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Modulation - Part 1

Lesson 11 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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11. Modulation - Part 1

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about Modulation in Massive X - Part 1.</b>

Lesson Info

Modulation - Part 1

Hi. In this video, we're gonna get started using modulators in massive X. So I've started with the initial preset there. So let's have a listen to that standard Sawtooth sound. And what I'm gonna do is come over to this filter here and just bring the frequency down just to filter it a bit. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take an LFO a low frequency oscillator and use that to modulate the cut off frequency so that the cut off frequency moves or Wobbles as I played a note. So what I'm gonna do is come over to the modulators over here. So I've got these three different LF OS. If you don't see this here, you might be seeing this or seeing this, just click on where it says L four L five L six and I'll take it from there. What I'm gonna do is use this first lo I could change the type of modulation that I'm gonna use, but I'm gonna switch with LFO for this particular purpose. And then what I'm gonna do is select which kind of shape of eo that I want. I'll start off with a triangle sha...

pe because I think that's the sort of thing that I want, I'll turn down the rates of modulation here. That's basically just the speed of the oscillator or the frequency of the LFO LFO levels all the way up. So all I need to do is come over to this icon above where it says L four, drop it on there and then just grab and hold that, drag it upwards to increase the intensity of the modulation there. So let's see what that sounds like now, pretty much bang on the sound that I wanted actually, as you can see, I can adjust the intensity of the modulation there. OK. So that's a very simple application, a very common application for using an LFO with a filter. But I can use that for other things as well. I might actually use the same modulation to affect the resonance. So let's grab that up here and drop it there. And then I'm just gonna increase the a mount of modulation just like I did with frequency. Let's see what that sounds like. Mhm As you can hear it's far more uh resonant when I turn it all the way up because it's increasing the resonance all the way in time with the EFO which could be good for like old school acid 303 light sounds. So there you go. It's just a couple of examples of how you can use modulation in massive X to really expand on your sound design. Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.