Day 1
1Introduction to your Health
46:22 2Optimizing your Diet
24:18 3What You Should Eat
12:52 4Why Do We Get Fat?
23:37 5Foods to Avoid
30:41 6The Truth About Fat-Burning
37:05 7Nutrient Intake
26:27Making a Balanced Meal
08:40 9Fat Burning Chef George Bryant
24:41 10George Makes Raw Cookies
26:42 11The Mental Game
25:17 12Positive Routine
49:55 13Guest Dr. Sara Gottfried
23:06 14DNA & Hormones
26:14 15Fat-Burning Exercise
51:51 16Guest Dave Asprey
35:58 17How to Burn Fat Right Now
46:04Day 2
Lesson Info
Why Do We Get Fat?
So I'm just going to tell you right now to forget almost everything you know about nutrition and diet exercise and everything else just let's go to zero and then we can kind of think through this together because otherwise we're fighting with all of these myths and you know if you're sitting in that table with someone else like people saw me eating hard boiled eggs in the airport a few months ago I saw my friends and they're just like oh my god, I can't believe you're eating that how are you not dead right now and I'm just like well why would that actually kill me? They're just like well because eggs in cholesterol that's going to stop your heart and saturated fats really bad I'm like why you know what? What is bad about that? They're just like well studies have said that here's an interesting thing pretty much any study you find you can find the equal and opposite study that says the exact opposite of that so instead of hurling these studies back and forth I'd like to talk about what ...
actually works and I mean it's you know, bring up some studies some of them are great clinical trials with with evidence of what happens when one person does one thing or a group of people do one thing or a group of people do another thing and then there's a control to make sure that it's all working according to the scientific method and the science of strong there's some of those as well, some observation of studies, which can be useful for developing hypotheses. So we'll talk about that a little a little bit later. In the meantime, I'd like to ask you if you eat like a sumo wrestler, and I think the answer will surprise you, you're probably not nodding, but perhaps you should be. I was eating like a sumo wrestler when I was trying to lose weight sumo wrestlers, in fact, for a very low carb and very high carb diet to gain hundreds of pounds up in the six hundred pound range, these air enormous people, their job kind of like a bodybuilder is to manipulate their body, hacked their bodies so that they could be is a massive as possible, and a great out of it right there enormous great job problem is we're telling people to do exactly the same thing to lose weight that doesn't work so let's, take another look and what the government recommends. So lots of core bs and almost no fat let's look at what suma wrestlers eat very low fat and lots of carbs, this is a problem, and it all starts to make more sense when you realize that you're not what you eat, you're what you metabolize. And what food marketers have done over the course of the past few few decades especially in the nineties you see all this marketing lingo emblazoned over the front of these the's packaged foods or new diet foods or pills or whatever and it says one hundred percent fat free you might find that on bottled water and it's like of course it's fat free it's bottled water and they're selling their food not because of the the benefits of what is within that food the nutritional value of the food itself they're selling it because there's something that isn't in it that supposed to make it healthy so it's like you have a bag of pure sugar this is one hundred percent fat free you can imagine that sticker being right on there of course it's fat free it's sugar but if you eat a pound of sugar you're going to get fat right? Most people know that but there's a disconnect here because when you go to the store you go to the refrigerator and you find this little yogurt that has a picture of a healthy billy with like nice curves on it and like these arrows and stuff and it says well this is going to be good for your belly you're going you're gonna lose weight it's good for your digestion that sort of thing you turn around and all of a sudden there's no fat and it's one hundred percent fat free thirty grams of sugar sugar makes you fat this isn't going to improve your digestion is going to give you diabetes but the problem is most people see yogurt they don't it's a sugar but what I'd encourage you to do is take a look at sugar that you're eating not the fact that you're eating because fat isn't really the thing that makes you that it can all right it can but usually it's not usually sugar makes you fat no diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat without iran you might look good but all you could do is run for public office that's a great quote from george bernard shaw and so that that's true the brain is the majority of it anyway is fat and fat is a great source for the brain in terms of nutrition I'm running on fat right now there are key tones in my brain that's what I'm talking so quickly and feeling so great and full of energy because my brain is nourished I'm gonna show you guys how you can do that too so we know how you get fat like a sumo wrestler was sort of diet they follow but how do you actually get on a naturally lean and muscular? There are a few ways that you can do it but one of the more interesting ways to do it I'm going to talk about it in just a second. This is my buddy, chazz, and we worked with him over the course of a few weeks and took him down to three percent body fat falling a very high fat diet. We took him down to about six percent from I think it was around thirteen percent. Body fat. Which accounted tio it was it was over twenty pounds because they're not thirty pounds in just a few weeks on. This is not a guy who was, you know, fat or anything. I thought he was just like a large flaking type dude. Uh, and so we went ketogenic cyclical ketogenic. We'll talk about why that works a little bit later. Body builders. Not all of them, but especially the old way of body building in one that's catching on again. Bodybuilders, the fat, the russian line. Drink eleven points of whole milk a day. Um, the iron guru advocated eating thirty six eggs a day in down heavy cream by the cup. Mr america is a team consumed two dozen eggs and two gallons of raw milk today, arnold schwarzenegger recommended consuming between sixty and one hundred grams of carbs today on these, these points are from the perfect health diet from paul jammin egg I'm going to be quoting later on this presentation we've met a few times he's been on this show a number of times for those of you who want a primer on this sort of nutrition and some of the myths it's a wonderful book called the perfect health diet so I highly encourage you to check that out so what is fat do for you it actually promotes proper cell function it supports the release of fat burning hormones it aids in the absorption absorption of vitamins and minerals adds flavor to foods helps you feel full increases testosterone as well a spares and builds muscle and that's pretty cool on the other hand well fat nights are strongly associated with increased rates of depression psychological problems fatigue, violence and suicide so yes that's the word associate id that's not a scientific term so whenever you see that in the media know that this these are great for building hypotheses not correlations and certainly not cause ations but at the same time my my point in telling you this is that low fat diets star of your brain of nutrients we're going to talking about that they've asked me when he comes on the show we're both fans of very high fat diets for ourselves it doesn't necessarily apply to absolutely everybody but you do not need to be afraid of real good fat that's my point uh I can personally attest that when I eat a low fat diet I was bummed out so this really this shook me when I realized this when I found this I'm like what this was me except for the you know, violence and suicide part but I was so I was heading in that direction perhaps I did not feel superhuman I did not feel quick yeah talking all about the difference between good and bad fats I heard you say that okay just wanted to make sure for everyone out there absolutely yeah we're gonna be talking a lot about that this one is just like I said before the purpose is to scare you into actually paying attention to the next presentation which is all about what to eat what is a good fat what is not cool so yeah personally I did not do well with low fat die I was very low and enter energy uh I was bummed out it was this feeling of ah constant fog and you compare that to me now where I basically just kind of I feel like I'm rocking out all the time of course there were those ups and downs that energy but it's a much more consistent full energy that I had never really experienced before before I started eating that much fat was certainly not taking fat out of my diet anymore all right? So saturated fat as it turns out, isn't really the thing that stops your heart it's inflammation in fact your your blood vessels don't fill with plaque without inflammation so is is it the fat that builds in your blood vessels and arteries in that sort of thing? Or is it actually the thing that's causing that to build and it's not even saturated fat that builds up its it's mostly unsaturated fat? What so let's let's have a doctor talk about this because I don't want to kind of be this talking head it's like oh yeah that's good and you don't have to worry about that at all because I know a lot of people are really worried about that I was well, but the truth is my heart didn't stop in my biomarkers improved like crazy when I started eating this way as opposed to the way that my doctor told me to eat before so over the past decade we found that cholesterol causey ality is nothing but a massive con job organized by big pharma cholesterol has nothing to do with basically the plaque that builds in your vessels to give you heart disease and that sort of thing which helps to explain why and over half the new heart attacks, the cholesterol levels are normal or well below normal. So most people don't realize that having high cholesterol is a risk on has been associated with an correlated with sometimes depending on the state it seems to be the cause of heart disease and that sort of thing, but so is a low cholesterol and even normal cholesterol, you're gonna heart heart disease and heart problems in fact, most of us are like if you look at the chances of what we're going to develop over time, we're probably going to get cancer or or heart disease or diabetes like if you look at the trend lines of where we're going in the next few years, the next few decades, especially the children who were born today, this is what we're looking at and this is completely unprecedented and the way they were eating today is completely unprecedented. So let's, look at those two things and see why that was might be correlated with each other. George man says he's an m d said the public is being deceived by the greatest health scam of the century on the diet heart hypothesis, which is basically looking at the intake of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol and applying that to say that you are going to have a hard it doesn't work if you eat those things. The truth is saturated fat, sir anti inflammatory, and they aid the metabolism and as I was hinting at before seventy four percent of fatty acids found in artery clogs or unsaturated, that doesn't sound like saturated fat to me, so where we are today is the thirty six percent of the population believes the ufo's ariel and twenty five percent believe there's, no link between saturated fat heart disease that means you're more likely to believe that aliens are visiting this thing us from another planet then believe that what I'm saying is true unfortunately, protein is something that's been, uh start into a joke. It is kind of a joke because we had over the south by southwest. There are a bunch of young men who stayed at my house who were friends of friends and slept on the the couches in the floors and everywhere else, the first thing that they said in the mornings just dude, you have your protein shake. No, I haven't had my protein shake, we should have a protein shake and they were just raving about protein the whole time. It's not a joke that's kind of a joke, but this is not protein is came fat burning and it's like the best way to get protein. Generally speaking, isn't from one of those they're shakes that you find, uh, at costco or wal mart it's from a natural protein that your body has been adequately utilizing for energy and for muscle, for hormones for the vast majority of human existence except for kind of now, because we're protein has been pulled out of a lot of our diets, especially red meat, which is supposed to give you our disease and do all these other things make you fat um it doesn't really work like that either I'll touch upon that as well because some of these statements are kind of general it's more complicated than that but my point is if you eat real food you don't have to worry about any of this stuff anymore so a high protein diet actually helps most people lose weight and or build or tone muscle very rapidly so I'm sure all the news out there like it that's great all the women are like well, that doesn't apply to women but thus protein if you want tio lose fat and tone your muscle then protein is absolutely essential you indeed protein to do this sort of thing in the best source of protein comes from foods that we've been eating for a very long time so if you're a woman and you want to be full on fewer food calories on less energy protein it is one of the most filling macronutrients in terms of bang for your buck you could argue that fat is a swell problem with fat is that it's much more energy dense then is protein you're looking and that gets more complicated too but for fat the amount of energy in terms of calories per volume you can eat less fat and you'll be consuming mohr calories than protein so if you're looking at a tactic to lose a lot of weight philip on protein first and kind of rounded out with fats and carbs or something that you can use but it xhm or affected to focus on eating plenty of protein you don't really have to worry about eating too much because how many people are you know, sitting down especially women how many women sit down and see a steak and ate it and then they're like I want another one of those but how many people sit down and have a slice of pizza and then they're like I want another one of those most people writing like I certainly was I would just pound those things back in the day sometimes special in college um and when I was trying to be healthy and eat a low fat diet one of my staple foods was a whole grain crust with veggie toppings and usually like fake cheese or something like that that was that was zero fat lots of soy that sort of thing that is not going to help you burn fat I promise you whole grains actually make most people fat that's a weird one that is catching on now a little bit but uh it basically goes against everything that we've ever known about this or so we think right? Because we raised in a world where whole grains of the things that are completely heart healthy that you're supposed to be shoving down your throat in the morning in your sandwich in the mid day sometimes for your snack as a granola bar some like that in the afternoon and then of course, at night you want to have plenty of bread as well, or or a side of some sort of grain because it's going to be really good for your heart problem is it's, not modern grades ravage your gut, steal nutrients and then turn them directly into sugar. And as we went over before, you're not what you eat, you're what you metabolize you become your body's response to food that you're eating. It has nothing to do with the food, even it's like if you eat something that turns into sugar, think about it is eating sugar and when you get most carbs, that's what exactly what happens, especially when you know there's, a wonderful book from dr william davis was on my show, um called wheat belly, and this is kind of a long quote, so I'll just read it instead of you having to read it to yourself. Today's wheat has been genetically altered to provide process food manufacturers the greatest yield at the lowest cost. Consequently, this once benign brain has been transformed into nutritionally bankrupt yet ubiquitous ingredient that causes blood sugar to spike more rapidly than pure table sugar and has addictive properties that causes to ride a roller coaster of hunger, overeating and fatigue. And this is why it happens because you know, a lot of people will argue yeah, but you know, we've been eating wheat whole grain for a really long time that's true, but what we're eating today is not weak it's not it's, not even close to the same thing we have turned this into that and that's not even a joke literally we had weak that was I it was it was all over the place it was very tall was a fundamentally different plans and what we have now, which is down here and the reason it's down here is because it's increased yield and proffitt's easier to process the modern processing that they use instead of having the week ferment like it used to in his natural state before it was processed, which is required if you want to digest the actual enzymes in your food and um and utilize them for energy and that sort of thing that doesn't happen anymore with the way that we is processed and we doesn't everything. So basically we have created this franken grain that doesn't bear much resemblance at all to what wheat has always been in the past and in fact it started off not being that great for us, it just like was that bad for us? Grains are really a starvation food, their food that fills up your cap, the caloric needs but they don't really give you much deficient so I can hear people on the internet right now probably saying, well yeah, but whole grains air filled with nutrition except that you can't absorb them and that's a problem because you're also not just what you metabolize your what you absorb, what you can utilize and so if grains contain things that steal nutrients from your body than the net effect of eating those grains is actually negative on and that's what we see health effects in modern wheat include weight gain, diabetes, heart disease uh acid reflux I b s dementia, arthritis and many more and I experienced a lot of these one one of the most particular and pernicious effects of eating wheat is that it increases your appetite like crazy and that's the real reason that we didn't everything dr davis says in his book that the average caloric intake of someone who regularly eat sweet compare to someone who doesn't his four hundred calories higher per day and that's significant I don't I don't care how much you agree or disagree with the calories in calories out hypothesis I certainly have my own opinions about that, but when you look at that statistic I mean holy smokes that is a lot of extra food that you probably don't need because that's, what that's saying is that if you eat wheat you're overeating and that's a problem because when you overeat bad things happened your body um so we isn't quite the knight in shining armor has been hailed to be it's, in fact, a different food than it used to be. Even in about the nineteen seventies, things started to go wrong with wheat and they progressively gotten worse. So one of the things that you can do in the meantime, if you love your wheat, I'm not saying that you have to avoid it all the time. Some weeks can be part of a healthy diet, some can even be nutritious. What I'm telling you is that modern wheat is not, and people who cut it out of their diets generally speaking, experienced tremendous results when it comes to weight loss, improving their gut health, getting rid of problems that might come up with their thyroid myself included when you get rid of that let's, see so my mother actually got rid of wheat about two years after I said mommy should be meeting with anywhere because it's so hard to convince your family um and she like, I think it was after a week of doing it, she called me up she's like, oh, my gosh, everyone needs to eliminate week. I just lost five pounds in the first week and all I did stop eating, we like, I know mom e and now she's just that's just that's what she's all about educating people about not eating wheat and if you do eat grains there certainly grains that you can eat just try to stay away from anything that's been manipulated by man or machine. This isn't even as bad in some ways as genetically engineered ingredients they haven't really done that, would we? Yet this has just been essentially what we've done with dogs and I think that's a great example because way started here you know, the there's no debate about whether a great dane or a little wiener dog is a dog it's a dog, right? But they're absolutely different animals, but it has the same name that's what happened to wheat? To corn, to soy, to sugar, and to a lot of other things that we eggs to industrialize food to feed lot meat compared to pasture raised wild meat. It is the same name, it is not the same thing is absolutely not the same thing, so a lot of texans will appreciate this how you fat cow feed it grains, how you fat in a human feet of grains it's not it's, not that complicated and it's more complicated in this course, but that's that's exactly what they do in case people don't aren't familiar with feedlots and that sort of thing what they do is they take cows, ah, and other animals that were nationally raised on pasture, and they forced them to eat grains that their bodies aren't well adapted tio eat at all, and if they feed them grains right away from pastor, they take him to a feedlot and then start feeding them grains right away at too high a quantity. The cows die because they can't their bodies. You don't know what to do with this thing that they're not used to eating. It doesn't really make sense that they would be eating this diet, and so they die on dh. This has happened many times up in canada, where a lot of thie, the feed lots are if you've ever driven by when you know it, because this smell makes your eyes water it's not a place you want to be and the way that what they're doing at those feedlots, the reason it smells so terrible the reason all these cows were getting so fat is because they're shoving grains down their throats and it's terrible, and you shouldn't do it anymore.
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Ratings and Reviews
Mary Kalabokis
Able is a well-researched and well-spoken presenter. I thought he was spot-on with everything he said. I really enjoyed listening to this course. It is very much in line with other authors and books that I have read such as Primal Blueprint's Mark Sisson, Tim Ferris 4-hour body, Wheat Belly, Why we get fat, Dr Mercola and many others. The concepts are simple and not difficult to implement. I believe he is in a group of people in that are emerging in forefront of today's health. I read some of the other reviews and the negative ones were so off base. He is actually full of important information that is accurate and that most of us prefer to ignore because it is easier to just go through a drive through. Thank you Able! You simplified some very complex and controversial topics in a way that was easy for us to digest. (Pardon the expression.)
Brian Roma
Abel James knows what he is talking about. I have lost 45 pounds in 8 months following these guidelines. This healthy lifestyle has completely changed my health and I owe it to Abel and the information that he shares.
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