Day 1
1Class Introduction
25:31 2Strategy Business Model
51:40 3Perfect Marketing Strategy
1:15:15 4Inbound Marketing Model
1:22:27 5The Marketing Hourglass
1:14:53 6Content and Lead Capture
1:19:12 7Blogging and SEO
1:09:05Lesson Info
Perfect Marketing Strategy
All right, for those of you that were with us in the first segment, we really covered the foundation of duct tape marketing. And we're we're just peeling away another layer, and we're going to focus very much on the strategy business model. How to how to do some of the things I talked about and some of you that certainly my studio audience, some of you out there and duct tape playing you may have that may have been kind of entering your mind. Okay, okay, I get it. I get, you know, that idea makes sense. But, you know, teach me some skills now that maybe your repeatable that that I can I kind of do this on my own. I can teach other people how to do it. I can repeat it when I start my next business on dh that's. Really? One of the things that I think is great about really adopting a systematic approach to really anything you do in your business. Some of you. How many of you? This is not your first business? S o smaller group. How many of you plan to maybe start ten more? Right okay, okay...
more hands go up there yeah that's one of the things that you can't learn along the way it is if you you figure out something that works you figure out a system a process you know you can then you own it the rest of your life and you can then start to apply it tio other adventures I think that's great all of you that raised your hand on multiple businesses because I really do think that there's certainly the opportunity you know, to be able to do that kind of thing and really in some ways do whatever you want to do with your life you know is really the promise of of of getting this part down so let's go back to ideal customer so as I mentioned I take a little different approaches this idea of ideal to me is really, really important and I'll reiterate what I said earlier if you think about your own customers currently today you know as you know them whereas you've worked in the past with them and I were able to say to you you know, think about conjure up that the four or five custom or maybe over the years that you think boy, if I had ten or twenty years one hundred mb or just like that you know life would be great I mean that's kind of where we're headed and I know that in my working over the years, I have definitely had customer relationships and it's deeper than they had the need that I could feel. I mean, they you know, we connected. I mean, you think about relationships in general, right? You meet somebody at a party and you think probably really connected. I mean, there's just, you know, there's there's some ways, there's, that kind of chemistry that happens in relationships, andi think the same is really true for customer relationships, too, and I think that it's, so important, you know, from from a long term standpoint. I mean, how many people like to work with jerks? It's just, you know, let's get that right, right? I mean, it's, like, just wears you down right on by think when you start having this idea of if I define who I want to attract, and then I build my business around attracting and again, we're making the assumption that there's enough for you to make a living of people that, you know, look and act like that. But, you know, if we define everything that we then do in our business to attract those folks, we are going to necessarily work with greater numbers of people that we really enjoyed working with, and you know, for me it's it's pretty broad in a sense that I work with small business owners but I worked with a lot of really large organizations and you know, it just you know, I just enjoy there's something equal parts gratifying and terrifying about actually working with somebody who's goingto their name is going to be on the check that they give you right there making decision about whether to pay you you know or make some other purchase or some other investment and and so for me, you know that you know, that really starts to get the essence of that idea of ideal client so you know, let's, I'm going to give you, um really my definition and start drilling down into thinking about how you would find this in your own businesses were going to end up with an exercise and we're also going to pull one of you up here on dh we're going toe really then talk it through and just see where we get maybe you can actually grill the person that I bring up here some two obviously out there in in the internet world, you know, maybe have questions and suggestions for the person I bring up a swell so they view themselves as a customer versus a transaction to me that's one of the really, really core elements, okay? And we're going to get to how do we discover that they value your difference? Ok, one of the easiest ways I mean, we have this process we talked about the signature brand audit for, you know, a lot of our consultants and certainly when I was doing consulting if somebody said, oh no, I don't feel that I just come out and tell me what you're going to do for me, you know, they don't want to participate in our process, our process, which we know is not because it's not a convenience, we know that they're going to get more value if they participate in the process, right? And so it's a huge red flag I mean, right off the bat it's a huge red flag that this is probably not going to be somebody that's going to be an ideal customer, right? Not always the case, but I mean that's a pretty, pretty easy characteristic. I mean, they're always asking for a discount there, you know, unkind to your people, right? I mean, these are all kind of red flags that that really, you know, we need to I think be, you know, on the guard on guard for, you know, a good fit. I already talked about profitable, and they already refer so here's a little kind of all consultants have to have these four squadron things that's required s o you know here's here's the first one to show you guys for the day if take all of your existing customers and put them on a spreadsheet now you may have is chris, you know, talked about two distinct segments, right? Ok, so so segment those particularly you may drill down and find their five or six right like within commercial contractors and maybe segments I'm certain there are but at the very least kind of the major second it's okay and put thes customer and those of you that have thousands you know that that's a little harder but you know, a lot of you have maybe ten or one hundred or that you want to put on and just start looking at your most profitable customers, right? Andrea maybe even start by ranking them you know by your most profitable customers and I'll tell you right off the bat what experience tells me and in all the work I've done over the years is typically that exercise alone will have people going why are we doing this? You know, why are we still selling this? You know, why are we, you know, offering this service? I mean, we're we're either losing money on it or it's taking us away from what we should be doing so I've had people you know, right off the bat say we need to we need to get out of twenty percent of what we're doing maybe you're fired twenty percent of our customers so you know, I'm not necessarily suggesting that, but it can be very eye opening in terms of you know, because I tell you it happens to every business you know, you just if you're in business more than six months you know you're going to find that you took work you shouldn't argue there's work that you're no longer really interested in pursuing you know, but you did it you know, for a while while you're getting started so it really allows you to kind of start you know, shaving you know, some of that and saying look, we I'm not saying that there are times you need to pay the bills, you know, but definitely you need to know where you want to be you know or you'll just continue to get pulled into well, you know, it was a slow tuesday on dh this is all about really working on the ideal right? So rank your customers you know, if they're profitable I mean, because here's, what happens is we take on work that is not profitable it's what typically happens have you ever taken on a project and halfway through it you're like why did we do this? We're losing our tail this is not really a good deal right? And you're not really that motivated do it that well, you know not always but I mean in some cases it just wasn't a good fit so you just can't really deliver that much value, you know, phone rang you said how hard could it be right we do that um so those people actually turn into detractors so it's even worse not only are you losing money on it they're out there on twitter you know, saying you know how awful you are right and it's but it's our own fault you know, because because we took them so I think again we have to really realize that where we will our sweet spot is if we can figure out all of the common characteristics of your most profitable customers that already refer busy so if you've got that spread she go through those customers and start starring them what customers actually you know, refer us to if you could do that okay, what I have found is if you can then know everything there is to know and I'm going like give you about ten ways to get into that but if you can know everything that there is too you know about that group you can start really narrowing in fact in some cases you will, you know, narrow your focus to getting rid of stuff that's distractions and focusing all of your energy your message, your new product development, your your marketing what social network you hang out in you know based on that very narrowly defined ideal client but you have to understand I think you have to understand them in ways that we probably are not taught really in schools you know we're all talked to this idea of demographics and you know, market research and I I believe that to find ideal customers you have to actually you have to go home to dinner with them and you have to look inside their closets ok? Now we're not going to really do that but but that's the level of understanding of you know why they do what they do and why they're motivated you know to be a good customer of yours okay now one little side note because I know that every time I give this talk you know, a lot of what I'm talking about is you know, those of you with existing clients there are a lot of folks out there that air start ups they don't you know they know they need marketing but they don't have any launched their business tio to a large degree you have to start with the hypothesis you know who do I believe is my ideal customer there may be some some market research that makes some sense but I think you have to start with on dh some of it can be got feeling you could sit down with some of those folks that you think are your ideal customer and talk to them and interview them try to understand more about them, but to some degree you have to just take it out there to the market and say, you know, if you were my ideal customer, you know, does this work right? You start that's that to me is some of the most valuable research, and I think what you want to do is try to actually make that mistake a lot of people do is they want that idea, they want us to have that start be the biggest, the broadest possible, and what happens is then you don't really learn much right? And you're chasing your competitors and people that are much bigger in the industry, much more established and really you're established players in the industry are most vulnerable at some of those ideal client segments, right? Because they're treating, you know, when you get really big sometimes it's really hard to be narrowly focused, you know, because you're solving everybody's problems, right? And so where those companies are vulnerable is in these narrow niches of people that have a certain kind of problem or certain kind of demographics that you can actually solve or that you can actually be better at doing that, and then a large company really could even dream of doing right so make that small and then start talking to people join an association you know, go to meet ups, you know, join aa chamber or if you're just trying to generate, you know, local business. I mean, but but go to some of these places where this where you believe, at least that this ideal client hangs out and start you start asking questions again. That was that's, primarily those of you have customers already. I mean, in some ways, you've got a lot of your own internal research that you can do so some of the things that we have to do, and we're all leading towards actually answering this question. How would I if I came to you and said, you know, how would I spot your ideal client? Okay, that's, that's the answer that I need from you and I need you to do to be able to describe it so thoroughly that I would probably say, oh, I know somebody just like that, you know, or I can picture somebody exactly like that. Ok, so that's the starting point and this may turn into a picture. This may turn into a very long paragraph. This may turn into something we call a persona so borrowing from theater you know they're like characters in the play you know how a character in a play always kind of has the description of their back story, you know what they what they believe in what they stand for, what their motivations are really applies to marketing you'll hear a lot of marketers, you know, talk about that idea on dh that's really what we're you know, we can call it different things, but we really want to be able to say is if I came to any of you and said no, describe me, you know, how would I spot, you know, out there on the street, you know, in conversation or in my own customer base, how would I spot your ideal customer? So these next four five slides are really all about the things that you need from this existing if if you were fortunate enough to have profitable customers that already refer, you know, then define okay are their demographics and apply like a certain kind of business certain size of business, certain industry certain model of business psychographic so, you know, again we can get were I'm going to veer from the traditional marketing characteristics, but again our there's certain things that they're looking for there's certain things that they value here there's certain things that they believe are they looking for best of class are they looking for great service or do they believe that that you know the lowest price is the best way to go in some cases geography matters you know for some of you if you're goingto primarily be a local business then that's you know that's going to be that's going to be a you know, discretion of your ideal client in some cases it's all you know I worked with home remodelers over the years it was neighborhoods I mean it was it was down to zip codes even where they they knew that their ideal clients came from sometimes you can just do that from your customer base right? You've got the data more and more you know the world's opened up tio you know geography is anywhere but certainly there are a lot of businesses that are set up to be primarily local businesses right and then the last piece and I'll come back at this a couple more times because I think it's so important is thinking in terms of your ideal customers is there a behavior that they exhibit that you can identify that when you know like they have that problem or that they do that think that that you can say yes this's who I'm looking for let me give you an example um again going back to my marketing consulting days with small business is one of the things that I found was that small business owners that joined and participated in their social industry associations or that led, you know, committees on say like chamber of commerce were had a certain makeup that that we knew would be a good fit they valued growth they understood education continued education was so important right? So they that single thing that they did that we could actually buy list for which was really cool, right? I mean, we could find I mean we could find them on a website okay, but that single thing that they did demonstrated that they were probably going to be an ok fit for us they were going to be a good fit for us because again, it it usually led us to believe like I said that you know that they valued education they hired professional services they believe in giving back I mean, all those kinds of things that to me made really good relationship. So that was a behavior that like if I was out making a sales presentation or sales call and I would hear somebody talk about that, you know, it was like bingo so you know, it was like, ok, you know, go in for the kill, right um and you know, every sales person I think probably develops a few of those things where they end up saying, oh, they've got this challenge or you know, they have this that they're looking for, you know they're going to be a good fit. So what's the behavior, how do you find him? You know, um some cases it's by a list, but you know where they are, they in facebook, you know, are they in linked in? What do they read? What do they listen to? What do they search online again? One of the benefits that you those of you with customers have is just simply asking you're gonna hear me say that over and over again because I think it's, the greatest research you can do is to really understand your customers better, and I will tell you this to a lot of times people push back a little bit on that idea because it's inconveniencing them or do they really want to tell me all this? If you have a customer than enjoys what you do on dh, you are trying to actually understand them better with the express intent of delivering more value, they will appreciate it. Andi, I don't know if you've had that experience. I've had that experience, you know, over and over again, it's hard sometimes to get people to they don't want to schedule appointment or, gosh, I'm busy and and then you get him on the phone and they won't shut up. You know, because they really first off you know, they appreciate being asked s o you know, do do this kind of this is this is a kind of ongoing research that you ought to really just have at all times and I mean, it could be you know, it can also be I mean, if you're if you're a business out there and you're completely online, you're completely any commerce business I mean, it could be an exit survey, you know that that there's you know, a technology called for q for example, that that will do a little you know, if somebody leaves aside and say something like, you know, is there anything you couldn't find here? What, you know what what's the hardest thing you've been trying to find you khun suppose anything you want question wise, but but that ongoing kind of research with customers so important, you have to understand this ideal customers world, right? So, you know, I talked about, you know, looking in their closets, but the equivalent of that is, you know, are there timing triggers? So are there certain things a lot of businesses there are certain things that happen in somebody's life, you know, they get married there, kid they extended getting college I mean, the sort of the, you know, those are obvious things in in you know, a new individuals life that that might actually make them in the market for a certain thing buying a house, you know, selling house other great examples, hiring somebody new in in an organization being, you know, bought out being acquired or having some, you know, new ceo I mean, these are all kind of things that happened that quite often spell, you know, some pretty interesting means they spell change, right? So do is there something that goes on in your customers life that actually says that this is why now is the time okay, can you and me can you look for those opportunities? Can you define those? Where do they research first? Increasingly search engines, but also, increasingly their social networks? Do you have a sense of how they participate, how they find out information if I wanted, if I want to hire somebody, you know, quite often anymore to do some wordpress or some programming or something. A lot of times I'll turn to facebook and twitter and just start asking people, you know, for suggestions on so that it doesn't mean I'm going to hire that person, but that may be one of the first places I go to research, what about your customers, what's the real problem or pain that they're trying to solve, you know, by hiring you so a lot of times and we're going to get into a little exercise about about this but you know, a lot of times we think it's they want our products are they want our service but it's never it's right? I mean, they want to get rid of something that's going on in their life you know? They want more time they want more success you know they want so what is it that that what you do you know really does for them so I'm gonna put you on the spot tracy okay um why do people so you sure you want to tell me what you want to specialize and so we could make sure that we focus on that newborns newboys ok, so do people why do people why do people take pictures of their newborns? Because they're only newborns for a very, very short time they want to remember that right? So they don't really want a piece paper or digital print or whatever they want a memory right marie and a lot of that capturing that memories because it'll go away because they want to pass it on to generations who can enjoy it and so a lot of this you know what yourself really is not photography, right? Right it's really about allowing people toe have something in their life that they want a hat so how could you from a trying to identify I mean, is that universal every single parent wants that or is there something that might be unique to somebody who is willing to spend five hundred dollars or a thousand dollars on that not just not just because they have the money you know it's interesting I think most people want that I have met a few people who don't necessarily uh cherish pictures so and I think that's odd but that's just me you sure? But it's and it's an emotional investment more than a monetary investment so you need to find people that you know that that do want the memory okay, so do you understand that's what you're really selling all right is that emotional level of involvement in a what about you? What what? What people really buying from you they want they want the time and space to be able to focus on their business and do what they love as opposed to having to work with um uh the idea of setting up systems that they're not familiar with wright s o they wanted easy and they want they wanted explain to them and synthesized into bits little bits right? Is that really what they what does that give them? I guess is what I'm getting it france freedom so what they really want is to have more control, more freedom, not be frustrated right? So that's I mean so that's a pain that you might be song and I think the reason that I could do this with every single one of quite frankly because you know that's really I think you have to wrap your really wrap your head around you know that's no matter what the physical thing is um you know, we have to start talking about it in terms of what they actually get or what they actually buying right? So one more what do you think, mike? What what pain are you solving that's pretty interesting actually asked that question ok, I want a website like really ok, what is this website do when we're done? Yeah, that will make you happy that you paid me for it and that it was worth the experience and those answers could be a need more leads I need do you know to show off my portfolio so that means you need more customers for more money, right? Maybe a system that you can continue to update on your own and so depending on who they are and what they're going for like all of us, those answers tend to be a little bit different but that's not the website but but in a lot of ways they're all the same, right? Right um once you dig and once you understand and that it's you know there's only a couple basic needs that people are trying to solve and and that and I think we have to you know, so when we start talking about these personas I mean we have to understand what really drives what really is their motivation for you it's not it's not you know, a lot of time I will say the remarketing people to talk about this in a way they're like trick people into buying right? If you understand that you know, they're really afraid of losing this memory, right? You know that that you use that as a way to trick and what I'm talking about is really understanding their motivation in a way that you can deliver the most value. Andi I think that that's an unfortunate you know distinction that that has to be made because there are definitely a lot of marketers out there that see this is a way to, you know, pull on emotional strings, you know, to try to make a sale and all I'm really saying is that the you have to make a connection what what somebody really does get from from engaging in so sir, you want to take a whack at that or do you have somebody from the audience that that you want to and they are starting to come in with their questions? So are with their responses l xv works in risk and resource management helps people build systems, and they say that the thing that people want from them is the ability to take a vacation again, as opposed to being checked for their business every day, yeah, so it's so you know, that may or may not be something they want to promote, but imagine if you're a process, you know, business, and I think, renee, maybe you were saying some of that again, imagine if some of what you're thinking was I'm helping people take vacations again, right? Um, all of a sudden, you know, that's a different thing, first off, they want that, you know, and they don't really want anything else we saw I mean, they don't really want they want the result of what we saw, right? So, you know, that's, a really important important distinction, we're going to play around with that a little more when we talk about particularly we talked about the talking logo coming up, but but I think that's that's great, absolutely great when people start getting that, you know, sometimes they play around with it and they actually start using it I mean, that's, like also, if you're like, wait a minute, I want a vacation, you know, tell me more about that, right? Ok, so I was I was going to sara, you want to take a uh, yeah, um, you know, our client base, we we deal with athletes, primarily and s o, you know, they come to us saying they want to jump higher, run faster, ball harder, whatever, but I think for them, maybe it boils down to success is probably what they're after or recognition and the things that come with succeeding at their chosen sport, you know, so absolutely, and I think I think most businesses to get that because they hear it, you know, but I think sometimes we forget that that's really, what people are buying, and I think that that's such an essential element when we're trying to define, you know what these ideal customers look like. So then what we would like what we'd ask you to do, so you you're going to step through all of that kind of research, right? And then what we would ask you to do is to actually think in terms of creating your own personas, so people have called the market segments. I just I like this because I think it really gets down to personality traits in a lot of ways, and I think that that's such an important element for most small businesses, I mean, if you're you know, if you're generate two thousand new customers away you know a week and you never really meet any of them and they're just you know coming through the you know, the pipeline it's still essential I think that you're actually out there marketing to you know what's to them but I think particularly for most small businesses where it is personal I mean a lot of cases you're going to meet the person or you're going to spend some time with with the person I think it's really important to understand this idea of a persona so again the exercise is going to be to actually and and I'm going to put another slide up here that will walk you through it but the exercise is going to be you know teo ultimately write a paragraph or draw a picture or do whatever whatever communication style makes the most sense for you that would answer that question how would I spot your ideal client so I suppose that actually tio to the web as well you know how would I spot your ideal client so to you guys and pick one segment of me if you already know you have really defined segments start you know with one kind and so because we we won't you know if I were working with you without all these wonderful cameras and all the other audience out outside of this room that's here you know we would probably stop for ten fifteen minutes and and I'd really you know really ask you to jot this down now so I would tell you, you know, put a placeholder there I do want you to do that I'm gonna I will talk through and I'm going to bring ryan up actually in a minute tio to go through his but let me give you a couple one one bit of advice here's a great place to start and as bad as this sounds, most people can tell me who they don't want as clients wright either from you know, bad experience or hearing other people's horror stories and so sometimes, you know, we clear that away all of sudden we find the space for yeah here's what I do one right? So I always do that that that exercise of that drill with some people that tell me all my target markets, you know, anybody who has money and I said, well, do you want people that you know, don't pay their bills on time? Well, I didn't mean them, you know, did you want people that always wanted discount? Well, I didn't mean them, you know, do you want people to beat you to the beach or people up? You know, and our aren't nice to people will know I did mean and all of sudden you, you know, you start peeling that away and sometimes not always but sometimes that can be a great place to relief you know get get narrow you know first because you can identify the people that you don't want um can you identify why people buy from your competitors instead of you to be a great way to look at that with this exercise if you're, uh if you're targeting companies would you say that a cz your developing this persona are you developing the persona of the company or the decision makers at the company? So it's a great question and to some extent in some cases especially in the world we live in today in some cases you have to sell both right? I mean, but but I do think that I do think that in the end because we're talking personas it is the decision maker now there are certain companies that you would probably have a profile I mean certain they have to be a certain size uh if it's not always but you've probably discovered a certain size, you know, values what you could bring to them or gets it feels like they get a return on what you can bring to them maybe a certain makeup you know, if are they distributed to obviously do they travel light, you know is their business one that travels a lot, so I mean, I think there there are personas or personality traits about the organization but I do think in the end especially if you're typically calling on I don't know who it is you know, outsourcing head of outsourcing or you know, head of hr head of purchasing or some there probably are there there are some personas and those could be just personality traits I mean you've probably run across some that they just don't value what you did, you know? I mean, they they feel like they know their job is to do it all themselves you know where to have and so I I think you need to do both that makes sense again way actually, there are even different levels of decision makers so it's almost like yeah, you're creating that shell of the company and then within a year the different personas of the different decision makers you may run into and I think the really important thing about that too is that that will dictate a lot in your particular case well that dictate a lot of your sales process to right we have to educate this person you know they have to understand because it because again what's so funny about that is they all have different objectives right or in some cases different objectives, right? And so what you sell teach of them is they view is differently, right? I'm measured by this so that's what I care about, you know messaging you write this right, but but I think it's really important for you to develop some what we would call personas and on down the last one you know, why do people do nothing is a really, really important question I think for you for you to understand, right? We had those things where it seemed like an ideal fit, you know, everything worked, they needed what you did and then nothing they not only didn't they didn't buy from a competitive, they just didn't by they just didn't do it right. So some of these questions obviously who you don't want to work with that might actually just come from your own experience, right? You know, of bad experiences, some cases, but these other two questions are things that if you if you sell some, especially if you think you had a pretty good relationship, you know, you went down the track with them and, you know, and then finally they said, oh, yeah, I'm going with so himself, right? Um, I will tell you that some people won't they'll just be annoyed and they'll say, leave me alone, but some people will will actually tell you, well, here's, why, you know, and I think it's really important for you to understand that piece and the same for that person that does nothing, and again sometimes, you know sometimes it could just be I really didn't have the money, you know, but I didn't want tell you that, but, you know, I just but these air son, some important questions, and I think you, you know, you want to just use these kind of put store these away, and you're in your toolbox and, you know, when the situation arises, you might want actually, you know, bring those to the forefront. So, um, let's him bring ryan up if you would and here's what here's, what I would like your so that what I have on the screen right now, this is kind of what if I were going to give you the form or the formula for what a persona might look like? It would have a name and I love giving him I'm gonna jump ahead and come back, but I have a customer that sells baseball bats um, it's pretty much an online, you know, e commerce site and they've come up with describing, you know, they're diff they sell tebow bad say so softball bats they sell? No, you know, the bats, people using in college ball, and so they self, you know, really a lot of different markets, and they've actually given them given the buyers names, so they know they the t ball princess dad so it's you know it's the person buying that first bat for that look you know that little kid that's gonna you know, just going to be ruled the tee ball you know, field on dso it just kind of helps people you know, these air kind of goofy names but it just kind of helps people really start you can almost have some characteristics you know, just you know, I almost start imagining you know that that kind of person okay, so when I talk about names with personas you know, sometimes you know the more I mean, some people just call him merrian susie, you know and can give him the descriptions but that's kind of fun to come up with descriptive names, one of my duct tape marketing consultants um did this and he actually was kind of funny he actually took the exercise and he came up with three personas that were absolutely ideal and then he he also came up with three that he didn't want to work with and which I thought was kind of clever as well. So you know, he destined to be small, you know, was who was one of his lottery winners, you know, was one of his, you know, that he didn't want to work with and it really did give you a sense of you know? And he gave his whole staff that's. Another thing about a lot of these tools we talk about, it gives your whole staff sort of a picture because, that's, what times we hold ourselves away in the marketing department, you know, way don't create kind of the tools the rest of the staff can use. So you would have the name and maybe as thorough description is you want ad also on there. What are the goals related? You know, what are they really trying to accomplish by buying from you? What's their motivation, you know? Is there something going on right now? Is there a life cycle thing? You know what? You know, what's? Their motivation. Is there that core behavior have you been able to identify, you know, that core behavior and it could just be something they believe in? It could be, like, other stuff they buy. You know, that sort of, you know, makes him a great one. And then just, you know, what's the greatest frustration in trying to get this result, or in trying to get this result from other places and tried and failed, you know, in some cases. Okay. So that's the idea would be this could be one piece of paper this you know, this could be fifty words you know this could be you know, some people go as far as creating pictures of actual clients you know that kind of fit into that s oh, this could be really kind of a fun tool so you know that's really your homework on dh you could do it tonight you could do it at lunch but I but I'd love to and maybe if some of you kind of after we go through this exercise with ryan if some of you are you know have some things you want to share in that regard if the internet comes up with some things they want to share that would be awesome as well. So ryan thanks for joining me up here happy to be here so first off let's give kind of what do you do again? So I have a company called women post it makes leather goods it started off real niche um with focused on guitar players actually. So I'm in a wallet for guitar players some bags that's kind of expanded out now to more general men's and women's leather goods. Okay and where can they find you again? Could see not everybody has been here all with us all morning so yeah, a whipping post dot com okay, all right, so given this uh this exercise are you able to identify so so let's not even back up a little bit you know have you been able to identify market segments first off sure that are pretty general brawn and whether those well by virtue of the product line and I think there's there's a few different things at a very broad level but getting a little deeper into these personas you find different people who might make a purchase that one might be gift givers so um that someone might be a gal who her brother plays guitar father or something like that so I look at that person that's different than maybe in any of your customers all right, so let me drill into that a little bit. Why did they I mean, you know, there a lot of places you can buy a bag there's a lot of placing by wallet why did they see years as something gift worthy? Yeah it's good question. So I think people want to have unique products generally if they can give a gift or if they can have something for themselves um and this kind of goes back to negating some customers like I'm not looking for the person hell I need to bag her wallet so I'm gonna get a t j maxx and uh ones veil crowd at six dollars right? So that's not gonna be um someone I'm going to be after but if there's somebody who really wants a unique product and wants to give something cool want something that's not necessarily really widespread you can't find out the big box chains that would be someone that I'd be looking ok, so you used one of my buzz words I love to drill into they want something cool one sent me you know what I mean? How do we define that? Because I I know what you're saying. But how do we define how have you defined that? I mean, is it just they tell you that? I mean, how do we can we buy a list of cool people? I mean, um I on that list that's what I want to know? Well, I think it's something that that might be interesting to them or might be unique in some way that let me ask you this doesn't have anything to do with the material. You used the problem. So so other people that like leather yeah, as opposed to to, you know, this synthetic bags and right and I think me exactly so people whom I gravitate towards leather, you know, it's the rial product, right? You know, this is a cow get turned into cheese burgers, you know, it's scott went through this long process of getting cut sewn up, you know, it's a real handmade item um and there's a certain group of people who really gravitate towards I think is a real thing it's gonna patina over time it's going to change it's gonna last long time do they do they make a sacrifice any sacrifices by choosing to get that bag cheaper bank yeah, your bags exactly so there's a certain segment right so you can find something that's cheaper and lighter certainly um so there's their sacrifices and trade also there's a certain type of people right? So that's what I'm trying to get out so who goes out of their way to get a really expensive heavy bag? What are they trying to say? You know what I'm saying I'm obviously have fun with you but thanks but but you know I'm saying what goes through their head to say I'm making that choice are they being a rebel of a little sort? You mean are they making a statement somehow yeah well I think we all have personal styles and we're all wantto express how were unique in a certain way right? And we all gravitate towards certain things aesthetically on dh I think that's that so so how do you how do you take advantage? I mean, it sounds like, you know, a little bit of this obviously you've heard feedback I'm sure you know, you get feedback from people talking about how great it is and so how do you how do you use this in your marketing than or how could you use this in your marketing that would maybe if I went there that would maybe say hey, you're talking to me you know it's not just right now I go to your site and I was clear you've got cool stuff but but are you tapping that you know here's who you know here's who buys thes uh yeah probably not as well yeah like so that so would you say that there are a couple personas that you could define that would that you could use them that you could maybe and you may say like you're a pretty good size even a list I imagine them over the years, right? So could you segment that email list with obviously musicians would be one but could you segment it also with gift givers? Could you segment it with style? Yes conscious folks because as you bring out nukes products right? I mean you're clearly going to bring out music product, political bring out women's products you're clear gonna bring out stuff that you know that that person that wants to be you know, hip in on the cutting edge you know, wants to buy right sure so so how so? So you want to take a whack it that sort of giving me how let's pick one of those segments ok, so tell me which one you're picking um well just say like men's fashion men's fashion okay, so how would I spot your ideal customer? Um it's good question so I like the way I think I like thinking like parallel products are products that are similar like so um maybe a guy who reads fashion block so caimans gear boggs maybe he will spend one hundred twenty dollars on a pair of japanese salvage denham or you know gina, you know, stuff like that so I think there are people who are meticulous and what they purchase case yeah, that to me was a really important word because I think that that's that's a really clear I mean to me that that makes a lot of sense you know, from because they're definitely people that spend a lot of money on stuff right? But that doesn't necessarily mean they're meticulous, right? They saw you know, they saw justin bieber wearing something something on then and they got it but but but I think I would really work with that word because I think that that in a lot of ways you have you guys you're seeing some of ryan's products, right? So I haven't had one in my pocket can you believe that? Wow that's crazy so we go in here on this so we have a wallet and I was actually looking for a wallet because I I was trying to simplify my life actually my wallet was like six inches they're going to see if I can really small well, I won't be able to carry all that craft right? And so I did and what's really cool about this I'm a guitar player they wouldn't allow me to play on the stage that the dance party was a ce faras we could go um but it has a guitar pick in it and which I just thought was so cool but you'll also see at night after I take the credit cards out of it, I'll pass it around and you know, the stitching everything and there's no question you know, meticulous is, you know, defines him, but but I think that that's, you know, that's something that you know, that uniqueness that meticulousness you know, I think it's something that you know probably should be a really big part of persona I do have to share I don't know if this is going to show up it all but can I shoot you? Mind if I share a personal story? Go redhead. So, um I have told you guys I have four I don't think this will show up it all very well, but I have four daughters and one of at least one of them's listening about the rest of it but uh when they would leave, you know, like all good dance. You know, I wanted to give them some parting wisdom, you know, when they would go on a date or they would gook, you know, out with their friends. And so I would always usually at the most appropriate time to embarrass them, you know that the greatest heist level there was a lot factored in there. I would always say make good choices and they, uh uh, you know, became kind of a joke, you know, in the family. So this guitar pick said that they gave me for father spaces, make good choices. So good story with your thing. So, um, so could you how could you further define you know that with with create, you know, in your marketing, you know, how could you use what we talked about here is as a person? Um, yeah, I think go a little deeper with I mean, understanding behave here. You know, I have a very because the company's based off me it's stuff that I like, right? Which I'm not necessarily every customer of money. Yeah. Um so trying to get a better grasp of what those behaviors are, what logs they visit, what their time is online, what their motivations are well, and here's, the other thing that's so it's, not just a matter of defining into and we'll spend a lot of time on this, maybe some today, and certainly some tomorrow, a lot of it, then it becomes the understanding and telling the narrative they're telling themselves to and that's, really aa lot of I mean, when you say it's, just stuff I like, well, you know, all that stuff that you like, I think has a narrative, you know, it has a story, and so once we start understanding that idea of meticulous and because I'm I'm, I'm just I'm honing in on this one word, which may not may or may not actually be the right word, but I'm guessing that's part of your personality to write and how you're going to make this stuff, and I think that that so that what it becomes then is part of the greater narrative of how you tell the whole story about what you're doing, what you stand for on bats, the part that that I think that starting here, you know, really helps. So thank you so much for coming up, right? Awesome. All right, so we're going to shift gears a little bit on dh talking in the same vein, really, but we're going to talk about value proposition but did you want over there some folks out there in the world okay absolutely and I'd love to hear your reaction to some of these and whether their specific or not some of them so suzanne pick me says that their business is sustainability coaching the ideal client is a young invincible who has a vision for doing good in the world at their job but doesn't have a clear path to get there awesome I'm going have you know any time somebody says you know gives me that you know I might poke poke and say well tell me more about that element told me you know you can always go deeper and deeper you know amy you almost want these things to evoke an image right you know I mean so the first word she used was ah I'm young and invincible so that's a great word because it you know it really evokes a lot of you know imagery it's true I have another one from francis in ause I produce international informational dvds for new mothers and my ideal customer is first time mothers ok well a great starting point obviously if for whatever reason she's determined that because I once you've been through it I mean it's like it's like riding a bike right sorry, sorry sorry sorry baby sorry I've got for that one's gonna blow of isn't it but um so you know you want young mothers who want more information who wanted one? And we go through a certain type of experience who also value education in, you know, in food preparation, you know, I mean, you could go on and on, you know, to really dig deeper because that you know, obviously that first time mother is a nice starting point but there's probably several subsets of that group that air really her idea? Yeah, all right, great. We've got joe over bmx who says their type of businesses consulting on medium size companies to build their work culture towards alignment and trust my ideal customer is a suit is a business leader seeking commitment and alignment from their people excuse me, it's energized for that my career might throw in a little bit of a microphone they're okay business leaders seeking commitment and alignment from their people to execute their objectives and strategies on time. Yeah, so there was there was some good stuff on there and there were certainly some you know, you I when I start hearing buzz words and things in which, you know, consultants where we consultants are great at using those you want to break those down because what happens is they just start reflecting off of you, you know, you've you know, commitments a big word, what would what is that really what is a business owner whose seeking commitment you know, what does that look like? You know, bring that down for me so you know, you really a lot of times when people take the first crack at this a lot of times they what they're really describing is what they want to sell, right and what what we really have to get at is who are they? Who are these people and what what are they really struggling with and then what's their behavior that would want, you know them that would make them want what we do and it's a it's a this may be a fine distinction sometimes, but it's one that, you know, generally speaking, I have to, like, work with people three or four times, he didn't get it to that and it's really just a matter of even if you ride it out the first time you guys it's a matter of saying ok, every single word well, what does that mean? Do I just you know what commitment that committed business owner mean, but what? What air there's a committed business under do that other people don't do? I mean, you know, let's well, let's keep defining and defining into fine ok, go ahead when you started talking about personas, you know, I realize that my business partner, not we've been using personas for a long time we just never really classified it and something that we've always talked about is flipping the hat so when we go out to a certain customers house you kind of see their persona and then you flip the message because we have a message a product that can apply to find votes both you arrive right a variety of people but they don't have the same core belief and so you have to kind of market differently and so we had these personas I guess but we never really set him up as personas in terms of analyzing let's awesome and what what I hope this might do is actually help you sort of systemized that you know and kind of really get to where you can teach it to other people because eventually you're gonna higher sales people and you're going to hire you know, other people in your organization and so that's where it really lot of times business owners it's all internalized you know they walk in the door and they go away you know you you look around ago yeah, I know what this person believes in you know I mean but but you've got to have something that's that's really you know, replicated all awesome and was there another one here? Well, I just I like this one because medic required from the east midlands and u k did try to get very specific ah and sword like terry response this is a persona for a local marketing party planning service party planner and so that the ideal customer her name is lucy she works in a high stress arena in nurse care working as a shift pattern earning twenty five to thirty five k and doesn't have time to arrange setting up a thirtieth birthday party that's who I'm talking tio my on the right track you know I love that because again them or specific the better on dh you know? So then you might start drilling in in you know, does the only thing I would start questions does that person know that you know, just do they know who they are? Does that make sense so you know, and it's probably quite likely the case but so is particularly when you start talking about that you could buy lists probably that you know close toe that you could start identifying behavior that's close to that but you know, I would test that a little bit too is that really I mean, she she may actually be taken this straight from that's who my clients are you know and they tell me all the time I don't have time to do this you're great right? So that maybe we just that would be my only question but I love the specifics right? Well, thanks everyone online for sharing absolutely ok so we have about seventeen, nineteen minutes in this segment, so I wantto do another exercise s oh we're going to focus on your core value proposition okay? And so the real key here is I'm going to give you some exercises again to work with existing clients or to work maybe with your hypothesized client if euros if your startup to really try to understand what it is that a you do different or what it is that maybe they're not getting from other places ok? And as I started to say, I think a lot of times we don't really his most business owners don't really appreciate what they do that is that their customers truly you know, they always think it's the benefits of the product or you know, I can't tell you how often I'll ask an entire group and they'll say, well, we provide a good service, right? Ok let's test this shall we and out there in internet land raise your hand as well? How many of you provide crappy service? Okay, right, I've never ever had anybody raise their hand for that, right? So I'm going to go with the assumption maybe I'm wrong I'm going to go with the assumption that you all believe you probably provide good service, right? So the problem with that of course is good services and expectations it's not a differentiation now the reality is many of you provide great service and your competitors don't, but that's not because that's sort of an expectation and, you know, it really is you can't lead with it because it's so easy for everybody else to say fact, I'll give you an exercise to do any of you go to your top competitors. I don't know how many you want to pick five or six competitors go to their website, copy off the first paragraph that you find of content pasted over to a word, doc, um, and then black out any reference to any name, including your own use, put your own on the list. Okay, um, and then pass that around your office or if you're really bold, share with customer or two and see if they can identify you know, if anybody in your office can identify, you know, one from another here's what my experience tells me you're going to find is that you're going to find that you're all saying just about the exact same thing, um, and it's universally true. And so what this whole segment or exercise is about right now is about really getting at the heart of finding that thing that we're going to lead with that is going to to really be the thing that people value. Okay, so here's an exercise if you get I hate to let people off the hook like this but I'm gonna let you off the hook if you in the course of three days do nothing else do this exercise I call it a customer insights serve a sit down with if you can identify and they could be in customer groups but if you can identify five or six of these ideal customers I want you to sit down with them don't send us out in an email survey you do it over the phone because some cases you know you can't see him face to face but sit down and say you know ask him questions some some variation of these questions you know why did you hire us in the first place or buy from us what's one thing we do that you love what's the one thing we do that others don't maybe in this industry or other people in general that you buy from if you were to refer us you know what were the words you would actually use if you were telling a friend you know why we're awesome tell me about a couple other companies you love and then if you really want is a couple things if you really want to get bold, take him over to a computer and say if you're looking for a company like ours fire up a search engine and tell him you know, type in the words that you would actually look for her company like ours that was extra credit you don't have to do that one and then another one I loved asked if you were going to use one word to describe us, what would it be now? The idea behind these questions is that if you listen for patterns, you're going to start really hearing the things that your customers I hope at least experience again tells me that you will you're going to start hearing the things that your customers really truly do value now one word of caution when they say, well, you offer good service what do you say to that? Right? Well, don't stop there because we, you know, you offer good service, so what is good service look like to you? Tell me a story, this is one of my favorite tell me a story about a time when we provided good service because then you'll start here in the real stuff, right? I had a reminding contractor who worked with years ago that believed that they put their craftsmanship, you know, they just did better work than anybody else, right? Well, we ask their customers and said we had to do good work, they're expensive, you know, we expected them to do good work, but what they do that nobody else does is there there people on the job clean up the job site meticulously, you know, every day at the end of the day and nobody else does that right? And that was their their big I mean, they just believe that that's how you treated people that you didn't let their dog out and you know, you did all those things, but they just believe that that's what everybody did right and way actually used that information from their customers to completely change the message that they led with and it made all the difference in the world in terms of how they position themselves in the market so we're going to actually do an exercise here the last couple minutes kelly is going to take one of you on going to do an exercise we call you're talking logan okay, but before I get to that, I'm going to give you kind of couple other considerations once you do these interviews, right? Okay, so you do these interviews and you're looking you're looking for those key themes, right? But there's a couple other questions that you really should ask yourself those of you that are really driven by ah higher purpose in your business I mean, I already shared kind of my idea of I just love giving business under their life back, you know, ask yourself these couple questions no who would care if your business disappeared sit around with you with your staff if you have staff you know and asked them you know, would would would anybody really be impacted if you didn't do what you did anymore? Now if if the answers are well, you know small you know we impact small business owners, you know, all over the world I think for better you know, some of them might actually care you know, if we disappeared if we didn't deliver our product or service the way that we did if we didn't find ourselves in in places like this where we could share a lot of this great information so then the question is is are you using that sense of purpose of I mean, there are a lot of businesses that lead with a y they do what they do and that's that could be a very attractive positioning terms of some value propositions that are very common it was very common to have a value proposition b about, you know, we know you I mean, we understand you're you're never really defined niche better than anyone, you know, we have a better way of doing things, we've solved the problem, you can get one of a kind or personalized, you know, ryan was up here pretty much everything he makes is one of a kind in a way, you know, even though he's using a pattern you know, we can we've changed the model so that we can save you money. We've made it more convenient. We bring design and innovation and style in a way that nobody else is. So if I were to ask each one of you what you did for a living, you're talking logo would be the answer to that question, but not so you might ask the internet audience, tell us what you do for a living. Okay, forgiven the hint. Um, but it's not I don't want to hear your title. You know, I own a construction company. I'm a plumber, I'm a web designer, you know, I'm a marketing consultant because I know what that isthe I've had enough of those, right? Okay, but if you answer that question in a way that tells me how you do what you do in a unique way. So when you listen to those those interviews that you do, you're going to start hearing some clues that people are going to start telling you how you're different. Okay, so the formula is, you know, I we help, you know, some so that's the verb help teach, coach, you know, whatever some market segment, how to do something that you know or how to get something okay, your big benefit okay, so I'll give you really a real quick example and then and so I want to ask you that I want you to answer so and you don't have to get this right kelly's going toe work with you for a couple minutes and hopefully work on it a little bit but I want you to answer this question right now if I were to ask you what you do for a living right that down okay, I'm going to give you an example so this was a this was an architect a commercial architect on dh they believe that what they did for a living or what their core difference was that they designed great buildings right? So we asked their their customers and their customers said well yeah sure they do good work they have all those letters behind their name you know, weeks we expected that they could design buildings but and you could almost hear him lean over in the phone you know, when they would say this and they say but we really like is they actually help us get paid faster. So after I heard that about three times was like, what does that mean? Well, apparently this particular architectural firm had a number of people on various zoning boards and city councils and things around this around the city they were in and so their projects they knew how to get their projects approved much faster on dso the contractor if you know how that world works the contractor gets paid you know air gets that first draw to start the work when the plants get approved right? So all of a sudden here we had an architect that had been going out there saying we do great work to now when somebody now in a contractor a commercial contractors say so what do you do for a living? And he would say I helped contractors get paid faster well, do you think some of them actually wanted to hear more from him right as opposed to well I'm an architect ok? And so that became obviously that just became a we called it his talking logo but and so it became a riel conversation starter that he he would you even use all the time because then you know, obviously the could follow up question is well, tell me more about that well, we've created this whole zoning adjustment compliance system you know that people could actually bye for five hundred dollars so they could know whether or not a building would you know would get through city hall quickly and so I just made it a bit many, many elements of his brand or of his value proposition was and it really turned into him becoming the number one design build architect in his community on he started actually calling himself the contractors architect so totally changed his whole positioning based on the fact that what his customers were telling so kelly you want to come up here and have you selected one of our incredible students all right chris is going to come up and so what she's going to do is just I hope you start with asking him what he does for a living in well we'll see where we go from there. Thanks very much chris ok so we just met at a networking event I am kelly I'm chris chris what do you do this answer or my answer right before the class answer either one start either way um I uh help people uh conserve water I guess it would be my you know wrote before thinking about this more okay all right so you help people conserve water um conserving water why do they want to conserve water? Yes and so this gets into when I start thinking about this some more that people won't be a part of helping manage our precious resource is better they want to be a part of you know the green movement so they're not just conserving water for themselves their wanted the to be part of the solution and not part of the okay problem as a water haulover whatever so so in the conserving water they're also hope hopefully helping to sustain sustainably managed the local water resource is as well so being part of a larger feel good okay okay and what kind of people? So we got the verb in there helping it is the verb there but what kind of people want to conserve water? Uh I guess again, eh? It kind of goes back to the you know, someone who think he's thinking mawr I guess not just themselves but for future generations you know? So they're thinking that they want to be part of the solution and so they're thinking about their kids you know and what is it going to be like? And so those are the type of I guess people who are wanting to be part of that movement if we can dig just a little bit deeper into people because we're all people trying trying trying to get a little bit narrower that way is it? I know a little bit about your business and I know that one of the segments that you were talking about her homeowners and I think another segment that you talked a little bit about was contractors if we wanted tio always talking specifically in this scenario but homeowners homeowners okay? If we wanted to dig a little bit deeper there could we describe that homeowner just we've already got the homeowner is there anywhere else we can go with that? Well, you know, I mean there's also the common verbiage in green uh uh whole foods people you know, in austin you know that hippie, you know that there's a lot of those to define someone. Mohr um, you know, I just feel like it it's uh, you know, yes, I wanted to find it, but also is a disservice because I think, you know, that's just tough answer, I guess, just getting into this, you know? Sure, no, no, and I totally understand here's, where I'm going to go with this? Does anybody in our audience here have any ideas that they would toss out there? And the reason I'm suggesting this is because sometimes we as business owners were a little bit too close to what we're doing, and I think sometimes if we ask for some feedback from some other people who know a little bit about it, they could probably give us some perspective where we can draw from. So, craig, did you have an idea? I'm thinking those that drive hybrid electric cars, those that recycle those that are investing in solar panels, vegetarians and the issue with that where I'm from in austin seems like everyone is in that so again, it's probably have, but it is also, you know, parsing that segment because of it could be everyone down this one street, you know, I could go to every door door door hanger pitch my service people would be interested have me in there but then in the end say just may not be for me and they have all these traits so um that's why? You know I don't know it is you know it fits with my business but then there is something deeper that I need to kind of get to and find better through my own more analysis let's ask one more in the studio on its here and see if there's anything we can go from on that okay but it's with exactly with what's already been said just a different way of framing it okay what are some of the other reasons like if we think about this the whole water benefit what did they get out of conserving the water? Is there anywhere we can go with that see that's the issue now is because of the the economic value that you pay for water right now is relatively cheap so there has to be a subjective value that people are getting out of our service because if it was just return on investment right that's why I didn't say conserve water and save money uh you know that doesn't really fit in and so that's why, you know we want to hook on the people who are thinking down the line and wanted to be part of this you know more of a bigger movement to help you know, everyone in the future in terms of water resource is so um it is it is difficult on the um uh it's ah very finicky market because of the it comes down to it's not just saving you know, water not just saving money but they're pulling these other things so I mean, you have you going through the process of interviewing your client base because that's where I think that whole scenario can provide a lot of benefit here because they're going to give you some words and some phrases that are going to be very applicant too you know, the other people that you're trying to go after absolutely really we haven't you know, being a small business and growing you just go go go, go, go and but yes, it is that would be absolutely the best opportunity to find uh you know, where our customers fit into this kind of larger green, sustainable right kind of market, right? And so I think just in summary as faras going through this type of act activity, sometimes this is a challenging thing to do and so we gotta dig a little bit deeper and, you know, asking some of your community you can see we're bringing in your existing client base they already have a reason for buying from you so let's explore the reason for buying from you because then we can I'm start to really develop that tag line or that talking logo on dh people will start to identify with that you can see it's not it's, not an easy process but it's a process that we all need to go through because it really does simplify what we're ultimately trying to d'oh so we did have one suggestion from the from the internet valerie ice solutions for you says for his market what about parents and grand parents who want to leave a better world for their children? So it's a legacy it's not just a something you're doing for yourself for the planet but for the future that I mean that is great and it was, you know, from our website our copy is always conserve water conservative, you know those verbs but in the future maybe bringing in, you know, future generations and those type of days into our marketing copy just getting away from this that base we help you conserve water, right? That's that's perfect. I mean, that is absolute absolutely I think the way that we need to move our love talking local I guess right, you can see what the kinds of benefits that you can get out of, you know, asking the client base yeah, I think it was some some really interesting conversation going on here, lee says, I don't think people want to fundamentally save water but they might want to reduce their water bill or find effective ways of using water so it be interesting to look at drill down peel off and you know what people really do want to do right? You get into the activity of segmenting from there yeah I think it's interesting zone and you're in texas right? Yes, water is not expensive there you know there's a lot of people here in california water gets very expensive that's oprah electricity and texas of course a much bigger cost because sure right in a seymour so that's people concerned when themselves more about energy savings and in their home then say water safe so you know we have to play that balance from between what people trying to save money and can saving water save them money you know, in the end so I like saying that maybe your market is in county forya arizona at least with that message anyways shot saving because I know many people with five hundred dollars a month water bills yeah you've got a swimming pool well and again, you know if people are already buying from you there's a reason why they're buying from you so let's explore that a little bit more and see if we can pull some of those themes out of it absolutely okay and I'm back so I think we have to wrap up this uh this session and we'll be back, you guys can can take us out, obviously and invite everybody back again for next session, but we'll continue over lunch to work on some of the these, and I hope you guys are starting to noodle away at your you know what it is that you do for living that? And and this, kelly said. You'll benefit greatly from doing those interviews and those of you out there do those interviews, most most important thing, absolutely so we are going to take a forty five minute lunch break. Now I know that we're going to dive into kind of content creation and definitely into creating, like a framework that just helps with your lead generation conversion. You want to talk a little bit more about what we're doing when we come back. Yeah, so we definitely were goingto going tio cover, as you said, content creation and creating not just content like a blogger, but really all the tools that you're going to need you for your offline efforts, that things that you need to hand to people to help educate people the ways to make it easier for people to find you. So we're going to talk about marketing kit in a new customer kit and some things of that nature, a cz while is really just ah, whole strategic approach to this whole idea. Of marketing and also, you know, invite people toe duct tape marketing dot com for its last creative live. If you've just tuned in, we've got some free goodies there that you can grab. I just want to take a second to talk about that more because people may not have been with us earlier, and this is an incredible, incredible offer. So tell us, ok, so, yeah, we will have you fill out a little form. Just give us your name and email so we can send you a free book. That's, about a twenty five page book called the seven steps to small business marketing success. And we will also offer you the opportunity to actually have a thirty minute session with the duct tape marketing consultant. And you can talk about your talking logo and and we asked you to fill out a form to do a little bit of work so that we can understand your business better. And then they'll sit with you, talk about what they see and really give you three good, solid suggestions on some things that they think you can due to really benefit your business right now.
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a Creativelive Student
I started my own marketing consulting business from scratch after returning from a 10-year overseas mission in Africa. Needless to say, I was starting over when I came back to the U.S. I had a relatively small network, little money, and didn't know what I was doing. I started following John's blog and quickly discovered the system that I would be using to build my business. It's been a lot of work, but following the Duct Tape Marketing system has enabled me to know the practical components of a real marketing strategy (not just a mission statement or empty words on a page), a lead generation plan, a real idea of what I'm doing online, and a way of looking at how I serve my clients. It has also taught me how to market my business - which has proven extremely value as I have developed into several other niche markets over the years. I simply apply the same Duct Tape Marketing system and it gives me steps to take, results to expect, and a path to achieving the vision I have. Each year our agency does an annual internal inspection. We examine our businesses under the lens of Duct Tape Marketing (which we know by heart now, thus we can truly evaluate our own business against the reality of a proven marketing system). Each year, we discover gaps that need to be shored up, new opportunities that should be explored, and higher revenue goals to shoot for. I was so excited about DTM that I joined the global network of DTM consultants several years ago. Now I help all my small business clients install the Duct Tape Marketing system and they love it, too! Duct Tape Marketing is the best.
Hannah Parrish
Awesome content John!