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Communicating with Your Team

Lesson 7 from: Strategies to Grow Your Photo Business

Tomayia Colvin

Communicating with Your Team

Lesson 7 from: Strategies to Grow Your Photo Business

Tomayia Colvin

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7. Communicating with Your Team

Lesson Info

Communicating with Your Team

Communicating with your team. So for me, I have, depending on what I'm doing in life, I have about ten people that I have to talk to all the time. They have to know the inside of my brain all the time, like what am I thinking, what is she going to do, blah blah blah blah. So there are a few ways that you can do that, the first one is Slack. Are you all familiar with Slack whatsoever? Eh yeah, so it's an app that you can get and it's a desktop software, and Slack will allow you to build little mini communities like little chat boxes that you can talk to your team with. And if I'm working with just like the magazine department like Toffee and Honey I can only talk to those people or if I'm entering a group of photographers and we're just talking about pricing then I can have one group that I'm talking to pricing about and then another group that I'm talking to lighting about. Does that make sense to you all? Just little different chats that you can have all in one particular thing. Basec...

amp, Asana , and Teambuilder, these are platforms, and there's also one called Teamwork that you use and it's really good for people that are like, are you all list builders? Like you like to make these huge lists right? Not most of it gets done but I am a list person, like if I don't have it on a sheet of paper, but I'm really a pencil and paper type girl, if I don't have it written down I'm not going to do it. I'm just not. In my world, I don't know it wasn't important anymore because I forgot. So for me, I have to type out exactly what needs to be done for the week. I will send out a report and say guys this is what it is, sometimes it's three to four pages long, but this is my entire brain as I know it as this moment. And everybody can see it because that allows everybody to be on the same page, does that make sense? And so if you know that you're going to do a style shoot within maybe 30 days right? Then you could build a project in Basecamp and communicate with the vendors, you can do that, you can put the inspiration boards there, you can put the contact for the models, the florist, the vendors, you can put all of those things there so that everyone knows who's supposed to be doing what. So if the model said that she's a size two or a size 14, and the bridal store needs to know that, then they can just pop right in and see without multiple text messages, emails, you send so many you're not even sure what's happening anymore. Invest in some type of software, regardless of what it is, you just need to have something in place as to this is going to be how I communicate with the team, okay. It can be WhatsApp it can be iMessage, whatever it is that's going to work, it just has to work for you and your team, okay. Google Drive and Dropbox, how many of you all are using something of that sort? Right so we're all familiar with that, so for your social media manager, if it's the middle of the month or the end of the month and you're thinking about next month is November, Thanksgiving is coming up, different holidays or whatever it is that you want to push out on your social media, you can go ahead and put all of those images in the Google Drive for next month, it's done. Or you can load them into Basecamp so that they know already they can go ahead and do their spreadsheet, they can go ahead and do their planning, everything that they need to do for your company it's all there for them. It's like... I'm one of those people that I have to look at like the big picture, versus this is what we'll be doing today. No I need to know in 30 days you need some pictures of a pumpkin so that in case I need to go and photograph some pumpkins, I know in advance that I need to photograph some pumpkins or if I'm doing hot cocoa or different things like that I know in advance what I'm going to need and it helps. Google Admin Console, LastPass, now LastPass I use when I don't want to give out my password. So that would be most of the softwares now like (mumbles) has Picspotr, all of the client management systems, now they have a way that someone can login for you or you can assign someone different roles in admin responsibility so they can login for themselves, but there are sometimes where different things like Calendly that syncs all of my calendars together, it doesn't have an option just yet in order for me to give someone else access to my account. So in this case, I just have to use LastPass we both use it and then she can have access to my Calendly without having the password. Does that make sense to you all? Yeah so anything that I want like Bitly to make a shortened link, anything like that that's weird about having like an extra person added on as an admin, then you just create the account, you tell them what you want them to have access to, and if it no longer works out, guess what you do, you just go in there, take away their access and it's over. (audience laughs) Relationship is over. And while I'm there because I think you also asked like what happens if your person leaves, uh oh. What happens if it doesn't work out? I literally over the summer this was the first time that I had to actually remove someone from my team. And I was fortunate because in my first semester of summer school I was taking a class from the dean of the university and her job was to hire and fire people that was her job, like she was good at this thing okay. So I asked her how do I let someone go? 'Cause I was crying because my feelings were hurt because I was like oh my gosh how they're going to feed their kids, like different things like I'm thinking everything like regardless that you didn't do anything that I asked you to do, I'm thinking about the person and we don't ever want to be see as the mean person right. So you hold onto something that's dragging you down and you have to get rid of it and so I asked her what do I do and she told me exactly what to do, but there will be times... This is not like a magic thing where all of this is going to work out every single time, that's just not the truth and that's just not how life works. There will be times where you know what, you were supposed to post 25 times and you only posted two times but you sent me an invoice with 25 times, what happened there? No you and I, we don't go together anymore. Okay so you have to have those things when you get ready you do a contract and you can checkout Rachel Brink she has all of those contracts there for you or (mumbles) of the Creative Law Firm, but you have to go and see those people who have the contract that will protect you so that when it's time to fire somebody or to say we're no longer going to be besties right now, that you do it with fidelity and you don't do it where they'll go in and hack all of your accounts 'cause I've seen someone do that too.

Ratings and Reviews


Tomayia is a great teacher!! The way she instructs makes you wanna jump out of your seat and get to work. I loved her encouragement to delegate tasks. Really stuck with me.

a Creativelive Student

I loved it! A punch on the face !

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