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Aux Modulation

Lesson 15 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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15. Aux Modulation

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about the Aux Modulation in Massive X.</b>

Lesson Info

Aux Modulation

Hello and welcome to this video where we're going to explore the aux oscillator in Max. So the aux oscillator is just another modulation source such as the PM oscillator in massive X. So the aux oscillator is down here between PM one and PM two. But to use this though, we have to actually route it. So what I'm going to do first is actually go up to the presets and under quick start, I'm going to load up the blank massive X preset and then I'm going to dive into the router and set up my aux modulator. So let's go over and click on routing. So the first thing I need to do is connect at least one oscillator to the output. So let's go ahead and do that. Let's go on oscillator one and click and drag this over to X. So now I should be able to hear a sound when I play the keyboard. OK? Now, for this example, let's connect oscillator two to the aux object. So let's drag Oslo two up to this aux object. OK? So now let's actually increase the intensity of the aux modulation. So we do this by incr...

easing the aux style up here. And now I'm going to enable AUX on oscillator one. So let's click on this aux button. So what this means is oscillator two will be modulating oscillator one. So for example, on oscillator two, let's change this to ratio. So let's click on this musical note and change this to ratio. Let's pull down this number here. So oscillator two is a division of oscillator one. So for example, if we pulled this down to 1/2, the frequency of oscillator two would be half of oscillator one. So let's hear what this sounds like. So let's turn up oscillator two with this gain slider here and let's see what this sounds like. OK, great. So we're getting that metallic FM like sound. OK? Let's try dragging this even further down. Let's try 1/8. OK, great. So now you can hear the shape of oscillator two modulating oscillator one. OK. Great. So the aux oscillator is just another modulator we could use to our advantage in max. So thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.