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When and Where to Turn for Help

Lesson 4 from: FAST CLASS: How to Plan Your Financial Future

Erin Lowry/Broke Millennial

When and Where to Turn for Help

Lesson 4 from: FAST CLASS: How to Plan Your Financial Future

Erin Lowry/Broke Millennial

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4. When and Where to Turn for Help

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When and Where to Turn for Help

So part of this of course is where do I turn to, where can I get help? What can I be doing? And when does it make sense for me to get help? Well for one, if you've tried multiple times to have a healthy productive conversation with your partner and you either keep getting shut down and they're not opening up to you or and there's they're not disclosing the reason. Or if every single time you talk about money you just start screaming at each other. By the end of it, you cannot have a healthy conversation. You need to seek out a third party in order to get involved. So what are these magical 3rd party people that can help you? One could be a certified financial planner. So this is somebody who actually does help help you get your financial house in order. We will talk more about them in the picking financial products and hiring a planner section, the next segment coming up. But the reason that they can be helpful is it does provide an objective 3rd Party perspective on your financial lif...

e. So if you guys keep arguing about a method to do something or what's more important or prioritizing things in your life, this person comes in and is really just a neutral party and it was just focused on how to better your financial life. Now it's kind of like finding a therapist, you can search around and find the best C. F. P. For you, The one that you feel both of you are being heard, they don't seem to really side with one partner over the other. They do feel truly objective in the situation. There actually are financial therapists. This is really a new part of the industry that's coming up. But some of them are see FPs who also have a background in psychology. Some people are just therapists who have chosen to focus really on the financial side of things. But these are people who can help you address your own money, baggage, your hangups. Why are you you are reacting so volatile towards getting financially naked and talking money with your partner. It may be someone that you need to seek out independently of your partner, but they could also be a referee in why you are having trouble getting financially naked and having these healthy productive conversations.

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