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Stand Up for Your Financial Self

Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: How to Plan Your Financial Future

Erin Lowry/Broke Millennial

Stand Up for Your Financial Self

Lesson 6 from: FAST CLASS: How to Plan Your Financial Future

Erin Lowry/Broke Millennial

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6. Stand Up for Your Financial Self

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Stand Up for Your Financial Self

now standing up for your financial self. This is really the hard part of this whole conversation because it all sounds great in theory, until we're actually faced in a situation where we are at somebody's birthday dinner at a very overpriced mexican restaurant and you know, no one else other than the birthday girl and the check comes around to you And you're making $23,000 a year and it's telling you that you have to pay $80 when all you had was a quesadilla and no apps and no alcohol. Maybe you're not, that's related to a true story of my life experience, but we've all been in these kind of situations and then you're feeling like, well if I push back and say that I don't want to pay this, they're gonna judge me, they're gonna think I'm cheap, they're gonna think that I didn't want to be here, they're gonna, you know, whatever version that you concoct in your head. But one of the things you can do is just straight up be forthright. This is preemptively, this is not the end of the dinne...

r trying to talk about splitting the bill evenly, but talk about what you value what you do or don't want to spend in certain areas. Another thing I recommend doing here, especially for situations like birthday dinners or anything like that where you could kind of come in and come out of the situation. A great way to offer an alternative solution is to say I will meet you before for drinks, I'll come grab a drink with everyone. I'm going to head out for the actual dinner or on the flip side after you guys wrap up, let me know, I'd love to come grab dessert or a drink with you. So you're still engaging your still investing, but financially not on the same level as perhaps everybody else. So you kind of start to come up with your own creative solutions to these problems. The other thing to remember is that your money should work as a tool for you and get you what you want. It's so easy to let other people spend our money, especially our friends and people that we love. So do try to make sure that you are keeping that in mind and you express your values to your friends, but make sure expressing it in a way that's not condemning their choices. It's not that you think that they're wrong, it's just that you value different things. And hopefully if you have a healthy friendship dynamic, they're going to understand that and they're gonna respect that boundary that you're setting as well.

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