Lesson Info
Power Vinyasa: Level 1
Hi, It's Fry and welcome to Level one Power, Vin Yasa, 30 minutes. I'm not going to use any props. We're just gonna move and flow. But if you need props for your practice, if you're a bit tight in the hamstrings, grab a block or maybe a couple books just to prop yourself up. Let's get started in child's pose. If you know you need a little more space today, you can take your knees wide. If it's more support that you're looking for in the back body, go ahead with the knees together. Take your arms forward, Drop your forehead down to the mat. Just let your hips drop back onto your heels and use this brief moment here to connect with your usual you breathing. Because this is a level one practice, I'm gonna move a little slower and even give you modifications that you can take from this class into the other classes, restricting the muscles just gently at the back of your throat, allowing for you to create that ocean wave sound or even just regulate your inhalations and exhalations so that t...
hey're equal. Let's take a clearing breath together. Open your mouth side out plus letting any distractions stay out of your mind off of your map for the next 30 minutes and then inhale. Rise up into tabletop position on your hands and your knees. Just make sure your knees or hips distance knees right underneath the hips. Hands shoulders with hands right underneath the shoulders. This is a great place to start, so you just begin to bring awareness to your hands because so many of our yoga poses air are on our hands. Okay, so making sure that your index fingers air forward that's a great place to start. For anybody who's beginning with Vin Yasa flow gripped the mat with your fingertips, root firmly through the index finger knuckles and really firm the forearms in. As you spread the shoulder blades wide. We're just gonna begin to make clockwise circles, taking the shoulders beyond the wrists to the side behind and then out to the other side, just making sure that as you do this, you're warming up your wrist. But you're also feeling the weight distribution as you go forward into the fingertips, to the outsides of the hands to the heels of the hands, because the more that you engage your hands, the more that your arms are going to engage as well, and we really want those muscles to protect the joints. Go ahead and do it counterclockwise. Now I'm already starting to feel warm, just making sure that you're still feeling your hands engaged. And then coming back to center into that tabletop position really gripped them out with the fingertips. Tuck your toes under as you inhale, and as you exhale, lift up in back to downward facing dog. But just make sure you still feel your fingertips gripping, cause that'll ensure that you don't dump back too far with the shoulders. Come high up on your toes as you inhale. Put a little bend in your knees as you exhale and then begin to push through the index finger knuckle. See, get nice and long through the sides of your waist could begin to peddle out the legs one hell down. Bend the other knee back and forth, just creating some length from the Cavs all the way up to the hamstrings. One. Come high up on your toes once again as you inhale, push firmly through the index finger knuckles really hug the forearms in and exhale the heels as heavy as you can towards the earth. If you're feeling extra tight on your back, is starting to round. Just keep a micro bend in the knees. Now let's begin with a modified Vin Yasa inhale shift forward into plank pose so that your shoulders air right over your wrists. For most of us, we have to step our feet back a little bit just to ensure that the shoulders don't go past serous and that the heels air right over the balls of your feet push down through the hands so that you don't your upper back just slightly hugged the farms and pull the navel and even think about squeezing your But this is plank post one part of the vineyard Asa. Now, First, I want you to shift all the way forward to the very tips of your toes until you feel like you're right at the edge of the cliff of the toe tips. Then put the knees down. They should be behind the hips. From here. We're gonna do the check Teranga or the push up. It's a little different from your traditional push up, because the elbows are in. Make sure the hips don't sag and keep the shoulder tips lifted. Bend the elbows, firm the elbows in towards the size of your ribs and then stop when the shoulder tips are in line with the elbows, then lower all the way down to your belly. So the Vin Yasa has four parts. You have your downward facing dog, your plank, your push up, and then you're back then and really, the fifth of one is going to be well. The 4th 1 is going to be going back into your downward facing dog. So we're on our belly, untucked the toes. You're on the tops of your feet. Point your toes. Make sure your feet or hips distance, push down firmly through the tops of your feet and engage our lift the inner thighs. Pull the navel in and situate your hands just slightly behind the shoulders. Index fingers forward. Now begin to pull your hands back towards your feet. Lift the shoulders up, begin to peel the bottom ribs up off the mat as well. Inhale open the shoulders. Exhale lower all the way back down to your belly. The forehead can come down. Then inhale lift back up, start to push down through the hands, so you are going to begin to straighten your arms for upward facing dog. But first, lift the knees and the hips up off the ground, roll the inner thighs up and then open the shoulders. Now you can begin to straighten your arms into upward facing dog. If you find that your little restricted due to tightness, you can keep a little bending the elbows. Use the belly as you exhale. Lift up and back into downward facing dog. So power Vin Jasso, Arvin Yasa Flow is called that because we use of in Yasa every time we finish a sequence just in order to really balance out the body. There's really so many great aspects to the Vin Yasa. So you're welcome to modify and I'll show you the modified Vinny Asaro one more time and then I'll show you your traditional Viasa. Okay, so if we're gonna modify inhale shift forward in the plank post shift all the way forward to the tips of your toes, Put the knees down. Exhale, chat. Teranga, with the knees down, untucked the toes, you can have the belly on the ground for Cobra as you inhale up or take your upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog, making sure toe link your breathing with your movement. That's really the beauty of in Yasa. They will do one vin yasa together that is not modified. Inhale shift forward into plank, keeping the knees up off the ground. This time. Shift the toes all the way floor till the very tips of them and then lower down in the charter. Rhonda Inhale upward facing dog Noticed my knees. My hips don't touch the ground on tuck the toes. Exhale downward facing dog. Great job. It's not easy, but it's a great way to really find balance in the body. Strengthening the arms, the legs, the core at the same time, opening the shoulders and even the hamstrings. Now I know you've worked a lot on your arms and your hands so far, so just begin to walk your hands back towards your feet. Your feet should be hips, distance or maybe even a little bit wider. Put a tiny bend in the knees and just fold over the size. Grab ahold of opposite elbows. It should feel really good to be off of the hands. Relax your head and just enjoy this hanging. Luton Ascena. So much of our day is spent. Seated and sitting is really intense on the back of the body, which is why we get really tight in the hamstring. So this is a great way just to balance out on release all of the tension from your daily life. If you want a little more sensation, you can begin to lift the toes so the inner arches lift, Even lifting the kneecaps and engaging your quads can begin to straighten the legs and just give you a deeper stretching. The hamstrings a deep inhalation and sigh it out. Allow your arms to drop to the mat. Put a deep bend in the knees and just begin to roll all the way up towards standing. Allow the shoulders to roll back. Open the palms. A little smile on the face always helps on. Let's walk all the way forward to the front of the month. Feel free to keep a hips assistant stance throughout our Syrian on the scar. A. This is a great way for those for those of you who might be dealing with a little bit of lack of balance to just find a little more space to balance on. Traditionally the big toes, air touching. There's a little space between the heels on will begin with Syria NOMIS Car A from your mountain pose turned the palms up. Sweep the arms out to come up as you inhale, maybe even challenging the balances of palms come to touch, then turned the palms out again. As you acts, Hail, dive it forward. End that full, then inhale to a flat back. Plant. The palms step back into plank as you exhale. This is where you get to choose. Knees can come down to modify or knees up. Exhale, check Teranga. Inhale low cobra or upward facing dog, and as you exhale, use your belly as you lift up and back downward facing dog breathing. Here, you hear all the time that allow down dog to be arresting Pose. Yes, it's a great place to kind of catch your breath and recollect yourself. But it's also a challenging pose. If you're doing it right, so any time you actually need to rest, you can come down into child's pose, which is where we started now will complete that first round. Bring your feet together. Look forward as you inhale. Come to your toes, bend your knees and just take a few steps, or maybe one to the front of the map. Keep your knees bent if needed. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale to fold. Inhale rising all the way up towards standing, sweeping the arms out and up. Bring the palms to touch, and as you exhale, lower in your hands to your heart. Great job. We'll do two more rounds just like that. Inhale reaching the arms out to come up. Exhale fully as you dive it forward. Inhale to a flat back. Plant the palm step back in the plank posts knees up or down. Exhale check. Teranga. Inhale low cobra or upward facing dog. Exhale, lift up and back downward facing dog. You can also use this down dog, which is right smack to have in the middle of our round to reconnect with your breathing. It's almost like a a meditation in your yoga asana Practice. Take a few deep breaths. Traditionally, it's five, but since we've got a minute practice here, will do just a couple, then bring your feet together. Look forward. Keep the arms straight as you inhale to the toes. Bend the knees and as you exhale, step to the front of the map. Might be one big step or a couple. Small steps inhaled to a flat back. Exhale to fold. Inhale rising all the way up. Deep breath in and as you exhale, drawing your hands to your heart. One more round, Inhale arms. Reach, exhale. Fold it down. Inhale flat back plank pose as you exhale. Now try to use that same exhalation. Lower down check Teranga. Inhale upward facing dog or low cobra, exhale downward facing dog breeze. One more breath Cycle together in down dog feet together. Look forward as you inhale to the toes. Bend the knees. You can step forward or take just a light little hop, keeping the hips low For that first hop, Inhale to a flat back. Exhale to fold. Inhale rising up. Exhale hands to your heart. Great job. Hopefully you're feeling a bit warmer. I know I am. My toes were cold when we started, and now I'm really feeling the effects of that sun salutation. A off moving of breathing together My hamstrings feel really open, so hopefully you're sharing those great feelings with me now will move into a little prep for our sun salutation. Be now. I want you to take your feet hip's distance. Even if you've done this before, just for the first chair, it gives you the ability to really feel how your glutes work. Bend your knees and tap the ground. First of all, I want you to make sure that your feet are parallel to one another, that the toes air in line. And when you bend your knees because the feeder apart, make sure the knees aren't together. The knees should be tracking over the second toes of both of your feet, then inhale. Reach the arms up as you exhale, sink back a little bit deeper, so you want the weight back into the heels like you're sticking your booty out. But at the same time, try to squeeze your butt. Using the glutes in any sort of squatting position is actually going to give you the benefit of the posts. Enough talking, inhale, exhale, folding all the way down. Inhale to a flat back. Now we've worked our arms in Syria, a we're gonna work our legs a little bit here. Step your left foot back to the back of the map. Make sure your feet are hips with in distance and with place your left knee down making sure that the left knee is behind the line of the hip. On that, your right shin is in a nice straight line from the top, with ankle all the way to the top of the me. Take your hands to your right knee on press yourself up into a variation of on Johnny Ascena. So typically, we have our arms raised in this post, but I really want you to feel what's going on with the legs. Okay, so it is a stretch for that left hip flexor area. But it's also a really great way to strengthen your right hamstrings who think about ice symmetrically pulling your right foot to the back of the mat. Draw your navel in. Then you can inhale and reach your arms up. Maybe exhale. Sink a little bit deeper into the bend in that right. Me just making sure you keep hugging the inner thighs in towards one another. Inhale fully, exhale, taking your hands down to the mat framing your right foot. Gonna straighten your right leg. Come on to your right heel Untucked your left hosts hugged the inner thighs in to think about sucking that right thigh bone back and into the hip socket. This is where if you're feeling really, really tight and your rounded and your hands don't touch the ground, you can grab anything to prop your hands up. Whether it be yoga blocks, a couple books, whatever you need, flex your right foot, take a deep inhalation, lengthen the spine and exhale. Fold to your best ability. Mm. If you do any other sort of working out, whether it be running or cycling or even squatting doing hit, then you're going to feel quite tight in your hamstrings. And this is why yoga such a great compliment to anybody's daily workout is it really works on balancing the body, Then inhale to a flat back, bending into your right knee once again, this time placing your left hand flat underneath the left shoulder. I want you to lift your left knee up off the ground, taking your right hand to your right knee. Just so it has somewhere to be. Spend the pinky toe edge of your left foot. Now you can stay here and just reach your right arm up. You might feel a stretch in the outer right hip. If you want a little bit more strengthening, you're going to step your right foot back just slightly. So you're right. Foot is still down like a kickstand and take a side plank supported. Left arm straight, right arm straight up. You could even look up towards your right hand. And if you really want to challenge yourself, you can stack your feet coming into side plank bashes. Dawson, lift the hips up, Draw the naval in, maybe even engage the glutes. Look down. Step your right foot forward. Once again, your right hand comes down on All you're gonna do is step back to the front of the map and forward fault. Great job. Let's do the other side. Inhale to a flat back Exhale. Step your right foot back. Place your right knee down the right toes can be tucked under or stand tucked. Taking your left hand and your right hand to your left knee. Push yourself up into that on genius. So as much as you're probably feeling the right hip flexors really begin to work or stretch here, make sure you work that left hamstring, so hugged the inner thighs towards one another. Inhale reaching your arms up, lengthening through the sides of the waist, drawing the navel in maybe bending a little bit deeper and exhale. Taking your hands down framing your left foot. Straightening your left leg, Take a deep inhalation here, flex your left foot, lengthen the spine and exhale full down. Remember all of our bodies. Air different. So if you can't quite reach the ground, prop yourself up if you don't want to fold because the sensation is enough. When you lift your chest, feel free to stay there. What you should be feeling is a stretch in your left hamstring, which is the back of that left eye. If you flex the left foot a little bit more, you might even feel a stretch in the left calf and then inhale to a flat back, bending into your left knee. Now here a few modifications. Your right hand comes down underneath the right shoulder. Put your left hand on your left. Me For now, tuck your right toes under. Lift the right knee up and spin to the pinky toe edge of your right foot so you can stay here. If this feels good, I feel a nice stretch in that left hip. If you want to make it more about strength, just step that left foot towards the right foot. Halfway push down through the right hand. Reach your left arm up towards the sky into this modified side plank. Really great way to engage the arms that lower arm the obliques on the right side. And if you really want a little bit more of a challenge for that balance, stack the feet. Roll the inner thighs back, draw the naval in lift the hips and looking up is just icing on the cake. Inhale Exhale. Place that left foot between that halfway point. Bring your left hand down and then step the left foot all the way forward the right foot as well and fold at the front of the map. Great job, inhale rising all the way up towards standing. Exhale hands to your heart. Now let's move again. The great thing about vinyasa flow is that we introduce something and then we move and flow through it. So we've worked the legs we've opened. The legs were gonna do Syrian Omsk RB two times big toes touching a little space between the heels Bend the knees tapped the ground to ensure you've gotten as low as you can Then inhale. Reach the arms up. Exhale, folding all the way down Inhale to a flat back step back into plank pose will take Avignon Ossa Shift all the way for to the tips of the toes. Exhale chatter. Rhonda Knees can still be down if you need the modification. Inhale low cobra or maybe even upward facing dog Exhale downward facing dog Now We did that little bit of core engagement in our side planks so that we could get a bit of that core fire to step forward. So bring your feet together. Keep your arms strong and straight. Inhale. Reach your right leg up. Make sure that your foot is engaging, especially on that right side, so you can flex the foot. You can point the toes, whatever works. Come high up to the ball of your left foot. Lift your right leg up a little bit higher and really pull the navel in the ribs and inhale. Exhale. Shift forward into a plank like pose, bending your right knee into your chest. Protract the shoulders. Which means pushing the hands so that you round your upper back, lift your hips up a Zayas you can and step your right foot forward. If you're any normal person, you're right. Foot is gonna get stuck halfway. Use your right hand on your right ankle to bring it all the way between the hands. This time, we're gonna spend that left heel down. Line your feet up hips distance and inhale rise up. Warrior One warrior One is the key standing posture in your Syrian of a scar. Be bending into your right knee doing your best just like we did in our own journey to really hugged the inner thighs in towards one another. Pull the ribs and naval in arms strong and straight. Challenge yourself by looking up, bringing the palms to touch. Exhale, bringing your hands down spinning to the ball of your left foot. Step your right foot back plank through your vineyard. Ossa. If it any time the Vin Yosses get really, really challenging, just skip step back into down dog or child's posts. Let's do the other side. Bring your feet together. Inhale. Reach your left leg up. You can point the toes flex or do a little bit of both. Which is what we call a point. Hugged the inner thighs together. Square your hips, arms strong and straight. Come to the ball of your right foot as you inhale. Lift the left leg up higher than as you exhale. Pull the ribs. The naval in band, your left knee into your chest, pushed through the hands so that your shoulder blades spread wide. Lift the hips and step your left foot forward to your best ability. Spend the right heel down hips distance with the feet. Inhale, rising up into your warrior one. If it's too much on your arms, you can have your arms by your side shaking the hands out. Just making sure is you. Bend into that left knee that your outer right hip rolls forward. Inner right thigh back. Inhale. Gaze up. Maybe the palms come to touch. Exhale hands come down. Step back into plank. Take that Vin Yasa if it's available to you and we'll meet back in downward facing dog. Great job. We'll finish this round by making your way to the top of the map, bringing your feet together. Inhale. Look forward. Come to the toes, bend your knees and you can always step or take a little hop, keeping the hips low to the front of the map. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale to fold instead of rising all the way up, you're gonna bend your knees into chair pose, reaching your arms up and then pushing through the heels, rising all the way to standing. Exhale, bringing your hands to your heart. Great job. Let's do one more round will mix in some more standing postures and really close out our standing practice. Ben Journeys tapped the ground. Inhale. Then reach the arms up into your food. Could toss in a chair. Exhale, folding all the way down. Inhale to a flat back. Plant the palms. You can always step back into plank. If you're ready to, you know, do a little bit extra work here. You could jump back, bend the arms simultaneously, land and shut your UNGA. Inhale upward facing dog or low cobra. Exhale downward facing dog Since we've already been through one round will move a little more rapidly. Bring your feet together, inhale. Reach your right leg up and back. Come to the ball, the left foot. Exhale. Bring that right me in and then step it forward. Spin your left heel down. Hips assistance first with the feet. Inhale rising up warrior one. From here. Bring the palms to touch, then your hands to your heart that just open your chest towards the left side of the mat. Heel, toe your right foot to the left. One step. So now your right heel intersects with the arch of your left foot and then open your arms out wide to the right on Ford, the left arm back, Vera Bad Rocinha to or warrior two. Bending into that right knee but ensuring the right knee tracks over the second toe of that right foot and draw your outer right hip back and into the mid line. Make sure that left leg is nice and straight. Draw the naval in open the collarbones wide smile that always helps bending a little bit deeper into that right knee. Inhale. Lean full with that right side body and place your right elbow down on top of that right knee, stretch the left arm up and over the air, part of a conocida. So, as you can tell, these standing postures air really working the strength of that front leg, especially that outer right hip. Think about pushing that right elbow down, drawing the right shoulder blade down, but also trying to lift the right knee up into that right elbow. One more deep breath. Stretch your left arm straight up, then bring it all the way down onto that left hip. So you are overworking the shoulder. Take your right arm forward and then down onto the map. This is just a little one leg balancing posture. Don't be surprised if you fall. At least it means you're trying. Now come to the ball of your left foot and just shorten your stance a little bit so that you're not so wide. Take your right arm forward a little bit more. If you're using props, you can place your right hand on a block. Then lift up your left leg. Straighten your right leg. Your right hand should be right underneath your right shoulder. Keep drawing that right hip back and into the mid line. Your right foot might do a little dance again. You might fall. Just come right back. Flex your left foot and then reach your left arm straight up. Breathe. This is a great time to use what we call in yoga addressee or a focal point looking at something on the ground that doesn't move really tuning into your mental and physical focus. Deep inhalation here as you exhale, bend your right knee as gracefully as you can. Land your left foot to the back of the mat. Windmill all the way up past your warrior to into your reverse. Warrior should feel really good on the side body and then exhale. One million hands down. Step back into plank pose. You choose. You convene Yasa with me or go straight into your down dog. Maybe into a child's post. Great job. We just have that one more side to go. You've got it. Stick with it. Bring your feet together. Inhale, Reach your left leg up and back. Exhale. Use your core step your left foot forward First Warrior one's has been that right heel down, inhale rising. The arms up Gaze up is a Palm's touch. Exhale hands to your heart, open into Warrior two. So first the chest opens to the right. Then the left foot hell toes over to the right. One step aligning the left heel with the arch of the right foot than opening out the arms. Bending into your left knee is one thing, but you want to make sure that you're using that left hip so a lot of us end up not using it, where the need is gonna track over none of the toes. So try to get that left me to track over the second toe on your left foot. Draw the outer left hip back, straighten the right leg and really lift the lower belly up into the naval smile. The collarbones open gays over your left fingertips. Think a little bit deeper near a strong warrior, then inhale. Lean the left side body forward over that left eye and place your left elbow down right on top of the knee. Reach your right arm up and then over the ear, turn the palm down towards the ground so that the pinkies almost facing down that will ensure that your neck stays nice and long from here. Really engaged the outer left hip. Pull it in towards the midline. Draw the left shoulder blade down. Pull the ribs in. You've got this. That left leg is gonna work a little bit harder here. Now sweep the right arm up towards the sky, then all the way back down onto that right hip. Send your left hand forward onto the ground and just short in your stance, a tad stepping your right foot forward. Then once you have a bit of balance on that left foot and left fingertips stand tall on your left leg. Lift your right leg up off the ground. Flex the foot so your right toes should face the right side of the map. Left hand, just like kickstand underneath the left shoulder. Right arm up towards this guy. Do your best to make sure the left toes and the left knee are facing forward to the front of the mat. Engaging the Bali always helps. Here. Take a deep breath as you inhale. Bend your left knee as you exhale as gracefully as you can, Right foot comes to the back of the mat. Windmill the arms all the way up and then reverse Your warrior left arm goes towards the back of the mat, lengthening the left side of the body. Inhale and exhale. Windmill your hands down, Step back. Take that final Vin Yasa. You got it and we'll meet in downward facing dog. Great job, Yogi. Such an invigorating practice. But yet because it's a level one as accessible as you can make it for yourself. Now we just have to complete the round. Bring your feet together. Look forward with your arms strong and straight. Come to the toes, bend the knees and exhale. Take a light. Hop to the front of the mat. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale, default. Bend the knees, inhale oot Tatas and first chair pose, then pushing through the heels, rising all the way up to standing. Exhale hands to your heart. Great job. Let's just complete our practice lowering down into her, but will do 10 reps of core work. Stretch and then you're done. Benjani's Inhale chair posts as you exhale as gracefully as possible. Sit down onto your but it's OK if it was more of a plopped down onto your butt. Then from here, lead all the way back to the back of your sit bones. If you know your core is having, ah, hard time gripping right now, even keep the feet on the ground, maybe even take your hands behind you. If you want to challenge yourself a little more, take the arms forward. Lift the feet up so that you're making an L shape with the legs. Try to lift your chest, keeping the spine long, pulling the knees and as tight as you can. You got this three to one in him. Exhale lower all the way down into an art and a Vasana so the shoulder blades air off the ground. You can take your hands behind your head. Bend your right knee in your left leg straight. If it's too much, the left heel can be on the ground. Inhale, exhale, twist left elbow right, me and switch. That's two and switch back to the other side three and then to the other side. Forward and do 10 5 six. A little yogi bicycle seven, eight, nine and 10. Great job hugging your knees into your chest, taking Oppen asana, Giving yourself a loving squeeze. Place your feet flat on the mat knees bent feet, hip assistance. You're just gonna lift your hips up trying to get your shins in a nice straight line. Inner lace your fingers underneath your body. Work from shoulder to shoulder until you're high up on the tips of your shoulders Bridge pose. This is a great way to open your shoulders, but at the same time opened the front of your body. Take a deep inhalation here as you exhale. Draw the ribs and naval in and then release. Undo the interlace of your hands. Drop your hips down. Pull your knees into your chest. Last thing here, right knee stays in left leg forward. Take your left hand to your right knee and just take soupy twist, especially when I'm practicing at home. I make sure that even if I have five minutes that I always do one of these supine twists because it is really a great way to release tension around the spine, even around the shoulders. So as you open your right shoulder, you could even gaze past the right shoulder. Think about creating the length across the right side of your body and then inhale. Come on back to center switch legs left me and right leg extends. Twist to the other side. Probably get a couple of cracks, especially if it's your first twist of the day. Now it doesn't really matter if you can get your left knee to the ground. I would prefer that you keep your left shoulder blade down, gaze past your left shoulder and instead of thinking about twisting or ringing out the body, think about moving the right or excuse me, the left hip away from the left shoulder. That's the space you need to actually create the space around the muscles around the spine and then inhale. Come on back to center. Hug both knees in one last time. Take a deep breath in through the nose inside out. Stretch the legs forward. Take your feet as wide as the mat. Let your feet drop. Open your arms by your side palms up. Close your eyes. Just allow Shiva Sena to be that final pose. That really helps you reap the benefits of your yoga practice. Relax and let go. Feel free to stay here as long as you like. Thank you so much for practicing with me nomis day
Ratings and Reviews
Briohny Smyth is an amazing yoga instructor and human. I highly recommend this course. I've been following her online for a few years and have learned so much. She offers modifications and safe steps to learn more advanced poses. She is knowledgeable authentic and kind, everything a yoga teacher should be. I'd love to practice in person with her someday. Cat Bishop Beach4good .
What a centering and focused series! I had so much fun feeling into these balances because Briohny's instructions were so clear and thoughtful. There's something for everyone here. My arms are going to feel that tomorrow!
Just finished Level 1 and it was so good!! As a beginner/intermediate level, I was able to follow along very well. Very nice instruction!
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