Lesson Info
8. Art of the Wrap: Final Shots
Get the Sellable Shot
42:51 2Start to Finsh Newborn Shoot: Mauve Cloth and Basket
33:28 3Start to Finish Newborn Shoot: Baby Pram Prop
21:44 4Start to Finish Newborn Shoot: Newborn with Parents
12:41 5Baby Safety
36:01 6Art of the Wrap: Basic Wrap with Twins
36:17 7Art of the Wrap: Egg Wrap and Side Wrap
35:14 8Art of the Wrap: Final Shots
15:27Studio Light Shoot: Newborn and Toddler with Moon Prop
37:38 10Q&A and The Challenging Toddler
40:14 11Baby Emma Edit
33:43 12Maternity Photography 101
31:46 13Clothing Options and Metering
17:59 14Shoot: Transitional Posing
29:02 15Shoot: Studio Lighting
28:49 16Shoot: Couple and Monochrome
35:29 17Shoot: Silhouettes and Back Lighting
36:06 18General Q&A
15:38 19Shoot: Movement with Fans
15:59 20Shoot: Movement with Fan and Fabrics
15:16 21Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 1
28:20 22Shoot: Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 2
20:19 23Pregnancy Session Start to Finish Part 3
20:36 24Become a Recognized Newborn Photographer
14:37 25Get Motivated to Market
13:42 26Model Calls
11:11 27Preparing for Future Opportunities
19:17 28Getting the Word Out
23:54 29Capturing the Legacy
19:19 30Marketing Materials
24:58 31The Business of Newborn Photography
21:10 32In Person Sales
27:08 33Selling Your Work
19:27 34Sneak Peak and Sales
33:12 35Lightroom Demo of Pregnancy Shoot
16:02 36Are You Good Enough?
11:51 37Battling Insecurities
26:35Lesson Info
Art of the Wrap: Final Shots
look we did that before right remember when they were in the basket before this baby's in a basket she's not on the beanbag so people think everything's on the beanbag I actually probably do more work in a basket on the beanbag but I really layer it so it doesn't necessarily look like it's in a basket but do you know why I like basket so much they're confined their small space being back is such an open empty space it's just them you can't blink you have to have somebody right there with you and I think you can blink with a basket but the basket I feel like they're more confined with that being said I do a lot on the beanbag this is actually just on the floor okay this is in a basket but here with the bum rap this is on a beanbag this's outside so this is at a client's home and I couldn't find anywhere to shoot and this is on their grill their grill is right there and the dad was so fun because once I went out there like I hope you don't mind him on your grill thanks like I didn't clea...
n my grill I didn't like it's okay next thing I know he broad oh it's not in the shot he brought out dried flowers he tries all his wife's flowers and he like hung dried flowers and he was like helping design the set and if you think about all this is these are just a little full kati rug a wrap and it's a little bum rap that's it that's it so I don't want you to get hooked up on the wrapping this side sleep rap there still in that tuck position and they're tucking the wrap around you know I mean this same thing all I did was play his plane this is my walgreen's rap come on now for ninety nine we'll pull that one out okay the middle twist was going to do with the twins all this is this's one of those things that every time I've done it I've done a fifty different ways so all this is is you take this wrap out oh it's okay and the baby or babies in the middle what do you do two pieces come together tying twist done you know I'm saying give me around I'll show you there's so many different ways to do this I'm telling you that long to go in the back and sure why don't we just faded out I can show that in post I am now wrapping myself it's a new day middle choice rap who's in the middle I am okay I'm here and I'm going like this now when I'm doing this I can then choose to tuck baby's feet in okay I can take this rap go this way I can take this rap and go this way I can tie on the side pull this around the baby's feet and wrapped under do you know what I'm saying you want to experiment all you need to know is the baby is in the middle and then you can twist even by one of those things where they give you a diagram and I tell you a hundred ways to wear a dress right you're like how the heck and when you do it you did it a completely different way that wasn't on the diagram of fifty different ways to do it it's same thing anna yes I want to read this comment from amanda brown who says anna is pretty awesome I had to go get my ten year old from school and my fourteen year old son watched the egg rap I wanted to see that and actually showed me how to do it when I came back so you can teach a fourteen year old boy hey I'm loving wrapping isn't hard I don't know why there's this mystery of wrapping here's what you need to know you need to get control of the feet when they crisscross them in you feel their tummy first what is their tummy feel like my tummy is soft if my tummy was hard don't do it they're gonna be uncomfortable there tommy is soft there feeder in let's say they're tommy is hard and they're gassing they're kicking their feet out you just wrapping keep the toes out then you get a cue tto shop right arms you want to keep the arms in they could be this way this way this way this way this way they can be anyway but watch the baby's cues where did their hands go they had been the babies will do with this automatically there going like this they're gonna do all sorts of things watch the baby's cues then wrap accordingly and have an assistant it could be mom or dad it could be a partner it could be anybody just one person you say can you just hold here for one second and then you got it you got it you got it my biggest compliment is when the graham has come in and they're like ooh she's got the rafting like I got it because grandma's can wrap right that's what they used to do back in the day it's not like wrapping his new by wrapping books yumi wrapping books there are unwrapping babies that have nothing do with photography and swahili there's a lot you have to practice I consider you and tell you for three days had a wrap until I give you a baby and you do it over and over and over and over again you're not gonna get it okay let's do one more we got this we're going to actually slide the rap down because I'm all about transitions but john I think we're good these lights you gonna have to go back because here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna take each one of them and they're gonna be like this over the basket and I'm gonna just slide the rap down and they're gonna be like this now for posing I either need the bean bags or a little diaper pads and let's put it over we will fade this for two background I convince eo it for you guys and or you can send it out to be done but let's let's do this and we're going to end with this we were going to do a moon prop but I know we have I think two more what I'm no time wave more segments to come so I'll do that in another segment I felt is more important to kind of show you yeah isn't helping yeah way have one more segment after our next break and home they will be over it yes can we just run this all night um okay maybe I can use it in that segment well yeah I think we can we think we can let's pull this a little out I knew this day would go by fast there's so much I want to teach you there's so much more to newborns there's not enough time and that this time thing brings up a question for me what are the best times that you'd like new boards to be in your studio do you like to him in the mornings of the afternoon or do you do evening shoot and it's in the early days would you go out to people's houses to do shoots ok good question and can I also ask how many shoes do you do a day how many sheets doing two a day it depends on the time of year we'll talk about now I'm in crazy land um all right let me back up I deal still do newborn shoots at home we charge a hundred dollar fee to go to a client's home so at the end of the day one hundred dollars is not that much money if a client wants me to go to their home so my clients will pay a location fee in and it yeah it kind of comes in spurts sometimes I do a lot of home location shoots um so let me see how my questions time of the day it doesn't matter to me um I my studio opens at ten o'clock and we will book our first appointment sometime between ten and ten thirty on tuesday and friday I have what I call her late days and keep in mind tuesdays and thursdays I could spend a whole day on scheduling your life is a business person because when I was single it was very different versus when I had my first child versus when my first child was in kindergarten versus went all three were in grade school so keep in mind I have adjusted my schedule about five hundred times over fourteen years and I seriously feel like it could be a whole segment on scheduling and balancing your life in your work but I will tell you right now how it is I have the pleasure of having all three kids in a great school during the day which is extremely helpful I try to maximize my time while they're in school with that being said I do have clients that work and I respect the working parent because I'm one and we do offer evening appointments during the slow time I offer one night a week either tuesday or thursday during the busy time it is a tuesday and thursday my kids call them mama's late nights they know that when it's mama's late night daddy's cooking dinner and so I want to educate my children to know what I'm doing we take clients till eight o'clock at night so our last appointment would be eight o'clock at night which means that bring down bum down and newborn I could be there till ten eleven o'clock at night with a newborn as faras the time of day that's completely dependent on my client for two reasons if it's a single child um and there's no other children involved usually it's early afternoon because my first timers don't like to leave the house for a ten o'clock shoot with children hold actually with children there's naptime so we always asked my clients when the child's the toddlers naptime is because babies around a twenty four hour schedule so it really doesn't matter babies have a witching hour and we do want to know when the witching hour is my baby's witching hour was always eleven o'clock at night right when I went to bed some people tell me it's three in the morning some people tell me it's four in the afternoon so when when the child has a toddler we say what is the toddlers nap time so we probably do more children with toddlers in the morning and then that one two o'clock time frame is my most open time frame because toddlers air napping so we're going to get her in here um what else how many sheets till I do a day it depends on the type of shit like you doing newborns all day you can't schedule them as frequently versus you know couple of many sessions family session you know everyone every session every because how we allow is booking time when with the newborns we booked two hours but we don't look a second shoot till a half an hour after sometimes an hour after so meaning in the schedule when tiffany's booking let's say she books a one o'clock client and then we have another newborn warning the same day she will not look that next client till three thirty or four we tell them it's gonna be a two hour session but we need a buffer just in case we run over last thursday I photographed newborns from ten in the morning to ten o'clock at night it was twelve straight hours because we things happen in phases you know babies are born at the same time so we'll go through months of nobody being born and then I we and then you know way have we have a obi display and I have a lot of people that work in the hospital so all here this is a big baby time on way you know we could book for babies in one day but keep in mind I have a baby plan and I shoot a lot of children and family and this is the time of the year where all of my family want photos and we'll talk about the baby plan on thursday but we encourage children I love children I will never turn away a child of any age and I want toddlers in the newborn session I want them there so this time of year my day could be do a newborn to a one year do with three months six months to a newborn go on location to the beach go back to a newborn because I told tiffany years ago when she scheduled me schedule my my schedule the same meaning if I'm shooting I would rather shoot all day one day and then the next day do editing and then sell for six hours and then shu because if you take a different energy right so if I'm shooting that I'm selling that editing them shooting that I'm selling them anything I can't stay in that same creative energy space so it is much better tip you'll come to me going anna is it ok you've got sticks straight hours of newborns and I'll say to her what is tomorrow look like and she's like tomorrow you've nothing till one and I'll be like fabulous because then I'll spend that whole day shooting shooting shooting and then the next day I'll energize my husband knows if I have a late night he'll say am I getting taking the kids to school in the morning like you planet like it's going to take every ounce of my being to shoot twelve straight hours but then the next thing I could take a break I can play a canoe production tiffany and I both cell and love to sell so work I'm okay with doing that we tag team it can I answer all the questions so I'm gonna just test shot for the lighting I need to go perfect this pose um lighting looks good on the left line I'm meaning to adjust a little bit but see what's happening if I was doing this with twins or a solo baby I still have somebody right here watching this head and we're going to probably get to a point where it's just a finger holding each day okay so we're going to get this shot and we're going to wrap it up you ready one two three love it okay got it I'm going to go as low as I can little guy um he said he's out um you're okay he needs to go down his bum needs to go down his bum get the bomb down down down member the weight is the heaviest so we need to get the bums down okay right there way got this last shot um can you put opposing bag and there are little cover a little uh diaper burp cloth if not I'll take it I don't mind let me shoot up first hey we're doing one more picture hey we're doing he's going out so ashley hold his bombing just pat him okay we got this miles so his bomb just keep him down and keep patting he likes the patting this's it this's it this'ii way have him ashley you're going put one finger here right here sorry right there we got him and let's get her what in your head so if we could get something under her head okay this isn't you guys this's your debate debut debut way go work for beautiful we got it you see it over there know that we got in the she settled she feels good good okay when two three here we go you two put hands on the side she's a little turned more out it's not the end of the world they're beautiful thank you can pull his hat up a little bit stop it so yummy oh I love it I love you guys good also um
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I enrolled in your course because I was wanting to expand my photography business to something other than weddings. I never knew just how amazing and important pregnancy and newborn photography would be. I am feeling so much joy, love, inspiration and the need to do this now; all because of you and this course. You have captured me and led me to believe I was meant to do this type of photography. Thank you for your amazing course, your talents in what you do are unmeasurable! I look forward to learning more from you in the future while watching your course over and over. I can't wait to start this new journey of imagery. Thank you!
Mindy St Onge
I cant believe I got this on sale! So happy with this purchase. The one thing I feel I would have changed is I feel she rushed through the newborn sessions really quickly and spent ALOT of time on maternity. I would have liked to see a lot more of the newborn posing and info versus a dozen maternity. But all in all its full of a lot of great info and I love that its not voice over....it is true time so I can see how she is interacting with the clients. Thankyou Anna I love love love your work always!!
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