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Setting Up PayPal Account

Lesson 6 from: Ecommerce and Accepting Payments on WordPress

Brian Wood

Setting Up PayPal Account

Lesson 6 from: Ecommerce and Accepting Payments on WordPress

Brian Wood

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6. Setting Up PayPal Account

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Setting Up PayPal Account

with PayPal. The first thing we need to do is we need to set up an account. And this is this is a big deal. I mean, you need to set one of these up if you're gonna try and sell. If you've ever been to PayPal. If you currently have an account, you're probably fine. Okay? You could probably use that same account. You go in law, gain you do your thing. But if you don't have an account, what we're gonna do is we are going to sign up. So you're gonna see I don't need to tell you where to go to sign up. There's a big button here. I click on. Sign up. I got through and it's gonna ask me a couple questions here. Now, this is a free sign up. Like I said, some services will not let you use their service without paying PayPal. Will some of these will you see right here is going to say we have two types of accounts. We actually have a personal count, and we have a business account you can actually sell using either one of these if you want to. But it really depends on how far you want to take it I...

f you want to integrate your sales with like, let's say you have a business and you've got a business website and it's maybe Ah, no ah, Seoul prop. It's an LFC. It's an S Corp or corporation. Something like that. If you have your Social Security number, you can give it to them. They're gonna ask you for that. Okay, As a business, if you haven't e I n registers a corporation or jealousy or something like that, you may have any I n, which is a way for the government to track you. Essentially, you're gonna give that to them is a business account. Okay, they're gonna go in. And I think what they do is they actually check out the business, make sure it's cool, good, whatever exists, etcetera. And then you get your account. Now, before you go to sign up for this, there are a couple other things that you can think about. And what idea was I did a quick search out there on PayPal and I searched for choosing the right account type. This is important. This is something you need to look at a little bit, a little bit more. We're going to see here that it actually shows us that our there are three types of accounts now on the papal site. Now it's only allowing us to to start with. But you can see we have a personal account and we have a business account. If you look at the personal versus the business, the great thing, the thing I love and I don't get too close here. But the thing I love about working with PayPal and Amazon, and a lot of these is that they allow you more ways to sell or to get money. Let's to say that like, for instance, papal allows us to go in and say We can do things like like even send an invoice. That's what I use PayPal for. I'll send an invoice to a client if I don't have it set up on my site to accept e commerce payments and I'll go through and say, All right, well, let me set up an invoice through here and you'll see that there are merchant services and we can accept different things like credit cards, debit cards, etcetera and the business account allows me to do that. So the business accounts going to give us more options, more things that we can do as far as selling. And I guess you could say just generically getting money, Okay, In different ways. Invoicing setting up on actual cart system if we want to taking it further setting of simple buttons or buttons with more options like tracking and different things like that. And we'll take a look at some of that as we get in there. You're going to see if you have a personal account. There are merchant services, but it is pretty limited. Okay, so you want to look at that? This is something I would take a look at it. It's really important. You gotta check your PayPal account and see what you've got. OK, so I'm not gonna go through the entire thing here. But if I go through personal account and let's say I'm a papal here and it could continue, it's just gonna ask you a few little questions. That's pretty much it. Okay, if I go in and I say, let me let me sign up and choose something different. Hopefully it didn't put it. There we go I choose, let's say, a business account, a type of thing. It's going to say we can accept pay papal standard payments if you want to. That air free there $0 a month there are gonna take percentage out etcetera. But we can learn more about this. And this allows us to accept different types of credit cards and different things like that, not just paying via PayPal PayPal account. That's what the standard, the free one, the non business would allow us to dio. So if you want to accept credit cards, we're gonna do something like this. This is credit card processing, and this means essentially, when they go through the check out process, they can either pay with their PayPal account. I'm sure a lot of you seen this play with the PayPal account. Or if they don't have a PayPal account or choose not to, they can insert a credit card, the credit card information, that's what this is getting us. Okay, so you can see standard right there. We have standard. We have pro once again, some of the things that I talked about earlier as faras working with these these features and these processes some of them. If it's free, we don't get as many options. Right? So $0 a month you're gonna see Okay, you can do an online check out, make it pretty simple. No shopping card. Dead simple pro. If you decide to pay 30 a month, I think they even even Atmore. But you can do things like an online check out system. You could change the appearance of it. You could do a lot of different things with that. So you need Thio Thio. Figure out which one you want to do. Okay, A lot of times we'll just two payments standard that usually works. If you're doing kind of a simpler collection off money, if you will. Now you're gonna see down here. It is already accepting credit cards. This is kind of cool, but you can if you want to integrate papal with your existing e commerce system if they don't accept PayPal and that's down here, gets you learn more, takes your further down the rabbit hole, if you will, as far as developing and stuff like that. But papal does a lot. There's a lot of things we could do with it if I go to select standard here, and I go through the process. I just want to show you this quickly because it's you could see. Okay, we're gonna add a, uh, an email address here, and it's actually I've already got it all My email address is used here, so I don't think it's gonna let me do this, but let me see. And I got through and say, All right, let me add just to make sure that I am actually a human, I will enter this information. You guys have seen it Where you can You read that at times? Pretty great. Tell me already have the count. There we go. And account already exists. Okay, so it's going to say, Let's go and log in. So like I said, it's gonna ask you a bunch of questions, Phil. Things out business name, etcetera. Get that done. And what we can do is I can actually finish this up Here, let me let me log in here, and I actually have the standard business account. This is just a simple business count. It's free. They asked me a few questions. I answered my, you know, my content, etcetera. and if you look under here, you're going to see that it's going to say, Okay, let's proceed to an account overview. Now what we need to do here is we're gonna go in and we're going to say we want to sell something So we need to look at some of the different tools that are available to us. So on papal, the thing about the interfaces that it it's changed over time quite a bit, and I think it's a lot better now the way they've done it. But when you're looking at this down the road, the interface may have changed again. That's what I'm trying to say. But if you look in papal here and take a look under tools, you'll see under tools here because I have this type of free standard business account, you're gonna see that I have tons of things that I can dio. I actually have the ability to generate PayPal buttons which weaken do Regardless, we can accept mass payments. Weaken Do. I've done this a bunch of times. You can invoice or request money from people supposed, you know, paint somebody's house or, you know you do some consulting for your business. You don't even have to have this on your website. You can just go through your PayPal account, set up or generate an invoice and invoice that invoice them and they can pay via PayPal. I believe. Also credit card, because it's a business account and pay you that way. We also have things like recurring payments. You can set that up. I believe that that requires a pro account. I'm not sure virtual terminals, all kinds of things that weaken dio.

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Ratings and Reviews

Danielle Allen

I appreciate all of the knowledge that Brian offers. He has a wealth of knowledge, however he tends to "jump around" while speaking on a topic. For example, during the PayPal section, he spends more time speaking about other sites instead of just delivering the content. This made it a bit harder for me to follow along. I actually became frustrated. Overall, the course is useful but in the future, I recommend that he look at the topics and ensure that he sticks to the information we actually need.

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