Class Introduction: Crochet Hats
01:45 2Toboggan: Getting Started & Working Crown
23:45 3Hat Body
09:32 4Ear Flaps
10:34 5Braided Ties
05:19 6Pompoms: Finger Method
06:27 7Granny Hat: Crochet Small Granny Squares
10:54 8Sew Granny Squares Together
06:15Lesson Info
Ear Flaps
All right, We're finished with the body of the hat. And now we need to get started on the ear flaps. So to do that, we're going Teoh Grabber hat, and we need to count about eight stitches from your finishing point. So are finishing point. You can see where your little your little tail is. We're gonna count over. And this is gonna be where we start. Really? What this is is I just want to find sort of, like, equidistant points on either side of the head. And then I'm accommodating for the width of the head flap. So that your brother so you know, it doesn't if you're off one or two, it's not the end of the world, but count a and then that's gonna be where you join. I just stick my hook in there to sway, grab the yarn so I won't forget where I'm going. So we're actually done with, um, color be for a bit. We're just gonna rejoin color A at this point. So put that loop over and pull it through. All right? So from here, we're going to chain too, and this chain to this time is actually going ...
to count as one of your half double crochet A's. So another, a quick tip is we have these little ends that need to be woven in. What I like to do is, if you just hold them parallel to the back of your work, you can kind of crow shea them in at the same time as you're working, and I'll show you what I mean by that. So we've worked one, and we need Teoh have total cliche in the next stitch. So HDC in the next stitch. So I'm going to yearn over insert through the stitch, And I'm also putting my hook underneath those tales. Can you see that There you're in over and then just pull through all of it. And what that's done is that's kind of locked those tales into the piece of fabric. So it just saves you a little work for later. I personally do not enjoy the weaving, enter the end. So I get to skip that step, which is always good. All right, so then we need to dio, um, seven more half double crushes or rather, six because we want eight total. And that first chain too Counted. I have six. Seven. All right, so that is Row won. They were gonna flip the piece over. We're gonna turn because we're no longer working in the round. We're now working flat. We're gonna repeat the process process. So we're gonna chain, too. That counts is our first half double crochet. And then we're going, Teoh, have trouble crush a and the rest of the stitches to the end. And I like to count to make sure I haven't accidentally missed anything. 1234567 And look, I did, actually. People often ask me how you know where the end of a crush row is, and sometimes it's a little difficult to see, especially if you're working with chain stitches. And this is one of those situations. So my tip is to give the end of the row a little bit of a tug. If you see kind of a stair step, which we're seeing here, that means that you've missed one step or miss one stitch rather. So you know that you have to go into that next one. If you don't see that stair step. Then you're good to go. Also counting. That helps take. But either way. Okay, so now we can flip flip that over. And now we're gonna work on around three. We want to change Teoh. And now we want to create the shaping of the overall air flap. And so we're going to do what's called at HDC to talk or half double crush a two together. To do that, we're gonna yearn over insert our hook into the next stitch you're in over, pull one loop through. Then we're going to do the same thing to the next. Such yarn over. Insert the hook through the next stitch pulled the loop through. Now you're gonna you're gonna have a fully loaded hook. You want to urine over again and you wanna pull through all of the loops on the hook and you've now just turned what was two stitches into one? All right. And then we're gonna regular half double crush a in the next two stitches, and then we're gonna repeat that we're gonna HDC to talk again. You gonna have 12345 loops on your hook. You're going to turn over and pull through all five of them that will decrease the stitches. And then you're gonna have trouble Cochet in the last stitch. Then you're gonna flip over to the wrong side. You're gonna chain, too, and you're just gonna have trouble crush a in every stitch to the end. So the shaping for this ear flap really is only that one row super, super easy, but as a really nice design element, um, to just a basic hat, flip it over and you are done with your first year flap. So I'm just gonna step the yarn and tie it off, and then you're gonna repeat the exact same process on the opposite side. For the purposes of this class, I'm not going to show you how to do the 2nd 1 It's exactly the same thing. And I'm just gonna move on to the actual edging so you could have just stayed there on your 2nd 1 at the edge. But I actually kind of like to go back to the beginning and rejoin the Army. This is an edging. It's just to give it a little bit of firmness at the end, kind of like what we were talking about with the half double crush a and the at the end of the body from the last segment, you're going to join the urine, pull it through, you're gonna chain one, and then we're gonna be single Crow hsiang an edge all the way around. And I'm just gonna get you started on this because it's pretty self explanatory. Once you get going, you're going Teoh Single crush A In each stitch just is a refresher. You're gonna insert the hook urine over, pull it through urine over again, pull through two loops and you're just going to keep going all the way around, including around the ear flap. So to do that. Oops. You earned over. Got a little yarn. Overzealous. So to do that, you're gonna have to work up a little bit of the side of the rose. Right? So you can kind of just fudge it a little, Really? I'm gonna go into the side or the post of the stitch kind of just work up and around, and a lot of is intuitive because it's you're not going to get the exact same height of stitches you do with You're not gonna just probably add a single crow Shea for one row, but you can kind of just, Iet that looks to me like that's laying pretty well. So I feel good about that. But you know what? You might have to play around with it again. Again. This is one of those things were maybe your gauge might be a little bit different, so you might have to actually do two stitches in some area just to even it out. You can kind of play with it when you're gonna go all the way around. And I just got super fancy, and I also grabbed my tail from the ear flap, and I have it laying across the back of my fabric. So I'm also weaving in the ends at the same time it's crash a multitasking. Okay, So going down the opposite side, I like to kind of give it just kind of lay it out and tug at it a little bit, just to make sure that I don't need Teoh, add some additional single crow, shays or anything to make it lie flatter than it already is. But I think I think it's good. I think we're doing well. So you would just continue all the way around until you were got tail craziness going on. You continue all the way around until you met where you began and he would just join with the slip stitch like we've been doing from the very beginning. Um and so just you would continue around around the back of the hat and then over the next year flap. And that's all there is to the air flips. So we are ready to start embellishing our hat.
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