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Welcome to the Workshop

Lesson 2 from: The Cinematic Filmmaking Workshop

RJ Bruni

Welcome to the Workshop

Lesson 2 from: The Cinematic Filmmaking Workshop

RJ Bruni

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Lesson Info

2. Welcome to the Workshop

Lesson Info

Welcome to the Workshop

(hypnotic music) (vehicle passing) (door opening) (papers rustling) (footsteps) (door closing) (hypnotic music) Alright, welcome to the workshop. I'm so excited that you're taking the first steps to becoming a filmmaker, or sharpening your skills if you're already in the world of filmmaking. We have a ton planned for this workshop, and I'm super excited to bring you along for this wild journey. During this workshop, you're gonna learn everything you need to know to make films that move people. That's what we're here to do. We're here to create emotion within people, and to do that, we need to move methodically and with intention. That's the biggest thing I want you to take away during this workshop, is that we need to create with intention. That means everything from lens choices, camera movement, wardrobe and props. That all needs to be thought out methodically, so the final product that ends up on screen is exactly what the audience needs to be feeling. You're gonna follow along wi...

th me, as I create my own short film. We're gonna dive deep into pre-production, moodboards, shot planning, creative briefs... We're gonna plan everything beforehand, so when we step on set there's no guessing. We will guaranteed come away with what we're looking for. Whether you're a photographer or already into filmmaking, you're gonna get so much from this workshop. Everything I know is coming right at you. You're gonna see me direct and capture all of our footage on set. And then finally, we're gonna dive into editing, where you'll see the whole timeline come together right before your eyes. You'll be a part of every step of the journey, and by the end of all this, you're gonna have your own film to show the world. Remember, throughout everything that we do, we need to be creating with intention. Every decision we make has to be methodical. This is gonna be a wild ride. Let's get into it.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Live Lesson: Feedback and Q&A Session with RJ
RJ's Final Film | SHARED EARTH
Email Questionnaire
Project Breakdown
Scene Breakdown
Creative Deck

Ratings and Reviews


I LOVE this workshop - I have been wanting to film my own 'home life' movies as I am a photographer but I wanted to add even more memories. This workshop has added so much value to how, why, when, and what the process is of film-making for film-making. Thanks to RJ for sharing all his amazing information while being clear, precise, and informative. I am excited to film my next 'home life' film!

Alex Bocajj

Great insights into Rj's process. Really enjoyed it all. Rj is smooth and easy to learn from. Loved the "in-field" BTS and going thru the motions live. Looking forward to more material.

Patti Sohn

Really informative and inspiring. One of the best video tutorials I have watched.

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