1Class Introduction
13:07 2Determine Your Learning Type
18:28 3Set Goals For Language Learning
12:47 4Active vs. Passive Learning
19:24 5Create Your Own Language Learning Schedule
24:30 6Technique: Emphasize Similarities
18:34 7Technique: Minimize Differences
38:10Technique: Language Immersion
10:47 9Work Learning Techniques into your Schedule
06:03 10Commit to a Daily Routine
18:16 11Celebrate your Achievements
08:09 12Discover Your Language Alter Ego
28:57 13Fundamentals of Pronunciation
07:30 14Pronunciation: Get to Know Your Mouth
20:39 15Playing with Tongue Twisters
04:58 16Acquire a Native Rhythm
26:52 17Alphabet and Writing Systems
01:59DAY 2
18Intro to Advanced Language Learning
03:12 19Understand Advanced Writing Systems
17:54 20Tackle Grammar
17:13 21Grammar Exercise
15:28 22Syntax: Get The Right Order
07:55 23Acquire Vocabulary
12:48 24Vocabulary: Recognize Rules & Patterns
05:34 25Create Your Own Language World
20:53 26Avoid Language Pitfalls
21:21 27Techniques For Empowering Your Memory
19:55 28Put Language into Practice: Speaking Fluently
10:45 29Bilingual Class Introduction
04:27 30Bilingual Home vs. Bilingual Setting
16:01 31Bilingualism and the Child
06:23 32Basics: Establish and Assign Roles
17:34 33Measure Language Exposure
03:54 34Creating Situations: Techniques For Bilingualism
37:48 35Common Pitfalls for Bilingual Learning
10:58Lesson Info
Discover Your Language Alter Ego
It's now time. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls to go on to master to begin mastering pronunciation, which is one of the key areas that we were looking at we analyzed together and what we need to order, really understand the language. But before we do this, and it's also kind of fits in with the notion of pronunciation is a very, very interesting, maybe somewhat with unusual technique that I refer to as your mind set on. It's also something that I refer to as discovering your language alter ego. So in this part of the class will be looking. Taking a good hard look ourselves is a bit like the psychological element this earlier on in the in the first few lessons and how we actually behave and sound. And some of you might be wondering them why if this is supposed to be a language class, But at the end of the day, ultimately, language and communication always depends on how we interact with people. So we need to understand how we behave in how we speak in certain situations, and this e...
ffectively with leaders on toe. How we're doing this in our other language because I personally believe that we are the protagonists in our own play and in this part will be doing a bit of Let's call it language, soul searching to find our alter ego in the language I discussed right at the beginning. That is a common notion and common belief that when we speak another language that we behave somewhat differently. We speak somewhat differently. We sound somewhat differently. I know that in personal for my personal experience, when I speak English, I tend to b'more less direct, more polite. If I'm German, I want to get through it because it's direct all the way and in German that's not considered to be in polite. It's just a matter of just the way the language is. There are less ways of expressing pleasantries in German. Are there less common, Let's say in the spoken language than they are in English. And this is simply because languages differ from the societies and the cultures that they're in. Language makes society and culture and culture makes language without the true. They can't really exist, they call depend on each other. So this technique, which I'm going to be teaching you, is what I commonly refer to is developing your mindset, but we can also call it my alter ego. So what do I mean by this? So here essentially will be looking at the most important factor when it comes to learning a new language, and that is essentially you. That's how you act and how you behave in your new language. And as I already stated, this technique is not only an exercise in self discovery, but it also helps us to let go of all these inhibitions. All these with physical mental feelings worries issues that we might have when it comes to learning. Andi, essentially and probably most importantly, went actually speaking the language because the most difficult element of grasping a language is you having to speak now. If we read, we have time to digest the information. If we write unless we're in a written exam, we also have time as well. Toe reflect to think what we're saying, you don't have to pronounce these hot Cerrone the's by the sound to the exist in different languages. Thes sounds I'm not making the sound of a cat hissing are expelling, May lunched from previously We need to feel truly comfortable when it comes to speak in the language, so we need to feel comfortable with in our own skin. So here we're going to be finding discovering the German, Spanish, Tagalog, Arabic, me than you. Me. It's not maybe such a new me because he's actually you. There's been waiting to get out since you first that your eyes are is on the language. And as I said, essentially, it's all about feeling comfortable so you don't want to worry here about inhibitions. You simply need to feel comfortable. And if you don't feel comfortable, then we're going to develop techniques in order to feel comfortable. So, as I said, we're discovering here our mindset are what we also refer to us. Unaltered Eagle there. Other you Now, When I was studying the universe, a university estimated interpreting in translation as well a social linguistics and I was told, told by May 1 of my interpreting teachers to act and think in a certain way when they were speaking the target language. So the language that I was interpreting, too it was almost as if I was perceived as being a robot, that I had a switch at the back of my head and all of a sudden I was told yet self knowledge and then now in German and then switch and then all of a sudden side. Yet yet against head off Dodge pain when you're scratching as appreciates star John came on di Trevi ever so, um, ideally to speak and act as if I was German. And that's essentially what we what we learned. And I think this really holds true far when we go about speaking in other language. Now it's really important toe emphasize here. But not every German speaker sounds the same. Just like not every English speaker sounds the same. Every Italian speaker. There are differences not only in the varieties that we have in cases like Arabic, where we have a huge language, really important language spoken across 22 countries on by different kinds of speakers with different varieties of Arabic, different varieties of the language, just like with English. We have different forms of English within the United States, within the English speaking world in general. So there are, however, specific traits to the language to the sound toe, the way we maybe behave when we speak in that language. As I said, linguistic cultures are language cultures have these in eight things is how they have to do with how the society, the culture in which the languages developed. So we want to act, and we want to start behaving in a language that we're learning in our language. Our gestures, Internation and even behavior change from language to language as we will as we're about to discover. So when we're talking about mindset, we have already referred to the fact that and I said, that's walking out language and linguistic culture because I am aware of the fact that, as we said, within languages themselves, there are huge differences on. We already saw the example of English the mere fact that I'm using a variety of English to speak to you, but it's easily understandable. Or at least I hope it is that you're not sat there thinking what is easy. I don't think that's the case, but if it is, please send me a message and say, Matthew, can you train? Maybe, But I think we're okay, so but we don't have to a speakers of English shoes. Another accent. When we speak English because it's our language. So I can come to America and I can speak with an English or British accent. And Americans can go to the the Britain to Canada, Australia and use their same language, the same form of their language. On there might be a few words that we all use differently that we don't understand. They say Holiday Americans a vacation, I say Tap American, Seyfarth said. Sidewalk, pavement and so on and so on. But these air just essentially words that we can always pick up. You understand there's usually no riel difference. No real problems occur between speakers of these two varieties. Maybe not just to brightest three varieties for for eighties and we have a South African involved. The New Zealand personally involved were still, essentially speaking the same language on very rarely do we have to change our accent. There are cases when that happens. For example, if the society or the environment were were brought up in or we enter perceives the way that we speak as somewhat inferior. So some people look down on certain accents, which I think is always wrong because a language is a living thing. We as living beings other ones. They influence and shape the way the language spoken and is used. So if people speak these certain in asserted way, there's a reason for it. It has a tradition. Andi, In that case, what we're talking about are so social ECT in social linguistics, which means that there are different forms of the different pronunciations in different mannerisms, of different ways of the language. Andi, there's nothing. Nothing bad about that at all. However, let's imagine that for one second for one minute, even we were forced are told, we had to stop speaking the way we do, and we had to adopt a new accent. So let's say in your case with it being in the United two days that all of a sudden you had to start speaking like Mary Poppins, a British nanny, Do you think you could do it? I think you can. I think you can really go for it. You can really just go. Just leave every innovation behind and just really off in a posh British nanny accent. Why? Because you know what it sounds like you're familiar with it, even though it's something that you would never probably use yourself. It's not a kind of English that you're you're acquainted with your acquainted with it, but you would never use it because you don't need to. You don't need to because you have a way of speaking already but were able to because we're all able to imitate different ways of speaking. And this is basically what the fundamental element hair is a pronunciation. We are in virtually 99% of all cases and usually is because we have speech impediments that are stopping us from doing so. The vast majority of us do not have this, but most of us of the vast majority in 1980% of cases are able to reproduce sounds that do not exist in our language because we're able to. It's simply that were not brought. We've not been brought up with it. So, for example, had we been born in China, we would all be able to speak Chinese with an authentic Chinese accent with the rhythm, distinguish between the tones, even me with my ginger bid and clearly doesn't look ethnically Chinese. It's simply a fact of life. If I would have difficulties. Brennan pronouncing letters I would have them the same problem in English, in check in Russia, in Arabic, simply because I have something I would have some something wrong with my with my mouth that would be stopping me from doing that and even the any most cases we can. We can overcome this. So, for example, there are certain Children that I have difficulties enrolling that ours. And this is really essential in certain languages where we don't have Ah, like we do in English, like whether it be a, uh, some languages. This is the only other exists, and these Children are sometimes forced toe pronounce, but they're able to do so. There was a little bit of help. So if we don't have any impediments per se, then we definitely able to go about doing this. So, as I said, it's something we can definitely do if we have to. Which leads us now to our first major exercise of this part. Andi, you might laugh. You might want to not do this, but I would I would encourage you to do so. I would encourage you to actually grin and bear it on to go through with this next exercise on the next exercise is simply a really, really basic one. So what we're going to do as we're going to prod, try and pronounce sentences in different English accents? So we have a British accent, for example, and we have an American Southern accent, and they've specifically put Southern because I thought it could be text and it could be Louisiana, and it could be Georgia. And the idea is, and it's great that we actually have someone in the studio audience here. As soon as I heard it this morning and I thought you liked for So Phil issue will be doing this one. You'll be definitely doing the British because that would be a bit too easy what I would like you to do, Onda. If you're at home and you're only able to do this by yourself, get a Dictaphone out. Get your phone out on record yourself doing it. So the idea. This is a very lighthearted exercise, but it's just to see how we're able to actually pretend to put ourselves in the skin of someone else and the voice of someone else, and to see how ridiculous it may be is. But how easy it is that it's not is only if anything, maybe fear inhibition. We feel unusual doing it, but I'm pretty sure that with a bit of practice, a few minutes practice that we're all all able to go about saying and pronouncing the sentence is properly on. Then we're going to analyze them together and see what we came up with and why we decided, all of a sudden, to change these genes of pronunciation. So in groups of two for the audience here on back home, if you're with someone, grab someone. That's no watching the classle. That's not watching the class in force them to do this because it's really, really funny, and you're really gonna get a lot out of it and you're gonna get a laugh on. If we are laughing and that's then then we're doing the exercise right? So I would like ours to practice pronouncing this with a British accent, which for the in line for the studio audience is applicable because you all ah, Christine, maybe no, I think you need to change your so Christine. You can definitely do any of you could definitely do the Selena accent and everyone else can alternate between the two and then I would like all of you in pairs toe have a goal to dig deep and think of another variety of English that we could use and say this really simple. So the 1st 2 us slightly ridiculous lie slightly and slightly stereotypical on in this case, in the last accent. Then I would like us to come up with another accent in British, in English, very English perspective to see the world all these weeks, British, English. And it's simply not tree, but to t think of another accident. We can come up with so many Australian Scottish. We've all watched Thailand. What else is The Canadians have have a few things, especially if you gotta know you in there. But I don't think was one in here Anyway, we've got definitely different ways of Indian English, South African English and just go for it. Just feel comfortable about doing it. Just feel free and just do it. Andi, if you don't think that it's something that you, uh you're particularly good that you don't matter because I think that the most complicated one for me because my when I say British here for me. A British accent when I speaking, It's not the standard British accent that you expect from London. If I were to speak normally, I was. Well, that's actually really brought. But normally I would speak. Bless. It would be it would be much more northern English. But I've decided toe speak with them or say stereotypical British accent today. But there are so many, as I said, someone actions we can choose from. So, like, this has been a few minutes and then on toe, especially back home. Give me your reaction. Giving your feedback coming you think was funny. Tell me anything was weird on Duh. I'm really literally dying to listen Thio thio these pronunciations to see how how you get on with them. So what do we say? We're gonna go for this? Yeah. Studio audience is doing that. I invite you again. Like Maki said at home to also check out these accents. Try them out with a friend or colleague with yourself, and I think on these air in the work. But these this is activity. The first set of activity. The first set on page 40. So these are the ones that will be doing will be going into the second set in Tibet. But these are the ones really need to focus on first. So don't feel Don't be shy. Just let it out on Uh yeah, right here. This regular. Exactly. Just think of yourself. You know, the actor are just You've always wanted to be heading. Now is the time. Now is the time. Just pretend you're cast your dear. You're going for the next big kinds The next James Bond cock tease. Brilliant car. Any car keys? Brilliant. Yeah, you're right. So they hasn't going there. E wants us to be a pack. OK, Perfect. I know he wants meteo. I told her I'd do it. Yeah. Um so she responded, So Okay, Um oh, it sees us with this. The same one. Okay. Okay. So with gentlemen, Wait, What is this thing here to meet other actor. Look at what? I guess you stay out there. That's great. So with the gentleman, be so kind for me. West Piccadilly Circus. Do you already this Okay. I don't know if she wants. OK? Do you want us to go open? You could do it. I will do it to you. Yeah, OK, ok, and OK, y'all Y'all doing good? Yeah. Learning Euro Sandton sees. I'm not gonna I think it could do for a while and then himself. Someone's going to, like, has the worst of the next night ever on then. Uh, I don't think I could do that for the next 63 days. We can try. I mean, maybe I could do in the cock. Me, but So how did you feel doing this with it? Funny. Was it Was it fun? Was a bit stupid. A bit ridiculous. Did you feel about death? Yeah, it's crazy. Enjoyed it? It's just trying it Exactly. It's just trying. It's just putting out there and really forgetting that you no one's judging here. I mean, I mean, if I were to do it now also, I talked. You would judge me, and I'll take one. So yeah, do we want it? So when we say British would be one video I know you did it really well, so I'd like you to be Oh, okay. Here's my attempt at a bridge ejaculate with a gentleman. Be so kind as to inform me where it's Piccadilly Circus. Very good. I could do my other one to try. Please do. Please. You all take care now I'm strapping on my boots and heading out. So you did this other one. Uh, you all take care now. I'm strapping on the moves in here now. Way love to hear from some of the students to Yes. Easy. We would you tell me the copy? One Okay. With the gentleman. Be so kind. Kind of informed me. Whereas Piccadilly Circus. Well, very good. Very nice. Anyone else? There used to be a skip a long time ago on Saturday Night Life, and it was an advertisement for the Indianapolis School of Different Facts. Ah, very nice attended the Indianapolis school of And that's what came to mind when I Well, it's funny you should say that because that's exactly the thing we're going to be doing in the second set of activities. Because now we've done this because we know this is how it sounds when we speak English. I mean, the other accent there are wide away. We could do score, Ash are Australian. All the demonstrating is not very good. Irish Irish is quite easy because that's what I'm kind of used to, anyway. So when I speak, I speak. Are you shot? Agreed. Then I could do that. Yeah, that's that's fine. But the idea now is to go on with this onto due to new sentences in different non English accents. So what do we mean by none? English accents, essentially a variety No, a language that isn't English. So a stereotypical pronunciation off a non English variety and on English language. And try and say it in just a lorded. In his case of the French accent, you could do in any language you want on stereotypical, in the sense that what we would maybe expect someone thio Thio how they would pronounce that Andi just yeah, do exactly the same because it's simply what we're doing here is we're kind of loosening up our mouth in order to put ourselves in the situation of where we would be speaking a different language because this is really what we need to be doing when we're pronouncing and of a language. So once again, no holding back, just go for it. And there are so many different than we do to confuse room, so I'm not asking again. I'm not asking me if it isn't like to say this in Spanish. Just so you do with the Spanish accent in Mexican accent, Italian accent, Greek accident, any accent you want, just whatever. Yeah, whatever you come up with, that's completely frank. I wanted to ask you. So could you. Um, could you explain why it's important to put on an alter ego when you're learning language? Yeah, definitely, because we pointed out of the beginning that when we when we will be acquiring new language While people already speak two different languages, three different languages usually have the day. They're a different person, not completely, but they have, say, a bit like I don't say, Jekyll and Hyde. They have sometimes two different characters. These characters really come out, depending on the language you speak. So if you're used to speaking one language, then you only have really one kind. If you speak two languages, then you have maybe two different ways of not completely different. While their characters, the characteristics, are in their traits of that change, from language to language, and they see something we'll be looking at as well cause we're gonna be forming sentences in different languages and see how we do that. That alter ego. Is it easier for us? Teoh, Take on the language. Most definitely Most definitely after we've done this exercise. This is something that will be doing to develop skills and how we can actually, or about getting our alter ego tomorrow in the open. Yeah. Um, somebody online. A Q ship. It was the usual practice for her to feel a playful and get out, Get out The awkward energies that come up for language. I really I really got to hear that. So maybe she can, uh, is a kooky accused. Yes, yes. Tell us what? Her favorite sentences and the new language that So how we feeling on a home home? Another good technique is to do this in front of a mirror. Try not laughing. Impossible. Down the work I just thought about Swedish could do a please. I work to Please calm down. I'm trying to work. Other examples. So, um, so on. Would you like me to go first and then see is a ridiculous exercise. So maybe we could do the first. Why? I'll be the 1st 1 and I think I'll try and do this in in the stereotypically Spanish accent but saw Spanish, Spanish and I could do with a Latin American one. But I think I'll try for the Spanish one. So I would go about by the unis. So knowing my knowledge of the Spanish language and how age doesn't exist so either isn't pronouncer, it's becomes F so it could be help. I don't know what to do. I don't know, to go or help, I help. I don't know what to do. She sounds quite Israeli help. I don't know what to do what you're telling me. So that's the great thing, cause you can go from start with one and then just go into the other. And then in some point you're doing in German, why was that going that you know, So like, could you please come down on time to work? You any of you have a couple examples or do a couple of you have an example? I think we'll it wants to say, Oh, yeah, Lauren, will it together, actually. So, Laura, if you want to do the 1st 1 and then we'll over if I, uh Would you like anything to eat or drink? I will dig the club sandwich. Theo Club sandwich. Definitely. That was really nice on the idea. Simply behind this is to feel at home in the language. I mean, he's a very stereotypical ways of, of seeing a language. But it's also a great way to familiarize yourself with your own voice and your perception of how other accents in language sound because we'll definitely need it when we go on to make the actual move the of making the right sounds in the new language. So we need to imitate speakers how we can do this. We can listen by listening to the radio, acquiring the sounds familiar in ourselves in motion ourselves in the voices and then speak to yourself and listen to your own new voice.
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Cris Merton
Matthew has a beautiful voice! It's so easy to listen to him and this lends a great deal of authority to his already clear and lucid content. Bravo!
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