Class Introduction
04:03 2Intro to Youtube Advertising
11:45 3Targeting Your Customer
17:00 4Rapid Research
11:10 5Two Types of Video Advertisements
07:52 6The Aducate Formula
15:25 7Video Production Tips
16:53 8Getting Your Accounts Setup
08:37Lesson Info
Rapid Research
Now, we're gonna move into something I call rapid research and if you're anything like me, I'm not a huge fan of doing huge amounts of research prior to doing my own promotion. If I was gonna do it for a client, it would be very different. We would go and do a lot of research before about the marketplace but not really around YouTube because there's no real good tools that can help with the research. So I'm gonna share with you a process that will really help you out to get in front of your customers in the right way. And so we're going to be talking specifically about how to find your customers on YouTube and I'm gonna give you a hack that took us a long time to work out. And I'll walk you through why that is the case in a second but it's about working with the algorithm of ad words. Now, let me just tell you flat out from the very beginning, like a caveat before we get into any of this is that normal keyword research does not really work very well for YouTube. So if you try and use k...
eyword tools that are out there, if you try and apply Google keyword tools to your YouTube campaigns, it really is not the best way of going and there's not really any good tools out there. And this is partly because the actual platform of YouTube is a very different platform to pretty much anything else. You don't get other search engines that just supply video. There's not many out there at all and YouTube is really the only one. So if you try and do Google keyword research using Google related tools, then you'll get keywords that are relevant to people what they type into Google. Whereas if people go to YouTube, they're using wildly different keywords, they're typing in very different things because when you know that videos are coming up, then you're gonna type in different things into the search bar. Now, here's the thing is that YouTube are not very good at telling you what keywords people are typing in. There's no good YouTube keyword tool. There is one but it's not very good at all and will give you really strange results when it comes to trying to do any research using YouTube keyword tools. And so really there isn't any tools out there that are useful. And the way that we've done it as a business is just trial and error. Tried loads of different things and in the end found it difficult to isolate how to find the right keywords for any type of campaign until more recently. And that's what I wanna share with you now. So, what I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna show you how to find YouTube friendly keywords and this works incredibly well and it's something that I think is gonna kickstart your campaign so you can get started really effectively. So it's a bit of a process but here's what we're gonna do. First of all, I want you to get like a pen and paper and I normally do this with myself and my team but you can do this by yourself, you can find other people just to brainstorm with as well, it's always good to work with other people because they can have different perspectives when it comes to writing things down. And what you're gonna do is you're gonna do a 20 minute brainstorm and you're gonna do this to go through 10 want to know keywords. So if your customers are going to YouTube because they want to know about something, what do you think they'll be typing in? Write down 10 of those. Then you want to write down 10 want to do keywords. These are the how to and the tutorial style videos. Are your customers going to YouTube typing that type of thing in that is relevant for your business? If so, make a note of exactly what you think your customers are typing in when it comes to the wanting to do type keywords. Or potentially, or and I should say, I also want you to write down 10 want to buy keywords. Maybe this is reviews or certain types of products or whatever it might be that you think your customers are going to YouTube and typing in prior to making a purchase. If they're looking for more information so they can make a better purchasing decision, write down what you think those people will typing in into YouTube. So you're going through and you can write down as many as you like but I want you to hone in so you get 10 really good keywords for each one of these sections. So you're gonna end up with 30 keywords. Now, as I said, don't use any keyword tools, just go with your brainstorm for the time being, just write down what you think your customers are typing into YouTube based off these three things so you end up in the next 20 minutes with 30 keywords that are gonna be relevant for your business. Now, to just give you some heads up and examples of what I tend to start with if I was running this myself. Anything like a want to know type keyword would be something like parenting advice, let's say if we were just in the industry or in the kind of niche or niche of parenting you might type in something like parenting advice. You're just looking for advice on how to become a really good parent potentially. So that would be a want to know type keyword. A want to do type keyword might be something like how to get my kid to sleep. Something along those lines. So you're kind of like getting a little bit more specific now about a task or something that you're looking to hopefully achieve. And then if you're wanting to buy something, it could be like baby sleep product reviews or the best baby sleep product reviews or something along those lines, something that's kind of like you're starting to get very zeroed in on different types of products. Now if there's actually brands out there as well you can potentially choose some of those brands because again, the likelihood is is if you're close to making a purchasing decision, you might be reviewing one brand versus another brand. And so those types of keywords can be really good as well because you're getting in front of people when they're just about to make a purchasing decision but they're still not really sure if they're gonna make that purchasing decision or not which is a great time to get your business in front of them as well if you have really good products that might be better than what currently they're searching for. Great so, that should hopefully give you a bit of an idea and I would say take that 20 minutes, write down those keywords, and just get comfortable with them so you have 10 want to know keywords, 10 want to do keywords, and 10 want to buy keywords. Now, once you've done that we're gonna move on and look at typing in those keywords into YouTube. So you've got your 30 keywords and you'll choose the first one and let's say for example you type in how to get my kid to sleep and you type that into the search bar on YouTube. Now when you do this, and this is part of the really effective hack that took us a long time to work out, once you do that, you type that initial keyword in, one of your 30, you're gonna find that you get lots of different results and there should be 20 results on the first page of YouTube. So based on relevancy of those videos, you're gonna see 20 different videos that will come up. Now what you're gonna do is you're just gonna notice what those titles are of those videos. So here we've got tips, getting your kid to sleep alone and the next one two hours of gentle lullabies for babies, baby sleep music. Then you've got how to get your toddler to go to bed without resistance. And then you've got how to get your toddler to sleep through the night. Now here's the thing, we started off with a keyword of how to get my kid to sleep and can you see now how these different videos are showing what people are most interested in? You wouldn't have found that easily with a keyword tool. There's not many keyword tools that are out there that would supply this type of information for YouTube. So you're going to start writing down all of these titles of these different videos. I can sometimes just copy and paste and put it into a Google spreadsheet or something along those lines. So you just start to get, that one that you wrote down, that brainstormed keyword, you're gonna get all these different titles. And I would choose 10 titles, I would type that, just like copy and paste those first 10 titles of those videos and those you want to keep in a sheet so you know you've got those titles of those videos based off each one of those keywords that you brainstormed. So, once you've got that, you're gonna take those four, or sorry, there's four titles here but you're gonna take 10 of them and this means that now you've got YouTube friendly keywords. Now, here's the thing is that with some of those titles there you might be able to break them into a few more types of keywords. So let's say for example that second one down there, two hours of gentle lullabies for babies, you might have two hours of gentle lullabies for babies as one keyword or one key phrase and then you might have another one which might be baby sleep music. So you can tidy these up slightly if you feel like it's needed. Sometimes you'll have some kind of emojis that will go with the titles and things which you can kind of delete out. So you might want to clean up these titles slightly just to make sure it feels more of a key phrase to you. But you're gonna write these down because this is kind of what YouTube is telling you what people are typing in or what they're deciding to click and watch those videos. And so as we know that, we're gonna be able to use that and it gives us lots of inspiration for different types of keywords as well but we're getting loads and loads of different types of keywords and key phrases that are going to be very relevant to our business. So instead of doing huge amounts of research, we're just being very effective about this. Brainstorming 30 based off those different types of searches that people do on YouTube and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put those 30 in and grab 10 titles per keyword. Now this means as we do that we're gonna have the 30 brainstormed keywords when you start writing those down onto a sheet of paper and then you're also gonna have your 10 titles per keyword which means you're gonna end up with 300 YouTube friendly keywords. Now, that might take a little bit of time, I understand that, but it's so worth it for your business. It's not gonna take too long but if you do want a quick hack we have provided a tool that you can potentially use and this makes the whole process a little easier. And basically what you can do is you can type in the keyword that you think will be relevant, one of those 30, and then you can choose how many you want to get. So choose how many titles you want to get, you add your keyword into the tool, and then once you press submit all of your YouTube video titles are gonna be added there below. And then you can just select those, copy them, and add them to your sheet and it's gonna speed things up a little bit for you as well. Now, if you're thinking, is this worth it? Is all this work really gonna be worth it? I just wanna showcase what can be possible. Now, just to show you kind of a little bit more about the potential that you have here when you're doing this type of research, when you get it right, you might find out of those 300 different keywords only let's say 10 of them might work. And I'll show you how to optimize your campaigns later and how to scale them and all that sort of good stuff but I wanna share with you some of the potential here because this is just one keyword campaign from one of our clients and you can see here that we've, in the last seven days, we spent over $27, on just some of these keywords that are relevant. Now this is just one type of campaign. So you can really spend a lot of money and scale up and this is all based off ROI, return on investments. So this stuff really does work very effectively and when you find these keywords, these are the sorts of things that will just reliably work for you as a business because you're gonna be getting in front of your customers when they're looking for advice or looking for products that are very relevant to you and your business.
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Lorilyn Bailey
Excellent. He gets to the point quickly and has clear graphics. I wish all courses were as straightforward.
Mehr Ali
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