haskell crossfit and I had there in back of the sports basement so I walk around the sports basement this lamp that I've had for about five or six weeks just like most runners like seventy five percent of riders in the country thirty million or so have a knee problem or some sort of injury once per year and I walked in there and so dr kelly stowe red I'm just waiting for him to go ask me like that sequence of questions like so where is the pain and whatever none of that just maybe go over and do a squat and then I'm like, okay, this guy's character getting my note pad out this is going to be a good story but after about an hour just talking with him but things he was talking with you guys about my life was gone and I haven't limp since and I'm running again and I'm actually more of an athlete uh then I would have been for probably over moment let's relax you guys came together too create a book it's called ready to run and I love to look left to learn a little bit more about it and again I'm going to try and be the folks in studio audience and speaking of if you're just tuning in on chase on with t, j and kelly here and we're talking about their next book ready to run kelly has a class on creative life called maintaining your body and you can ask questions from wherever you are in the world and the in studio audience don't don't hesitate to put your hand up my arbitrator my man here chris is going to take care of us make sure we get through all these questions and if you're in, as I often say in nebraska in nairobi anywhere in the world you can interact with us live go little questions tab upper upper right hand corner click that type in your question and be logged in to do that just takes a few seconds and then you can vote up the questions that you want to see. Chris asked here on the air but before then questions ready to go ahead and fire him off. But before then I'm going to try and pretend that I'm like these people because I feel like there's a lot of similarities and pop culture these days I'm busy, I travel a lot, I have a desire to do better, I'm I don't want to get out of shape and so one of things I do is I run I run with get out of the plane, I walk on the planet gosh, I don't mess up my hotel room and just go out for a run again I know that's fantastic, but I find myself I'm the work that I'm doing to try and get healthy ends up rolling ankle I got super tight hammy is now because I just ran and I wasn't ready so I think I'm like a lot of people out there that we want to do well, we want to do good and running it's so easy doesn't require a bunch of tools or jim, I think that might be about what you guys were talking about and give us a short interim then I think it kind of video is that right? Something you probably read the book born to run and I think telling I started talking about this that was kind of a trigger because born to run came out in two thousand ten I think it's still a best seller and it makes the case that we are born to run they talk about evolutionary anthropology that proves that we're born to run and that's also in kelly's book we talked about that but uh so many so many people read the book and they went to their running shoes store because the way so many broken runners out there and what's the first thing you think of wow my knee went down so I need a new running shoes and that's the way it's been for thirty years that we go to the technology running shoe business is a four billion dollar industry this is like the running industrial complex let's just be clear this is this this is serious like the technology about shoes you know I got cut off in ninety one american academy of pediatrics comes out position paper and says best she was no shoe best foot development happens with barefoot and so we're looking at is you know what the heck and you know your kids come out of the womb with shoes on high heel rank shoes you're like ok, I support that arch today one you know and what we've seen is you know, it's it's it's an absolute terror so you know, ready to run change our lives but it led to this gigantic problem right? And and I think so people went about their their minimal shoes but they were still broken they still planted on their heels and things like that and I just talking young man tyler you're twenty seven now when he's twenty two years old he was doing the silver man half ironman and he's telling me how broken iwas I'm like he's twenty two years old and so as is too tight he couldn't train anymore I'm like okay, there's there's a missing bridge here and so I was really fired up just being having so many my world has been running and trap on for so long and like you chase a lot of people running is there there it's kind of self medicating way to be fit to go to right it's, how you deal with stress and everything, but but also you can't do it anymore, and no, you can't do it, you just have to get one of the orbiter treadmills floating talk would jog in the shame in the pool, right? You've got the foreign cushy shoes on the force, gum braces and like something, right? So you know that the issue is no it's not, you know, people went from these high heel shoes to flat shoes and some really bright physical therapists and american physical therapy association even said, hey, look, it may be safer to heel strike, because the severity of the injuries that we're seeing are are the far serve more severe than what's happening when people he'll striking. And yet we know unequivocally that if you he'll strike or run, you're going to get injured in the year. So what we found is this woman here striking right, right, is that, you know, the thing that makes us human thus skill that makes us human is running and you may not think of yourself are self identifies runner not play soccer right? Right? You're a runner you know? And if you play frisbee you probably you know, ran after the disk and sprinted or you throw the football with your kids or you know, like running is a core skill and we found that people are making some basic errors one is that they simply just weren't prepared for running correctly, you know, and that they just didn't have the tissues they didn't have the range of motion and that was really the sort of the reaction to this was that, you know, by the way vibrant was sued for making comments about its shoes it didn't lose the lawsuit it's settled the lawsuits and nothing was ever proven right but two and a half million dollar writing the bill because people went out got flat shoes, the finger shoes and they got injured and you know it really people this is backlash and now we're seeing mega shoe heel striking a safe again it's just a disaster. In fact, if you guys run you sprint imagine you know you sprint and whenever you sprint, people run one way they run beautifully because you could only sprint on you're on the ball of your foot run correctly, but if you ran and you jog and you he'll strike it's like having two different solutions to the same problem um when would be more efficient? We had one solution that I go fast and slow on well, when I'm driving my car slow, I close one eye and when I drive it fast I switch hands and drive you know, that's what we're basically doing doesn't make any sense we have one motor pattern that we're we're tryingto reproduce like we saw in the last segment we got interested in this because I couldn't run because I had terrible because it was a hell striker and I had high heel shoes and orthotic ce I learned to run, but I had the tissues that supported iran ultra and so the story is true of the girl for my whole troll doesn't like fifty k my friends call me the cape buffalo on dh s so you know the truth and I may be the biggest runner in this you're the world, but I'm not slow or fast I used to find on shoe he's a flat financially so what we found, though, was that when we start having this conversation and really seeing the state of the world that people there's this reaction to it, we're just we're just baffled because you know what people got the shoe got injured and they were like, oh my gosh and the problem is that running is free and ubiquitous and do you see your kindergartener? You know not sprint for the playground, they sprint for the playground and they all run beautifully and it's somewhere around the first grade, something happens. We don't know what it is rhymes with sitting in bed shoes, right? So one of things we do know it so that runner that gets injured, they go to the running shoe store and there's this paradigm of well, we're going to get your foot shape and maybe we'll look at how you are special flower mean your foot's different than anyone else's and but the u s army, who has a lot invested in how their recruits respond to walking, marching, running. They conducted huge studies about four, five years ago with marine recruits, air force recruits, army recruits, and they wanted to test this whole idea. Well is do if we use the model that the running shoe companies we're talking about that we are either way have the natural mechanics that we should either be an emotion control issue. A stability shoe are neutral shoe, and they tested it and they found absolutely that it didn't work at all like there was no no relationship that supported no. Scientists reported that thinking azzam mind experiment, you get out of the car, you go to your running shoes store. Right, you've just flown, you're stiff and then you put on a shoe and someone watches you around there like, you know, a little less foam there little more phone as they watch you run a little bit and like that shoot changes over time, you change over time as you well, I mean it's, you know all your collapsing, you know, like it's so precise, and yet such imprecision that we call it, we call misplaced precision, actually, and you know that it's so ludicrous that a shoe is so tailored when you should be able to run in and clogs you should run and combat boots, it doesn't matter what's on your foot, you the run correctly or you don't, and the reason you're getting injured is that you're not running correctly, but there are great skills, or you just don't have the tissues that allow you to handle it right, and the book, and it was just helping kelly communicated, but he wanted this one zero sort of situation like so there's twelve standards in the book, it's somewhere fairly simple, like the hydration lifestyle sort of things what others there sort of related to our mechanics and the positions that we can get into so there's twelve clear things, yes or no? Can you do this, and then when you you're working towards those things you're going to the more you're working towards them and progressing, then the more you are actually ready to run and ready to be and in english you ready tio to enjoy your running every day kind of thing I find myself not able to do that yeah and so common you know? I tried it today and I didn't go I went back to the elliptical machine you know? We're just on a trip and juliet way jumped on this elliptical at the hotel because it's hilarious it's like, you know, forty thousand dollars he said, quote, pie and like the because you've talked trash about the elliptical like, five times now so is that something we should stay away from? Well, I'm not going to say ok that you can't go to the olympics or be awesome on the elliptical you that certainly work hard and I think that's the problem is that we've confused working hard with working correctly being smart well, I took seventeen gigs of photos I'm sure there's something good in that rise in that right? Yeah, right like more is better and so the key here is that we saw was that when juliet jumped on the on the elliptical her hip if she never came behind her body, the elliptical allows us to stay flexed and men over and sort of hides the error and moves the impact but it changes and hides the macaques so I can still work in this whole confined window and the problem with running is that you know it's a skill that is so universal and yet it's not taught anywhere you know it's not it's not it's not embraces a skill we how much time do we learn howto swimming is very difficult anyone take some lessons did you take run lessons? No you're like you figure it out you know good luck with that kid you know it's like a ponzi scheme like we just like who will the kids are going to be broken? I want to have a house in tahoe one day you know and I think no the are ideas like way if we kind of clean up some of the basic errors your body will start to self correct and we'll have enough tolerance for you to then learn this skill go learn how to run but least be ready to have that conversation and it's it's amazing what happens when you do is there a chance for us to see the video and then you get a minute trailer I could be cool tio see that I know that somewhere in there see and when says that you should run no one tells you how to get ready to run. Running is the single skill that links all human beings to skill that makes us human whether I'm playing frisbee or sprinting after my kids running five k's or ultras, the skill set is the same we wrote ready to run because we know that there are about thirty million runners in america then within any given year you're the eighty percent of those runners will be injured what we're seeing is that runners were very, very sophisticated about their training in the contrition very unsophisticated about preparing their bodies to be able to handle the rigors of running in our book ready to run doctor spread is looking at this from a problem of how my moving what are the positions on these? What are the motor control problem? What am I doing to prompt these problems and he's ready to run gives us a blueprint a blueprint about how to take care of our tissues about howto have basic range of motion so that we could go on experience the joy running and do it so that we maximize that running ability and we also resolve our old injuries wait thanks for that now that I've lost all my ability. You know, I think, you know, one of the we sit down with large groups of athletes we regularly asked them, you know who likes to train likes feel good just, you know, he likes to run and was like, oh, I hate running how is he ain't wearing what point did running that feel good to music behaving the way didn't you think way volunteered our school? What happened? Why I got the run cancer and, you know, my dad died of the run consumption and like, you know, and, uh, there's something that happened, I think typically what happens is it stops feeling good, you know? And that is a function of the fact that we don't sort of value it for what it is we don't make it a technique driven sport and then we don't give it that do merit and then also, you know, we get stiff imagine I mean, the shooter in wearing right now is a high heel shoe I didn't know I wore high heels. Yes, you do and look that's a flat shoe that flash your high heel shoe high heel shoe it's a three it's a five mil drop right but it's an exercise you your training that's a flat shoe that's a high heel shoe. I see some high heel shoes and flashes around here, and the real question is, you know, what's happening when we systematically short on the heel cord, for example, so if I wear a ah hell all the time and why? Because that's the shoe I've always worn and I start to chinese foot binding my children because I buy them nike's or some cute shoe that as a centimeter differential, although some have tipped their center of mass forward, I've short in their heel cord and you know, people don't walk around barefoot anymore or, you know, and when they do walk barefoot, it causes foot pain planet fashion until we shorten the hell court again, we'll know what happens if your hand is stuck bent for the next twenty years on all something like no, no, no, you've got a stranger of all the way out. You're going to have some problems with that and that's, one of the easiest piece is we want people to get back to being human. Can you do the things human should be able to do? Yes or no? It's a bright line. Hey, t j, give us the sort of an overview of the book because, well, actually, how do you get the thing? First of all, amazon. Like I got it. I got plans on barnes and noble. The big east, right? Yeah. So it's, it's, it's, it's, it's coming and it's coming at. It can't come too soon because you know if we look at the practice of most physical therapists, most physicians we're talking about so many running related injuries it's like it's an epidemic it's so dangerous as you said almost eight percent of runners injured in a year that if I knew that my an eighty percent chance that my child's injuring the sport would you like a child to that sport dangerous I get I literally get injured at least once a year from running and I've been a runner my whole life so what you have there is clearly something there's a disconnect there and maybe you could give me an overview of the book and then we can dive into some of the key principles again I'm looking and I think the folks at home are looking like I want to make running a part of my life I don't want to put myself at risk because it's something I could do anywhere I love it it's super accessible but I don't want to I want to do it chase doesn't get hurt a little but I would say that the first part of the book is to introduce runners and again we're thinking of all types of runners not just competitive runners but people who run for fitness people who run across there who runs soccer players teo the number one sort of basic principle is that we have the right or the responsibility to do maintenance on ourselves in other words we've been living in this runners have been living this world and I was part of this world I used to sell running shoes on haight street here in san francisco in the early nineties actually taking people down didn't even know it because I was part of this whole thing where what you're going to need orthotic so you're going to need this twenty fifty this super stable she so I'm you know, I'm trying to make up for that is something that was from the nineties wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, that was that was like two providers favorite shoe that time, but so rather than like I'm a runner, I get injured, I have to have somebody fix me, which there's going to be surgeons, they're happy we're going to be happy to serve you rack up some some charges on your credit card er but you have this opportunity to kind of like, do some of this work yourself or you should be doing from this work yourself and this is important because, you know fourth or physicians of the bus imagine you bring your hot pissed off foot to your doctor you actually want to do and you're like run a runner were different and your physicians like hey, maybe should stop that and you're like what? How you the worst doctor ever she's like well let's, look at the math, you run like a fool, your tightened tack down and dehydrated and don't sleep and you got injured running. Hmm, what thing is easy to for me to change in a ten minute officer visit stopped doing that instead of having the next conversation, which is, hey, you've got to take some responsibility for this. You can't just break the car like the car broke run out of, well, so stupid dumb car, right? And so the working image and our first discussion about with this book might be with kelly said way want the readers to know that we're on your side. We know that you wake up early, gets maybe six hours sleep, hopefully seven uh, more likely five you have to drop the kids off at day care, and you've got to be at work at eight thirty and you've got that forty five minutes of precious time that you you jam, you run into your life and so you getting your running shoes, you get the run done and immediately within minutes, you're in your office chair, checking email things like that. So we were looking at that person with one of the areas that they're making and kelly talks about. Warming up and cooling down, we have twelve standards and one of that one of the that's. One of the key standards. Are you warming up and cooling down, even if you've only got a couple minutes before and after maybe short on the run, and so he's, like we're looking at that, that person that doesn't have much time. But how? How can you sort of build these things into your day that can help restore your tissues and allow you do that, just enjoy running for five years, but, as you say, were built, our bodies are built to go for one hundred twenty miles, one hundred ten miles of one hundred ten years. I'm sorry of, of running, and we can actually, we can do a lot of damage to that number, but we can also, if we do the right things every day, five, ten minutes, we can enjoy more than
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