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Understanding Different Payment Methods

Lesson 3 from: Ecommerce and Accepting Payments on WordPress

Brian Wood

Understanding Different Payment Methods

Lesson 3 from: Ecommerce and Accepting Payments on WordPress

Brian Wood

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3. Understanding Different Payment Methods

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Understanding Different Payment Methods

I want to talk now about the different methods for selling on WordPress. We're gonna go from easy, too hard, and I'm gonna talk to you about these different things. We talked a little bit about some of these, but let me get hold on. Let me just take a look here. I've got this. Pdf open here, and this is different methods for selling with WordPress. We're gonna start simple. And I mentioned some of these. Ready? Okay. Some of the simple methods that we have and these are usually off site selling. This is something that somebody click the button goes paypal. Okay, we're gonna look at some of these First a swell because I think it's important to take a look. PayPal. We all heard a pay, pal, I'm sure. Pretty easy. Way to work. We could take a button, stick it on her page. Go. OK. Paypal is a lot more we can do, though. They have full integration of different things we can do. Shopify is another one. And what? I'm gonna actually jump out here. I hate to be so during, but I'm gonna jump out ...

and I'm gonna show you a few of these. I think that they are important. So this is an example here of Shopify dot com. And you're gonna find that this these guys are actually doing things like this. They're gonna allow you to to sell, okay, They're gonna light it, basically, just take code and content that they generate. Stick it in your sight. And when you go to buy something, it's all gonna be usually done through Shopify. You're gonna find there's a lot of these types of methods. Another example out here, one called cells. The idea behind these is they're not really They're not an on site payment. They're not. Ah, plug in or something that you're gonna put in and you need a processor. And you know, all this stuff I'm talking about, they are basically it. There are one stop shop. Okay, They just say, Sign up for our service, maybe pay a monthly fee. That's what you have to look out for us. Well, maybe pay a monthly fee, put your content up there or create the content. Bring it over to your site, the code or the button or whatever they give you. And then people will easily click either access it through the site off cells or the others out there or go directly to that site. That's kind of the idea here. So we have these these simpler methods of doing this. OK, and we've got some also get back to this one. We've got Amazon. Amazon has ways to make payments to We have Google. Google's kind of changing the way they did things a little bit. They have what's called Google Wallet, but one of the big ones that I've worked with before it's called Amazon Payments. So I've worked with PayPal. I've worked with Amazon payments. Um, I've worked with stripe a bunch of these out there, but they're dead simple. You're signing up for an account you're putting in your stuff. You're getting code or a button or something, putting on your site and selling, and they handle the heavy lifting. Okay, these are the easy ways to be able to work with some kind of commerce is some kind of card. Okay, now let me get back over to that. Pdf for just one second. No. Like I said, these are usually offsite payments. The one I have not mentioned. There's a couple here but square. A lot of us have probably heard of square, and I'm not trying to singles went out. But we're gonna take a look at this one later on in the day squares, that little square that you plug into your phone, your device, whatever. And you could swipe a card, etcetera. We could actually use them. And there's dead simple. You go up to their site, you put your continent. They gave a little bit of code to embed in yours, and you go back over to square to to buy basically, so it's all handled through them. So these are usually offset question from Snappy gourmet. Um, great chat name. Can you combine offsite payments such as offering PayPal and Amazon together? Says we're going through this. Yes, that's that's a great That's a great question. I'm kind of funneling these and saying these air like silos that we can use PayPal. We can use all the right whatever. No utility right, because a lot of people have accounts at different services, right? So a lot of times I will actually combine somebody's you can easily say, Let's take a PayPal button and stick it on her page, Let's take and Amazon payment button sticking on our page. We could do that. The thing is, you got to know it's gonna go through that specific service to make the sale ban right now, if you're thinking about doing something like that, the thing you need to consider is that there are plug ins out there that will allow you to pick a payment processor. So instead of you having to go to all these different ones, we could use something like a woo commerce and I'm not trying to just sell them. But we could use one of these and they've got You can choose what type of payment process you want to use, so we need to think about that, too. What's easiest for you? Keep it simple yet. Go for it. All right. So here's some other options beyond just simple. Okay, I keep mentioning woo commerce, and I want to take a look at this one because we were going to use this today and woo commerce is a little bit more advanced. This is actually I guess you could call it sort of like a It's a plug in for wordpress. OK, that's what we can call it, but it's it's a shopping cart. Essentially, it allows us to do things like cell directly on our site. It's an on site process or payment, rather, so we're actually collecting information from the user There. They can create an account if we want them to. We can handle shipping. We can handle taxation. We can handle all these different things. It's still going to use a payment processor to take the credit card and process it and get the cash, that type of thing. But with this kind of plug in, it's much more evolved cause we got a lot more we could do with it. It's all kept on site, but the idea is you can pick the different type of payment you want, so we can say, Hey, let's let them go to square Goto Papal Go to Amazon, go to disco That and they just kind of pick which one they want to use when they check out. So this is the kind of thing that you need to think about. If you watch the whole day here, you're going to see though this set up this versus just setting up a PayPal button, for instance, you'll get the idea. Okay? It's also also comes down the options rather. All right, let me get back over to the pdf itself. We have some other ones out there, and I'm not trying to exclude others. I know that. A lot of us to do this for a living, we have our favorites, okay? And these are just some of the ones that I've used in the past. I'm just trying to make that clear, But you can see we have, like, W p M. U has an e commerce plug in that we can work with. We have I themes, exchange. I mentioned that earlier jigger shop. There's a 1,000,000. I'm gonna stop saying that. But there are Okay, so something will think about. Now. If you want to go big time and you want to handle everything, you think you're up to it. Okay. Uh, you are all right. You're gonna do a shopping cart. A shopping cart is to me, it's a It's a little bit older school, but it has all the bells and whistles. I used shopping carts in the past because I wanted people to be able to buy all kinds of products. I wanted to be ableto have them do memberships. I wanted to build a have them come back and see their processed orders. I wanted it all to be on my website tours. All seamless, integrated, look the same, etcetera. And that's the idea behind a shopping cart. A shopping cart is is big time because you've got a lot going on and you have to do a lot to it. You've got a lot of set up. You have to hook up the payment processors. Say, Are we gonna use authorized dot net? We're gonna use this one, that one. Amazon, etcetera. You have to do a lot of the back and work with ease, but it affords a lot more capabilities. Okay, Shopping cart examples here. Some of the ones that I've used have actually used os commerce and Zen cart. And if you go take a look at some of these, one thing I do want to show you is if you go up to your host and you have wordpress install up there, your host a lot of times Go, Daddy. One and one Blue host. You know, all these different? They will have carts already up there you could use if you wanted to. You just do a one click install. So I wanna show you this and see if I actually have it up there. I don't know if I do do it. Let's see here. Okay. So going to see, like, here. This is So I'm using Blue Host for one of my sites. OK, one of my sites that I use and if I go up to blue hosts and log in to my admin area, they actually have. It's called Mojo Marketplace. They've got this place I can go to to find big plug ins and different things I can work with. And this is actually how you can install WordPress. This is where you can go. But if you look down here, gonna see Okay. Well, here's wordpress and always different. Scroll down a little bit. You're gonna see e commerce. This is what we This is what we used to just be able to use. Okay. Every time you thought about selling, you know, 10 years ago, seven years ago, whatever it used to just be, you have to make a shopping cart, okay? Or maybe use Amazon. Maybe use PayPal, but e commerce carts we're going to see right here like Zen cart. I've used that one before. Always commerce, etcetera. There's a lot. So when you go through to pick one of these and it's gonna play asking to log in again. But you got it through the pick one of these, you can do a one click install on your host usually. But then the fun begins where you have to do all the set up and get it all to work. OK, so this is this is is like I said, this is big time, but affords you a lot more capabilities. And to be perfectly honest, most of us are probably not going to need a shopping cart. It depends. I'm not telling you you're not, but if you're just gonna sell any book, you probably need a shopping cart. Okay, so the last one I want to talk about here, and I believe this is the last one. Yeah, these air called memberships, and this is this is huge. This is the last type that we can sell through. Memberships are kind of a different animal. If you decide that you want to sell a book, that's great. Use everything. I told you you can use one of these methods. Okay, if you want to go in, though, and maybe you're going to sell. Like I used to have a website where people could watch videos. Okay, they could learn things. I had life classes, etcetera, and I had to make it to where people would pay a recurring monthly payment. They pay 30 bucks a month, 10 bucks a month, whatever it was, but I had to set that up so we had to use what's called a membership system. These to me are some of the more complicated systems to work with, but there's a lot of plug ins out there. There's a lot of things you can buy to get to get this to work. Couple that I've worked with. DAP Digital Access Pass, If you will. We have wish list member. I've worked with that one before. WP Emu Dev Membership Pro. One of the easier ones I've run across, and there's a couple like this. Member Press is a big one. This one is specifically for WordPress, and it ties in really nicely integrates early nicely. But the idea behind these is that you are You can sell a product if you want to. You can sell a service, but these are basically membership systems. And these air these air once again. There's a big time. This is a lot. There's a lot going on. You got a lot You set up a lot you work with. Okay, so this is something to keep in mind. So we got from simple payments toe much more complicated payments. Now, there is a level above this that I'm not gonna talk about, like Amazon, that type of thing where Amazon except excessive payments since all kinds of crazy stuff. I'm not gonna go there today. But these air these air what we're gonna cover, Okay? These are the types of things we're gonna hit.

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Brian Wood - Course Resource
Brian Wood - Exclusive Wordpress Child
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Ratings and Reviews

Danielle Allen

I appreciate all of the knowledge that Brian offers. He has a wealth of knowledge, however he tends to "jump around" while speaking on a topic. For example, during the PayPal section, he spends more time speaking about other sites instead of just delivering the content. This made it a bit harder for me to follow along. I actually became frustrated. Overall, the course is useful but in the future, I recommend that he look at the topics and ensure that he sticks to the information we actually need.

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