Class Introduction
14:11 2Why Vlog?
07:28 3The 3 Fears of Vlogging
08:08 4How to Build Confidence On-Camera
09:07 5Vlogging And Storytelling
30:26 6Amy's Authority Video Formula
19:03 7Vlogging Gear Intro
01:57 8Smartie Pants Gear
27:31On-The-Go Gear
28:50 10Setup Stunner Gear
15:58 11Let's Make a Vlog
02:54 12Filming a Vlog
27:36 13Editing a Vlog in Real-Time
18:26 14Advanced Editing Tips
13:08 15Vlog is ready. Now what?
03:50 16How to Prepare a Vlog for YouTube
08:24 17How to Design a Compelling Custom Thumbnail
10:43 18How to Share a Vlog on Social Media
25:13 19Live Streaming Video
27:22 20The Vlogging Secret
03:15 21Bonus Video: Video Editing Deep Dive
34:34Lesson Info
The Vlogging Secret
The big thing here is what is that thing? What is that secret? Like what is the secret to all of this? What is the secret to vlogging like a boss? And no matter what the content is, no matter who you are, what you look like, who you're talking to, what the videos are gonna be, are you outside, are you inside, are you in your office, are you walking around all of creation? What do those look like? It doesn't matter because the entirety of it, no matter what, whoever it's for, the secret to this is would you share it? So think about that 'cause clearly you would share it 'cause I just showed you all the ways to share it, right? But now would you share it? Like if you saw this video and you were like, oh my gosh, I have to share this on my personal profile on Facebook because I want all my friends to see it so we can talk about it later. That kind of feeling. You remember having that feeling about a video? Would you share it? Whether you were a part of it or not. That's big. Does anyone r...
emember Chewbacca mom? (audience laughing and agreeing) It's hard to forget, right? I mean there were so many reasons why that video was a huge success. Totally normal woman goes to Kohl's, buys a Chewbacca mask for herself. Gets in her car and livestreams the unboxing of this mask and putting it on and you just couldn't help but feel so attached to her in that moment in this utter joy of something so silly. And she was sharing it. There's a reason why you felt like I'm gonna share that and then it went on to be one of the most viewed Facebook live videos ever still. What is that thing that you're doing to make this a video that you would want someone to say oh my gosh, I have to share this. Whether it's with one person, their online community, or anything at all, share it with themselves over and over and over and over again. Everyday I wanna watch this video. It may not happen that way every time but if you go into every project with that in mind, that someone's gonna be so excited about the end result of this video and how you did it and how you told the story and how you got to the point and how you asked them what to do next so they don't miss it, that's the secret. That's it. Talk to that lens like it's someone you know really well and give them a reason to share it. I can't tell you how happy I am to be here. Thank you so much. (audience clapping and cheering)
Ratings and Reviews
Lynne Magnavite
I loooooved this class! Gosh, it was the power of email - I happened to see your email about the class as I was scrolling and thought, hey, I will give it a try. Wow. Amy knows her stuff!! I enjoyed watching her process in real time. I stayed all the way through - glued to my screen! Terrific information, great questions and awesome real time feedback from the folks watching it online. Awesome experience! I cannot wait to try out some of Amy's tips and I just subscribed to her YouTube Channel! Thank you!!
Christine Dilullo
I'm so glad I made the time to come up to San Francisco and see Amy and Vlog Like A Boss in person. She was incredibly well prepared and generous with her knowledge and information. With all the tips that I've learned today, the mystery of video has been reduced to a doable level. I have pages of notes that I cannot wait to implement and her new book to reference! The staff and people of Creative Live make this one of the most enjoyable days. They are all super friendly and helpful. Thank you Amy for the class! Wishing even more success in the future! Christine Dilullo
Shea Hecht
CreativeLive users, I attended this course live and have to say it was very engaging. The relatability factor was extremely high, the points that were made were relevant and very doable. Great presentation, specifically the storyline outline, the gear info, using social media to drive people to you, the analytics part, and the conversation about how to get over your fear of the camera. I was humbled by Amy's personality and excited by her passion for her field. Her accompanied by her team at "AfterMarq" did a wonderful job. What a privilege to have been fortunate to attend. Shout out to the friendly 'n professional staff @creativelive for their Amazing hosting and making everyone's needs catered to (literally); what great food!
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