13 Pre-Show
10:30 2Introduction and Overview
25:20 3Preferences and Panels
33:26 4Creating Guides and Multiple Artboards
20:01 5Shapes and Free Transform Panel
35:35 6Pen and Pencil Tool Basics
33:31 7Creating and Editing Paths
31:40 8Pathfinder Tool
11:50Lesson Info
Pen and Pencil Tool Basics
so we can actually start doing some drawing. So those shapes are great. They give us from shapes. They gave us these nice, rounded rectangles and rectangles, but I could also draw a rectangle bison from scratch. If I wanted Teoh in that case, I would probably do something like draw out of grid, right, and then I can use the pen tool to actually draw a rectangle. Now am I going to do that? Probably not. I have a tool for that. Why would I do that? I just want to show you what I can do with that. And I'm gonna use the pen tool and there's actually click and hold. We've got several pencils with Mental Adam Delete, Anchor Point and the Anchor point Tool. Anchor Point Tool was really changed in the January 2014 version of Sisi when it updated, and they made some new changes a swell this week. So when I'm creating with the pencil, the pencil is nice because I can click a point and it adds that anchor fluke and see that we can see it's his anchor. So when I clicked, it created an anchor point...
. When I click somewhere else and you notice I'm getting this thing showing me. I'm not holding anything down. It's doing that. That's the 2014 the one that just came out. It now shows you what you're going to be drawing with your pen tool. So it's taking me a little bit of getting used to, because that's something new. I like it. It's just seeing it drawing there when I'm not used to it. So if yours doesn't look like that, don't panic is just because it's never done that until this week. So I'm still panicking a little. So hopefully you guys aren't panicking. But I'm clicking that. So that's why I'm doing right now. It hasn't done anything. It's just previewing, showing me what it's going to look like if I just click another point. This is exactly what it's gonna look like. The great thing about this is I can actually see it and know what it's gonna look like. And I can think Yes, that's the angle I was hoping for. But sometimes when you haven't seen it clicked here and you click here and you look at and go. That's not what the angle I was hoping for. So this is great because I can actually see it. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to click again, just click and let go. And it added another anchor. And then what it did is it created that line for me. And before I do anything else, even though I still have that pen being or that path being drawn gonna go over here and click my stroke tool, I'm going to give it a color so I can see it. I'm gonna make it bigger so I can see it. So I just want to see what I'm drawing is I'm going along. All right. So it remembers. I was working on the pencil even though I jumped out and played with the color and all that stuff. It's still thinks she's still drawing a line. Remember, we did. The line segment ended another line segment and they didn't meet up or miter up next to each other. This one's gonna miter beautifully, even though right now it almost doesn't look like it's going to cause it's flat at the end. But that's okay. I'm gonna click one more time and let go. And now, when I did it Look at that nice little point that it made at the end there. All right, so it's still thinks OK, she's still drawing. What else is going on here? I'm gonna click a couple more points, click their put their there, and it's making those nice minor points for me. And then when I come back up to the top here, there's my other anchor point and it says, Oh, she's gonna close that I don't if you can see that little icon that I kind of the pen When I get close, it gets that little circle icon next to it says up. She's closing up the path. This is great, so I could just click and close that path. And now when I closed it, I let go. And now you notice I don't have that preview anymore. It's no longer trying to draw any more segments. It says you closed it, you're done. That's your path. I now have this great path. I click on it and I have this bounding box and you notice it sticks outside the bounding box because again, half the stroke is inside and half the stroke is outside and that's okay, But if I used the direct selection tool, that solider the hollow tool, I click on that. Now I have all those points available to me. All right, so now it's saying, Oh, she must be working with the paths themselves. If I click on a path or a point, I must want to do something to it so I can click on an anchor and actually need de select click on the anchor. Until I see all of those lets you zoom in, you can see all my anchor points. I can grab one of those and drag and move that over so I can edit it later. Even though I didn't draw very well the first time, I certainly go back and make changes to that dragged that in. If you notice what happens that such a steep miter, it just gives up at that point. You know, it's it's not sharp anymore. Like it Waas. That's something we can control in the Strokes panel in here. We can tell it what the limit is, so when it gets to be 10 points of its less than less than 10 points, less than 10 times the thickness of the stroke. If it's that far out, it just goes ahead and put the beveled inch on. It is what it does. So if I change this toe zero, it's gonna take out the miter on all the points. You see. They all have that. So that's what having this 10. So when's 10 times the thickness of the stroke? It puts a nice miter, but at some point it's so stretched it would be such a sharp point. I'm surprised it kept it here. So anyway, that's what that is. That's what I'm by default. So that's why when I made it that sharp, it didn't quite keep. It is pointy is it? Should have. But again, I could go ahead and make changes to that particular stroke that's there. And I can always, you know, make changes. Afterwards. I didn't have to draw the perfect thing on the first try. That's what I like about the pencil now. Is that it? Actually, you know, it's really showing me what I'm making. Let's go back to this rectangle. We drew out some rules for that, and I'm gonna go ahead and click the pencil and you notice it's still purple and the stroke should be kind of thick because it remembered the last thing I did. It's going to draw it in the same way that I was working last time so that the pendulum just gonna click and I'm gonna hold down the shift key Member of shift. He gives me nice 45 degree angles, some of click, and I'm just going to click on each of the four corners, all those down. I'm holding down the shift key this whole time with them. For some reason, I actually missed it over here. Hold down the shift key and the shift key. There we go. And so now I made my rectangle Justus if I had drawn with the rectangle tool so I can still make it by my hand if I want to. But it's silly if I have the tool, but the nice thing is they are exactly the same. So if I come in here and I start playing with this with the direct selection tool, I can play with the points. Select on the path, make a change, move that up, do whatever I need to do with it, right so I can play with that. Even if I had drawn that with the rectangle tool coming here, drop that rectangle. It's exactly the same. I could grab the direct selection tool, select that path of that point and make changes to that as well. So it's no different. It's just I used one that actually had a tool built in for it, the one I had to create by hand. So creating paths are pretty easy. Those were corner points. All they did was select corner points. I'm actually gonna unlock my guides here and delete those get those out of the way. But I can also create curves, smooth curves with that. So if I click that first opening point, even though it's showing me where this is going to go, I'm gonna actually click and hold. As I'm doing that, I can see the Ark. I can change the angle of the Ark and the height of the Ark by pulling out these candles. And when I let go, I need to make sure I have this purple in here so we can actually see it and get back to a thicker lines. We can see it so now it says, Great. Now I've got that preview again and now says, Oh, we've got a curve. You're going to continue working with a curve Probably so I'm gonna go ahead and click and drag, and that lets me again change the shape and the height of that actual art that's there and I let go and when I click again and this is nice, because it shows me that it's going to continue that curve. But maybe I didn't want to. Maybe I'd like it to be a hard corner point there. I can click on that anchor point. It gets rid of that handle, and now it says, Oh, now you're back to doing a straight line. I can click and hold, click and hold, All right, so I can keep playing with that, and then I can come back and say, No, get rid of that and do some hard corner points as well. When I'm done, I can go ahead and just either select another tool or do shift command a or shift control A which is de select everything. And now I'm not drawing any longer disconnected from that question. So if you made a straight line, and then you change your mind and you wanted to make it into a curved. You can do that. Yes, I was going to be Oh, because it's done that before. Yeah, exactly. We've done the wrong thing. And you realize? Yeah, well, it actually that's something I do when I'm drawing. If I'm drawing especially cheating and drawing on top of something else, I might not sit there and worry about getting the angles just right. I'm just gonna come in here and say I want to do this this this, this and this. But now I'd like them to be really smooth, so I can use my anchor point Tool used to be called Convert anchor point, but now it's called anchor Point. There's a lot of other things it does. But I could take that anchor point and I'm gonna zoom in down here, and I'm gonna go ahead and just take this item. And when I click on it, I can now make that a curve. And actually, there's a new way of doing it. I haven't quite gotten proficient with it yet. Exactly. So I'm going to try, but there's an actual way I can work with different handles. Turn off one of Handel's. I can't remember it. Exactly. That's gonna be It's gonna take a little while from used to Oh, I could hold down the command key and shorten up one of the handles and work with that that way. So instead of working with the handles where they're equal distance, I can tell it. This one changes and the other one doesn't again. It's something new, and I'm having a hard time with it. But by clicking on the smooth one, I can change that, too. I'm sorry, Corner hard corner point. I can change it to a smooth corner point and vice versa. I can say I didn't really want that to be a smooth one. I'm going to click on that item, and it automatically changes it to the hard corner points cereal to convert them back and forth. So that's convert Anchor Point tool. The other tools that are on there are the Adam Delete anchor point tools. So maybe I decided I didn't want this extra point here. I can go ahead and use the delete anger point tool and just click on that item and delete it. So that's something I do all the time. If I'm using one of the built in tools, let's have is the rectangle tool and built that rectangle. And then I decide I want to get rid of one of those points. I could just click on that path and I got myself a nice triangle, right? And I didn't have to draw a triangle and try and get the right shape. I just made a rectangle right away and just severed that cut. That piece is seven cents your question. Yeah, Um, so say you drew a triangle. Simple shape. But you wanted one of the corners around it. Uh, can you do that with the bench, or can you draw a rectangle with the pencil? You know, draw a rectangle, but round one of the quarters, just you can you can, actually, Yeah. You can actually work with the rounded corners. That way you can use the some of the effects that are in there and choose rounded corners. That's actually option that you could do so you just add in effect for the rounded corners. If you wanted it, you could round it here. But then you're manually trying to get them all exactly the same. But if used in effect, you could just tell it. But I could bring this in and around the corners. But again, I can't guarantee this corner is going around in exactly the same way as the other corners, and you're actually rounding the entire path. You just one of the rounded corners. Just use the rounded corners effect. It's under the facts menu, all right, so we can also do that in the transform panel. If you are working with a rectangle, of course, you can play with the corners as well, so obviously I can't do that in a triangle. But I can do that in a rectangle. Even if I've started with a regular rectangle. In this case, I'm going to use the rounded rectangle, and I can come in here and play with the individual corners. So by default, let's turn that office. You can actually see him. That's what the radius looks like of that particular shape. But I can come over here and tell it I would actually like them to be thicker or a bigger radius. So amazingly up and down arrow keys for that. But I also can tell it. Keep them all the same or I can have them be different. I could make each one be a little different on here, so let's make that lower one. The lower one has a sharper radius. Let's let's make that pretty sharp. But I still have the upper corner. One still has that round one that's there. The other things I can do is I can also click on this and bring up. There's three separate types of corners that are here. I've got the inverted round I've got the round and then Sham for or beveled. What Samford is, I don't know, but we'll call it beveled so I can click that and make that a beveled edge. And again, I'm just doing it to that one particular corner because I've turned this off. But keep all measurements the same or keep all the same so I can come in here and just say OK, I wanted to be and inverted round instead, and I can play with that as well. And again that's in the transform panel. I can also do that using these little crazy little shapes that air here. That's what these air four. So if I graham this shape actually going to start with a we create a new new document really quick, and I'm gonna create start with a rectangle, we'll make it kind of big so we can see it. And again, we've got those crazy shapes that we've been talking about, the little circles that air here. I can actually grab that and just drag that in and change to the rounded. And now it automatically put it in here in the transform panel, which is great. But I could do this manually. Just by using these shapes, I can also drag across only a portion. Sorry. Let's use the direct selection tool by drags Select just across there. You know, it's only that one corner as that shape. So now I'm just affecting that particular corner. So basically doing the same thing that I did numerically by saying Don't make them all the same and just take the upper right and do something with it. But the nice thing is, I could just pick and choose really quickly dragged this in, and at some point it's going to tell you you can't go any further. They hit that red. That's the maximum angle I can get given the rest of the shape. But then I see as I can play with that now they're not the same. I have to numerically make them the same. That's the only thing is when we're using these little buttons, we can't quite get exact measurements that way. But it's a great way to visually do that now. We could do that, not just on rounded rectangles. I could take that star again like we had. What's actually I'm holding down the shift key cause I didn't like where I started. I started drawing in the upper left and really didn't like it. I'm sorry, The space bar. If I hold on the space key, it will move it for me. And let's get rid of some of those actually wanted just a five sided star. Let's do that. Hold on the shift key, and now when I select that item, I get those where my shapes, my shapes aren't there. There were I've got the thing actual live corners and I could just pull those in and make a nice, rounded item there, so that's one of the ways that we could do. You could do that with that triangle that you have just pulling those shapes that's there. So come back. And if we freehand draw a triangle, do the same thing that the direct selection tool we can pull in the corner that's there. But you know, this is not Let me do all of those, and I can't remember why it's not. There we go. I didn't drug over them separately, so let's actually undo those. I want the whole thing. So when I select this, it's like this item and get those live corners, pull that in and work with it that way. It makes sense. Cool. Yes, So those are the life corners. Those were introduced in the January 2014 release. So the life of your cool I haven't used them a whole lot just because it's I think I will now with the transform panel where I can actually go into each one individually. Trying to do it visually was a little bit mad making, So I like that I can actually do that in the transform panel, but those of the live corners that make sense yet of. Well, nice idea. Is it possible to cut in trim like two paths that intersect? Yes. And we're not gonna go into that. We're This is really basic If you look at the essential stuff. I had a lot of stuff where I'm using, the different We're gonna work with some shape tools and things like that. But we're not gonna work with making really complex shapes today. But we did cover that in the essentials. One. Absolutely. Yeah. I just want to jump in. And just in case people online don't know what you're talking about When you say we covered that in the essentials. Yes. Tell us a little bit about the class, but you talk. Yeah, way. We really dived into a lot of the different items that were there. We talked about some ways to draw, um different shapes or did cheat on news shapes and just went into things like patterns. And I can't remember what else we did. What were the other ones? Turned the pictures into the shapes. Our used like a A picture is a base to put shapes on top of and draw that. I started thinking some of the other things that we covered. A brush is custom brushes, custom patterns, things like that. So really, some of the more advanced stuff and how to take this up. But I'm just trying to everybody here that the tools, the individual tools and then, hopefully a branch out find those other pieces that are there. Yes, so here's how to make two shapes. Then you start realizing how to intersect them. What are the tools that we use for things like that on? And that's what the essentials covered is a little more in depth. Look, here's here's how to draw a line and do some manipulation to it. Here's some really crazy things you could do with a line in the other, and that was a full two days or 32 days to pull today class. If you go, you couldn't search for because all of their because classes on the website. But that was a great one. Yeah, we really is just like they dived into a lot of the stuff. Exactly. I do have a couple jury is just good point point. Really quick little questions. Can you remind people is for sale. Brazilian. How Teoh I'm sorry. This was four truck. Try it out. Yeah, that's good. I like it trying it out. How do you group again? Group the shapes of the items group things together. If we just select a couple things. If we wanted these group together, let's say I just dragged across all of them, so they were at least partially selected. Or you can shift select on certain items, and it gives you the bounding box for the entire group. But we go up under the Object menu and Shoes group. It doesn't look any different, but now it's actually groups. Now, when I select one, everything gets elected as well. Also, a quick question from Joe Lo Designer, Is that a way to bring that pencil tool closer to my drawing area? Yeah. You could actually put it so that you mean you have a handy the pencil tool, handy whenever you needed. I assume that's what he needs. Yeah, I can come in here to my pencil tool, and I could actually either click this little bar on the side and I have all my pencil tools ready there, or we could go back to that custom tool panel that we did earlier window tools. We have this custom panel. Or I could create one from scratch and just at the tools I need and have these little floating tools. Yes. So if I'm working year and I'm zoomed in, you know, working on something, I can have my tools just sitting there handy. I'm really hopeful that actually answers net ingenuity from Texas is question from earlier was wondering how to do that. Excellent. Cool. And one more little from snood Early. A lot of these great. Get these basic ones out. Can I put my own colors and just watch it? Yes, you can. We're going to swatches and segment. I'm ready for signing that today. Stay tuned. All right. Okay. Keep going. Great. Sounds good. All right. So let's do some of the pencil stuff. A swell. And actually, I'm going to show you one more thing on the pencil. So I've got the pencil, and I'm just going to hold down my shift key, so get a nice straight line, and then I let go of the mouse, and I'm gonna pick it up again. And I love that. My guides are showing me when things were lined up. So I know that I now know that that point is on the same line seem horizontal line there and wait, Hold on the shift key again and I'm going to go to those lineup on hold the shift key again. And so I'm just gonna make, like, these little wavy shapes eso for me. I really like this new preview that shows me what things were gonna look like when I actually dry with that and again. Shift option. I'm sorry. Shift command or shift control A to de select everything to be done with your with your pencil. Otherwise, you forget and you go to click something new and you just connected the two together and it's a it's a pain, but one of the things that you can do now and this was added in the the January 2014 addition is that this anchor point tool which is here, actually under your pen tool. It's not just for converting the anchor point tool anymore. It's for actually working with the lines itself. So hopefully you can see when I roll over to get this sort of I don't know what it is, a line with two segments on it, basically. But I can grab that and play with the angles here without having to go and play with each of these handles, because that, to me, has always been a pain. I have to figure out which handle I need to drag in which way. So now the nice thing is I can just kind of makes whoa go really crazy. Let's undo that. Undo, undo. I can grab these and just kind of play with the path itself, right? So I don't have to worry about ahead of time trying to make sure my angles air just right. I can use that tool that kind of comes in handy as well. When I'm working with, say, that rectangle tool or any of those tools, I can grab this anchor point tool and just nudge things. Maybe I just wanted to make around item on the top. I can hold down the shift key, and I get nice, even proportions. So I understand Go. That's actually the shape I wanted and how I would normally make this is by making two shapes and combining them. But I love that I could just grab it and say, Oh, actually, just want to pull this out a little bit and maybe I just want to make this a little bit and I don't know, just play with wacky little things like that. I love to be able to just pull the sides and just work with that again. I didn't have to worry about the handles and how does this work? I just play with this here. It's just a lot easier for me anyway. Again, for somebody who doesn't draw, it doesn't have that kind of control over items. I love that tool, and they again. They added a few more things in the new version. I haven't been able to figure out uses for all over them, and that's usually where I get. You know, I have to wait a couple weeks where I started working with and figure Oh, that's a place I would use that new tool. So those are the new, the new ones that are there, So that's the pencil. We also have the pencil tools, and the pencil tool was improved. Also back in the January update. The pencil tool is great because you can draw free, and so you don't have to draw thes points and segments and all that stuff. But I could just take the pencil tool and do something like this. And now I have that same exact line that I couldn't draw with the pen tool. But it wouldn't take me forever to figure out how to draw that with the pen tool, right? Like the pencil tool. I just did it by hand. I just took it and drew with It s so even I could do something like that. I could make my name is gonna look terrible. I know, but that's all right. Hey, there's my name. But if you notice truly sharp and pointy and I'm not really pleased with that, I can make change to that afterwards. Again, I can use those same items I can add and delete anchor points. I can use theano her point tool and play with that. If I want to zoom in on that a little bit and I could go ahead and play with that. It was a rounded point, but it was just a little less round that I would like I can play with that and just again smooth it out a little bit. This one maybe needs to change a little bit again. I'm changing it from a hard corner point to a smooth one. But then I can also grab the segments and just play with that as well. So I'm really digging. Be able to change that. That's their, um so I can do that. But the pencil tool, Let's go back to that. I like that it creates the same exact end product, but it's just a different input for working with it. But the pencil tool. If I double click on the pencil tool, I get this slider and they added another tick to the slider. So anybody that was using it before this is something introduced in the January 2014 update and now with the one that came out in June. For those of you watching later on, it was June 2014. They're now calling it the 2014 version. It added another tick mark, so there were only two in between before, between accurate and smooth. So in the center, it kind of says, All right, I'm gonna kind of follow what she did, but I'm going to smooth it out a little bit, but I could make it super smooth or super accurate. Let's make it super accurate when I dropped the pencil tool. So now when I make these like jumpy little items here, it's gonna remember all that and keep it pretty jumpy. You know, is it kept all of that in there that I made. But if I go with the more smooth option, double click on the pencil tool, make it smooth. And now, even though I'm jumping around like that, it's gonna kind of smooth out what I did and just make it a lot more graceful, a lot more smooth that way. So I really enjoy the pencil tool that's there. I also have a smooth tool. I could go back afterwards and smooth things out by running over it. Just keep going over the same path. And then, of course, the path eraser tool will get rid of points that are there. But the great thing is, I could decide if I want things to stay selected or if I can edit selected paths and again, I'm not gonna go into it a lot with this is just kind of get you an idea of what's going on. The essentials really covered working with the pencil tool. But I like that when I do that and I select it. But I say actually wanted to go like that. It actually redraws it for me so it doesn't pick up and draw a whole nother piece. I can just keep working with it till I get it exactly right. And again for someone who doesn't draw. And I'm obviously not using sense of pressure sensitive tablet, which I am terrible at using. I like this, that I can go. OK, keep drawing over it until I get it a little more right. So play with the options that are in there inside the pencil tool as well. But the pencil tool in the pen tool. Even though you input them differently, you get the same result. You get points and paths in between those items that are there. All right, so that's kind of a pen. A pencil tool in a nutshell. Show you one other thing I use for drawing all the time, and it's the blob brush. When we talked about this and most like I like the blood rush. People either love or hate this thing. I love the blob brush. Well, the blonde brush does is it makes me feel like even I can paint even Aiken draw. Right. So what I'm going to do is just go to my brushes panel and I'm just gonna pick a bigger brush. That's all right. I'll work with that. That's fine. Um, actually, no, I wanted bigger. Let's make it make it bigger. All right, let's double click on this area. Let's just make a bigger here. Go ahead and make it that large. All right, So now we've got a bigger brush, so you can see. And so what I'm doing is I'm just gonna start working with this, and if you notice I've got a purple stroke and we work with brushes, that creates a stroke. But the great thing about the blob brush is it makes everything I blob onto the page, suddenly makes it a filled item, which is great. So I don't have to, like, really know how to I can just draw openly. I'll show you what happens. So draw with this, and that's great. And you think that sounds great. But I'm actually double back doubling back on myself here and filling in all of that, right? So that, to me, is a stroke. It sees it is a bunch of strokes when I let go, though it actually when I select this you notice it changed from knows, changed to know stroke and a big Phil of his blobby orange. And that's because it said great, you just drew that shape and filled it in. Well, the great thing is, if I select this and if I pick up the blob brush again using the same color and I drawn here, it now creates, that is the shape. And actually, I'm going to double click this and tell it to keep it selected. So when I let go of an item and I draw it, it's still keeping that selected. I can see that it's still one shape, so I'm able to draw using this blob brush item that's here. That makes sense. I'm just able to just keeps making the ship, so I didn't have to go with the pen tool or the pencil tool and make sure I closed it off because the pencil tool on Lee recently in the January update. You can now close a pencil path so I can come in and come back with my pencil and go back to the beginning, and it makes a closed path, which I could fill. But this is great cause I don't need to make the path first, then fill. I'm just drawing with the Phil, basically, is our how I see it. So it's pretty nice, but I can even come in here and you could make that. That's Ah, what's called a compound shape. It's actually punched through there. So anything back here is not white. It's actually clear, or it's actually none. So if I drew a rectangle back behind and I'm gonna fill it with the different colors, we can see it. Let's actually fill the fill with that color and then send that back behind. Arrange, Send it back. I can actually see through that. So I've made myself a nice compound path. What if I select this item, go back with the blob tool. I can come in here and close that off Now it is destructive. I can't go back. I mean, I could go back to the points and move those out. But the blob brush is sort of a big, clunky tool and destructive. I'm just making things that I go along and creating that, and the other thing I use for drawing or for deleting my drawing is the eraser tool. And I like the eraser tool because I can kind of draw in the same way I can grab is a razor tool and let me make that also a little bit bigger so you can see it. And I could just come across an item and just kind of again, like a big bull in the China shop. Just run through there and say Great. Now I have this item and these air actually now to separate items. I've just erased all the pixels that were there and created two new shapes from that. All right, so I can go ahead and drama that. So I did add a lot of times, let's just actually draw something a little needle here, like in the lips, and we'll fill it out with a color that will come here with the eraser tool and make that a little bit smaller, and I could just come in here and just be there. And now that might be my logo. Right? So I just, you know, sitting there is kind of hand drawn logo, but I can say, Great, That's my logo. I love it. Let's do it right. And of course, if you use the shift option, you can erase in a straight line. Yes, yeah, yeah, Exactly, Exactly. So of course, it's a little more free and it's a little more. It's destructive, of course. You know, I probably better off making a really thick white stroke through here that if I decided I didn't like this angle of it, I could move it a little bit. I probably wouldn't do a corporate logo in this manner, but this is the way I like to just draw things when I'm just trying to put things on the page. I just like that I can visually see it. I could make a shape and say, Oh, that looks like a shape with this bit erased. And then I just run the eraser over, and I've got the shape that I need that's there that make sense. So, yeah, the blob and razor brush is sort of ah, It is a bull in the China shop. But if you've ever seen me work than it totally makes sense, I throw that question. You have some more great little questions here. One is canoe shows again. How you are getting that magnified view from Yeah, Robert, it's OK. It's a tool called Zoom it. I don't know if there's a PC version is available on the Mac App store. I'm just doing options e to zoom in. So it's an actual standalone application. So it doesn't matter what app you're in. You can see the zooming in tool very, very cool. And thank you. Very useful for folks online so that they condemn more of what you are doing here. And so Joe Jod as well as ailed Brazilian. Do you have a minute to show us about the scissors? Tool the scissors to what? I was going to mention that actually, scissors told when we drew with the pencil tool. Let's take the pencil tool here and draw across here, and I'm just gonna make this a little bit thicker so we can see it. So if I do the eraser tool so we're gonna show you the racer tool first, which I just showed you, but what they raise their tools doing, and I'm gonna make it smaller. The razor tool is coming in here, and it's actually zipping out part of that path that's there. And so now I have to separate items that are here because I basically erased anything that was there. What the scissor tool does is lets me take the path and just cut it at that point. So there isn't I'm not. It's not really pixels I'm getting rid of. But if it were in pixel world, I would be zapping out pixels. In this case, it just take it and break it where it is. But don't get rid of anything, All right, So what I want to do, this is her tools. I'm just gonna come to a path and I'm not gonna move or anything. I'm just gonna click on it. And what it did is you can see, hopefully that it created this path is one item, and then suddenly there's nothing here. It's because they are two separate items. Now, when I click on this, that's one item, and this is another item. So the great thing is, I can select this path and they're still butted up against each other. When I do that, I can see that they're two completely separate paths. And But I didn't have to, you know, actually separate them out. I just clicked on it once, and it broke the path where it was. So the scissor tool works that way. Where's the razor? Tool actually gets rid of whatever the thickness of your racer is actually zap set out of there.
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Erica Gamet is a wonderful teacher, her course is clear and never annoying. She knows how to make the subject seem less intimidating !
Russ Wilson
The most painless way to get up and running on Illustrator (or any software package for that matter) I have ever experienced.
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