Class Introduction
04:03 2Intro to Youtube Advertising
11:45 3Targeting Your Customer
17:00 4Rapid Research
11:10 5Two Types of Video Advertisements
07:52 6The Aducate Formula
15:25 7Video Production Tips
16:53 8Getting Your Accounts Setup
08:37Lesson Info
Getting Your Accounts Setup
Let's now focus on getting you completely set up, ready for you to run your YouTube ad and get in front of your potential customers, get them coming to your website and buying your products and services. Now, the first thing that I need to make sure you have is a YouTube channel or a YouTube account where you can upload your video so it's ready to run as an ad. Now, it's not too difficult to do this, so therefore, there's no tutorial right now on how to build out your YouTube channel, per se. All I'd recommend is you go to Google, type in YouTube. If you haven't got a channel ready, go to YouTube and set up an account there, and the walkthrough will just kind of show you exactly what to do to build out a channel for your business where you can upload your video. Now, once you've done that, and you've got that video there, the next thing you're gonna want to do is go and set up yourself an AdWords account. Now, again, I would recommend you go to Google and you type in "Google AdWords" i...
nto Google and it'll take you through to the page where you can sign up for your AdWords account. Again, it's a completely free account. Rather like your YouTube account, which is completely free to build as well. And now, once you have your AdWords account, you're just gonna, again, go through the process, they're gonna ask you to fill out your whole AdWords account, like so you've got your billing sorted out and everything else like that. But there's one thing in particular that so many companies don't set up correctly, and I wanna show you how to set this up, which is your pixels setup. Pixels, and kind of why you want to use pixels and what they are, I'm gonna walk through right now. Because, if you can use your pixels, it means you can measure exactly how things are working and it will give you all the data you need to know in order to keep on optimizing and improving your campaigns and to scale them up as well. It's basically the way that you can measure what's going on. Now, I'm gonna show you something now called the path to purchase, and it's really important that you're clear with what you want your viewers, your customers to do as they go through engaging with your company. So this path to purchase, I'm gonna give you an example of what it might be like. Obviously, for your business, it could be slightly different but I want you to get the concept here. Understand it so you can use this for your own business as well. Okay, so let's take this idea for a business right now. All they're gonna be doing is hopefully have a YouTube ad like we've talked about, getting in front of people based on the keywords that you've created. Those 300 different keywords. You're using them as you're targeting, and you're getting your video ad in front of those people when they type in those keywords. And what you're hoping that's gonna happen is when they see your video ad, they're gonna click that link in the bottom left-hand corner to go to your landing page. Now, your landing page is gonna probably be a page where it's optimized so that, when people get to that page, people know what to do next. That's gonna be either leave their name and email for some sort of free gift or access to something. Or maybe it's a way to purchase something on your website as well. Whatever it might be, you're asking for that first milestone to be completed. And let's say, for example, there is some sort of free PDF, let's say, or an eBook or something. It could be anything. But once they get to that page, they're gonna fill in their name and email, maybe a little more information should you so wish, and once they've done that, they're gonna get through to the next page, which is called the thank you page. Now, this thank you page is where you're gonna obviously say thank you for signing up or registering or buying the first product, whatever that milestone is. And, at that point, you're gonna deliver the next part of the content as well. So if they've opted in for an eBook, you might have the eBook waiting for them there so they can go read it. And you would have that delivery of that thing that they just opted in for at that point. Now, if you've given something away for free, the next step would be to potentially promote some paid offer to those people that have signed up for your free gift. And at that point you're gonna send them through to a sales page. Of course there might be some more nurturing. You might kind of build a relationship with them with some more content or some emails, or whatever it might be. There's gonna be a point at which you want to send people to a sales page to go and buy your product. And again, a page that's designed specifically to sell that product and ask for them to go to the checkout and buy your program. So once you've got that sales page there, if someone does want to find out how much it costs and how to go and buy your product, they're gonna first of all, from that sales page, click the link to take them through to a checkout page. This is where they will potentially fill in their credit card details or whatever, like maybe PayPal, or whatever it is you're using to take payment from clients online, there's gonna be a checkout page there where people can add their details. And should they submit that and it goes through, they'll be taken through to the confirmation page. Now, that confirmation page is, again, where you deliver that product to them or whatever they've signed up for there. Now, that path to purchase is useful for you to be completely clear. And sometimes what I recommend as well is almost form a hypothesis of what you think will happen in terms of how many people will view your video or how many people will visit your landing page. How many people will opt in? You might not know just yet, but it's good to have an idea of your expectations across the whole of that sales process. So you can get a kind of feel for whether that campaign is working as well as you want it to or whether that sales funnel and that path to purchase is working as well as you want it to. And you can keep a close eye on what you expect those numbers to be, because when run your ad campaign, those numbers might be wildly different. They might be much better, they might be much worse. You can keep an eye on how things are working for you and your business. So it's good to kind of form a bit of a hypothesis there. But when it comes to your pixels, you need to be able to make sure you can measure exactly how many people are taking each step with you in your company. Okay, so, there's gonna be a global tracking code that we're gonna go and generate in a second, and you're gonna want to apply that global tracking code to every single one of the pages. Okay, that goes into every single page. It's global tracking tag or pixel that you can add to each one of your pages on your website. And normally there's gonna be part of your website that allows you to add a global pixel, so to speak, and that would mean that, when people will take certain steps in your business, Google will be tracking all of that information, so you want to be able to decipher how many people are getting to each one of these pages. Now the thing is, if you want to track individual pages that are important to you, then you need to do something else. You need to include what's called an OptIn Pixel Snippet, or just another piece of, it's a conversion event it's called, but let's say, for example, you were getting people to opt in. You would add that to the thank you page. These are bits of code that go to your pages. Now, if you're not familiar with code and how to add code to pages, this is where your website developer will find it very easy to do this. So someone in the know, someone who knows how to develop websites or add code to websites will know exactly how to do this. If you're completely unclear then obviously you can just send these pieces of code to a developer and say, "Please add these to certain pages." So you've got this kind of global one that goes on every page, but then you're gonna have this event snippet, or here we're gonna call it the OptIn Pixel Snippet that you add just to the thank you page. Because if anyone lands on the thank you page, and it's called firing that pixel, it means you know they've just opted in. So you need to make sure you know that, because then you want to know how many people are opting in, and all that data will be taken back into your account inside of AdWords and it will tell you what video they watched, what keyword they typed in, loads of information. So it's really, really valuable to you. Things like age, demographic, location. Everything you want to know will be tracked by that pixel and put into your account so you can see what's working and what's not working inside of your ad accounts. It's really important you do that. But likewise, you might not just want to track one thing. You might want to track multiple things. So you could add a kind of like a purchase pixel snippet as well and add that one to the page for your confirmation should they have bought from you. So you want to kind of track everything, which will be that global tracking code, but then you might want to use these event snippets that are the really important ones for you to keep an eye on. So now you know if you had this all set up correctly you would know how many people have opted in and how many people have bought from you as well. Those might be the most important pieces of data that you need in order to run your accounts most successfully. So what I'm gonna do over the next few minutes is also walk you through this section, how to set up your OptIn Pixel.
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Lorilyn Bailey
Excellent. He gets to the point quickly and has clear graphics. I wish all courses were as straightforward.
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