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Modulators - Part 3: T Modulators

Lesson 13 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

Modulators - Part 3: T Modulators

Lesson 13 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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13. Modulators - Part 3: T Modulators

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about Modulation in Massive X - Part 3.</b>
Next Lesson: PM Oscillators

Lesson Info

Modulators - Part 3: T Modulators

Hi. In this video, I'm gonna get you started using the T modulators in massive X. So like the other modulators that we have like envelopes and LF OS, we also have these T modulators that are another modulation source which actually use Midi as input for the modulation. So for example, let's say we wanted to use the velocity data that we play on our keyboard to modulate the cut off frequency of our filter. So for example, the harder we hit the note, the higher the velocity that we send in the more open the filter is and the softer velocity that we play in the lower the cut off frequency. So the darker the no, it's gonna be. So what I'm gonna do is drag T one over to frequency, increase the intensity there. I'm gonna pull down the cut off frequency about half way as well. And let's see what happens if I hit it hard. So very open note and you can see that I hit it hard there because the yellow bar representing velocity is further up the scale. But if I play it softly, some of the softer n...

otes there, you can barely hear because of the effects it's having on the field. So what I'm gonna do is just dial down the intensity of the modulation now, just pulling it down. So it's affecting less of a range there. So that's a really simple way of doing that. You could also opt in, for example, to have it modulate by a note pitch. So that the higher the note that you're playing, the higher the cut off frequency is gonna be on the filter. So the lower the note that I'm playing, the lower the cut-off frequency of the filter, the higher the note that I play, the higher the cuts of frequency. OK. So that's just a couple of quick and easy examples to get you started using the T modulators in massive X. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.