Lesson Info
Power Vinyasa: Level 2
Hi, Yogi. It's Bride. Welcome to the Power Vinny Asaro level to practice in this 30 minute class, we're gonna flow together. It's going to be athletic but also accessible, and I'll show you how to do cripple. Let's get we'll get started in child's posts bringing your legs together just for a little more support in the back body. Taking your arms forward on your forehead all the way down to the men. Relax your arms for now, Just let your hips drop back onto your heels. I like to allow the skin on my forehead to just gently crease towards my nose. I find that pressure on that pressure point helps to relax my jaw on my neck. Then finding that slight restriction of the muscles in the back of your throat begin to regulate your breathing with O. J. Should sound like the ocean waves crashing on the shore or your Star Wars fan Darth Vader. Just try to get your inhalations and exhalations as deep as possible. We'll take a clearing breath together. Inhale through your notes, part your lips, sigh...
it out and inhale. Rise up into a tabletop position coming onto your hands and your knees, your knees, hips assistance right underneath your hips, your hands, shoulders, distance and right underneath the shoulders. I recommend that for most of us practicing, having the index fingers forward is going to ensure that you have enough space for your shoulders, keeping them safe grip with the fingertips. Firm the forums in and just slightly spread the shoulder blades wide. Now let's do a few variations of cat cow, So first take a cow position. Inhale lift the heart. Let the sits bones, rise up towards the sky, pull the hands back towards the back of the mat and look up. Then exhale. Do the opposite round. Spread the shoulder blades wide, pushing down through the index finger knuckles and drawing your tailbone down. This is a position you're gonna be in four crow pose later on, then inhale to a neutral spine. For this round, you're gonna bring your legs together. Point your toes were to do the same thing. Find your back then as you inhale, but this time lift your heels up towards your but engaging your hamstrings. Then exhale. Put your tops of your feet down round, spread the shoulder blades and pull your right knee into your chest, maybe even towards your chin. Then put your right knee down, find your back. Then, as you inhale, pull your heels up again and then exhale round This time, left me pulls in towards the chin. Push away so the shoulder blades spread one more round. Just like that, which is really to inhale. If the heart up pulled a heels towards your butt, exhale round right knee in again. Knees down. Inhale heels up. Exhale round a left knee and towards the gym. Great job. Put your knees down as you inhale. Tuck your toes under on exhale, lift up and back downward facing dog. Make sure your feet or hips distance and also step back just a little bit because typically when we come from that tabletop position, it just isn't quite long enough. Look forward at your hands grip with the fingers route down through the index finger knuckles and do that a little bit more so that the forearms begin to hug in a swell. But don't let the upper arms hugging. Instead spread the shoulder blades wide. That'll create space for your neck and engagement in the right muscles of Serena's interior and the lattes, all of those supportive shoulder shelf muscles. Then lift high up onto your toes, put a little bend in your knees and reached the outer hips up and back as you inhale. Then, as you exhale, draw your ribs and your navel in straighten your right leg. Press the right heel towards the earth than inhale back to the balls of the feet. Straighten your left like bend your right knee two more times. Inhale to the balls of the feet. Straighten your right leg. Bend your left knee last time balls of the feet. Straighten your left leg, bend your right knee, then inhale to your toes. Look forward. Shift the shoulders over the wrists. You might need to step your feet back just slightly. Inhale. Shift the shoulders all the way past the wrist until you're on the tips of the toes. Put your knees down for this first vin yasa. Bend the elbows, shattering all the way down to your belly. Untucked your toes, Peel the collarbones open, pushed through the hands and inhale Lift up into cobra. If you're feeling pretty tight, you can keep your navel on the ground really pulling the elbows in the hands back. If you can elevate just a little bit more, lift the naval up in hand and exhale. Release all the way back down. Tuck your toes under and inhale. Lift up onto your knees like a tabletop position. Exhale downward facing dog. Great job. Bring your feet together. Look forward as you inhale to your toes. Bend your knees and as you exhale, step to the front of the map. Big toes touching a little space between heels. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale, folding down, inhale rising all the way up towards standing. Exhale hands to your We'll take a variation of Suriname Iscar A that ads in chair pose because what I want you to do is get really warm for crow. Pose right after that, and taking the chair helps. Um, mimic that position So Ben journeys get nice and low. Tap the ground with the fingertips. Move the weight back into the heels first and then inhale. Reach your arms up. Exhale. Fold forward all the way into innocent. Inhale to a flat back palantir palm. Step back into plank posts. Shift all the way forward to the very tips of the toes. Try it with your knees off the ground, keeping your body and one solid plank. Bend the elbows, then inhale either low cobra or upward facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog breathing here with each inhalation find, Lengthen both sides of the waist with each exhalation. Draw the naval in bring your feet together. Now you can always continue modifying by stepping forward and back. Gonna introduce to you the jump forward. So look forward between your hands. Rise to your toes, bend your knees and jump forward. You can keep your knees bent the whole time, landing your feet down at the front of the man. Inhale to a flat back. Exhale folds inhale, rising all the way up towards standing. Gazing up a za palm. Such exhale hands to your bend the knees. Tap the ground once again, then inhale, reaching the arms up yout tatas and chair posts. This time rise up onto the balls of your feet. You might fall. It might take a few moments to find the strength, but squeeze the inner thighs into one another. Draw the outer hips back, maybe higher up on the balls of the feet inhale. Put the heels down and exhale. Fold all the way down. Inhale to a flat back. Plant your palms flat, step your feet back, just one small step. If it's hard for you to get your palms flat, bend your knees, then look forward as you inhale to the toes. Jumped the feet back. Land them back. Bend the elbow simultaneously chatter Rhonda, then toe upward facing Doc Exhale downward facing dog. Bring the feet together the take a few moments to really feel those strong straight arms. Think of your fingertips as break, so we're gonna jump forward in a moment. But the scary part of jumping forward is that none of us want to fall. So the trick is as you get used to this as you introduce it into your body, not to jump to high and to really grip the ground with the fingertips. Inhale to the toes. Look forward. Bend your knees and exhale. Jump, keeping the hips loan. Inhale to a flat back, straightening the legs. Exhale to fold. Inhale rising all the way. Exhale hands to your heart. Great job. Now bend the knees Once again, gutka Tahsin chair posts get nice and low. Really Feel your outer hips hug in like you're trying to squeeze your butt, Draw the naval in, find a focal point out in front of you and rise up onto the balls of your feet. Little toast and then see how slowly you can lower your hips down towards your heels, opening the knees out wide. We're gonna take a traditional model Lawson a first before we do back Costinha. So walk your hands forward between your legs. Press your knees out, but draw your hips and your heels back. Drop your head down. If you want to take it a little bit further, you can wrap your triceps around your shins. Hold on to your heels, maybe even stand on your hands with your heels and pull the crown of the head down. This is helping those of us who are a little bit tighter in the back gains and flexibility so that once we try crow pose, we can work our knees a bit higher on the arms and then inhale rising back up onto the hands so make sure your hands air in front of you. Your arms between your knees, hands, shoulders distance. You're gonna lift your tush up and do what we did earlier around the upper back, but bend the elbows just slightly, so if you have the flexibility and you can work your knees high upon the triceps, do that. If you're right in the middle of the bicep and you don't really want a jab your knee right into that bicep and get those bruises. I would recommend putting your knees right on the elbow so that would require bending the elbows a little bit more right on top of the elbows, creating a bit more of a stable shelf. So you pick where your knees end up. Put them there, lean forward but around your upper back like you did in cat position. Now, once there's more weight in the hands and the feet, lift your right foot up, point your toes and pull your right heel towards your buttock. Make sure you're gripping the map with your fingertips and try it with the other leg. Or maybe it's one leg at a time. Really find your hamstrings engaging. Then put your feet down. Step back through your vineyard, downward facing duck. Great job. Come down onto your shins come back into a child's pose right where we started. When you work really hard, it's really important to just take a moment to rest, because right after fatigue comes injury, and that's not what we want. So although I'm only offering this child's pose at this point in the practice, feel free to take it at any time. Stretch the arms forward as you in hand. Tuck the toes under. Exhale downward facing dog, Bring your feet together Once again, inhale, Reach your right leg up and back. Bend the knee. Open the hip. Now all of this pro traction of the shoulder blades all the core work we've been doing is really gonna help with a step forward as you get into Vin Yasa or Power Vanessa, we do a lot of stepping forward, so shift the shoulders over the wrists, pull your right knee into your chest. Notice that if you're low, your hips or low your shoulders were low in a plank position. It's really hard to step your foot forward, so really, lift your hips up, asshole. I, as you can like you didn't crow. Spread the shoulder blades and thence try to step that right foot forward. It's really going to give you a lot more space from here. Place your fingertips underneath your shoulders. Make sure that your left knee is up off the ground, that your left heel is right on top off the ball of your left foot, right shin in a nice straight line. Inhale, rise up into crescent pose. Keep drawing that outer right hip back and into the mid line. And if you're finding that straightening your left leg is a bit tight in the front of the hip, put a little bend in the knee. Draw your navel in and then maybe begin toe work that left heel back, the inner left thigh up. Inhale Feli as you exhale. Spin your left heel down. You might go about hips distance with your legs or your feet. Finding warrior one. It's a very similar position to crescent pose, which is what you just did accept. It gets a little bit harder as that back heel spends down to try to square your hips, bending into that right knee, engaging the right hamstring. Take a deep inhalation here and exhale. Release the hands down, step back into a plank position lowering down through your vineyard. Ossa. You could always have your knees down for check Tauranga or even skip the Vin Yosses as your arms start to fatigue. Let's do the other side. Inhale left leg reaches up in back bend. The knee opened hip for now. Then exhale. Pull that left knee into the chest, shifting the shoulders over the wrists pushed down through the hands. Lift your butt up high. Inhale, Exhale. Do your best to set that left foot forward a little bit further than usual, keeping the ball of the right foot on the ground. The Write me off the ground, Inhale rising up into your crescent position again. If it's too much for that right hip flexor, put a little bend in that right knee. Draw the naval in, press the right heel back. Lift the inner right thigh up, and, as you inhale, lengthen the sides of the waist. Even the back ribs inhale and exhale. Spin your right heel down, maybe challenging your balance in that transition just a little bit. Keep rolling that right inner thigh back bending into your left knee. Think about pulling the left foot to the back of the map that'll really engage your hamstring. Inhale. Gaze up has a palm's touch. If you want to challenge your balance, a bit more exhale. Take your hands down to the mat. Step back, Vignon. Downward facing duck. Great job breathing here were almost done with our standing sequence. You're doing a great job. Bring your feet together. Inhale, Reach your right leg up on back. Bend the knee, open the hip. Now shift your shoulders over your wrists. Spend the pinky toe edge of your left foot and flip your dog over so your right foot lands behind you. You're balancing on your left arm pinky towards the left. Lift your right arm up and over the year in healthfully. Exhale back to that one leg downward facing dog. Pull your right knee into your chest and step folk. Spend your left heel down and windle a pinto warrior to so line your right heel up with the arch of your left foot. Bend into your right knee. Pull that outer right hip back and zip up the naval as the arms open wide. Gaze over your right fingertips. Inhale and exhale, then deeper. Flip the right palm. Inhale. Reverse your warrior. Exhale pars. Va con asana, Right forearm to the top of that, right quad a left arm up over the year than inhale reverse triangle pose. Straighten your right leg. Reach up and back exhaled shriek on asana bringing your right hand to your right shin. Not too much weight on it. So even though you're straightening your right leg, keep pushing the right shin forward left arm up towards the ceiling, drawing the shoulder blades down, knitting the ribs in towards the spine, feeling that nice stretch in the left side body looking down, bending into your right knee, reaching your right fingertips forward and sliding your left foot up into Arctic Andros in drawing your outer right hip backing into the midline, flexing your left foot. If you want to challenge yourself a bit further, you can begin to look towards the left. Don't worry. If you fall, I will say that means you're trying. Inhale fully. Exhale. Take your left fingertips down, square your hips. Step your left foot all the way back so that you're in a bit of a lunch and place your left knee down onto the ground. place upon flat on the mat underneath the left shoulder. Reach your right arm up for a simple twist. You can stay here if you want to take it further, Reach the right on back, lift the left foot up off the ground and pull the left heel in towards the left glute. If it's more for you about opening that right shoulder, you can push the foot back in the shoulder and make this a bit of a bath bent in hand, reaching your right arm up the left foot back as you exhale. Plant that right palm down. Lift the left knee up. Step back into plank through your vineyard. Downward facing dog. The good news is we have will and more side to go in our standing sequence. You're doing great. Bring your feet together, Inhale, Reach your left leg up on back. Bend the knee. Open the hip now First, in order to get into that flip dog, shift your shoulders over your wrists. Spin to the pinky toe edge of your right foot, your right leg. Stay straight like a side plank on. Then your left foot lands behind. You try to stay on the ball of the left foot as you inhale, lift your heart up and over that right shoulder blade, reaching the left arm towards the front of the mat. Then inhale left arm stretches up. It comes back down. You come into that one leg down dog reaching your left leg high inhale exhale knee comes forward. Step it forward. Spend your right heel down. Line your left heel up with the arch of your right foot windmill up into that warrior two. Now keeping that left me in line with a second told the left foot. Draw your outer left hip back and into the mid line. Open the arms out wide. Find that strong warrior two stances you inhale. Exhale, sink deeper. Flip the left palm. Inhale. Reverse your warrior. Exhale part of a con asana left forearm on your elbow on top of that left eye, right arm up and over the pushed down to the left heel straight in the left leg. Inhale reverse Trico Dossena. Exhale tree cone. Asana left fingertips down to the left shin. Keep pressing the election into that left hand as you reach your right arm up. The more you draw your navel in the more you engage that left glute, you're gonna feel the stretch. The purpose of tree can asana the stretch in the right side of the body. Been looking down, bending into your left knee reaching the left fingertips forward as you step tall on your left foot, challenging your balance. Your left foot is gonna do a little dance, but that's completely normal. Stabilize it by pressing through all four corners of that left foot. Philex your right foot, draw the outer left hip back and maybe expand across your right collarbone as you look to the right. Inhale exhale. Release the right fingertips down, square your hips, rolling that right inner thigh up towards the sky and then step your right foot back. Place your right knee down onto the ground as you place your right hand underneath the right shoulder and reach your left arm up. Staying in this simple twist or reaching back with the left hand, grabbing the right foot with it and opening that left shoulder, Maybe pulling your right heel in just a bit more. Inhale and exhale Release lifting your right knee up off the ground. Stepping back into your plank pose through that final Viasa. Great job. Once you get to down dog, take a deep inhalation through your nose. Let it go. You did it coming down onto your shins, swinging both legs out in front of you su casa. So cross your right shin in front of your left you deserve this is going to feel really nice on your hips. Flex your feet, so try to make more of a box or triangle. Shape really with your legs rather than having the heels tucked in too far. Inhale fully and exhale. Fold it down. Should feel like a really great release for the outer hips. And if you're quite flexible and you want to take it a bit further, you can stack your shins in ogni some Boston A instead. But really just looking for what works for your body, a sensation that is deep enough to breathe in, too, but not so much so that you're moving tension from one place to another. Each inhalation think about lengthening your spine, each exhalation, folding just a bit deeper into the pose, and then inhale. Lengthen the gaze forward, walk your hands all the way over towards the left so that you're gonna full down over your left knee. Or if you're in ogni some Boston over your right foot, then inhale twist just a little bit. So you're right. Ribs. Draw down to the mat and your left ribs lift towards the sky and exhale full down. The more you walk your right arm over towards the left, the deeper the stretch is going to be around the shoulder area, so you might already feel it in the upper glutes of the right side. Or maybe in the muscles that line spying on the right side. But the more the right arm moves over to the left and straightens, you'll feel it in your lattes, maybe even in the traps or the wrong boy. It's just depending on your body. Been looking towards the left. Straighten your left arm out the left, but have that hand in line with your left hip. Reach your right arm up and over the years now, getting right into the obliques, maybe even into the hip flexor area of the right leg or right side. If you want a little more, you could even lower down to the left and then inhale, rising all the way back up to center, stretching both legs out in front of you, shaking them out. I'm just switching sides. Election in front of the right, flexing your feet. Inhale, lengthen the spine and exhale, folding down. If you took odd niece Tom Bosson or double pigeon on the other side, then do that on the site. Stacking missions As you lengthen forward into the fold, try to breathe space between each vertebra of the spine. You might find that with each deep breath, with each conscious intentional breath, you'll find a bit more space for yourself physically and in turn finding space for yourself emotionally mentally. On an inhale, lengthen the gaze forward. Walk your hands all the way over towards the right so that your folding over either your right knee or your left foot twist just a bit so that the left ribs pressed towards the mat and the right ribs reach up towards the ceiling. Then find some length as you inhale. Exhale, folding all the way down. Walk your left hand over towards the right, just enough so that you feel the stretch creeping up into the let's or obliques on an inhale. Stretch your right arm out towards the right. Align the hand with outer hip on the left arm, reaches up over your here, trying the ribs in lengthening through the sides of that left side body. And if you want to take it a little further, the right forearm can come down, especially if you did it on the other side. Pushing through your right hand. Inhale rising all the way up to seated, sending both legs out in front of you. Shaking the mountain. Flex your feet. Take your feet hip's distance just for a little bit of space. Reaching your arms up as you inhale. Exhale folding down into a wide legged passion. Matson. Awesome, if possible, grabbed the outer edges of your feet. If not, grab your ankles and drop your gaze down between the legs. Then inhale. Pull the crown of the head forward, the outer hips back. Exhale full down, feeling that beautiful release all the way from the hamstrings up towards the erect er's right underneath the shoulder blades. If you're folding deep enough and in a way that is integrated, you'll really feel it in the entire back body and then inhale rising all the way up, lying down onto your back, hugging your knees into your chest on shall Vasana soles of your feet together We're gonna take a variation of Shiva Sena here and take body Can Ossana legs so sold the feet together Let the knees drop open Open the arms out wide and close your eyes Did a great job stepping onto your mat today. Thank you so much for practicing with me. Feel free to stay here as long as it serves you. Thank you so much for practicing with me now Missed a
Ratings and Reviews
Briohny Smyth is an amazing yoga instructor and human. I highly recommend this course. I've been following her online for a few years and have learned so much. She offers modifications and safe steps to learn more advanced poses. She is knowledgeable authentic and kind, everything a yoga teacher should be. I'd love to practice in person with her someday. Cat Bishop Beach4good .
What a centering and focused series! I had so much fun feeling into these balances because Briohny's instructions were so clear and thoughtful. There's something for everyone here. My arms are going to feel that tomorrow!
Just finished Level 1 and it was so good!! As a beginner/intermediate level, I was able to follow along very well. Very nice instruction!
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