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Using Creative Cloud & What's New in Photoshop CC

Lesson 1 from: Creative Cloud & Photoshop

Dave Cross

Using Creative Cloud & What's New in Photoshop CC

Lesson 1 from: Creative Cloud & Photoshop

Dave Cross

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1. Using Creative Cloud & What's New in Photoshop CC

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Using Creative Cloud & What's New in Photoshop CC

a little piece of trivia that some people know if they dig deep enough into my background is that although I've kind of become known as a photo shop instructor, the very first program I ever talk was actually something called Page Maker. Some people may remember from years gone by, followed very quickly by Adobe Illustrator, and when it will start, first came out. I remember spending three days at a trade show showing how you could trace around Apple with this really smooth line, and people were amazed because before that, everything was Mac paint kind of pixel based drawing. So illustrator was the very first program I taught back in 1987. So that's where the 25 years plus comes from, and it still remains. It's It's a program that now I find myself gravitating back to because of Creative Cloud and one of the advantage, of course, of the whole concept of adobe creative Cloud is you, for you have a couple of choices. One of them is, say only won a single application. Like all uses Photos...

hopped, you can sign up for a membership, which is Photoshopped Onley. But many people I think are gravitating towards the full blown membership, which gives you every adobe application. And we were joking this morning before we went live that we're gonna have a quiz later to know what all those symbols mean when you look at all the icons because someone here said, Well, you should know them all I said, Yeah, except actually counted last night. There's not 36. If you include all the services that come with Creative Cloud. There's now 36 icons to know what they stand for. So I used to be pretty good at it. But now there's a few I'm like, Yeah, I don't know that because Creative Cloud is is really every Adobe application, including ones that are really aimed at people who do, for example, Web design. So there's a couple products. My son is a Web designer. He went to Adobe Max were the announced creative cloud in this new version, and he was like, Wow, they got edge re flow And I was like, Yea, what's that? Like any start explaining like nasty because for me it did. I didn't know what it meant, because it's but the same time. It's really need toe have access to these tools. And so we're not going to get in this class about the pros and cons because everyone has their own opinion. Personally, I think Creative Cloud is a great concept because for someone who uses more than one piece of software, it's almost like a no brainer because you're getting access toe all of these applications. And I think the way I try to look at it is I met some photographers that are like, Yeah, but I only really use photo shop in light room And my response is, Well, that's in the past in part probably because that's all you needed to use and therefore that's all you purchased. But if you have access to all of these other applications that maybe it opens up some opportunities, you to say, what else could I do? Maybe I could do something with premier or after effects or whatever it might be. And even something as simple as here's an example record a little video the other day, and I have a whole set up with a little microphone. For some reason, the mike just didn't do its job, so the sound was poor and I thought my choices were either record that whole video again and because I'm lazy, I didn't want to do that. So I thought, I'm sure there is some application in here and I went looking Creative Cloud and there was the one that says it did sound and I never used it before, but I went okay and I click the download button and open it up and imported the audio and started moving things, and all sound sounded better. And after that whole experience, I thought what I would have done before Creative Cloud I probably have been searching on Google for free audios fixing software or something to try and because I was about to pay for some program for this for that 32nd fix. And since then, I've now uninstalled that application because I don't need it for now. But I know it's always one click away, and to me, that's one of the kind of the cool parts about the way that it works. So we'll talk a little bit about in the first half of this, about the whole creative cloud concept and some of things that aren't perhaps as obvious and all some of the ways to take advantage of it and then talk about some of the photo shop specific advantages. And then in the later classes, they will talk about illustrator and in design and and, more importantly, how they work together. Because to me, the whole point of this is you're not going to just use one program we're going to see. I want to take the advantages of each of them. I want to create something in illustrator and put into photo shop and then put that in and designed to create some finished products, that kind of thing. So let's talk a little bit before I always forget to say this and my friends don't forget to tell them this because I always forget I'm so excited to show you that the cool stuff that I forget toe talk about some people want to know this kind of thing. My Facebook account is PS guy Dave Cross Twitter at Dave Cross, and since Google Plus makes it so incredibly difficult to share, your Google plus name causes some big, long number. That's the only way I can think to do. It s so I'm relatively active although I tend to go on when I think I have something that's of interest, not just Here's a photo of my lunch. I don't tend to do that kind of thing too much, not into the whole Instagram thing. If for those people that are interested, I also have two fairly new websites, one focuses just on Photoshopped CS six and one is all about the new stuff in photo shop CC. So those air both available. I did this because there are some people that have just decided this point. They're not 100% sold on Creative Cloud, and that's fine so they can stick with Photoshopped CS six. But then there are many others that are embracing the whole idea and going forward and also something brand new that we're just starting. Good friend of mine and I are doing. We're actually doing a little mini tour called Make Photo Shop and Creative Cloud Pay, which means make money from it. Andi, we're doing It's a hands on tour. We're going to a bunch of cities where it's small group hands on training, starting in the East Coast. So if you're interested in go to make photo shop a dot com to find out about that starting in October. And if we survive the driving around together for two weeks, we'll do it in some other areas of of the country. But for now, that's the way it works, All right, so one of things that interesting to me about what they've done with Creative Cloud as they are really starting to incorporate it right into your work, you don't happen that when it first came out, I had creative cloud before Adobe made the announcement. This is the only way we're doing things from now on. And it was like you had to go to a bookmark in your Web browser to say Where is my cloud thing and sign in and while it was okay, was still you had to make the effort to go and find it more recently. Now this has been the big change. Built right in to my operating system is creative cloud. So no matter what software, no matter what I'm doing, I can have access to everything, and it will let me have access to my files and to do work and all the things that I want to do without any effort to go and find where everything is. So, for example, one of the benefits of Creative Cloud to me, which is a very exciting one, is in the past, when Adobe said, We've got some new features were working on you Basically wait. Used to be two years. Then it became 18 months to say the next version of photo shop. We will wait till then to give you these new features, and that also to the large part, meant if there were problems known as bugs, they had even the bug fixes. They'd have toe weight because that's just the way the system works now. For example, here I'm getting a little indicator that saying There are three updates. So when I log in is telling me that three of my programs that I have installed have something that's different. So when I can click on it and say it's telling me, Okay, this includes bug fixes and camera raw update, and if I wish to I hit the update button is done Now. One of the worries people had with Creative Cloud was, what if I don't want to accept an update for some reason I'm worried it's gonna cause me trouble or whatever. Well, then you just go ignore. So the whole point of these, it's telling you this is what is in this update is, and for the most part, right now it's bug fixes, which is still cool because it means things that they've discovered from users going. Hey, when I do this, it doesn't work. Instead of having to wait months and months to fix it now, every couple of weeks there might be one of these that pops up, and it says, You know, here's an update. Same thing with camera. Raw camera is always being updated for new cameras in the past. They wait and do it every couple of months. Now, every week, if there's a new camera brought out by Nikon or Canon or Sony or whoever, they can update camera raw to recognize those cameras. And I'm not gonna obviously bother updating in this case because I'd have to quit out of the software itself. But just the fact that it's right here, I can just look at it. It tells me these are the updates that are available to your software. I can also look and see here all the applications so you can see there is a few of them. So in that same scenario described before, if I needed to fix my audio instead of having to go to my website and log into my account, I can just scroll down through this list and see where are the various options? And I could just update it to say This is the one that I want to work with, so that's kind of a nice option. Just to be able to update your software directly is kind of a nice way toe to do it. If I want to just go and say, You know what? Let me just cut to the chase and go to my creative cloud account. I can do that and then it will switch to my browser and say, Here's where I can see everything that's available and we'll go through some of the options that air in here. And this is the same place where this is where if you also want to see, so here's the difference. That little pop up display is just saying download and install. But if you're not sure what it is that you're going to download install. Here's where you can get some more information. So if you want to say OK, so audition is the one that does restoration of audios, and I know that's the one I want to download. So if you're like me unsure what some of these new icons are for, some of them are like edge code. Something about assumes. I see CSS and JavaScript and like, moving on because that's not for me. But at least I know that now. So I'm not gonna download all these applications for things that I don't need. There's also some touch applications that go on your tablet device, which is another option, but so this is just very quickly allowing me to go. I was in photo shop, and I want to go and look and get mawr information. So just by using that little pull down menu, I can quickly go into my actual creative cloud membership live and see what's there, one of things that's built into a creative cloud. Membership is storage so you can take files and store them on the cloud. It's not, it's it's a good amount of storage But it's not like I wouldn't take my whole lite room catalog and store it up there. It's more things like, Ah, back up for files. So with this desktop application now, I have a couple of choices. This is fairly new, by the way, this the next complex I want to show you is a fairly new update that, frankly, not everyone has yet because they're kind of rolling things out slowly. So they contacted some people and said, Can you go and try out this file on fonts part to make sure it's all working before we release it to the world? So if you're creative Cloud member out there in a gold mine doesn't do that, Hang on. It will very shortly so I can look at this in two ways. I can look at my local folder on my hard drive to say these air the files that I have updated. So if I want to manage them using my operating system, I can or and that should be and or I can say, Well, let's go back to create a cloud. But this time, look at the files that I have in this will show me all the files that I have there. So these are ones that I've previously uploaded and go so you can see there's a variety. There's some J pegs. There's PSD s. But here's where it kind of gets interesting to me, one of things that always worries me. I'm a bit of a worry wart when it comes to I don't want to do my work over again. So if I either did some project that took a lot of work and I didn't want to, I want to have a backup of that. But also computers fail, so I don't want to be traveling to created, live and suddenly realize I've lost all of my presets and actions and all things I do in photo shop. So I have them here on Creative Cloud. So I have adjustments and actions and swatches and things like that that I know. If for some reason my computer failed, I could get a different borrow, different laptop log into creative cloud, get my APS, get my presets and be ready to work and some of my files to. So that's kind of a nice added bonuses. All this is their kind of as a built in ability, but where it gets kind of interesting. This is a pretty intelligent This looks at first, like while you're seeing a bunch of thumbnails. It says, Here is the files that you have there. But if we start looking a little more closely like here is a Pdf file and it shows me some information, but it even lets me look inside it, so I want to make sure it's the right one. I can actually look at the pages inside that pdf file and make sure this is actually the one that I want to work with. So that's kind of a nice option is toe look inside of it down here somewhere. Here's an illustrator logo that I created when I click on it, it tells me very quickly these air, the colors you used inside that file. So one of things that designers and others like to do is use the same color scheme throughout all the different things they're working on. Some central, and remember what colors were those? It shows me first of all, and you see where those little buttons says Download A S E. That's stands for Adobe Swatch exchange. And that's a standard format that if you download that dot A S e file, you can load it into Photoshop and Illustrator and in design everything else. So you have to worry about going. What color was that in the past? The way we do it is have a pad of paper and go, OK, Scion 47 write them all down. So then in the other software, you could recreate the same colors. Now this has just built in, so that's kind of a nice ability to just know that it's built right in there. Same thing applies for all of the things. Here's a little file that just as a demonstration, this one was actually created on an IPad using Photoshopped touch. So I wanted to just kind of sketch out an idea. So I did it very roughly on my IPad because it's not Photoshopped full blown version, but I could Still this is a composite of a couple of images, and I can look inside of it and it tells me there are some layers in here which I very cleverly named layer and layer and layer six, which is not the best demonstration of naming conventions, but a to this point now, I could download that to this my laptop and work on it in full blown photo shop, starting with the layers that are already there. So that ability to kind of go between the different the touch application and photo shop. That's also pretty interesting. So as photographers, one of things that you may want to do is take advantage of the fact. For example, I use em picks as my lab, and they have some beautiful frames that you can look at on their website this big. And it says this is the frame called black Round and then they have another one called Whatever it is. Well, I won't be able to show my client. This is what your photo would look like in this frame. So instead of just kind of making them imagine it or say we'll go to the M pick side, you can see the frames. They want to see their frame in the context, the frame with their photograph in context. So I did. Here was I went to the M picks website and I copied and pasted the frames that I thought were of interest. And in Photoshopped, each one of them is just a different layer. And I learned the hard way. This is where it's very important to name your layers for this to make sense. So I named the layers whatever the name of the frame is called on the M picks website. So this is just a standard photo shop document with layers. Nothing unusual about it. Except I duplicated the photo and put the frame on just so it was easier to do it that way. It had the name of the frame. Okay, so then over in my creative cloud membership, I want to upload that file. So let's go and find it. This is actually the hardest part is going and finding the fun. You can do it in other ways as well. But I want to show you the this way. So here's that PSD file. I'm going to upload that file, and basically, what we're gonna do here is try and create a simple way where I can now make that available to other people. Okay, so it's gonna take a minute to upload that so part of my purpose and doing this is that I want to be ableto have a fairly easy way to say to my client. Go to this link and you'll be able to look at your photo and view them in four different ways. And I would explain how they would do that. And then you tell me which one you like. So then when I placed the order, they've already envisioned. This is what this photograph would look like with this frame. Okay, so I probably should have already had one on here to show you is gonna take a while to upload. So we'll continue talking about other things and then come back to this. So I showed you a second ago that file that I had brought in from Photoshopped Touch and it had layers there. Any time you have a document that has layers, So, for example, a photoshopped file a tiff file with layers, anything like that. It will recognize those layers and see them on the side. And you will also be able to show and hide them. And that's kind of the point of this will exercises. When I share this file with my client, they will be able to log in, even if they don't have creative cloud. And that's kind of what's interesting to me is this is a way instead of saying, Well, let's set up a share Dropbox and I'll figure a way toe give you access. This is just a built in function. As you say, I want to share this file so they can view it. It sends them a link that gets them right in as sort of a guest account, in effect, to my creative cloud account and then giving them some instructions to say this is what it would look like. So here is an example. I'll show you this one a second. But here's an example of another layered Photoshopped file and you can see on the side. Here is giving me all sorts of information in terms of what size it is and everything else. Also again, the color is using. Even though I didn't generate swatches, it did that automatically. But here's part of the interesting aspect. Here's the layers panel equivalent. So you see the little eyeballs, just like in photo shop, you have eyeball icons, so I'd have to do is say in that email to my client. Just look for the name of the frame and you'll see little eyeballs, and as you turn them off, it will change the appearance. So now it's like I'm letting them in a sense, go into Photoshopped, even though they don't have Photoshopped, because if effectively, it's the same thing they you say, Do I not want to have the type on there? So imagine all the implications for working with other people and saying, Here's my ideas are you play around with this show and hide these layers and tell me which version you like the best. So instead of having to, I don't know, send them like four separate J Peg files and name them accordingly. I think this is a pretty interesting way for someone who doesn't even have to have a knowledge of photo shop to be able to do this. And they could go back and say, Well, actually, kind of like it this way, possibly so now that our file has finished uploading, here we go. So all I would do here is the same thing and I would just say send them a link and then when I do it would say, I'm going to make this public and I'm gonna eat, put in their email address and send that link Then they would get when they click. That link would bring them right back to the page, which would look just like you saw a moment ago with these layers on the side where you can say this, you know, look through them and they would see this frame this frame, miss frame and make the decision based on that feedback. And are there other ways to do it? Probably. But I don't think there's any that are quite so easy for someone that to on the photo shop side to create it. And the hardest part, frankly, is remembering to name the layers something other than Layer because that would not be very helpful to either party. But so that's an interesting ability to me. Is that option to share files, and when they do, they can see all that information. So that's kind of the quick little overview of the file side of things. Of course, you can create folders like I have here for different things, like actions and swatches, so that if I do decide later on, I need to get things back. I still can. It also means that your ability to share any kind of file these air obviously all adobe ish like PSD and Adobe Illustrator files in design, but also B J pegs and tiffs and everything. So it's just a nice, very simple way to share everything. So the other part, and I know Lisa Snyder is gonna be talking about this in more detail later on in the week about this thing called Be Hance. It's was a separate product of separate service that you signed up for now it's part of was purchased by Adobe. So as part of your creative clouds, Avery interesting way of sharing artwork and one of things that it does, which I think is quite interesting, is that allows you there to size to it. One of them, you can upload what's actually referred to as a work in progress. So, for example, I work by myself I one person company, and every so often I'm working on a project where I would love to go next door to my co worker and say, What do you think of this so far, but I don't have that person next door. So be Hance has that option where you can upload something and tag it as being a work in progress so that you're almost asking for people to give your feedback. There are some various websites out there where you can upload artwork, photographs, whatever it might be, you know, flicker and all that kind of stuff. And those seemed to be an open invitation for people to give you feedback, whether you want it or not, because that just happens. People are like, I don't like this. I'm like, Why wasn't asking for I was just Well, when you do work in progress, you are. So I think that's an interesting option to be able to say, Give me some feedback. For example, eyes were kind of project where I had two options. I just couldn't decide which one I like better. So I upload them both and said, Would you like better with stripes without stripes? Because there were local stripes in the background and it was interesting. The number of amount of feedback I got that wasn't just stripes. It was like, What if you turn the stripes the other way and made them fade out of it at the bottom. So then I added a second version of my work in progress to say, Here's the next version based on some of the feedback. So for me as an individual, that was a pretty interesting option to get feedback from a group of people, none of whom are probably knew. Like two of them, maybe, but most them I didn't know. We're just people that came across my Be Hansa portfolio. So I'll show you in a second what that looks like. But one of things that Adobe is trying to do, I think with this whole creative cloud concept is make it easier. So be Hance is a website. You could go there, log in and then upload your work. But in photo shop, for example, you can see here it's a layer document, but I want to upload this to be hands as a work in progress. So I just go to the file menu and choose share on Be hence, so it means right from within a photo shop. It's going to log in and allow me to upload this file so I don't have to worry about. Well, I gotta save aversion as a J peg and I've got to go to log into the website and upload It happens automatically. In this case, it's taking a moment because it's a layer document. I'm not gonna upload a layer to document, but it's needs to create it. So it's going to ultimately log in here and allow me to name the file and create, you know, put other text on it. And most importantly, I think when you're doing a work in progress, say, what is it I'm trying to do here? You know, I'm trying to get your feedback on something, so whatever, we'll just call it, uh and you need to put something in here and watch me type. This is always the worst part about doing live demonstrations. I'm such a bad type. This, but is only Okay, Uh, that's all I need. So then I just continue. Then I can pick. I want this to be kind of what they call the cover image, which is what people will see at first. And then I go ahead and do that. And if I wanted to, I could even tell people on something like my Twitter account. I have just uploaded this. Why don't you go when do that? I won't do that in this case, since this is just a sample. But now it's on its way there. And now, later on, I can check, and I want to see fast forward a couple of days. Oh, I wonder if anyone has commented back to this option. That's kind of built in here is the B hands part. And I can tell whether anyone has gone and made any comments to any of the work that's on there or I can actually go and go directly doobie Hansen, Look at it and say, What do I have their What's so you can Also, in this case, I had the file open and photo shops. It was just is easy to say, er share on be Hance. But if I while I thought about Oh, I have a J peg over there that I did, I could also from here just choose add work and it will do the same kind of thing. So I have a whole series of these little chalk text things that I keep uploading. And at first I used to go to be Hansen. Log in. Now I just come right to this command to say Add work. And then I go navigate to that folder and say, Upload that. So if we want to see what it looks like now it's Here's my be Hance portfolio so I can go and look and go to works in progress. Look, there it is, I think. And let's see what I could. Take a look at it, see what you can basically see here's they conceal the demonstrations I've done on this previously. They're all variations on the same theme of something, and I was uploading. So look, there's a I just uploaded that. What was that? 35 seconds ago? And already people are saying watching on creative lives so it works. It's really live there, actually, and I can have a conversation with them and say Thanks for your input, you know, thanks for suggesting whatever it might be. So I think this is a really interesting concept for people like me that are independent. Here is one of the ones that I did where I couldn't decide between two looks So here's all the feedback that I got. There's actually others you can't see there is. This is like version, too, so you can see there you can do revisions. So here's my original file that I work in progress, that I had the two variations of with them without stripes and got a bunch of feedback, including some very interesting comments that I made a second revision so you can actually make revisions that are building on the feedback you get on again. This can be done directly from within Photoshopped, which I think is a pretty cool aspect of the fact that you can be in the middle of doing something into society. I think I want to get some feedback from people, are not have toe stop what you're doing, and that's one of the benefits. I think that that maybe some people are missing a little bit there, viewing it creative cloud as while I get all these APs and that's true you do. But there's these services I think are the part that's gonna really make a difference of people as they start rolling them out. Mawr and Maura's. You start to realize this is a benefit I didn't have before. A lot of people that I talked to are very small companies or independent and don't have that ability to go knock on the guy's office next door and say what you think of these two options. So the fact that I can so easily do that directly from within whatever I'm working on, I think is pretty pretty interesting possibility. Okay, so now the next thing I want to show you this one, I can't honestly say whether everyone is gonna have this right at this moment or not, because I have a feeling that this is one of these things, that they're kind of rolling out a bit of time to make sure it's all working. But I'm very excited about this because I'm My name is David. I'm addicted to fonts. I just I got to say it's like we look at that fund. So when I see places like websites are like free fonts, I'm like, yeah, for he fonts Or even worse, like an email from some coming says we're selling 4000 funds for $19 on, like who? There's probably some good ones in there, so I have way too many fonts, but you can never have enough. Well, that's not true. But so one of the benefits that Creative Cloud members will get that they haven't already. And this will be an individual thing. You'll have to go and check at home on your machine and see. Do I have this yet, or is that still say coming soon is up the top Here it says fonts. And I can say I would like to see what font sir available from this thing called type kit type kit was again a separate service that was purchased by Adobe, and now all these fonts, air free. And that is very exciting but equally exciting. If anyone here has ever had the traditional struggle of trying to install fonts when you get them from somewhere, let's just say it has never been the easiest thing in the world to do right. You have tow, find the right folder to put them in, and the chances are if you're in the middle of doing something in photo shop, you have to quit photo shop for the fonts to show up and all that kind of stuff. So I think this is pretty interesting because I can look at its got Very I love this interface where you can have fonts that are available for either Web use or desktop. So I want to say desktop and I want something that's probably maybe a mono font. Actually, maybe I'll just go. It's on Sarah, but make it more narrow. One. You see, as soon as I pick different factors that showing me the different options and up here at the top, I can decide what I want to put in here. So I have this in mind for a piece of art I'm working on that has the word green in it so I can actually look and see what are the various options. And I think I kind of like this one. So I'm gonna use that on my desktop and I'm gonna say sink to my computer using Creative Cloud. And then it gives me some message which usually I can just say now I didn't pay touch. Was this when I did right? That's my worst habit. As I downloaded fun ago What I call again. OK, so refrigerator or something rather OK, so now let's go back to photo shop and you'll see it's selling me. It's there. I don't believe it. Could it really be that easy? I hope so. Otherwise my demonstration would fail miserably, but And I Honestly I swear to you, I did not do this ahead of time. This just randomly pick that font. And there it is. So now I was able to right in the middle of a project. Say, I need a different type face. Go on, find one. And let's revisit this because unless you've never installed a font before, you won't understand how amazing this is, because in the past it was like downloaded font. Go and find it from your download folder going drag it into where the heck that font folder is on your operating system. Probably restart your application to be able to access the font. So that's a lengthy process compared to here, where I just said, I want that one. And as soon by the time I got the photo shop, it was already there. So I don't know the exact number I want to say. There is a ton of fonts in type kit, and there seemed to be releasing Mawr every day because the first time I looked under a couple different categories, there was a handful. Now there's a whole lot more. So this to me is one of a great example of I don't want to call the hidden benefit. But the not so obvious benefit of creative plot of all people think of is creative Cloud is all these adobe applications That's good but applications and these services, including a service. It's like, Here's, I don't know, pick a number $20, worth of fonts or something. I don't know what the number is, but it's up there. That's pretty sweet. And the fact that it's that easy toe, not interrupt your design flow and say I not sure what fun I want to use. Let's try that. Download it, sink it up instantly, and it's there. That's pretty cool. So that's this is quite new. I mean, I think I got the email probably the middle of last week, to say, Please go on, try out the type kit things, So if you don't have it at home, sorry, it's not me. I'd be happy to give it to everyone, but it's coming soon because this is just there sort of trial period. But I think that's pretty impressive is the fact that you can do it that quickly? So that's probably one of my favorite new features, a great a cloud because I am addicted to fonts. So it's That's pretty cool. So all of these things are just built right in, so you don't have to go looking anywhere. This is fairly new. When creative Out first came out, it was Go log into your bookmarked website to get all these things. Now it's a desktop app that pops right up in your operating system if you wanted to, which I would suggest you do, because it makes life easier. And now I can look and I can see what fonts dough I have. I can check on what people are saying about my stuff on be hand psych and either go on, get the files or make sure I have enough storage or whatever it might be. So far, I've used a grand total of 0.59% of my storage, so I certainly have a bit of room left. There's 20 gigabytes of space as part of your membership and then I can also again check to see what updates. So the fact that this is so accessible to me is makes it that I think in another six months you want to be thinking about it will just be interacting with creative cloud all the time because it will just be the way that it works. Um, I did want to show you one other thing that it's kind of part of Creative cloud. It's kind of not, and it's a really interesting option. It's been around for a while, but now they've incorporated MAWR into the kind of work flow which is called cooler, which I think is a great name because I'm always telling people this is really cool. That's cooler. But it's It's a color swatch kind of sharing concept that Adobe brought out a few years ago, and it's kind of like a whole community thing where if you're looking for a color scheme to use in some project, you can actually log into the cooler website and search by most popular or certain names. But you can also create your own. So if I was in photo shop and I created a series of swatches that I really liked or I use that creative cloud Adobe Swatch exchange thing to say. This is something that I like. If you recall, we go back here for second back to my cloud account. So remember any one of these files Let's just go back to this one. You see, it not only says download Adobe Swatch of Channel says view on cooler, so I could actually look at it in the context of this kind of community aspect to see what it looks like. So here it is, and I can customize it. And Aiken, explore what other people are doing in terms of most popular. And all of these are ultimately adobe Swatch exchange possibility. So if you're like many people kind of color challenge trying to come up with what color scheme looks good, this could be great inspiration to you because you can say, Oh, I kind of like that idea. You can tell a lot of people use the same naming system being 18 being 16. So that's just what it ought randomly associates the next name with whatever you're doing. So here's some This is part of the you can access it from within your creative cloud membership. But here's something they did, which I thought was really interesting. It's actually an app. I'm gonna use my IPad. Even though it's it's really a foam type app, it will be a little bigger to see, and this is what it looks like. It's an app, and as I look around, you can see that it's kind of looking to see where I'm pointing, and it's constantly picking up different colors. So imagine walking into a corporate headquarters and they say we'd like you to use kind of our color scheme. So you pointed at their lobby and say, Oh, these are the colors that you use and we'll just grab that. So this point, you have to watch me do this part, but I'm going to call it It wants me to call it Theme to which is not a good name. So we're going to call it something else, and I'm gonna make it public and save it now in the APP. I could also go in and actually tweak the colors. If I wanted to adjust them slightly and say this needs to be this shade of green a little different, but you can also pull out the information. So the Hexi decimal color for Web designers or the RGB or all that kind of stuff. But now that I did that, I can go to one of the other programs. Could be Photoshopped could be illustrator that has a cooler panel and I can search for that. Probably gonna take a little longer for it. Toe sort of Go and find it. Eventually, it will show up well eventually. Well, I mean, we're not going to sit here, you know, But if I check back later on you and I guarantee you it will be there because I just it's gonna take a second here. But he was fascinated with color schemes of you are with funds. Well, I got to be honest. I never was as much until the whole cooler thing because that just opened up possibilities. I always had certain colors that I like, but that this is giving me the option to look at other colors as well. Let's see, a photo shop has any better success from Photoshopped. It's well hidden. It's under the extensions menu and then cooler. It's a great color community out there. I know as a graphic designer, when you're building websites or you know, doing books for people, it's great to go out there and look for those types of color schemes that people are like responding to and learning about. And what's especially in what's popular out there, you know, in the world, do you use that to use that kind of stuff? Actually, just recently was working on my new website, which is taking forever, by the way. I probably need to talk to when he could help me. But that sort of tool would have come in handy, actually. Okay, so for some reason I must have pressed the wrong button. But you get the main thing I want to show you. This is an example of where adobes thinking is heading. It's not just here's creative cloud stuff, but let's take one of our mobile devices and say How could we make our life simpler? And if one of them is pointed something and say I like those colors uploaded to the cooler community and then be able to access it from within your software, that's a pretty nice option, and that's another example of kind of, I think, where things were heading because it means this is the kind of stuff that they can start to build in because it's possible all these things can interact so you can use a touch application when you're on airplane to play around a little bit and mock something up. But instead of starting over again, you download that Photoshopped layered file. Photoshopped Touch actually has a specific file format, but by going through Creative clouded in effect does enough of a translation where you can then see Okay, now that file can be open and Photoshopped with all the layers and everything else I've done. So the interaction of kind of the touch applications is just another aspect of where things are headed with creative cloud. And that's why I keep kind of stressing the point that if you Onley think of Creative Cloud as applications, that's a big plus, but you think about all the service side and where they're heading with it. I think that's pretty interesting possibilities of the kind of things that are possible at this point. I'm gonna start switching into what's new and Photoshopped CC do we want to address any questions on the the first part before we? Yeah, Um, first of all, do you guys in the studio audience have any questions you get? Did I? We don't have any question. I was right in the middle of your instruction. I was can attempted to Just so it was It was so amazing that how much I'm missing by not knowing what you just shoot us. Yeah, and I think is interesting to notice. And we haven't even started talking about the application side yet that all the opposite you have access is just kind of the not so obvious services of Creative cloud. The application you're using with cooler based on your experience. How accurate is that when it's generating those colors? Watch. It's actually I've been very impressed because I'm a curious person. So one of the first day I had exactly that in my head. I wondered the same thing. Like if I pointed it at ah Pantone color, would it be pretty accurate? And it's using the camera on your device. So, like any photo, it is to some degree, like here was having struggle because the monitor was bright in the wall was dark. But when I in a fairly well lit lobby of Ah hotel, I've looked at something and clicked on it. When I look at it in this watch boy, it sure looks pretty darn close and the fact that you could still edit them. So it's not saying There you go. Those were the only colors you have. It's like these air colors I saw. If you need to, you can still tweak it. So if you knew that Red was supposed to be Pantone, blah, blah, blah, you could go into the What's the RGB makeup of that Pantone color and dial in the exact right numbers. If you need it to, it's very cool to me. It's also an indication of just the fact that they're thinking that way, that what can we do to build on this technology? I think honestly, one of the fears I hear about people who are concerned over the future of Creative Cloud is well, if Adobe has our money every month, what's to motivate them to innovate? Because they're just, you know, they don't need to well, the culture of Adobe to me, it's just not like that they're the kind of people are I can't imagine going. Okay, well, rest on our laurels now because we have your money. They have scientists there, that air doing stuff like this because it intrigues them and its challenges them creatively go. How else could we take advantage of this technology? So anyone who's worried that there won't be as many new features in the software? I don't think that's ever gonna be a problem when you see things. And that's what deliberately, why I showed this just because it's not really part equated Cloud. But it shows the kind of mindset that Adobe has to say, Hey, what could we do to build on what's already there with devices like we have today? Pretty cool. So you're doing a great job, By the way, we have people kind of a mixture in the chat rooms, some people who have already gotten into Creative Cloud and some kind of who are maybe on the fence. And we had a question come through from Mile High guy in Colorado. Andi, he says. Does Adobe have a good creative cloud support system? Are live support people available? 24 7? I thought that was interesting. I honestly I don't know the answer to that specifically because Adobe has always had support. I know that one of things that's happened in the last few years is the forums are getting more and more populated with people that are there to help. And that means that both adobe people periodically pop in to answer questions that other users can't. But Adobe has a program called Adobe Community or Community professionals, which are basically users that have developed enough knowledge and share their time that they're kind of out there answering those sort of questions. So there's there's a lot of that and which reminds me to say I forgot one of the thing in Creative Cloud. There's also a whole learning section so that if you're saying to yourself, Well, I'm gonna try jumping into panel after effects and I'm kind of blind There's a button that says learn and you can go and watch tutorials that are specifically for creative cloud members to help you learn something else. So there's that always that option because for a lot of people, that support also means I can't quite figure out how to do this so if you could go watching tutorial, that can certainly be a big help as well. All right, so you can take it away. All right? You know, I can't tell you. I'm gonna, like, Sound like a total geek about this. But fun thing just totally turtles me. Like when I made that graphic and I was able to change the typeface of green Insulin's like, That's awesome because it really is. Oh, you know, I anyone who's seen me teach on Great Ally before no one's I have on my favorite expressions is compared to the alternative and compared to the alternative of installing fonts before. Wow, that's just crazy. Crazy difference. All right, so Photoshopped Sisi is the first version of photo shop. It's this creative cloud version, and the whole concept of Creative Cloud, among other things, is again that they don't have to wait for photo shop. CS seven or C. S. Eight introduced new features. They can just say, Well, we need Teoh here, some new features that are ready now, so let's put them out there and in photo shop CC. At first glance, there is not a huge list of new features like there might have been saying Photoshopped CS six. That was a pretty powerful upgrade that had lots of things in it, including a few that to me were made it worth the upgrade to see a six will. Now the word upgrade kind of goes away from our vocabulary because you don't really upgrade. You kind of do. But it's more updating your software than is upgrade. So in the past, people would say, Well, I'll use my version of photo shop until it's announced the next version and I will choose whether to upgrade or not And a lot of people Adobe says. Our version skippers, meaning I had CS for I did not pay to see as five but updated to see a six. They're always kind of skip aversion, And part of the big reason for that is financially because if you're upgrading every single version well, now you don't have to make that decision because it's just Here are new features as they come out. So when I was a credit pop member before the whole CC version, my version of photo shop CS six twice got new features that were available first to creative cloud members, which was both cool but also as an instructor, incredibly challenging because then I was teaching classes say, Wait, do you have that? Because I have it, But you might not, because I have. So it made things a little more challenging. But one of the interesting thing is, is the fact that that all these things could be updating on the fly. So here are some of the features that are in Photo shop cc and frankly, some of the first and most powerful ones are in the camera raw part of photo shop CC. So camera raw got an update as well, and one of the things that it's been around for a while in camera. And by the way, this is everything I'm showing you is very similar to the light room ability because light room camera share the same kind of engine, so generally when they update one, they update the other. So here's a photo I took a few years ago, and I deliberately picked one from a few years ago because I knew back then let's just say I was not quite so careful about avoiding dust on my camera as I might be today, so I'd like to say it never happens anymore, but that would be untrue. But in this case, I knew Plus, it was a very early morning shoot, so I knew it was gonna be a little noisy and things like that. So let's get a little closer year. You can see right over here. See, there's look and see that little right beside the hand. There's like a little spot there. That's clearly not a spot that is there. So that must have been on my camera so that I can take advantage of the spot removal tool. Now, in previous versions of camera raw, it was always two circles. So you say how big you want this circle to be to cover up the problem. And then it would automatically create a second circle to say, This is what I'm gonna use to cover up your problem. And that was fine when it was spots because it is kind of circular, so you could just click, and then you'll see there is a second little circle where you can pick where it is, so that's kind of interesting. But what started happening is they're not always little circles, so people end up putting like four circles beside each other to cover up a little tiny line. Well, in this version, now you can use this tool much like the healing brush and Photoshopped. So you create any shape, and then you can decide where you want to put that. So that's a big step. Forward is no longer work, just restricted to circles, but you can paint with this as much as you want. However, I'm still faced with a challenge where I'm guessing that is not the only spot on this photograph. I'm just have this sneaking suspicion. There's probably more and, oh, by the way, I forgot to do this before this class. Usually I do, because once I was teaching the whole thing on spot removal and I was trying to use a tool on this spot and it wouldn't go away, and I was like, What am I doing wrong? I realize it was on my monitor, not on my photo. So tip number one is clean your monitor before you start otherwise, like why you want that spot go away. So one of things that's new and I think this is absolutely brilliant. I would love to explain to you how the technology works, but I don't know, nor do I care, because when something works as well, it's just like Go with it, look down the bottom here. Now there's an options visualize spots. And as he moved this slider, it's start to show you. Look, they're spots There, there, there, there, there, ones that I would never have seen myself. Now it's helping me find them, and you can go as much or as little as you want. And now you can say, OK, there's on one there and basically just go through. And now what used to be a lengthy process of zooming in incredibly far and trying to find where they all were? Now you just decide how far you want to go with this, and I can tell you I've taken full advantage of this a number of times because instead of me trying to tell is that on my monitor, or is that on the photograph? Now? This option is built right in, so the two aspects that are very nice or the fact that we're no longer restricted to a single little circles and also the fact that you could use that visualize spots to kind of see what you're doing Now. This photo obviously doesn't have a like an electrical line in the sky, but you could imagine that you could use this for something of that nature where if you had a photograph where there was look great, right in the top corner was a little electrical wire who didn't notice that used to be a job for photo shop. Now you could do it in camera, and then when you bring it into photo shop, you can build on it even further. But at least ah lot of this is built right in. This is a good example to me of where you have to decide between Photoshopped and camera, because Photoshopped has always had a great spot removal tool if you know where the spots are. But that's the difference now. This one has his visualize spots, options where you can actually easier to work with in remove little things like specks of dust in here. And then I would still use photo shop for major. Things like that little person in the corner there is distracting. Let's try and make it look like he wasn't there. That, to me, is more a job for Photoshopped. But things like this where it's a little spot removal that used to take a long time. Nats supported use camera raw, and then I would open it in Photoshopped. Continue working from there. Okay, All right, so that's the first example of a camera. Raw difference. Here's another one, which is kind of interesting. Camera has for a while had kind of a vignette capability where you can say, I want a dark and the edges around the outside, but that's basically what it did. It just said, I want to do kind of a vignette option, and that was about it. Now you can. This is what it used to be. Just you want to be dark around the outside, and it would arbitrarily say, I will darken it. You could move like sliders a little bit, but you didn't really have control to the degree we wanted. And more importantly, perhaps it was just that was its function. It was to design to either dark inner light on the outside edges. But now, with this option, this is a tool that allows you to create a Grady int and then this radio, Grady. It can control anything so you can say I would like it to be exposure or and or contrast. And or so you see everything. I'm moving. I can even do noise reduction, all these options and then I can decide. Do I want it? Not that that would make sense. But you can choose inside or outside and how much toe feather the edge to make it softer. And you can have multiples of these. So this has taken that ability up a whole another notch. Instead of just going well, I just want to darken the edges the way adobes thinks I should. You can control this like you would any tool, and you can have multiples of them. So if it made sense, toe have one of these radio radiance that controlled exposure. And then down in this corner, one that did vibrancy because you wanted the colors to be a little brighter or less vibrant or whatever, it might be so again a really nice option, because it's very visual and intuitive. You just added, and then you have all the controls off to the side to say, What would you like this to effect? So it's no longer just dark. And although people use it a lot for that, it could be all these. It could just be color temperature. I want the outside edges to be a little cooler in the middle part to be warmer or whatever you want. So just the fact that this has these enhanced level of control, man, you can use it for whatever purpose you want and just so that I don't have to say this. Probably still say it multiple times today. But I'm a big fan of anything in the adobe world that has the word smart in it, because that generally means it's giving me ability to do things better. So one of things that I have always turned on in camera raw is this check box that says open and photo shop as smart objects, and that means as a preference. From now on, open it as a smart object. And here's what that means. If I did not have that turned on, I would click open image and it would open in Photoshop. The end meaning that's it. It's going to say, Here's your new photograph based on weighted in camera raw. But if you don't like it, too bad because it's already been done. It's almost like you're making a print from a negative at this point. So if I decide, maybe I went a little overboard on that little Grady in thing I'm kind of out of. Look at this point because I don't have the ability to edit it so instead, if I go back and the same thing, But the differences and by the way, should tell you I'm clicking on this little blue hyper link at the bottom, which is the worst possible interface design in the history of software because should be a big button that says workflow options. Please click me on very important and said It's a blue hyper link that many people miss because that's where this button check box resides. The good news is, once you check it once it stays on which I highly recommend. So now I'm gonna deliberately kind of go a little overboard and do something else just so you can kind of see that I'm doing something bad. Let's do it this way. Okay, so Now, when I choose open object, it applies those effects. But the difference is now over in photo shop. It's this thing called a smart object. And that means I've created affected to wait link between Photoshopped and camera, so I'm no longer stuck with Oh well, that's the way it is. If I double click on this, it goes back to camera raw, and I can start looking at the options that I've created. And if I decide that, I probably shouldn't have done that, Aiken clear that off. And let's make some other just basic adjustment air. Just you can see I'm doing something to be different and I click. OK, now you see it updates back in photo shop. So I, in effect, created two way street between photo shop and camera, which is a really nice option because editing things in camera raw folks is easier things people discover all the time, and photo shop is there's almost always multiple ways to do the same thing in photo shop, and sometimes none of them are intuitive. For example, if I said to people, I want you to adjust this photograph, too, make it brighter. There's probably six different ways to do it. And people go into curves or levels or all these things that are kind of challenging. I would personally much prefer just having a slider, says exposure. That's just easier. So to me, I like to edit things as much as I can in camera because it's simpler. It's just it's sliders that makes sense, since you don't have to go looking well. If I go to curves and click on the bottom quadrant of that and drag it up unless your name's Ben Wilmore and he knows curves like no one else in the face of the planet, then there's a lot of people that use curse. But frankly, this is just easier and quicker, in my opinion, especially now that we have this ability to kind of go back and forth and we'll look at that little more in a couple of moments. Okay, so here's Ah, a couple of things that happened in photo shop adobe a few years ago. I want to say it was 23 years ago. Maybe there's this big event that whoever you're called Adobe Max, which is where they announced this whole creative cloud concept in this version. They also do these things they call sneak peaks, which are like, here's technology working on. We can't tell you what could be five years from now. It could be next year and a few years ago they demonstrated this thing called Blur Reduction and it brought the house down and was like, Oh, my gosh, that's the best thing ever. I think, frankly, they probably they could rewind history. They would have not done that because the technology didn't pan out quite the way they expected. So now it was. I'm waiting for this de blur thing that can take, are out of focus photographs and make them look perfect. Well, it doesn't exist. So in CC Photo Shop CC, they introduced on option. That's called shake reduction based on that technology, but it's very important that we remember it's called shake reduction, not de blur, because they're very different things. So, first of all, I want to make sure that as I'm experimenting, I have the chance to change my mind. So I'm gonna take this document and convert it for smart filters. Is that another smart? That means that now my filter can be edited. Normally, if you don't do that and you apply filter to a layer the end, I want to be able to edit and also be able to show the difference. So this new filter is under sharpen, and it's called Shake production. Now, before I show it to you, here's a couple of this is meant for I'm somewhere and I've got a long lens and I'm trying to focus on something over there and because of a slow shutter speed, the chances are it's going to move a little bit. It's not. There's a car driving by really fast, and it's blurry. That's not what it's for. So it's not meant for really noisy, low light situations. It's for basically there was a bit of camera movement, typically because of a long focal distance and a shutter speed that was just not quite fast enough for my hands. So you can see, for example, in this case, look at that little bit of that flower there. You can see there's a little bit of ah, motion blur that's happened because the camera shook just a little bit, so that's what this is for. Alright, So back to our story now shake reduction if you wanted to. It's just pretty automatic. It just picks an area. Okay, so I don't do anything of that. I mean, I just It just arbitrarily picked this spot. If I wanted to, I could drag a 2nd 1 to say, See if that enhances or not. There's also an option here if you press the letter. Q. This little kind of loop object will come into play. I highly recommend using this because one of the things people find is that this is not a fast process. So if you're trying to turn preview on and off, sometimes it takes a while. This is like a little preview window right here, so you click and hold. That's before, when you let go, it's after. So this is actually the quicker way to preview it and just pressing letter Q to bring that little loop either onto the image or back off again. Okay, now there's probably all sorts of theory as to how this works. Once again, I'm like, Hey, if I can just drag a square and click, OK, I'm perfectly fine with that. So there are other people that would explain the logistically and how it's cutting the algorithm. That does. Yeah, whatever. But it's pretty amazing to me that it can say I'd like go from this to this now It's not perfect, but it's pretty darn cool. And again, if we used my favorite phrase compared to the alternative in the past, there wasn't one. Now I deliberately did this as a smart filter also, because every so often you do this shake reduction you'll see most of the photograph looks really good where there was a bit of movement, but unfortunately, part of the area where there might not have been movement suddenly doesn't look as good. So every time you have a smart filter in photo shop, one of the options that it has is this big White square. Here is a mask, so I can decide. I do not want the filter to be applied over here, so this allows me to selectively apply it. So right now, because the mask is white, it's applying to the entire photograph. If I decide there's some areas over here, I don't think look is good. I would take my paintbrush and start painting to say Don't do the blur over here. Don't do the shake reduction. I should say over here whatever I want, So that's the way you kind of deal with. If you run this and you find that there are some artifacts that you don't quite like in certain areas, you can kind of paint them away. But I can't stress enough a lot of people. When they first saw this, they opened photographs that were just out of focus, and it's it might help a little bit. But it's not magic. It's not going to say, Oh, look, it's perfect like it is in the movies, the movies, It always works great when the computer guy goes, Let me enhance that photograph and suddenly it looks perfect. That's only in the movies here. It's gonna help. Now, having said that, this is that that flower is an adobe provided example that they obviously found work really well. I found for the longest time, I couldn't find one that was really helping me very much. So I finally found example the other day, and let's make this just a little bigger. So I'm still gonna open it as an object because even though I want to run this shake reduction. I also still wanna have access to camera raw because maybe I want to deal with the exposure or something else. So when you look at this overall, it looks pretty good. But I'm I look at I think it just looks a little soft to me. Like maybe my camera did move just a little bit. I wasn't bang on her eyeball with my focus. So I'm gonna try it and see, and once again used that a little preview thing. You see the difference? It's subtle, but look at her eyes. Is just in there a little sharper now. Now, I could just have tried using a standard sharpen filter and photo shop, and sometimes that might be just Aziz. Good. But I found in this case this actually worked quite nicely for things like her hair. Where there was must have been a bit of movement in the wind or something, and now it just looks a tad sharper. So the fact that if you just run it kind of automatically, it's that fast. I'm OK with that. Now here's where I would use this smart filter mask ability because as much as shake reduction has improved things like now. Isar Sharper. I don't want it to pull out texture and her skin. So I would be painting with black on the rest of her face to make sure that I'm not introducing anything like pulling out any texture that I didn't want or something like that. So that's how we can take advantage, say, due to the whole photograph. But then say, But now they've done that. Don't affect these areas and that's the advantage of a smart filter. And those aren't new. Those been around for a while. But that's how we can add this kind of technology. What's cool about this whole thing, I think has not done that whole thing. And now I look at ago, maybe the exposures a little hot. It's a little too bright. So because this is still a camera raw, smart object, I can still double click on it and maybe pull this back just a bit and click OK, and then we'll update the photograph and update the shake reduction filter, which is not gonna be fast, but again, compared to the alternative. You started me saying that today, but it really is true that all of these things look like a subtle change when you put in the context of how would I have done that in the past? It's a huge improvement. Okay, let's see what else we got here. Um, So here's something that the graphic designers of the world rejoiced when they saw this. Because it's one of those little things that makes a huge difference I have created this is the same rectangle as a smart object. When you have a smart object again, it means you can update in this case, update one rectangle, and they will all update because these are all basically instances of the same smart object. So in order to edit one of them because they're all copies, I just double click. It opens a separate document to say, Here is the contents of your smart object in this case is the rectangle This was created using the rectangle tool. Okay, so what's here? And you can see now there's this something called live shape properties, and this is again photographers. You could take a small nap at this point because for you, it may or may not be quite so interesting. I shouldn't say that because it's might be nursing way to frame your photographs. It'll differently. But you see down the bottom here, there's these little icons, and I can decide what I want all four corners to get around the same time. Let me pause and say You could always make a rounded corner rectangle and Photoshopped. The difference was you had to decide the radius fever corner draw at the end. Now this is the never ending story because you can go back and say, OK, what I really want is just this corner to be rounded. Or maybe I want this one as well. And when you save this because this is a smart object, I'm gonna close it and save it. And in this document, you'll see it's updated all these instances of the same thing. So from anyone who's either designing buttons or your photographer trying to make a layout for photographs, that's amore unusual. These could each contain a photograph, for example, so this is one of the newer. The new features in CC is this live corner capability that didn't exist before in the past to create a shape that looks fairly simple like that, Frankly, Yikes. It was just you would. Someone said, Can you make a shape? I know I can't. I can't. It's not possible you could have, but it will. Honestly, it was so hard on voter job. Now it's easy and it's live. So you come back a week from now and realize maybe I don't want it this way. You can still do that. And it's still preserving the fact that I made this filled with green with a little black stroke, a little drop shadow because that's part of the layer Properties and photo shop is they're all in a group, and this group has all these effects on it. So whatever I do to these will automatically update. So that's one of the small but important little changes that are made. But here, to me, is by far I would if there was such a thing as an upgrade. I would buy the upgrade to photo Shop CC just for this, because to me, this is change the rules of photo shop in a way that if I could still do cart wheels, I would do them right now. But I wouldn't hurt myself so I won't. But you saw a moment ago that I was a big fan of this camera. Raw, smart object, which means I can go back and photo shop in camera, raw to edit. The challenge has always been up until now that you had to start with either a camera raw or Ajay Pagan. Open it there first, like going to camera and starting camera in order to make it that two way street between camera and photo shop. Now we have a new option that we didn't have before. So you can see here I have a layered document. Once again, I use my very special naming system of calling them, you know, Layer one, 23 which is really clever. So let's say this one here, layer two. I look at it and I say, Well, I wish I had, he said, knowingly. The ability to take advantage of camera raw just for this one layer. Well, in the past, I could have done it, I suppose, would have meant copying a different document and say that as just one J peg and open that in camera raw. Now I can do this. I can convert this one layer to a smart object. So I have that smart filter capability, and now you sound of the filter menu is camera raw, so I can't stress how big this is, because now it means that brings camera raw editing ability to a layer by layer function. So I can say, Go into camera and there's just that one layer. And now I can do whatever I want with it, taking advantage of the camera raw nature. And some people might be wondering, Why would I do that? Why would I just edit it in photo shots? Well, A. It's easier in camera and be Camera has some things that force up doesn't like. There's still no simple slider and Photoshopped called clarity. Clarity is a very powerful editing function, which is a slider in camera. I just pointed to like you could see where is pointing right there on my screen. So this is the clarity. Slider is only available in photo shop, so now I can take a one layer and say, I would like that camera raw ability applied to that one layer or layers. So now you can see in my layers panel underneath it. It says. Camera raw filter. So before I took the whole photograph and double click to go back to camera raw now, I could take just this one layer and go back to camera and edit it. Some of the other functions air gone because they're not applicable. They were there before. Like how big do you want this to be? Well, it's already this size cause I'm just telling you. I'm telling Photoshopped, I want you to edit this one layer. But what's very exciting to me about this is you can take this to any extent you want. This could be a several layers, so let's backtrack a couple steps here and let's say I want these three layers. I'm gonna select them in Photoshop and then right or control, click and choose convert to smart object. So now those three layers look like they've been merged together, but technically, they're still three separate elements that I could access by double clicking. And there are the three layers. But now that also means I could take those and once again apply the camera smart filter to all three. Am I gonna do something poor so you can see that I've made a fairly obvious change, not saying it's a good one. But just so you can see that I'm changing it. And now, even at this point, I decide. But you know what? This one this probably this one needs to be up here and that one needs to be down there, should be at the top, and then I close it and save it, and it's gonna update and reapply all those camera raw settings. And then I look at it and say, OK, that was a bad choice. Let me just go back here popping here and lesson this or adjust it wherever I want. So if you haven't already guessed, I'm terribly excited about this because I've been a big fan of camera raw as a smart object for a photograph. The fact that I can do it on a layer by layer basis, like maybe a type player, I could take a type player from a font that I downloaded from type kit momentarily go and convert that to a smart filter and then say, Let's do camerata text. Why would you want to? I have no idea, but just the fact that you can. Actually, there are some interesting things you could do. It can start to say, Let's see if I want to distort my text in ways that are unusual that, frankly, you be much harder in Photoshopped to say I want to take this and stretch it in weird ways when you could do it. But here it's easy to do and it's edit herbal, because when I click OK, it's just a camera filter that I'm applying as an option. So would you ever Duke camera filtered a text? Maybe some people have looked at, so I can use it for and their mind starts exploding of possibilities. And that's what I hope happens when people see this is to say that camera raw as a filter to one or more layers opens up a world of possibilities that, frankly, just didn't exist before, and certainly and not in a way, that's this easy. So there's a bunch of other little kind of small, important changes that they made in C C. It's important to note that every time Adobe does a nup date to the software, they go in under the hood and just make things faster so photo shop is faster. There's a new preferences. But if you don't remember anything else, remember this camera has a filter is fantastic. I can't tell you how many times I wish I had started a tally of how many times I've already used it because it would be a lot because I'm almost always thinking, How can I do this In a smart way? In the fact that I don't have toe start in camera raw anymore, Aiken be part way through and then decide to use camera? That's pretty powerful to me. So by far my favorite photo shop CC feature without any question whatsoever.

Ratings and Reviews

Sea Jay

As always, Dave did a great job, especially regarding the services of CC, which we tend to forget about and just focus on the features. I don't see a date, though, for which version of CC this is about. Is it the first one? Must be, because he doesn't talk about features added in 2015 and does talk about features that were already there. This would be helpful to know; for Creative Live to tell us the date it was made or updated if it was updated, so we don't have to sleuth these details out on our own. Dave said once, "three years ago..." three years ago from when?

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