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Creative Cloud & Photoshop

Dave Cross

Creative Cloud & Photoshop

Dave Cross

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Class Description

Take a tour through some the new Creative Cloud features. Discover what’s new, what’s changed and how these Creative Cloud enhancements can help to streamline your design process.

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CC 2014, Adobe Creative Cloud CC 2014

Ratings and Reviews

Sea Jay

As always, Dave did a great job, especially regarding the services of CC, which we tend to forget about and just focus on the features. I don't see a date, though, for which version of CC this is about. Is it the first one? Must be, because he doesn't talk about features added in 2015 and does talk about features that were already there. This would be helpful to know; for Creative Live to tell us the date it was made or updated if it was updated, so we don't have to sleuth these details out on our own. Dave said once, "three years ago..." three years ago from when?

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