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Adjusting the Motion Path

Lesson 13 from: Publish Online with Adobe InDesign CC

Tony Harmer

Adjusting the Motion Path

Lesson 13 from: Publish Online with Adobe InDesign CC

Tony Harmer

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13. Adjusting the Motion Path

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Adjusting the Motion Path

What we're going to do now we've got that together is we're going to change something about the way this acts. You can see the motion path here, okay, out from the edge, so this point on the right hand side, okay, is the beginning of the motion path. The arrow indicates the direction of it's motion. Now I'm actually quite okay with where this is in terms of its initial start position but there might be times where you want to change the motion path, okay, for a number of reasons. The longer the motion path is, all right, so if you set yourself two points, so you know that if you're gonna go from wherever you are right now, to the other side of your room, it's gonna take you less time than it is to go from where you are now to the next state, or county, or city, or whatever, right, time, distance, so this is coming along with the nice little motion here, but I might want to adjust it. And if I look at the animation panel, and come down to the properties, there's a little thing down here...

and I'm actually gonna zoom in on this for you so you can see it okay, let me just get that in a position, sorry if that jerks a little bit there while I'm doing this, it's difficult to work at this sorta zoom level and keep it smooth but you can see there it says show animation proxy. I'm gonna zoom back out now so we're with the whole document okay, I'm gonna click on that and I'll just close the, or actually I might be able to just pan across. Yeah, there we go. So that's actually giving me a visual representation of where that animation actually starts, okay. So I'm gonna change that. If I click on the motion path, you can see that just like any other object, you can select it and I can change it, now it is best to zoom in on this and get to the point, you might have to pan a little bit, which you can do by holding down the space bar, but trust me it is best to zoom in. It can be really, really , fiddly, and I've just gone for that right hand edge there and I'm dragging that across to the left, I'm now going to just hold down my space bar, pan across and you can see that I've made the motion path shorter so it's got the same amount of time to get there, whatever the duration for this animation is, but less distance to travel, okay, so while the motion path is still active it won't show me any content here in the animation panel, but if I now click away and then click on the object, you can see how much closer the actual proxy is to that. And again if I wanted to, I could come up there, I am gonna do this without being zoomed in cuz I've done this, like, plenty of times. You can see the center point of the path as well, that's sometimes helpful. Now I'm just, at the moment the center point is aligned, I'm gonna try and zoom in for you, I'm gonna use screen zoom here just to make this easier for you to see cuz I want you to actually see it and it might be tricky on your monitor but as I move, can you see that? It's just a tiny thing jumping around, it's almost like a space invader from the 1980s, the way it's moving on, (alien noises) on there like that, unnecessary sound effect Tony, but now it's on the edge of the page, I'm just gonna move that slightly outside of there like so and I'll return the screen zoom back to normal, and if I click, see that's now just right outside of there so it's going to, it's gonna glide in there nice and easy and let's just test that out, okay if I just go for the spread here like so, whoops I'm, Tony's still on the master page, easy thing to forget when you're doing something, why is it on the master page you might ask, because I don't want to draw one on every single page, is my answer. It means I can adjust it in one place yeah, and then it's on every page, right it works those ways, so and I'm just gonna go back, command j, I'll go to page two this time, okay, this one here cuz had enough looking at close up pirate, okay and now I'll test this out, so let's have a quick look at this, get it to play the current spread, okay so it's just loading that up, there you go, slides are nicely, I'm just gonna alt click or auction click that again, yeah I think that's, I think that's a pretty good glide actually I like it. Nice and smooth, on it comes, and that's it. That's how you adjust that motion path. Now let's come back and do the next complicated bit, although it shouldn't actually be too complicated if you've paid attention to the naming convention that I made here, of course, some of that I've thrown completely out of the window, while I've been doing this bit, so I'm just gonna jump back to the master page and I'm going to zoom in here, like so, okay and I'm gonna open up my layers panel, and this is something I can fix beyond that, right so I'm gonna click here in the proxy region, and that selects my menu item, I don't need to touch the layout to do this, so the first thing I can do is rename this group, like so, so I'm just gonna call this Nav, just there, like so, it's a good idea to call it that, twirl that open. Now some of the things I've drawn here, compound path, so if I just select that, that's the thing down at the bottom, right, so I'm just gonna rename that, if I can, so tricky to do that, I'm just gonna call that exit, there like so and the other things here, I don't need to rename those, because they came from the library and so their identifier in the library has been passed across to InDesign, okay so it knows what those things are called already, that's something I don't have to worry about so much. The path at the bottom is actually the shape itself, okay so I will actually name that so it's not just called path, I'm gonna call that NavBlock just there, that way I've got an idea of what it's called in there. Excellent okay so I've got that, that's all in order, just there, and now I'm gonna start adding some interaction here to various different elements. Okay so let's start off with the actual Nav bar itself, and I'll use the layers panel just to select that, so I'm at right at the top level of that group, okay, and this is where that bit of knowledge about using the layers panel, this is going to be invaluable from here on in.

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Lenore Spitznagel

Great Class! Clear, concise and timely. Tony is engaging and knowledgeable about the subject. I feel confidant about using the material presented immediately.

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