Day 1
1The Importance of Structure
40:17 2The Importance of Structure Part 2
35:23 3Focusing on Task
45:56 4Focusing on Task Part 2
25:15 5Going Beyond Simple To-Do List
40:46 6Going Beyond Simple To-Do List Part 2
38:51 7How to Use a Calendar Effectively
44:12How to Use Calendar Effectively Part 2
24:21Day 2
9Time Management Struggles
40:08 10Time Management Struggles Part 2
36:33 11Building a Trustworthy Workflow
41:26 12Building a Trustworthly Workflow Part 2
24:35 13Power of Contexts
45:29 14The Power of Contexts Part 2
24:33 15Dealing with Email
47:58 16Dealing with Email Part 2
48:13Day 3
17Introduction & Idea Execution
19:00 18The Idea Criteria with Q&A
38:08 19Idea Management
21:32 20The Strikethrough System
35:09 21Powerful Paper-Based Strategies
25:01 22Sticking with the System
40:34 23Workflow Q&A & Apps Discussion
28:44 24Course Recap & Q&A
20:41 25Contexts
20:59 26Email Best Practices
20:05 27Final Time Management Tips
23:48Lesson Info
Going Beyond Simple To-Do List
So we focused on task at the very beginning of the of the last session we also talked about the importance of structure building a foundation all that stuff so what we're going to talk about in the next section is it's time to go a little bit more beyond that we're gonna bring somebody you guys you know we're going to be running up from from over here and talk a little bit about your to do list and uh just wondered guys if we could maybe get thea there we go boom ask task and you shall receive okay, so we've talked about this and now we've checked that off so now we go into going beyond the to do list now we've all talked about the to do list earlier on and how it's kind of like the no pun intended the end the bare bones of of managing your time in tasks right? So basically what I want to go into is a little bit of the deeper stuff you know, not so much the today and that tomorrow stuff but mme or the the bigger the bigger stuff and we talked about the first of the five steps in the la...
st segment which is capture and what do we have to capture everything that's, right? Everything needs to be captured, so once we've started that habit and building that habit and that's again a habit that should be cultivated over at least thirty nine days or so we want to get to this step and this is connection okay um and this is a big one because we talked about it off the top that without meaning behind your task what making a personal when we talk about paper how it gives you that bit more of a connection without that connection the tasks are basically empty check boxes they're really empty check boxes because you're not really invested in them there's no connection there so let's talk about how to connect uh someone semi famous once said sometimes you need to disconnect from everything in order to better connect to the right thing and that's something that that I have said and I believe it to be true we talked about during the lunch break and you said you know how there's all these emails going on things were always coming at me and and and I have problems like basically there's so much coming at you that you don't really have a chance to catch your breath or to connect really right and that's one of the reasons I kind of like paper is that it's it's not connected I mean you're getting notification popping up on your on your pad of paper right? No tweets no d m no email it's just there so sometimes you need to disconnect from everything in order to better connect to the right thing and that's when the mitigations of certain things need toe need to be taken care of including the untether ring of times you need to kind of say look I need to not pay attention to the top of the clock I need to not look at the calendar is a thirty day scope but I need to take the just look at it as a grid as to what it is which is really what it is right a seven day by four four week grid and filling in those blocks without really looking at the time that's going to be going on within those blocks and when you disconnect from from time then you're gonna put yourself in a bit of a better place now let's talk about some of the more human strategy that approach is that going to help you do that okay this isn't a new tactic but this is one that that I used quite a bit how many of you guys have heard of time chungking before okay so what does tighe actually wantto find out jennifer what is time chunky mean to you as I understand it this is about like time matching like doing similar tax all the same times you're not switching from one thing to that sort of sort of yet um basically the way I look at his time chungking is what one of those things that makes time less big so we write your batch ing it but what I what I do when I'm time chungking is I don't necessarily focus on a specific time increments, so I don't say from nine a m to eleven am I'm going to work on this instead, I'd create that flexibility within my schedule and say for two hours today I'm going to work on this remember earlier on I talked about when I'm writing a book I need schedule some time, I need to make an agreement with myself to do that for at least two hours every day. I don't say I need to do that from ten to noon I don't say I'm going to do that from seven nine two nine pm I say I'm going to give myself that two hours, okay? That's a habit building thing now, in a lot of cases you're gonna want to schedule you know you're not gonna want to schedule it, but you are in some instances. So, um an example of time chungking where you do say, hey, I'm going to from nine a m to ten a m do this exercise would be a great one for that. Now why exercise? We talked about pain earlier on right now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't exercise nearly as often as I should, um, you know, I hide it well, but but if I didn't schedule a specific block of time making that agreement with myself that I wouldn't do it at all, it becomes that thing is I'll get to tomorrow or I'm too busy I don't have time for that, so what I do is I time chunk that element. So whether it's running yoga, whatever I say from nine a m to ten p m on these days this is what I'm going to do that from, you know, ten pm tio midnight I'm going or a ten p m to midnight I'm going to do this specific action so that's those are two elements of time chungking matching time can incorporate that element into it as well. I'm going to focus on all those tickets that you talked about earlier on, like those tickets say from ten thirty to eleven, I'm going to do all the resolve all those tickets or you could say I need a half hour today to do that so certain elements you're going to want to say I need to be specific certain elements were going to say I need to just focus on getting it done at any specific time, not at a specific time during today does this? Is this resonating? Does this make sense and what you're doing here is you're basically saying, hey, I can get these things done within a day a week clan's here and that's the thing to his time chungking could be done by day by our bye week by month you can scale it right? I'm going to take the next month and for an hour a day from now until the end of november let's say I'm going to spend an hour day writing a book yes which one to do it a specific time and which one to give yourself a chunk? Well remember talked about energy levels that's a good way using the structure that you've built has that awareness that gives you that awareness gives you a sense of hey what? Why what do we need to specifically schedule? What do I need to say? Hey, look from noon to two it's email time let's say, how am I feeling today? Oh, you know I'm feeling low energy always email something I want to do when I have low energy absolutely or no, not at all, so you're going to be able to mix and match those things generally when it's a creative task, I try not to schedule that as a specific time because again that state of flow I talked about if you do that then you're basically you can create that structure for sure, but I do that in the day I saved within this twenty four hour period, I need to work for two hours on my book so there's that framework right there's that space I've created that space so I can do that. But if I go to narrow, if I go to narrow that I'm gonna be clustering somebody forcing basically shoehorning this stuff in, which is why you're going to look at your calendar and we're gonna talk about this in the fourth session and go okay, how do I fit this? Oh, this day, it's too full I can't fit that in here or you know why? I know I'm not fitting exercise in five days a week, so this is something that is important to me important? Not urge, possibly urgent. Um, depending on where you're at that's where you can say, hey, you know what? I'm going to schedule a specific time for that, okay, anyone else have anything that they want to touch on it? And then I'll maybe take it to the chat room to see what people think about their own struggles with with kind of scaling the stuff out just very quickly. I was saying what he say it's like, I think sometimes I use that term be effortful, effortless, yes, you know, maintaining the venice helped you to bring that in, when you're doing it like continuous, like thirty, ninety, so you mentioned it becomes a habit yes on really just no unwritten happy you know at about of your mind and you know that oh this has got to be done and then your structure is formulating every day and then after that he becomes effortless something is that your second nature okay, this is this and you know you just like cricket vessel absolutely and the thing is if you if you get too rigid with it then it doesn't become effortless is quickly because what you're saying is I need to specifically get work on these during this time frame work on this again you're now talking quantity over quality so you're quantifying it which means that you're basically saying hey, I need to shoehorn this in this period of time I'm going to have to do it now and then it becomes a tougher slug it becomes that I really don't want to do that I'll do that tomorrow that kind of thing so you wanna have some flexibility in there because when you have that flexibility then you're going to be able to make it a little bit more effortless that much sooner and again what we want to do when we're talking time management is efficiency is great being efficient is fantastic being effective and I know todd henry's talked about this before being effective is what we want because being fast you know if you crash if you're going too fast as you can and you crash who cares but if your precise or as precise as possible going in a measured speed to talk with us in the front nine a measured approach at a measured speed you're gonna be able to get to where you want to go and not veer too far off course because you went too fast or too methodical you'll be able to find your way to where you need to go that much quicker do we have do we have any yeah kelly girl says really helpful stuff mike I need to go back and re evaluate my schedule to do time chungking now awesome so it working well people the chat room seemed to enjoy it and I think that you you kind of just address this but it's not so important david moore wanted a clarification so it's not so important that you say that you'll do it at a specific time just that you say you'll do it for a certain amount of time yes that's where the time plays into it not so much the rigidity of the hour or the half hour or the minute or the second or the weak right it becomes this I need to spend this amount of time on it because that's what how you foster we've all heard or at least many of us have heard of met malcolm gladwell right the ten thousand hours how do you get those ten thousand hours right you get there by deliberate practice cale newport's talked about this in his book so good they can't ignore you as well which is a fantastic read fact it's the only time task management book that my wife has read it goes over like I I enjoy this so take that for what it's worth but yeah exactly like you want to have that deliberate practice and when you put too many rules into there and you try it then you're not giving yourself that space that time your your your your clustering it up a bit now another trick because some people say well that's all well and good in time chuck that's fine but I've got so many things I want to do you know me jennifer you said early you've got like you want to do social stuff like give me an example of what you want to try to accomplish and given that I want to read like one book a week on presentations right or learn something new about the field take two coffee somebody an expert in the field prepare myself when I actually teach people reach out to prospective people go to the gym for at least an hour cook my food you know, take care of things you know cleaning up our chores broke hang out with friends talked to them for as much as two hours a day you know on the weekends and it's uh spent time journaling, meditating you get a lot of a lot you wantto compartmentalize into into what you want to do what about what you do what you like air you trying to throw a whole bunch of stuff in there and get three toastmasters you've got what else do you have going on again? We'll protect yeah and uh you know, friends family social life, right? Everyone smiles nervously when they say this it's very much like it's like how did I do it? Come on, tell me you've got a pill right? Like how does it do you jean would like you've got a lot of things to various it's not mean so it's fitting, right? Yeah, anything there heavy lifting days and light lifting days right that's a strategy that works really well for me, especially as a stay at home parent especially in that regard because what happens is that I can categorize my days so I go into that day with the mindset of what kind of day is this? Is this a day where I'm on author primarily oram I a father primarily I mean, obviously I don't shuffle one off for the other, which is why I say heavy and light lifting so some days and we'll go over really quickly mondays it's a work day it's a heavy lifting day for big projects now the reason I use monday for that is because I don't like to deal with emails on monday it's necessarily because I'm going to get hit with a delusion like a barrage of them but anything that's associate with a big project will handle and that's again to me that'll be in the low energy task but mondays are good work project days for me okay so that's heavy lifting productivity ist light lifting dad right? Okay and that's the mindset I wake up with on mondays now why is it late lifting for me to be in terms of parenting my son's in daycare he goes to part time daycare two days a week monday is one of my daughters in school so that means that I can focus which means I've eliminated which I could call them a distraction I've eliminated those distractions or even disruptions and it's all on me so when I go in with that mindset I know what every monday looks like right tuesday daddy duty and I mean you could spell duty either way dependent but he's he's trained now so it's actually okay um but to me that's a day where writing light lifting that's where I'll deal with emails or deal with like little piddly things when he's maybe doing something different or he doesn't want to be around because believe a cz tough is this might be to believe even when you're home with your kids all day there's days where they want nothing to do with you they just don't want you to leave them alone so I can fit in those light lifting task but I don't take anything that's high band with on because if I did then the the propensity of being disrupted or distracted or even just being able to give it my all because in the back of my head is like it's really quiet why's it really quiet what's he doing what's colton got into you know what I mean? Like it's it's that that propensity that I've got your head so tuesdays he's at home I'm focused on being a dad and then I've got the light lifting aspect of work stuff same thing with wednesday's so I have two days in a row where it's light lifting work stuff checking emails maybe responding to a few social media updates maybe writing I one of the things I did was I wrote an e mail out to all my friends see see them saying hey would you like to write for productivity is if you do hear and that was like a fairly light lifting component but the payoff so huge right thursday's work administrative now why don't I make that about my administrative day? Because I take tuesdays and wednesdays off so there's going to be some administration to kind of deal with so that's the heavy lifting component of that if I get through the administration that I'm back into maybe big work projects or whatever but that's what thursday's artemis now why thursdays because my wife doesn't work thursdays so she's home with my son now on thursdays I sometimes work from home but sometimes I don't because my wife and my son will be home and it's now necessarily fair to them or to him for me to be there because he seize tuesdays and wednesdays as daddy's home I'm home with daddy daddy come play daddy do this daddy do that it took some time to train him to realise door shut daddy's working setting boundary setting limits even for a three year old they can learn over time right friday's big projects again so back into work heavy lifting work late lifting parenting saturdays back to daddy duty and everybody's home on cyrus so that's that's when I know almost all on that day do gardening hang out with kids do fun stuff inside is a great day for that because you know what I don't answer emails on saturday so if you guys ever try to send an email so already do not expect a response because I won't respond on saturday that's a limit that's that's an expectation that I've set out there and uh some people don't understand that and that's fine I can I've found ways to explain why that's important sunday's backto work administrative so I actually worked six actually technically work six days a week because saturday is kind of my real day off, but sundays is that buffer day see how I've made it administrative again there's some days where I don't have any administrative work to do on sunday so done now I make sundaes and administrative day or a work day over saturday's right now because when it's sunday in north america it's monday somewhere else so I'm able to not necessarily be behind other parts of the world, right? Right? And if I take sunday off down the line oh well so be it that's my flexibility that's what I built into this heavy lifting and light lifting structure again it's part of the mindset that can approach every day with is you know sunday to me is monday somewhere else that's because time at this point is not really a big driving factor okay, you guys kind understand this so what I want to do is I want to ask so let's let's start let's start with you, jennifer so you have a lot of things you want to work on it a lot of different ideas let's say you did this approach the heavy lifting light lifting days do you see that how that could work for you in certain elements where you say hey this damn working on this this day this is a focus the state because you may have five heavy lifting things in five areas of your life that are light lifting I happen to have two so it's very helpful so is that a tactic that you thought of doing this before but it's it helps because it does give you structure without getting so bored with because if you say to yourself I'm gonna read twenty pages every day you're like I don't want to read twenty like I feel like going outside, you know? So that was that was really kind of ah ah ha moment for me and I could see like for example mondays being on review this course material what did I do today? Tuesday is I sent out emails and then there's a you know, I give time to follow up, but nurse days for females and then wednesdays it's like, you know, read a book or something and work on other things too see scaling the fridays and then you feel so guilty about taking time off on the weekends to hang out with friends, right? And then I can give myself a buffer day toe like recover from the weekend remind going out and I won't see you recovering from but you're right, the thing is is when you're and some people say all you get really specific and detailed with your tasks, yes, but when it comes to this you can be very vague be very large about it because then that gives you that flexibility right? You're like, hey you know what? I don't want to read twenty pages today or maybe something has happened that you need to deal with so the twenty pages come secondary right? So it gives you that flexibility to be able to play with this stuff and the other thing you mentioned how if you're like kind of recovering or sick or whatever you know that's where those energy levels coming to play right? So I know on tuesday or wednesday that if I'm not feeling hundred percent work is not going to be something I necessarily need to concern myself with low energy tasks actually allow you when you start classifying them and we're gonna talk about context tomorrow they actually be a huge help because if you're working for yourself or you're working for somebody else who is, you know pretty high expectations if you's a context like a low energy for certain tasks even when you're sick if you go, you know what? I can't do any high level stuff today only low energy and you make a little bit of progress on those you goto work the next day and don't go home and I didn't do anything you can that's where quantification comes into play that's where you say, oh look at the eight look at the laundry I did look at that, you know, that's where that comes into play, but that's all about being honest and aware of what really is a low energy task versus what really isn't a low energy task and same with high energy too. So and I want to find it from the chat room what their thoughts are on like, do they have a strategy where they're using heavy lifting in light lifting doesn't know if we have anything there yet we dio jen w says she uses reverse time chungking so she basically blocks off time in her calendar when she will not schedule meetings, she says that way, everyone on her team knows that on tuesday afternoons, thursday afternoons and all day friday, she won't schedule meetings in that way. Her boundary is clear, and the other days she tackles that awesome awesome, and I'm going to talk about a counter management tool that will help you do that for stuff like that to the top of that second, second, anything, anything else or now let's give people a minority share some of their heavy lifting days and remember, heavy lifting for for me is going to be I mean, I'm not that big a guy but mindset speaking heavy lifting for one person like one thing that could be heavy lifting for one is not going to be for another some people absolutely dread email so that's a heavy lifting task or if you're dealing with somebody as we mentioned fifteen emails in an hour, I'm afraid that's a heavy lifting task because those people have really high expectations so that's again mohr of a mind a mind oriented thing s o maybe specific people you're dealing with are heavier lifting uh then later letting in terms of mindset stuff do you do you have does this kind of resonate with you quite a bit, especially what you've got going on go to work every day like a traditional job great like ninety five, ninety six so you were expected to perform every single day since you have your five having lifting days for work to plan around your evening times then for that's what I had to do? Yeah, basically especially if you want to try to move away from that that realm if you decide that you want to do that that's why they often say, don't quit your day job just slowly build your side I love my time so there you go. But the heavy lifting day again when it's a heavy lifting day for you at your day job you're going you're going to use you gonna have some low energy and high energy tasks that you're gonna be doing with in those days, so you're not going to be mean there you're not going to necessarily overwhelmed if you do a healthy combination of those right heavy lifting basically means heavy focus right? Uh the level of focus within that day or within that time period is going very depending on what you're doing right? So if you decide that you've got this really heavy lifting day for your day job and then you're looking at the lower your other stuff at home like oh, I really want to work on my speaking there's heavy lifting their as well then you're gonna have to decide how much heavy how much energy you have left to work on that and that's why again sunday still happen for me because there are days where I'm working and working and working on the writing stuff and it just doesn't get it done and when I'm working on a book I have to have that day you know, so it allows and you could be flexible think the key is if you do it by day in this instance then you're going to be able to at least walk into sunday going it's a heavy lifting day for work light lifting day for family done and you can move forward as opposed to like what I want to do today it gives you that trigger right that you really need what do you jamie does this kind of I have to be a very different from you guys um as I mentioned before the accident and that is my major concern right now is my hagia we're lifting every day on my life. I mean, for now because I wasjust recently being told I'm going to be permanent disable because of it, right? So every day I can erica, I tried to put a smile on my face, right? To tell me, you know, I know that least of things to do. On top of that, I have oh, my list. Oh, color rise with my doctor's appointments, right, she's very heavy lifting. So basically, the heavy lifting is yeah, su true that day, every firm knowing that this is surgeon I cannot put it off is not matter of time or pass. It's, whether off, like it's in a greek it's agreements and need yeah, something that I need. So I'm trying to, you know, like coming, you're well shot means to be able to prioritize, yes, to be able to understand how the dynamics off, you know, putting things in a pattern, you know, a pattern, then it would be more achievable, right? And so you may have to take this and say, you know what? Monday, whatever days that are the days that you have to go to these appointments, they that's that's that's going to take up a lot of your energy and your and your that's what you need to manage and then there's other days where you're going to have no appointments but you're still going to need that right? So if you have some form of framework and some people could do it for seven days, some people need have, like two different types of activity, like idea some people have five some people have three types of days that it doesn't matter, but this this gives you some kind of a touchstone and again the nice thing about systems that their subjective right, so you could say, hey, I like your idea of of being able to kind of heavy lifting light lift this kind of stuff I have a lot of heavy lifting, so let's see how I can maybe compartmentalize that too the time chungking or into a larger sense of the calendar, right? I'm a bit more different than that for me. I want to say like my heavy lifting there may be no have anything this would be getting myself into the appointments of the doctor america cy but my life where days would be very different I do rick projects actually, right? So I go found like to organize events I facilitating side so mean to me, that is my outreach and my connection fifty right and that light lifting see some people would call that heavy lifting because that's your other thing right like that's your face so but for you it's light lifting because the heavy lifting thing so right now I want to take my mind away I want to be able to do something that I enjoy so you have daddy day jamie day in a way over there so that's good that's good and so they're they're gonna be elements do we have anybody there? She says I'm at the mercy of my clients a lot of time so right now since it's the busy season for me every day is a heavy lifting day, okay? And we're hearing that same kind of similar thing in the chat rooms they counted how do we handle that when clients demand at certain times or certain seasons that every day is so again when I want to talk about heavy lifting days and light lifting days uh you're going further compartmentalize those when you're talking about your tasks and projects. So like we're saying you've got five days a week is a heavy lifting day for you like, every way every day, right? So you have to look at when you start to look a task managers and context you're gonna be able to say okay, is this something that's going to take a lot of my time or a lot of my band with or a lot of my energy and is this not and that's kind of how you khun go with the ebb and flow of deciding when? Because when you're when you're lifting to the gym, right it's like heavy, okay, heavy, let go that's kind of how heavy lifting you're not gonna hold it the whole time it doesn't work, we'll have down times and then absolutely go somewhere and you're focusing on absolutely but the other problem again with a lot of this stuff, and when I hear the the idea of everyday's a heavy lifting day that to me says that you've again overcommitted like they're certain things where you like, if you're at a point where all of these days are becoming heavy lifting, you're going to burn out, you're going so you have to begin start setting limits, start putting yourself in a position where you can make those choices that allow you two to have a bit of that where you can put the way down, right and it's, not something that's going to come right away, either you have to set those limits, it's not something you go, I'm done that's it it's like the body clock thing, you know you can't go okay, I'm no longer answering email after five p m what like that for some people. There's, this guy that that's not acceptable. But if you set things up in a way that allows you to do that or if you decide to lower your client base, which is something that maybe you can maybe can to we're in tough economic times. So it's not exactly the ideal, but again, if you do better work that maybe that's what you look at so it is a tricky balance, and not every aspect of this is gonna work for everyone. But this is just one of the other approaches it's, very human that you can then use to apply technology to, for example, you know, google calendar will tell me what kind of date is that kind of stuff. So, again, these human he's approached their human, but yet automated as you as you work on them over time. So, really connection is built through habit and ritual, and really, all of that equates to life. All of it does connection to your work, connection to the people around you, all that stuff it's all built on mean there's habits and rituals involved you have ah, friend, that you want to connect with consistently or more often because you build something there and you want to foster it, right, you've got great toe day job that you love and you don't want to leave that behind, and you've also got family stuff that you want to you want to connect to those you need have habits and structures in place to help you do that. So what, you might want to connect to one instance, you may not want to connect to it another time, right? Like so for example, jaime, you were saying, you know, that you have to connect to those needs of what those appointments are, but not you're not going to have to do that one hundred percent of the time, right? He hopes? Well, I mean, and I'm sure that will happen, especially it's. As time goes on, it began there's a habit there that's being formed, whether its desired or not it's happening. So all of this stuff relates back not just to work, but tow life stuff. Yeah, you have half a happy doesn't that make you more rigid? Doesn't make you mean become so like only like this a boxing itself thinking out of it? It depends on again habits are also very subjective in that regard, like, for example, well, here's, the thing I'm asking you guys to capture all the stuff that we talked about capturing the first segment right that's a habit writing things down does have it now if you wrote the reason that a lot of people abandoned getting things done is because they're like why my capturing this is like that whole as as steven prescott called like the resistance or seth cohen calls that the lizard brain it's like this is dumb I don't need to write this down this is but really it's just trying to steer you off course of a habit that can actually be very useful it's when you make it too rigid yes if you make it too rigid and you don't give yourself room to breathe or to be flexible then what happens is you end up is yeah then ends up becoming something that feels more like you're in a trap then something that's freeing write email is a great example of a box that you get kind of stuck in it's a habit checking e mail first thing in the morning that's a habit I was going to say that's a bad habit but we'll talk more about that uh tomorrow is why but there is different elements of that um you know, not not getting enough exercise your bad habit now I'm not striving to not get more exercise it's not like I'm saying going I refused to work out it's just I'm not setting myself up in a way that allows me to serve and connect to that kind of stuff right, same thing with with social endeavors. I want to go hang out with my friends, but I don't have time. Well, no, you're just not allocating a connection to it properly. You're not saying it doesn't it's not connecting with you at that point in time, you need to find a way to make that connection happen, right? And that's, where we've got some tools here that'll help you with that. Okay, so there are some connection tools it's, the progress planner. So what it is is it's got those five steps I talk about where you'll capture stuff, then you can, then you'll be able tio tio, connect with it, which means how you feel today to feel high energy, low energy, my sick, my not so that kind of thing will help you and it's it's basically the five, five fs our five c's rather capture, connect, curate complete and calibrate, and we're going to go through the rest in here in a minute. Your calendar of choice is a great place for you to connect because and it's not because you should be using it to manage your tasks. It should be a place where you can look at and go, what do I have coming up that's an agreement I made with someone you know? My appointments, like he said, that you have to go to, um, you know, meetings this workshop like these air agreements, right? So when you look at your counter, you can really inform you about what you're really supposed be connecting with at that period of time, journaling, which we talked a little bit about earlier, but this is another way you can connect, right? Because what you're saying it, when you start to write this stuff out and foster, you're going to really get a sense of what really matters, right of what you're really working on, and if you're really honest with yourself, what you're not working on. So just a quick question for you guys oh, here's what's one one so, you know, we talked about time management struggles, but what's, one area of your life, what's one area that you're like, I suck at this right now, and I really wish I spent more time on it, so we'll start. We'll start with you. Jennifer ha ha ha. You know, meditation is one of them. I was really good about it earlier this summer, and then his things start piling up. I was doing like an hour of meditation a day, georgia stunk. I think the new commitments came in, and then I wasn't budgeting time room I'm not trying to give you hard time here, although I am uh but actually journaling is a form of meditation when you think about it, right? Like, there is some element there so that's something that, you know, that's, an element that's important to you and it's something that you can kind of connect with through something like journalists, you know, I really need to meditate if you still writing that stuff out saying, you know, I felt great after meditating today you're going to connect with it more, but you have. So what about you coming? Trying to learn something like learned more about business until I have, like, this list of books to read or I have josh kaufman scores and creative the person? Yeah, just great how how we're not finding time s o how great would it feel? I mean, crossing it off on your to do list is one right, like done, but it doesn't really give I mean that that cross off says it's done but journaling about it are getting it like, imagine writing down just finished, you know, getting through josh's pro, quite even getting things done book or finally read the other half getting things done like that gives you that sense of connects like, you know, what I took time to put it into another for another way, like another way I could connect and man, does that mean a lot to me? That to me is really something that you should try to strive for when it when it comes to appointments and stuff journaling would allow you to like, say, hey, you know, I feel really much I went to this appointment today, and, uh, this is how I feel about it, you know? Or this is what happened or that kind of thing, and then or go the other way and say it was a jamie day today and, man, look what I did like that kind of stuff allows you to connect better I'm trying to get that out in the door because I have a love life, say appointments and needs to do right, but right now, I mean, last month I did something which is really totally out of the norm, okay? I saw her group before saying that open spirit to exchange, right he's a little taller, I host, even though no one came by, but because I didn't do my shelf of public city, right? So what I'm trying to say is I'm trying to connect with the rest of the world being in this pain and this kindof connick, you know, kind's off like isolates me, I always feel like I'm actually need to be hibernating at home, right? So to me, the second thing we think to sammy's today coming oh, this is great for us to be able to find my, uh, my strong again and to be able to build myself up, you know, I used to be we're able, right? And suddenly this activity told me apart, and I want to remember remind myself where they're wass and how to, you know, utilize my time more effectively, be efficient, you know, rather than effective, you know that to be inefficient on that, we'll be ineffective, and the fact that fishing, because fast is fast is great, but in fact, if it still thinking, what about what about we have people in there that are kind of saying, yeah, journaling doesn't leave that kind of stuff? Well, um, it's a lot of a lot of comments on what they struggle with and you know, they're what the things are that they're not hitting. So, like camilla mendoza says, I'm so overwhelmed with work, I have to put aside everything else that I know will benefit me such a cz yoga exercise, reading things of that nature, so, you know, it is a lot of conversations like that, like the challenges that people are coming up yeah, people sound really overwhelmed cookie lady says I really struggle with personal time I felt guilty the other day because I want to dinner with a friend instead of addressing clients needs yeah it's so hard because you want oh everyone that's out there wants to do wants to do well and not just and most people want to externalize that they don't want teo internalizing is a lot harder because when you face the internal stuff that's when you kind of go oh, I don't feel really good about what I what I'm doing or not doing so let me try to please somebody else because then that'll mean you make me feel a little bit better about what I am doing for them or whatnot, which is a dangerous path to go down because once you start doing that, then you in a becoming serving as opposed to, like completely serving on dh I mean, even in restaurants, servers have certain sections of tables that they're supposed to monitor they're not supposed to monitor the entire restaurant because they would do a really crappy job if they try to do the whole restaurant you've been in a restaurant probably where, you know they're understaffed or like and you feel bad for that person right? And they're doing everything they can that's kind of what happens if we end up taking on too many things to the point and we're and we're not managing them in a way that that is khun groom with what we ultimately want toby wanted getting done what we want to be moving forward with so it's tough and the problem always seems to come back to that setting limits is that I am not willing to do this any longer or I am on ly willing to do this going forward and though just those two ways of thinking about it are important because one is very negative right? So if I will not answer email after eight pm sounds very negative right? But you know saying I will I will answer emails with a really measured approach from nine a m to five p m three times that's that there's something there that you can hold on to a little bit more plus you're saying I'm adding some quality to the mix right and and you know what? I'm going to also try teo shape things on my my other side of the equation with the people I'm dealing with the recipients because we're doing email wrong um but that kind of thing can help so it's the limits thing and it's really hard because in order to get overwhelmed you're gonna have to set limits and we as I said earlier on david allen's quote, we can you can do anything but you can't do everything and when you on ly are serving one side of your life, the professional side and the personal life suffers, then you start to wonder why you're doing the professional stuff in the first place because there has to be that connection because you're not your work. I mean, I grew up in an environment where, um, my father, he he was in a situation where he was, you know, they grew up in an era where you are what you did, you know, you are, you know, that that was that era. Now I think I mean, I'd like to be in an era where it's like you are, what you what you offer, right? Not just to others, but to yourself, to your family, um, journaling just to shift gears, and I know that that you're not going to get a complete like this is the magic pill tohave us off overwhelming it's going to be subjective, but these air some tools that you can hopefully used to just dig in and get past that even just a little bit. So day one I journal this morning, you could see that I, uh I entered something, I've got just a very short entry, but something that is going to resonate with me for the rest of the day. And is using on the mac in ios ever know, confused for journaling as well? It's. Just something to get those thoughts out. Just something to get me to better connect with. Excuse me with the day I have that's coming.
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Ratings and Reviews
Mike's class was chock full of useful information on streamlining a to do list, digitally and by hand. His process seems pretty robust, and extremely well thought out, to provide maximum efficiency and success with the least amount of effort. Granted there is a learning curve, and one must practice to become proficient and use it effectively, but if you are willing to put in the effort there is a major positive impact on productivity. He goes through his favorite apps (he apparently consults with app developers) and why, which was exactly what I needed at the time. Some of his 2nd choice apps may now surpass the others, but he explains clears how to pick the best app for you. I'm a small business owner and I found the class to be quite helpful. Thanks Mike.
Pavel Voronenko
Very interesting class! I would recommend recording it as it based on apps' solutions and since 2013/2014 there are a lot of changes. Al least maybe some wrap-up session. Well done, Mike Vardy and Creative Live team! Jan. 04, 2021
Really loved this class. Real life examples from the audience made it easy to understand and see how the advice can apply to my way of managing tasks. I have now a clear view of the system I'm going to implement (I already started) and that I can trust. Thanks a lot Mike!
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