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Crochet the Ribbed Brim

Lesson 10 from: Crochet Maker 201: Hats

Vickie Howell

Crochet the Ribbed Brim

Lesson 10 from: Crochet Maker 201: Hats

Vickie Howell

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10. Crochet the Ribbed Brim

Lesson Info

Crochet the Ribbed Brim

All right. So I have evenly Half, double cruciate All the way around. I have my 54 stitches. You might have had to fudge it a little bit because you're kind of you're not doing a stitch in every single stitch. You just want to make sure that you haven't even number all the way around, and then we're gonna join it the slip stitch as you would for every round. And then we're gonna actually start what makes the rib stitch here. All right, so we're gonna chain to to start this round, and now we're gonna work in front post back post rib stitch. So to do that, we need Teoh, you aren't over, and we're gonna go in through the front and around the post of that stitch below. You're in over. Pull loop through urine over again. Pull through all three loops. That's the front post HDC. Now we need to do a back post HDC. So to do that, we're going to turn over again. We're going to come through the back of the peace around that post again. Pull the loop through, pull through all three loops, so we're...

gonna alternate that back and forth. Make sure I did that. There's the back one. Make sure I got that. Okay, I'm where I need to be now, so I'm gonna go through the front of the next one and then the back of the one after that. So front post, Which just means you're coming in through the front of the piece. You aren't over. Pull through urine over. Pulled through all three loops. Back posts come in through the back of the peace. You're in over. Pull through and you're gonna alternate that. And because you're working through around the posts instead of at the top of the stitches, What you're doing is you're kind of gathering the fabric, and that's what's going to give you that nice elasticity to you. Keep the hat where it needs to be on your head. So you're just gonna do this all the way around and you can see right here? Look, that flexibility that gives you you can see the ribs such being created. And I'm just gonna pull in the other hat with finished hat so that you can see what it looks like after you repeat that round, you're gonna go all the way around that round. And now you repeat that exact same around one more time to get this nice rib band. And when she had that, you're gonna tie off and then you will be ready for the next step.

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Crochet Abbreviations
Granny Hat Pattern
Toboggan Pattern