1Getting Started
00:50 2What Is A Symbol
01:05 3Types of Brandmarks
01:48 4Identity Systems
03:29 5Minimalism Vs Abstraction
02:08 6What Makes A Good Symbol
02:26 7Aesthetic Terminology
01:15Other Things To Keep In Mind
02:26 9Book Recomendations
00:48 10Your Project
00:52 11Quiz: Overview
Clarifying Your Intent
12Setting the Stage
00:23 13Knowing Your Client
01:30 14Generating Key Ideas
03:27 15Moodboards
02:59 16Quiz: Clarifying Your Intent
17The Designer's Approach to Drawing
00:36 18Free Sketching
03:57 19Illustrating With Shapes
10:35 20Thinking With Grids
10:26 21Customizing Type
14:06 22Building Letterforms From Scratch
07:08 23Quiz: Techniques
Finishing With Character
24Adding Life To Your Concepts
00:19 25Tightening Up
07:35 26Stylistic Variations
01:33 27Building Out A Set
02:01 28Pairing With Type
02:22 29Mocking Up
02:08 30Presenting the Line-Up
01:02 31Pitch Deck Completed
00:24 32Quiz: Finishing With Character
00:47Final Quiz
34Final Quiz
Lesson Info
with your keywords in mind. Search for graphics, patterns, colors, illustrations and brand marks that match the personality you are imagining. These were my keywords for kiwi and you can see here that I pulled images that matched these keywords. Again, I encourage you to go out into the world and look through magazines and books, but of course sources like Pinterest, tumblr and instagram are great resources for mood board imagery. You can see, I've pulled some lifestyle photography here, which I got from on splash dot com. If you need high quality royalty free images that you can use absolutely anywhere. Check that website out now, photography might seem strange to use as graphic inspiration, but if you can get the client to buy in on these mood boards, you'll later be able to explain how the symbols you present compare well with the mood of the photographs, strengthening your thinking for how the brand will look as a whole back to our project. Alright, so I've pulled various images he...
re that I think with the tone of the brand or at least kind of convey visually what I want the brand to look like. So I want to add them to our pitch deck, just so that I can present them to the client and make sure that everybody's on the same page about the visual style that we're going for. So once I have my images here, I'm just gonna sort of click and drag them onto in design and arrange them in some sort of artful way so that they convey the spirit of the brand and once again, I'm sort of using photography here, which some of this is some interior design so it can kind of maybe inform even some of the interior design of the bar later on. So even though I'm just designing a symbol right now, um it's it's smart to think about these things because you're symbol could sort of live in a real three D. Space like this. So I want you to bring your own images that you've collected for your bar or whatever brand you're working on and I want you to bring them into the mood board here and at as many as you want. I usually do something like three pages of six. You don't want to overwhelm with too much imagery because the client may seem some see something on here and really expected to be in the final product. So just keep it a little bit casual. But make sure once again that all the images together sort of convey the tone. And you'll notice too that I've added the five, the five key words that we developed in the previous section at the bottom, the bottom left hand side of the screen just so that we can make sure that we are in line with the tone that we set up and you can see here at the bottom left hand side of the screen. I've added the five key words that we developed in the previous section and these are always going to sort of stick with us through the deck just so that the client can make sure that they tie in those, those keywords with whatever imagery that we're seeing. So we've got a thorough understanding of who we're designing for and we've begun to articulate and pull together visuals for how we want the brand to look and feel next. We'll start using this information to sketch ideas for our three types of symbols.
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Muhammad Osama
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