Day 1
1Class Introduction
32:46 2IntroductionSeven Big Issues in Training
19:29 3The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way to Train
44:06 4How to Test Your Body
35:57 5How to Test Your Body Pt. 2
27:38 6Notoriously Neglected Elements of Training
42:56 7Mobility
14:17 9Biohacking Your Body
41:27 10Biohacking Your Body Pt. 2
30:16 11Fueling for Performance
13:04 12Foods for Performance
43:22 13Fermented Foods & Sweeteners
15:13 14Ultimate Human Performance Juice & Smoothie
18:44 15Supplementation for Performance
41:58 16Supplement Stacks
27:53 17Customizing a Plant-Based Diet
23:10 18Diet Tip for Aging Atheletes, Females & Kids
16:03 19Rules for Fasting & Ketosis
19:36 20Optimal Diet Q&A
17:19 21Digestion 101
46:43 22How to Heal Your Gut
32:59 23Stress Reduction for High Performers
45:40 24Stress Reduction for High Performance Pt. 2
20:17 25Reducing Stress: Social Proof
16:13 26Household Solutions for Active People
27:09 27Homemade Body Products for Active People
35:23 28Sleep Your Way to Better Performance
24:07 29Sleep Biohacks
19:02 30Supplements for Sleep
27:30 31Sleep Stages, Insomnia & Jet Lag
17:02 32Optimize Your Brain
33:52 33Optimize Your Brain Pt. 2
37:57Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Supplementation for Performance
Supplementation we just got done talking about really food about stuff like kale and salmon and beef, and now things are going to get a little bit different because we actually are going to talk about things that come out of packages and containers and bottles, and this sometimes seems a little bit counterintuitive. After all, if I just showed you a bunch of foods that are really nutrient dense and are rich in vitamins and nutrients and minerals, why the heck would we need to add in this other stuff and there's a few reasons that that I personally recommend that folks consider using supplementation, and I've listed some of them here the first kind of returns to some of the things that we hit on yesterday, people, uh, we're talking the chat rooms about doing things like ironman triathlon and a spartan trifecta, which I still need to figure out what exactly that is. People in our audience are out there trying to achieve amazing feats of physical performance, and sometimes we're pushing o...
ur bodies to a much higher amount in terms of volume and intensity of physical activity than perhaps what our bodies were actually kind of designed to do? No, I don't necessarily think that were meant to just sit around all day doing absolutely nothing, but I am not going to go out there and pretend that I think that going for a five hour hammer fest ride on a bicycle in the middle of a heat ninety degrees on a saturday afternoon in washington is necessarily something that's natural for my body. And so sometimes when we're really beating up our bodies with higher than normal amounts of physical activity we sometimes have to go above and beyond when it comes to perhaps just eating as I referred to in the last session big ass salads all day sometimes you would simply just need to be eating too much food and you get gas rick distress from having to support that level of physical activity the second is food quality and there is of course ah recommended daily intake for nutrients like vitamin d and vitamin c and vitamin b et cetera but for example, if we look at the recommended daily intake for vitamin d that's a recommended daily intake that's based off of what you would need to prevent rickets and children not necessarily what you would need for ideal steroid and hormone production and sure we can go out and we can get in the sun and we can eat cholesterol rich food so we've got a lot of those vitamin d precursors but vitamin d is something that I test in a lot of athletes and I find that when we do what's called the twenty five hydroxy blood vitamin d test that tends to be one of the deficient vitamins magnesium is a mineral that's notoriously deficient, and so we tend to see a lot of times there's a big, big difference between what the recommended daily intake is going to actually give to someone who wants to achieve ultimate human performance versus with e o d I or the optimum daily intake would be for something. So for example, I try to get about two thousand international units of vitamin d per day despite the rd I at this point I think they may have just changes to six hundred it was four hundred before that, but the rd I is much lower than what I've personally found to allow me to achieve ultimate human performance on a daily basis. Modern agricultural practices. One of the best ways to get your minerals is to take a vegetable and to grow it in mineral rich soil and to eat that vegetable that's really, truly the ideal way to get your minerals and there are organic farming project this is out there, and there are websites and sources out there where you can get mineral rich compounds that you can add to an organic vegetable garden in your backyard and grow really super duper, mineral rich vegetables and fruits and eat those and probably get pretty close to what you need for for the adequate amount of minerals. But how many of us are actually doing that and how many athletes, for example, are going to go out of their way to build a big vegetable garden in the backyard. Sometimes we may need to say, travel with some electrolytes, or use something like a really mineral rich sea salt that maybe costs a little bit more than average table salt that we might find at the grocery store and that's, because modern agricultural practices have in many cases, leached many of the minerals from the soil. The way that that soil is now utilized in the way that farming is practiced is far, far different than it was practiced for hundreds of years in terms of the way that the soil is treated and the way that we almost kind of like a beat up the ground that our crops are grown on. And so if you're just buying food at the grocery store, in many cases, those vegetables and those fruits, for example, just don't have enough electrolytes or mineral lt's or magnesium or some of these trace minerals that you'd want to be getting from the actual produce itself. Question it's harvested well in advance before it's even ripe or ready by the time it gets to you, it's void of a lot of that was a swell exactly harvesting practices and shipping practices can absolutely effect. The nutrients status of a food as well and you know that's why it's important to do some of the local things that we talked about earlier but again it's also why supplementation khun sometimes come in handy convenience you know that this is a big one for me because I travel a lot and frankly sometimes when when I roll into a town seven p m at night I'm headed into my hotel room I don't have time to go hunt down hunka wild caught salmon and if I have some nice cold based tryg lyssarides fish oil in my bag that I've traveled with and I know that I can pop six of those and still get a lot of those anti inflammatory omega three fatty acids I'll do that and sure I might get a little bit better synergistic interplay of nutrients and you know a little bit more kind of stew actor rib style meal if I were to go hunt down wild salmon but frankly sometimes it's just convenient to have supplementation and to be able to pop that pill when you don't have time to hunt down the real version fixing biomarkers we talked a lot yesterday about how to test your body, how to look at things like you know your vitamin b twelve levels and your amino acid levels and your lipids and in many cases rather than using pharmaceuticals to address a parameter that might be off we can use supplementation, you know, let's, take statins is a perfect example. They've been all over the news recently, and there are definitely some health issues with staten for example, they can cause muscle wasting and strip your body of a very important nutrient called coenzyme q ten, which is very, very important for metal ball for metabolism and for what's called mitochondrial function, and we could take a statin if we saw something like high cholesterol. Or we could look at the fact that perhaps that high cholesterol is just being oxidized and something like a nutrient based anti oxidant would be a better choice. And in that case, we could use like a powdered antioxidant on dh for some people that's a better choice than eating a bunch of antioxidant rich fruit because of that fruit toast triglyceride link that I talked about earlier. So there are some cases here where we can fixed biomarkers by using supplements in kind of a smart man or using them like targeted lasers to go after specific issues. And then finally, toxins and pollutants let's face it. We're exposed to a lot more environmental attackers and invaders than we might have been exposed to, you know, a thousand years ago, unsure if we're, you know, living in a pristine environment on top of some mountain top in the himalayas, maybe we can get away without perhaps using antioxidants or taking curcumin in the morning we get when we get up to shut down brain inflammation, but when we're exercising and we're beating up our bodies and we're also doing so in is that do present us with toxins and pollutants. Sometimes it can help to give the body a little bit of an extra step up when it comes to cleaning itself out, or when it comes to even doing something like, you know, I'll talk later on about something as simple is taking charcoal when you eat meat that you might not know is healthy or not to help you absorb some of the toxins from that meat, you know, that's not a case of environmental pollution, as muchas helping yourself out with the supplement to mitigate the damage of the food that you just ate. So there are many cases where supplementation comes in handy medicine has been around for thousands of years, not just in the form of pharmaceuticals, but also in the form of herbs and powders and liquids and potions. And, you know, the type of things that will get into today, so there are a almost dizzying number of different supplement categories that I kind of kind of split things into, and I should definitely give a caveat here that I don't recommend everybody take every supplement. That I talk about or mention you know, yesterday or during the course of this seminar it's different strokes for different folks you guys andi some people will have different supplement needs there are some supplements that I won't take for example, probiotics I will take probiotics when I travel because it's pretty rare that I'm actually eating a lot of the stuff that we talked about like sauerkraut and kimchi and confer clear and calm butch if I'm you know, like I'll be hopping on a plane in a couple weeks to go to a half iron man in israel and I'm gonna bring my probiotics because I don't really know for sure if I'm going to be eating many fermented foods well, I'm spending that week in israel so that's a case where all use a supplement that I might not use the rest of the time but I'll definitely use it in that case when I'm traveling and so you know some of this stuff you take out and you use when needed you used in certain periods of the year you used for certain goals and these are a lot of the categories that we'll get into performance for metabolic efficiency performance for muscle burning cramp ping performance for muscle performance for vegan or vegetarian athletes recovery from workouts. Recovery from injuries, recovery in terms of bone density fat loss to manage craving spat loss to increase metabolism digestion to improve got health digestion to fix a broken gut how to detox with basic cleanse formulas how to detox from an alcohol or hangover which none of us get because we never drink I know but I'm just saying brain sleep hormones like testosterone hormone such as your adrenal glands hormones such as estrogen dominance and women which tends to be a big issue with weight gain and also ah supplements help improve sex life in libido so those are some of the basic supplement categories that we're going to tackle today but first we're going to talk about one of the biggest questions that I get and that is timing your supplements and we're going to jump into some of the basic supplements when we get into timing your supplements but it'll be a perfect way for me to give you guys some examples and then we'll jump into those more specific categories and kind of hone in with the laser like efficiency on each of those different categories that I mentioned so let's talk about when you would use which supplements so let's start off with iron iron is a key component of hemoglobin we talked yesterday about how we could use bio hacks like hypoxic training and resisted breathing to increase your oxygen carrying capacity low levels of iron ore very very common in athletes especially in female athletes there is a storage protein that helps you to maintain adequate iron levels called sheraton that also tends to be very low, but if you were going to take an iron supplement or a ferret in supplement its best taken in the morning on an empty stomach and you want you want, avoid taking with two things anything that has tannins in it, like coffee or tea or anything that contains calcium, you want to keep calcium supplements oh, or even high dairy supplementation and iron supplementation in separate now in the folks who I work with, who tend to have anemic like symptoms and who have low iron and and issues with with red blood, cell production and things of that nature, I tend to use a one two combo of doing some of the hypoxic and resisted breathing approaches that I talked about yesterday with the supplement called florid ix, which is technically farrington pyro phosphate, that storage protein form of iron. The reason that I recommend that is because iron taken as a supplement can be very constipated that's, very uncomfortable for a lot of people and that particular for form of oven iron storage protein is non constipated helps a lot of people out who have anemic like symptoms. But in terms of timing, iron would be one thing that you would want to take, preferably something to take in the morning but on an empty stomach before you've consumed something like tea or coffee so I may go through a few other supplements in terms of timing and then we'll take some questions vitamin c is another good one to take in the morning now what happens is when you consume vitamin c you can on ly store and carry so much vitamin c in your blood so if you are trying to say help yourself from overtraining or adrenal fatigue because your adrenal store all of your vitamin c and they tend to run out of vitamin c when you're beating yourself up a lot so vitamin c depletion is something that you tend to see a lot of times and people who are who are going after this ultimate human performance the problem is that aurally taken vitamin c and mr gandhi, vitamin c injections or ivy which I think most people logistically it's just tough to do like on a daily basis if you're gonna take vitamin c orly you spread it throughout the day you can only carry so much in your bloodstream at a time but you want to start in the morning it's a water soluble vitamin best taken in split doses throughout the day so if you were going to take vitamin c and usually it's about two to five grams of vitamin c per day to really truly do something like boost the immune system, shorten the duration of a cold or save yourself from overtraining or adrenal fatigue you take about two to five grams a day, but that split in the like one grand portions throughout the day starting in the morning so and that also can help to increase the absorption of iron. So vitamin c is something that you can take with an iron supplement like that florida is that I mentioned and that's a really nice one two combo few struggle with something like anemia and adrenal issues or anemia and immune system issues, so another one is the b vitamin supplement complex and b vitamins are good to take in the morning because you do notice a little bit of a boost in energy levels when you use the b vitamin complex on example would be vitamin complex that I use is this one called life shots. This was made by my my personal physician, and it is just a blend of a bunch of different high dose vitamin b complexes mixed with extracts of about twelve different wild plants. So it's got a bunch of different antioxidants in there as well. This is something that you would take in the morning if you're going to take like a b complex like a multivitamin with a lot of vitamin b okay versus taking it in the evening before you go to bed, so another morning supplement would be vitamin e, vitamin e a lot of times you'll find it packaged with fish oil it's a natural antioxidant it's very very good any fat soluble vitamin like vitamin d vitamin e official etcetera is going to be best absorbed when you take it with the meal so if you're going to use a fat soluble vitamin which is again really good source for for antioxidant and anti inflammation want take it in the morning preferably with breakfast so dairy nuts yogurt, avocado that type of thing the fish oil that I use for example is this stuff now I talked about fish oil I'm a little earlier and when you're when you're taking a fish oil if it has antioxidants and for example this one has asked a xanthan and vitamin e in it what that does is it helps the fish oil to not get rancid if you consume a cheapo fish oil that you just buy out of the bargain bin section of your local supplement store aa lot of times it's been transported and allowed to become hot when transported it hasn't been processed in a cold processed manner it hasn't been reconverted during its processing into what's called its tryg lyssarides form which is the usable form of fish oil it's still in what's called its lethal esther form all of those things put together mean that most fish oils that you buy off the shelf at your local supplement outlet they're doing more damage to your body in terms of free radical production than good so typically you're going to want to look for official that has an anti oxen along with it, and you should consume an antioxidant that's, a fat soluble antioxidants such as vitamin e if you're taking something like that along with the fish oil and typically I'll look for a fish oil that's just packaged right along with vitamin e so coenzyme q ten I mentioned that that statins completely strip your body of coenzyme q ten, which is extremely important for energy production and for mitochondrial function. Anyone who's taking something like a statin based drug should definitely be on cochi ten co q ten is also one of my faith favorite supplements for athletes, especially endurance athletes, to be taking really, really good from out of conjugal function it's going to be better absorbed when dietary fats are present so that's something again that you would take with the meal, or that you would take the same time that you take something like your vitamin e and your fish oil. So this would be another kind of morning afternoon type of supplement, especially because you want to present in your body when you're working out or when you're exercising, so you'd usually take it earlier in the day. Another one that would be a morning or afternoon based supplement you know, we talked about zinc and how important it is as far as your testosterone is concerned, it also contributes to a function of your immune system and your reproductive system. It can make you nauseous if you take it on an empty stomach, so you'd want to take that with food, but you would want to avoid taking it at the same time as calcium and at the same time as iron, so it can actually interfere with the absorption of both of those things you can see. We're getting a little bit a little bit midi gritty here with when you take what? But the important thing to realize is that you could be just making expensive urine or buying expensive supplements and not actually getting them absorbed unless you're taking into consideration some of these things see would not papa calcium supplement with an iron supplement, both of which they're going to decrease absorption of one another along with the zinc supplements and do all that on an empty stomach. None of that would be a good idea and that's, what I'm trying to educate you guys on right now is is kind of how to how to know when to take what it is that you're taking. Did you have a question, peter? Well, yes, a lot of those lines how much time do we have to need so like those empty stomachs with water you know wake up and take it right well at the way location away a half an hour before so I make my breath distant adding these fat side will type of if it's a very simple meal let's say it's something like white rice and nori that's going to digest really quickly that's going to be about a one to two r window if we're looking at like a protein and fat rich meal usually it's a good two to four hours so it's a pretty significant period of time for real gastric emptying and some of that digestion to occur so it depends on the composition of the meal I mean we like to say if I'm doing bulletproof coffee that's say like the coffee and the fact you know that's that's that's a morning because that that's medium change legless ride which are that fat that I mentioned the last session are absorbed really quickly utilized really quickly it's liquid empties fast that's something where you could have a cup of that would be good to go within about a half hour to an hour as faras like timing any supplements that you wanted to take on empty stomach you know, apart from something like a bulletproof coffee well, I mean cause I'm already taking my stuff as empty stomach right when I first wake up but then I got away from coffee after correct right? I would wait about a half hour or so before you'd start into something like that so that's just about the time period I give myself it's before a meal okay so you know, um few other supplements for the morning afternoon iodine and we talk about iodine before and help court it is a natural detox so it could protect you gets radiation iodine is something that I take for thyroid support as well. One of the things you need to realize is I mentioned about taking like six drops of iodine per day to protect yourself from radiation if that's something that you're concerned about this is what I a and looks like this is this is that nasa based iodine that I was talking about just very, very dark who must spill it on clothing and it dyes pretty quickly but about six drops or so of this on a daily basis because your body doesn't do a good job storing iodine you're eating seaweed and sea vegetables and using those is your iodine source you'd want to eat those unlike a daily basis and as a regular part of your diet now fat soluble vitamins aren't like that like you could technically if you're taking vitamin d you could take just like twenty thousand international units of vitamin d on a sunday and be good to go the rest of the week you can even megadose with fish oil once every few days instead of taking fish oil on a daily basis anything that's fat soluble tends to be stored but there are some of these other things like vitamin c on like iodine and like some of our vitamin bees that need to be kind of taken on a regular basis um either daily or throughout the day um iodine can increase your energy levels if you tend to kind of have an afternoon slump get tired in the afternoon this is something you could mix with a glass of water in the afternoon to give you a little bit of an energy boost so that's another time that you could use something like iodine as a kind of ah timing issue vitamin d very very similar to the vitamin e that I mentioned before as far as something that's fat soluble that you'd want take with a meal vitamin d in some studies has been shown to possibly interfere with sleep, so if you're using a vitamin d supplement you may want to consider not taking it at night on dh using your vitamin d is something that you might say take with vitamin e with breakfast in the morning you know along with your fish oil so you're trying to lump all those fat soluble vitamins is the fats together in a meal or you could take it for example you know, with lunch, but I'd be careful doing vitamin d like as an evening based supplement just because it can make you tired as faras vitamin d goes, we'll get into some other issues with vitamin d a little bit later on, I think that a lot of people these days overuse vitamin d. What I mean by that is they take a lot of vitamin d in the absence of adequate levels of some of the things that really help your body to absorb and utilize vitamin d properly, namely vitamin a and vitamin k, vitamin a from beta carotene, rich foods and vitamin k from vitamin k rich foods, or from from what's called a vitamin k three supplement. Taking high dose vitamin d by itself can actually be a little bit dangerous and may actually be a risk factor for things like calcification in the arteries. So you really want to be careful if you're taking fat soluble vitamins, you know, it's why I recommend something like, say, eating organ meats, like getting liver because that's a really natural, whole complete source of these fat soluble vitamins like a and d and e and k, but it's all packaged together, granted it's really hard to put a liver into one of these little bottles, get desiccated liver powder it's not quite as complete is like a like a good liver, and we didn't get in deliver recipes, but I've got a great one for frying up liver and butter and dredging it an egg and covering it onions and bacon and it's really good. Um, but anyways, as faras vitamin d goes, just know that taking at night especially something you want to be careful with fish oil I can already touched on most of things you need to know about that we talked about omega three fatty acids and their potent anti inflammatory effect for most athletes, my range recommendation is about four to six grams per day of fish oil. There are some things that I recommend almost everyone take, and unless you're living on the coast, just eating a ton of sushi and sashimi and fish fish oil is definitely one of those that I recommend that you use. I'm not a fan of megadose ing with fish oil, you do reach a certain point where those omega three receptors become overloaded s so there are some people that recommend forty fifty grams of fish oil a day. Not only is that a great way tio, similar to m c t oil have some diaper time but it's also just not really there's kind of a law of diminishing returns when it comes to fish oil, so one other thing for the afternoon evening that's, the vitamin k that I mentioned. This is another one that a lot of people tend to be really deficient in just a touched on natto fermented soybeans during our last session. Now soybeans in general have a lot of digestive inhibitors in them, and soy can have some some pretty big issues in terms of digestibility and kind of doing a number on your digestive system and soy in high amounts can even cause some issues and women who have estrogen dominance on who have been exposed to a lot of other estrogen's in the environment. However, fermented soybeans are a great source of vitamin k and natto is the name of ah fermented soybean. You can actually make these right. Jessa, you khun basically purchase soybeans from the er natto from the grocery store and use it t make wrote on an asian market and then you use soy beans and you basically from not mistaken spread the natto out along with the soy beans. She makes it I don't you want explain real quick? Is it a long process? Okay, way might get to later on but for now, no, that natto and grass fed butter are really good sources of vitamin k liver is ok and you can also get a vitamin k three supplement, okay aa lot of different ways to get vitamin k but it's incredibly important and another one that's notoriously deficient in people and especially if you're taking vitamin d with the vitamin k deficiency it can aggravate health issues rather than doing you much good. So be careful and make sure that you take vitamin k absorption just like the other fat soluble vitamins is increased when you take it along with the meal that contains dietary fats or other fat soluble vitamins. Yes, cheryl you're mentioning k three I was under the impression that k two and vitamin d what better together let's go ahead and double check because you could be right. It's it's, the um um I forget the actual chemical and I'm pretty sure it's vitamin k three I could be mistaken. It might be the k two on dh perhaps some on the internet could chime in as well. But it's either k three or k two that you're you want to look for so double check on that could be yeah, I have a cell phone supplements from the case seven form, which is vitamin k two. Yeah, and also some in case, uh for a swell. So m k seven is k two okay, so it's k two u s o n k you're in m k seven or both k two, but yeah yeah it's a different photo look for vitamin k to not vitamin k three that thank you for correcting me on that um lots of lots of vitamins and numbers to remember vitamin k to not vitamin k three thank you cheryl um okay and then calcium this one kind of tends to get it you know it's a it's a horse that gets kicked to death sometimes it's a very abundant mineral in the body it's used the nerve transmission and muscle function it's best utilized in the evening it's best taken with magnesium so that the to balance each other and so that calcium is properly absorbed again taking a high dose unopposed calcium supplement can increase your risk for arterial calcification if you have a high amount of calcium kind of circulating in your bloodstream so make sure that you take calcium that's packaged along with magnesium or better yet just eat a diet that's rich and like dark leafy greens and natural organic dairy and things of that nature and then use the magnesium supplement in the evenings I did not are do not see at least my ziploc bag full of cocaine but it's actually magnesium it's powdered magnesium and some people asked if ever have issues going through say with my little ziploc bag of powdered magnesium but I take it almost every night I take about three hundred to four hundred grams of ah a form of magnesium citrate called natural calm and magnesium is especially important to use if you're supplementing with calcium on dh for bone density is packaging that along with the vitamin k is also important well we've also been giving that to our kids a young age our kids actually take a multivitamin that contains magnesium omega three fatty acids vitamin k it's got a lot of different compounds in it we we don't have a here with us but it's ah it's called peter guillen's natural vitality you confined that one at a pacific fit dot net I mean it's just a liquid multi the nice thing about having the magnesium and it is the kids take it at night and they fall asleep really natural right then we had a lot of people chiming in about multi vitamins in the chat room I know it can be difficult if you're multi vitamin has some things that you're saying should be taking the morning something that should be taken in the evening and obviously you can't really dice that up yes that it's it's tough there are encapsulation technologies out there that allow in different parts of the vitamin to be absorbed at a different time as you take the vitamin they're incredibly expensive I have been trying for a year personally to design a multivitamin that would replace your need toe have all these different bottles and I keep running into roadblock after roadblock when it comes to all these issues so ultimately what it comes down to is I probably will wind up at some point having a multivitamin that you can use but it's going to cost about two hundred dollars a bottle because of the how much it costs for the actual encapsulation technology. So, you know, some people will pay for that convenience, but yeah, I mean that's. The tricky part with multivitamins is you do kind of sacrifice him stuff. You decide you're just going to go the easy route and just take it all at once in one fell swoop. The other problem with multivitamins is many of them are notoriously deficient and, you know, like average multivitamin has four hundred international units of vitamin d in it so you could take your multivitamin, but you still got to go and find vitamin d tow ad in there to bring it up to the level that you would actually need for ultimate human performance. So, um, let me let me go over just a couple other supplements here on dh. Then before we jump into a kind of chunking things into certain categories, we'll take a few more questions. Magnesium I already talked about. This is one that tends to be notoriously deficient in athletes, so it is one that I recommend that most athletes take. There is a test out there called a red blood cell magnesium test if you did a specter, cell analysis or an ion panel two of the tests that I recommend during the how to test your body section yesterday, it would include a red blood cell, magnesium evaluation. Also there's a test through wellness, fx called a performance panel that also includes the magnesium evaluation, but most athletes tend to test deficient in magnesium, and there could be some pretty serious downstream, like cardiovascular heart rhythm issues. With that, there could be some muscle relaxation and cramping issues with that, so magnesium is really important, as faras as, ah, mineral kites kind up there with fish, oil and vitamin d and vitamin k is one of those ones that I kind of recommend across the board for most, you know, hard charging people, so let's, go with one mohr probiotics, so you're going to learn a lot later on at the end of the session today about how to fix your guts and about the friendly bacteria living in your digestive tract and probiotics air. Certainly something that, like I mentioned, I will take when I'm not eating fermented foods that are naturally rich in these friendly bacteria, you need to take them, preferably with water on an empty stomach, about thirty to sixty minutes prior to meal, so they don't interfere with a lot of the or so that the digestive enzymes and the hydrochloric acid and a lot of the things that are released along with that meal aren't interfering with the actual probiotics. And when you're taking a probiotic, you want to make sure in most cases that you are keeping it cold, many of them degrade at high temperatures, some are heat stable, but unless the bottle or the capsule, the package indicates that it is heat stable, be careful, especially when you're traveling of probiotics. I always keep them my bags that they're not like in the underbelly of the airplane getting hot, and also, if you've ever been on antibiotics before, in many cases, the average probiotic does not contain one strain of probiotics that antibiotics tend to really just destroys called sacrum, isis belardi. So, for example, I right now because I went through ah, really kind of bad bacterial infection in thailand last week, I'm taking sacrum, isis belardi, so I travel with this and I keep it cold, and then I also use a form of probiotics made by a company called mount capra, and this has about ten billion plus organisms in it in terms of the actual bacterial count of probiotics, and I usually look for about ten billion plus. When I'm purchasing a probiotic, a lot of them just have one billion or three billion, but I look for a really broad spectrum the other thing that I'll do is make sure that I never again just rely on a supplement because your body thrives on a wide variety of bacteria so eating a wide variety of fermented foods, switching brands of yogurt occasionally even switching brands of probiotics that could be a good strategy when it comes to probiotics and no take them with food or take them with digestive enzymes or anything like that. It's one thing to be careful with with probiotics so if you're taking a capsule um let's go ahead and stop for a second before we jump into supplementing for specific needs and take some questions all right? Well, let's let's start I saw barry said his hand up for so let's let's go with him um I was going to go back to the, uh the multivitamin thing just cause I saw the book right there. I think the carlton's have a pretty decent a multivitamin that kind of like what you're saying there were split so they have like a morning powder and like a nighttime so just in case that person wanted to look yes, the authors of this book I believe they have a powder through reason I think you're right is because I'm pretty sure so I get it boxes and packages sent to my house every week I think that's one that's sitting in my fridge to try out in some point and kind of kind of see how the body jives with yeah they make a multi um and you know, like I mentioned I'm busting about with a few different laboratories around the u s to try and create something myself on dso yeah there are there are some ways that you can do it usually with the multivitamin kind of like that if it is one that's pretty decent it's either a lot of capsules because it's been like a whole food format you take one pack with breakfast one packed with lunch one pack with dinner or it's in like a powder and you're doing like a few different doses of powder it's never it was just like one horse sized capsule that you're taking usually that's that's not in the right form so um cheryl yeah about calcium as a female you told take like two cups of non fat milk a day and you get all your calcium needs what is your thought about that? Um that could be true that you get enough calcium from from that source but unfortunately non fat milk is modernized pasteurized void of a lot of its nutrients full of hormones and antibiotics and so getting it from say like dark leafy greens with maybe some full fat greek organic yogurt, you know, that type of thing would be ah, better way to go, but you certainly can get most of your calcium from foods. The issue is not really in most case is getting enough calcium. The issue is ensuring that it's adequately absorbed by making sure that you also get magnesium and vitamin k. So and jeff, I follow tony robbins, and when discussing in nutrition and supplementation, he places a big emphasis upon alkalinity, obviously in the last section and then what we're going to be doing now. You mentioned your big ass salad or the obviously the drink that we had it had spirulina and kale in that sort of thing, but can you talk specifically about how alkalinity plays into your philosophy? Sure, sure, when you're when you're doing some of those tests like that, how to test your body type of things, that performance panel through wellness effects will test chloride, and it'll tests co two if I see ceo to values that tend to consistently be above twenty seven or below twenty one or chloride values that are way above one hundred aa lot of times that indicates that ph values our offer that the body you know, that you're eating a diet that's very high in acidic, based compounds like starches and sugars and sweeteners. Or perhaps you're not getting enough acidic based compounds in your diet which is usually not the case usually it's that you need more al kalinic foods dark leafy greens, for example are a perfect example on dh fewer of the acidic based foods assed faras an alcohol and based diet. If you were to eat all those foods that just and I had out on the table in the last session, your ph would be really well balanced my co two sits exactly where it needs to every single time that I do a test and that's a really really good way to kind of monitor your ph levels would be just to do like a ceo to evaluation um so yeah, lots of dark leafy green lots of foods that are that are considered very al kalinic if your to do a search for acid alkaline food chart on google, for example there's a really great charts out there that will actually tell you whether or not a food creates a net acid load or a net alkaline load upon it consumption and as long as you stick primarily with more the alkaline forming foods usually in a really good spot some people will take this tow way to great extent for example, they'll get the's alkaline bayswater makers that pass water over a metal plate toe l colonize the water on the kitchen countertop before you drink it you have to be really careful with that because you can actually get your body alkalinity enough to where you can even do things like go into seizures and lose metabolic function and you're also getting lots of medals as the water passes over these metal plates tell colonized water so some people think that alkalinity is really, really good but there is a law of diminishing returns especially this alkaline water fad that that you know where you buy these thousand dollars water machines for your countertop you gotta be careful with that stuff. So any questions from the internet we dio yeah, we have a couple here one from marrying in romania and she wants to know what's a good natural source of b twelve for vegetarians is there something that's not lab synthesized? Um I like spire alina and carella as a good like natural source of b twelve seaweed has some vitamin being it um a lot of times for like vegans and vegetarians all recommend just like basically a life a soma like vitamin b spray on dh those air really well absorbed. I know that's a supplement but it's it's one way to to just really get good absorption of vitamin b and you just spread under the tongue and hold underneath your tongue and you're good to go so easy those were some of the ways that you could do it okay bionic are also asked if if you would mention the forms of supplements that our best she says she gets confused when she's shopping for supplements and there's two different kinds like she made this up she's not sure but like calcium site trade with calcium carbonate yeah like what like what you typically wouldn't take a mineral it's what's called related to a certain compound like magnesium is khun b q elated to sit traitor related tio three and eight or or tio malaitan and same with calcium in most cases what it circulated to can affect its absorption as well as its activity like supposedly for nervous system function magnesium three and eight is better and for helping it asleep magnesium citrate is better usually as long as that that mineral is at least collected to something it's going to assist with absorption as faras what's best for what it kind of comes down to what your specific goals are andi itt's a pretty in depth calm discussion what about I'm seeing this more often people will get injections like vitamin injections what are your thoughts on that if it's good for you bad one a few days ago you know myers cocktails which are which are injections of the mix s of different vitamins like high dose vitamin b high dose vitamin c injections fantastic for adrenals usually if you look up your local natural medical clinic they'll offer injections like this um uh, they're they're fantastic for athletes to do prior to events like if you could get an injection like one or two days before, on events. Totally legal, you know, it's not considered doping or anything like that, assuming it's, not your own frozen blood, that you're re injecting into your body or testosterone, or, you know, be careful. If you go to an anti aging clinic, make sure, you know what's in the ivy that they're that they're putting into you. But basic myers cocktail or vitamin c? Yeah, you get way better absorption when you just put it straight into the bloodstream. Absolutely.
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Ben delivered an exceptional three-day seminar at creativeLIVE that I was lucky enough to attend. His expertise in all facets of health & wellness was on full-display -- and his presentation was clearly articulated & engaging He was friendly and responsive to feedback and gave actionable recommendations which are already paying dividends in my life -- especially in the areas of energy, mental clarity & sleep quality I strongly recommend Ben -- he walks the walk & talks the talk -- genuinely cares about helping other people and possesses a real gift to teach & inspire
a Creativelive Student
This is one of the best courses I have ever seen! So much value for money and so many amazing bits of information jam packed in. What a brilliant guy! Geeky information presented in a down to earth way. I can not recommend this course enough. I don't think I have ever been bothered to write a review for anything (EVER) but this was SO good I had to share. Well done Ben and thank you Creative Live!
Ben Greenfield has a lot of information, best course I have taken in regards to Nutrition and Fitness. There is a lot of knowledge and their a great couple and both have a lot of information to offer, I even like the lame jokes that he makes. Very nice and knowledgable couple.
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