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LRC Adjustments: The Tone Curve Panel

Lesson 19 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom Classic

Jared Platt

LRC Adjustments: The Tone Curve Panel

Lesson 19 from: Editing and Organizing your Photography in Lightroom Classic

Jared Platt

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19. LRC Adjustments: The Tone Curve Panel

<b>In this lesson you will learn how to use the Tone Curve Panel in Lightroom Classic.&#160; This is one of the most classic tools in photo editing, but one that will always be important to understand and master if you want to create dramatic or subtle contrast or even cool cross process effects.</b>


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A Tour of Lightroom Classic


Importing Images into Lightroom Classic


Selecting Images in Lightroom Classic


Importing Metadata and Catalogs into A Catalog


Organizing Images in Lightroom Classic


Adding Metadata to Your Images in Lightroom Classic


Bonus: Impossible Things AI Plugin


Lesson Info

LRC Adjustments: The Tone Curve Panel

1 So if I click on Point Color, 2 now I can choose very specific colors. 3 So like for instance, there's some green here. 4 Most of this green is not super green, 5 it's more, kind of a blue green 6 or even a blue, totally blue 7 or just kind of neutral, almost gray. 8 I want to do the same thing for anything 9 that is totally green. 10 So I'm gonna click on this color dropper, 11 and I'm gonna come into the green, 12 and I'm gonna click on say, 13 this green right here. 14 So that is the green, 15 I just registered this green, 16 and I can register multiple different 17 swatches of color, so that's that green. 18 And then I could click on this again, 19 and I could register a little bit lighter green. 20 And then I could click on this again, 21 and I could register 22 maybe a little bit darker green. 23 So I've got three different types of green. 24 So let's work with the first green. 25 And let's just say I want that range 26 to be a little bit wider. 27 And you can visualize the r...

ange 28 by clicking on this little 29 visualized range checkbox here. 30 But you can see, and by the way, 31 if you don't see these sliders, 32 you have to hit this little chevron here, 33 so there. 34 So the range, this is the easy way to do it, 35 and this is a much more complicated way 36 to change the range of color you're working with. 37 I'm gonna leave these open 38 so you can see what we're doing. 39 So, I can adjust the range 40 and increase the amount 41 and watch this area right here. 42 This tells you what color you're dealing with. 43 That's the point that I registered. 44 But when I click on the range 45 and I go down, see how it's a limited amount 46 of that color? 47 And then as I go further from it, 48 I'm increasing the range of color 49 that I'm dealing with, 50 in this particular request. 51 And so let's go to like 75%. 52 And now in order to see it, 53 I can click on "Visualize Range" 54 and now you can see all this stuff 55 in the background 56 is not included in this color mixer 57 or this Point Color option. 58 It's just this stuff in the front. 59 And even not all of the front trees 60 are that color. 61 So as I increase the range, 62 it increases or decreases the amount of green. 63 So I'm gonna just increase the range 64 and let it fall at 100%, 65 so it's really spreading quite wide. 66 And then I'm going to 67 go to the saturation shift, 68 and I'm going to just bring it down. 69 So I can go to zero, 70 and now it's kind of black and white instead, 71 but I want it to be kind of, just muted. 72 So I'm just gonna mute it about 50%. 73 This would be 100% muted. 74 This is 50% muted. 75 And then I'm gonna go to the next color, 76 and I'm gonna increase its range, 77 see how I'm still visualizing the color 78 so I can kind of see where it is. 79 And then I'm gonna take that saturation 80 and shift it down a bit. 81 And then I'm gonna go to the next color, 82 and I'm gonna bring that range down a bit. 83 And then I'm going to take the saturation 84 and shift it down a little bit. 85 So now all of that is much more muted color. 86 If I click off visualize range, 87 you can see I'm gonna turn off my color mixer, 88 see how it's more green, less green, 89 more green, less green. 90 It looks a little bit more like 91 the forest behind it, 92 it's not quite so bright. 93 Now, the other thing that I can do 94 is play with the luminance of these colors. 95 So I can shift the luminance down. 96 See how I'm darkening down 97 those trees a little bit? 98 And go to that lighter green, 99 and let's darken down that a little bit. 100 And let's take that normal green, 101 and let's take that shift down just a little bit. 102 So all of that helps me 103 to darken down this foreground. 104 Now, I may have gone a little bit far, 105 because you can see it's kind 106 of crushing things a bit. 107 So what I wanna do then is 108 I wanna spread the effect a little bit further, 109 and I probably need to negate it a little bit. 110 So I'm gonna spread the effect 111 by looking at the Hue Range, 112 the Saturation Range, and the Luminance Range. 113 So, I clearly have a Luminance Range problem, 114 because I'm starting 115 to create pretty hard edges here. 116 So I'm gonna take this Luminance Range, 117 and I'm going to increase it 118 so that I'm allowing it to affect things 119 that are lighter inside of that color range. 120 And then I'm also going 121 to let it affect things that are darker. 122 I'm gonna do that same thing to all of these 123 so that it spreads throughout the entire area 124 of that tree and that color. 125 So I'm just kind of increasing the range 126 just a bit. 127 So, you can see that 128 it's really increased quite a bit of the range, 129 so all of those foreground trees 130 are darkening up. 131 And then I'm going to go in 132 and change the effect just a little bit. 133 So each one of these needs to come 134 up a little bit, 135 little bit less on the luminant shift, 136 little bit less on the saturation shift 137 on each of these, 138 so I'm just gonna come up just a little bit. 139 Same thing here. 140 Oh, and yeah, and I already done those, so. 141 There, so now if you look at 142 the difference between this and this, 143 it's not quite as hard a difference, 144 but it just kind of mutes that green 145 so that it's not so prevalent.

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Ratings and Reviews

Sabrina John

This class by Jared Platt is incredibly comprehensive and invaluable for both beginners and advanced users of Lightroom Classic. His insights into organizing and editing are game-changing. Speaking of organization, for those looking to streamline their utility bill management, especially MEPCO bills, I highly recommend checking out the MEPCO Bill Payment service. It makes tracking and paying bills straightforward and efficient.


This is a good class, which includes the most recent Lightroom updates. I've watched plenty of videos on YouTube, but this class is much more thorough and is useful to learn more quickly than other options. I recommend it.

Scott Hicks

Just finished watching the entire course. This is filled with a lot of information and Jared takes his time, and goes into detail for you to understand the process of turning great pictures into fantastic pictures. I look forward to watching the other courses in this series.

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