Class Introduction
03:41 2Finding Hidden Filters
11:58 3Halftone Pattern
07:06 4Liquify
07:06 5Lens Flare
02:30 6Flames
05:16 7Variations of the Blur Tool
10:29 8Field Blur
04:33Lesson Info
Halftone Pattern
Let's take a peek at what we can do with this image of these pigeons here. We're going to keep our same foreground and background colors, and the first thing that we're going to do is duplicate the background. And another neat thing that you can do with filters is you can apply them as what are called smart filters. Which all that really means is that it's a filter that's applied to a smart object. That's it. So we can either convert this into a smart object and then apply filter. Or if we go to the filter menu, you'll notice that there is a command to convert for smart filters. And when you click on it, it just tells you that it's going to convert this layer into a smart object. So okay, that sounds good. We'll go with that, and now we're gonna go back into that filter menu, and we'll go up to the filter gallery. Now if I click right here. This is that dynamic command, remember? So if I click right here, it's going to rerun the filter gallery, so don't get fooled into that. If you wan...
t to just access the filter gallery again. You want this one with the dot, dot, dot The dot dot, dot means another window is going to come up and you can pick stuff. This one will just rerun the filter that we just did on the fares. Well, okay, so we want something different here, So we're going to go back to the filter gallery, and this time we're going to choose from the sketch filters, and we want to clear this out because you see that it's also remembering our filters from before. So I'm gonna just hit the trash can to clear that out and get back down to one which is currently paint jobs. But we can change that by going into sketch, and we're going to choose half tone pattern. And again, it's pulling the colors from the foreground and background that we currently have. So I think that I wish that it, like, told you that somewhere in here, or gave you the chance to change it while you're here, because nobody plans. I mean, I guess you can, but like often you just get here and then you're like, where these weird colors going home. And why is that happening? So that's why so if you want to change that, you'd have to back out of here and then come back in. But we're going to go with this, um, half tone pattern, and I I just want the size to be small. So like to will leave the contrast at five. And we can change the different pattern that we want so we can have this, like, circle pattern or a line pattern, which can be really cool. But in this case, I just want the dot So we're gonna go ahead and click, OK, and now we're gonna change. Well, let's talk about how the fart the smart filters work, then down here. So instead of just applying the filter and then it's it's done and supplied because we made this a smart object. We now have a smart filter so we can change it by just double clicking. Oops. And that will bring us back into the filter gallery where we could decide. Oh, actually, I do want the lines or whatever, So it's endlessly edita ble, and it's also nice because you can then hide the filter to if you're like, Wait, what is that doing and I don't know if I like it. You can hide that by toggle ing this little eyeball on and off. So if you want to get back to the filter and change it, you just double click right here on the filter gallery. So that's kind of anything. We're gonna change the blend mode too dark in. And then I'm also going to grab the move tool. So I'll press V to grab the move tool. And then I'm gonna use my arrow keys to nudge it a little bit because I really liked that sort of the look of like, a missile lined print plate. Um, where? Like, the registration was off on a print job. So that's essentially what I'm gonna go for here. So I'm just using them The move tool and my arrow keys. Just nudge this filtered layer over. So we have this effect, and then what we're gonna actually dio is, um, duplicate that layer. So impressing Commander Control J to copy it. And then I'm going to change the color of it by pressing commander control you to bring up hue saturation, and I'll just dial the colors into something else, like it's hard to decide. Maybe they maybe like that. And then I'm gonna use my move tool and nudge the other way. Oh, that's not a very good That's not a very good shift, is it? So I want them to be different. So maybe like that, that's a little better. So now we have two different versions of this. And to make it easier to see everything, I'm gonna come down here and click on the background layer, and I'll add another layer groups actually below the background. So I'm gonna unlock the background, commander control click to add a new layer below the background. And then I'm going to fill that with white soled shoes, Edit Phil White, and then we can take this layer and, um, reduce the opacity a little bit when we get kind of ah ah, different look. But the neat thing is, we want to crop this then, because now we have these edges that are not lined up, so we may wanna crop this. So we grab the crop tool, we would choose original ratio and just come in, so to come in from both edges equally, I'm just holding down, out or option as well as shift. Yes, you don't really need shift because it's going to maintain the ratio for you. But that's an old habit. Dies hard, Phil just dragging a little bit and commit that crop, and then we've got that cleaned up. So the cool thing is because we put smart filters on all of this. It's forever edit herbal so we can go in and decide we want to add to this, or we want to change the hue saturation or the filter setting or whatever. Um, and we have that option. So that's a look at using smart filters, Um, which is when that first came out. I was like What I did that So Lake convoluted and sounds confusing, but it's just means filtering a smart object, so it's really quite simple.
Ratings and Reviews
Amy Vaughn
Khara is knowledgeable, creative and has a fun and easy to understand teaching style. This class goes over some of the default Photoshop filters and offers ideas about how to use them for creative effects. My favorite new thing I learned was about displacement maps, but I'm looking forward to trying more of these out.
I have been using Photoshop for many years. Although I've made use of filters now and again, I never spent time learning about them. I appreciate how clearly Khara explains filter settings and the examples she provides.
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