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The Workflow

Lesson 6 from: Photo Editing for Travel Photographers

Jared Platt

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6. The Workflow

Lesson Info

The Workflow

So I'm gonna click on this Share, and when I go to Share you'll see that I've got a lot of different options. So I can go to Share, which means just send it out, or I can save it to my camera roll, I can save it to my files, which means I could actually save it back to the GNARBOX if I wanted to. I can open it in a program or I can edit it in a program, and the difference between Open In and Edit In is that if you open in a program, you're just sending the file to a program, it's opening it up inside that program. For instance, the best way to share to Instagram is to Open In your Instagram app because you wanna actually send it to Instagram and let Instagram do all the work 'cause that way you can add people's names, you can do @ so-and-so, and it'll register those because it's in the application. If you share it to Instagram, Lightroom has its own version of Instagram and it kinda creates a thing, but it's not registering it the same way. And so it's not quite as interactive. So I pr...

efer to Open In and then say open in Instagram. Actually, it says open a copy. But Edit In is different. So if I click Edit In and I tell it to give me the maximum file size, what happens is it's gonna give me two options. Because when I say Edit In, and then I choose a version of Photoshop, it's going to remember that I came from Lightroom. So when I choose to work on it inside of Photoshop Fix, it will return the resulting photograph back to Lightroom, so that now I'll have the raw and the Photoshopped version right next to each other. Okay? That's really important. So I want to Edit In and then go to Photoshop Fix. So we're gonna go to Photoshop Fix, and that's going to allow me to go in and do a spot tool, so let's just change the size of the brush and we'll kinda play around with the... Okay. So now I'm just gonna paint that scraggly bush again. Like that. And let Photoshop go to town on it. And it did a lot better job. There's still a little bit of stuff that needs to be taken care of down at the bottom, but it did a pretty dang good job. So, I'm just gonna do another one here. And let it fix that one, and I think I'm gonna do a little bit right here and let it fix that one, there. That's pretty dang good. So then once I'm done I just hit Save & Return. If I'm not happy, I can click the Options over on the left-hand side and I can Abandon & Return. So it's either one. So if you get here and you realize, whatever I'm doing is not helping anything, then you can, you know what, and I'm gonna do one more thing 'cause it's looking a little choppy down there. So I'm gonna take another brush and just go like this. Oop. And we don't want that, so I'm gonna click the Patch tool, and I'm gonna drag over here. That one did not work at all. So we're gonna undo. There we go. All right. So, we're gonna send this back, Save & Return. And boom. So now we have two copies. One of them in Lightroom is the original, and one of them is the fixed version. You can see the difference because one of them has no scraggly bush and the other one has the scraggly bush. And at this point, we can click on the Share, and now we can say Open In, and we'll just send out a small file and we can Copy to Instagram, send it out to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, wherever we want to send it, all from within Lightroom. And the beauty of all of this is that everything that we've done inside of Lightroom is already on the cloud and is already back at home inside of Lightroom Classic, or if you don't even use Lightroom Classic, if all you do is use Lightroom Mobile and the new version of Lightroom, then everything's in every place that you wanna be. It could be on your desktop, on your laptop, on your iPad, on your iPhone, and you can share and work from those files and they'll just constantly go back and forth to wherever you happen to be. So the beauty of this workflow that we've just instituted is that you have secure files, not only do you have the original files that you shot, you put them inside the GNARBOX, the GNARBOX saved all those files, it can also export them to another disk so you can have as many files as you want and as many copies as you want. But you're also have complete access to these photos inside of your iPad or your iPhone, and you can work on them here mobily and this is all we need. That's it. This is my entire editing station that I can take with me. It has absolutely completely altered everything about the way I travel. So now instead of a whole backpack with computer gear, now it's literally just an iPad. The only reason I ever have to bring my computer is when I'm teaching people Lightroom Classic. That's the only time. So it's an amazing process and the future is now. It's actually happening. And so the GNARBOX is a big part of that, but if you don't have a GNARBOX, you can always just grab a card reader, well, you can grab a mobile card reader and stick it in and just stick your card into here and bring it right into Lightroom. That's also a good way to go. So either way, make sure that you are mobilized so that you're not constantly bringing extra gear that you don't necessarily need.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Photoshop XMP Files

Ratings and Reviews

Matthew Setright

I have to say that I’m loving photoshop week 2019. I am on a veterans pension, come back to my photography to help my ptsd. Although good few yrs as freelance sport and other photographer under agent. No more of that shoot for myself and maybe sell some prints when I can get a web site to save for new gear. Jared has become my fav teacher. So I took advantage bought the 17 classes. Really impressed. Looking forward to applying so many little things in these days of how good photoshop and Lightroom have become. So Instagram will grow yet not all the good ones lol. Grumpy Digger is my handle but may have to change to my name. Yet creative life courses has been such a great piece to bring me back into how powerful editing has become. As learnt on film owned Lightroom 1 and photoshop. Which where good but nothing like todays versions and the digital sensors have improved. Showing my age lol. Highly recommend even telling other veterans look at creative as photography can help keep mind going and you can repeat view anything u buy. Thanks heaps. Can’t afford yearly to maybe learn money skills better lol. Cheers Matt Australia


As always, Jared Platt's classes are informative and full of fresh concepts. I'm not a travel photographer, so I probably wouldn't have chosen this class on it's own.. and I would've missed out. The beauty of taking classes outside of my area of focus, is that I always learn something unexpected and transferable! The new tools and techniques I picked up in this class will be so helpful when I'm shooting on-location with clients, as well as preserving my personal work when I'm out and about with my family. Awesome class!

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