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Perspective Is Everything

Lesson 5 from: The Photographer's Guide to Resiliency

Alex Strohl

Perspective Is Everything

Lesson 5 from: The Photographer's Guide to Resiliency

Alex Strohl

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5. Perspective Is Everything

It's important to keep perspective with big life changes. Yes everything is crazy right now, so it's important to stay grounded in your perspective.

Lesson Info

Perspective Is Everything

(peaceful music) Welcome to Perspective is Everything. So, in this episode, I wanna talk about why changing our perspective, the way we see things, can lead us to experience a greater outcome. So it sounds kind of high-level, but it's pretty simple to practice. I think we can all agree that times are pretty weird. (confusing music) There's something fundamental about the way that we behave. Between each other as humans that has changed for a while because of the virus. And we cannot really control that. That's outside of our control. Same way we can control the universe, or the stars, or space, or death. So, I just see it as one of these things that is happening that I can't control so I'm gonna, instead, focus on what I can do about it with my sort of strengths and my skills, and get to a place where I want to be. So, instead of focusing on what we have, or what we don't have, what we can't do, or we can do, let's just focus on, you know, let's flip that script, and we have enough. ...

I'm talking from the comfort of my house. You're probably listening to this from the comfort of your own house, so we are okay in the grand scheme of things. So now what we have to do is use this time to grow, and we must see this time as an opportunity. So of course, the good news, I-wanna-hire-you emails, are not coming through again, right? They're not in our inboxes. There's not people trying to hire us right now. And that makes sense. That's okay. You know, brands are seeing things the same way we see them. They're worried about their own stuff, so why would they be thinking about us? So my whole point with this is to, let's try to quiet down this inner voice, the worried voice, the reptilian brain that's saying, "We don't have enough. We must do something right now." Let's try to quiet that down, and start thinking high-level. Let's change our mindset to long-term versus tomorrow. I know that we all have to eat, right? But what I'm saying is that use the majority of your time to think about the long-term, what you wanna do with your photography, and your career. And essentially, you're just focusing on what we know. So, what we know is that we have a lot of time on our hands right now, and we can use that time either wisely or unwisely. It's really up to us, and you should do whatever you want. If you go and play video games all day, yeah good. We all need a break sometimes. But just know where you're going in the long-term. Essentially, we've received this gift from the skies to reflect on what photography means to us, what our career means to us. You know, what do we wanna say? What's our message, right? What is our voice? What are we trying to get out into the world? Let's revisit our goals, too. We all have these sheets of, you know, long-term goals, and we write them and then we forget about them. This is a good time to go revisit these. Are these goals still aligned with who you are, and who we wanna be? It's a good time to update them right now. We can also use this time to expand what our toolkit, I like to call it the toolkit, which is essentially the list of skills I have access to. Editing, or building websites, or curation, learning new language. This is just what are the skills that are gonna be able to differentiate you in the industry from other photographers, from other creatives that you can be honing right now? So, set aside one, two, three hours of your day, depending on how aggressive you wanna get to hone these skills to get more stuff in your toolbox that you can use. And then probably the biggest, we should use this time to find out what our passions really are because if we're doing things because they've always been that way, you know? I'm a photographer now, and I think that's my path. If we're not sure, it's totally okay to revisit that. And I have a little exercise coming up in one of the next episodes about passion, finding our passion. It's called the Passion Test. And also aligned with the passion is who we wanna become long-term. You know, what's our five-year plan? If we don't have one, that's okay. but let's use this time to make one. It's time for us to dig inward, to really reconnect with ourselves, to rebalance, and decide what we wanna be doing for the next, again like I said, five, 10 years, and come up with a plan that we can execute. So, we don't have to be too detailed right now. It's more let's get out real passions. Let's get close to that because out of these passions priorities can be born. And with these priorities, we can have strategies. And with strategies, we can get to goals. But without strategies, goals are nothing. So, let's figure out what matters most to us, and build a plan to do more of that every day So we can just be more happy, stoked, and fulfilled.

Ratings and Reviews

Anabella Borges

Perfect Timing They say things come at the right time and this workshop definitely did. Being a photographer is the greatest gift I could thank for, showing though my eye how I see existence is a blessing; but being successful from it is very tough! It has been a ride for me, and this workshop clarified so many things. The tools that are being shared are worth it all. Listening to these interviews made me feel not alone, hearing them speak about reinventing ourselves and trusting our creativity was inspirational. Specially the similarity of all about not giving up and staying authentic. Thank you Alex, you created a master piece of knowledge. Anabella.


What a wonderful resource! I really wanted to give Alex a HUGE thank you! This has been such a great resource as an aspiring Photographer. I feel way more confident and knowledgable about reaching out to clients. I still have some of my own homework to do but I feel like I am well equipped to tackle these challenges and to keep moving forward. Such a generous and honest resource. Can't thank you enough! And thanks to all who interviewed and shared their experiences.

Niklaus Morin

Timely Generosity Many thanks to Alex and friends who made this workshop happen! Very helpful, timely insights and reminders that building respectful relationships, trust, and community are values upon which to build personal, professional and cultural fulfillment and success. The conversational details within the interviews are fantastic. And the common threads throughout make me hopeful. Thanks again to all!

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