Day 1
19:00 am - Problems with Sales
17:13 29:15 am - What is a Salesperson?
17:56 39:45 am - You and Your Sales
42:17 410:45 am - Why People Buy
31:00 511:15 am - Who People Love to Buy From
37:05 612:00 pm - Building Rapport and Trust with Clients
23:57 71:30 pm - The Sales Process
19:311:45 pm - How to Stop Feeling Awkward About Sales
26:04 92:15 pm - The DOs and DON'Ts of the Sales Process
31:48 103:15 pm - More DOs and DON'Ts
19:56 113:30 pm - An End-to-End Process That Works
35:01Day 2
129:00 am - Selling Your Photography
11:57 139:15 am - Step-by-Step Sales, Part I
45:02 1410:00 am - Interview: George Varanakis
26:51 1510:45 am - Step-by-Step Sales, Part 2
32:49 1611:30 am - Active Listening
26:01 1712:00 pm - Pricing
18:49 181:00 pm - Past Student Testimonial: Nikki
08:38 191:15 pm - Student Evaluation: Carey's E-mails
26:10 201:45 pm - Student Evaluation: Nicole
39:33 212:30 pm - Student Evaluation: Lori
26:52 223:00 pm - Stop Giving Up Too Soon
07:56 233:15 pm - Skype Call with Charlie Engle
26:54 243:45 pm - Making Good Images into Bestselling Images
19:37Day 3
259:15 am - Student Evaluation: Michael
22:29 269:30 am - Shooting for Maximum Client Satisfaction
24:16 2710:00 am - Prepping for the Shoot
14:34 2810:30 am - Shoot: Family Session
40:54 2911:30 am - Post-Shoot Family Debrief
25:08 301:15 pm - Family Image Review Session
15:03 311:30 pm - Print and Product Options
34:12 322:15 pm - Boosting Your Energy for Sales
21:52 332:30 pm - On Regrets
09:32 343:15 pm - Handling Criticism, Lack of Confidence, and Self Doubt
24:30Lesson Info
2:30 pm - Student Evaluation: Lori
All right, so lorrie gave me and this is entry again because we all are doing it differently, right? So lawyer, we're going to start out because you are meeting in my house in your house, ok? And then this client you did a family shoot family session today and this is me this is you filmed this right after you guys you delivered the images to them. How do you do that? You deliver images three weeks later and well, so they have not seen their images yet at all. I don't send the sideshow ahead of time when you're together. Yeah, they see it for the first time here, ok, got it. So they're seeing it as we start. All right? And so this is how you have kicking things off. All right? So this is what we're going to do. So I have your images on the video it's a spy ships that use that I'm very excited to share with you. I think it's about the form four minutes somewhere around there on day after we watch, the sideshow will go through a process of choosing your favorites and basically there's a ...
system that I used to love it like it or save it for later that are the ones that you're just you don't know what you want to do with it necessarily just no, you absolutely love it like it is it's it's nice you know, I'm not sure but it's an image that you like and save that for later is either something you're not interested right now or just and if you're not interested in who has been very well educated me, who also said very clear expectations so you're starting out you're not being like control lee like this is what you but you're like let me give you an idea of what to expect as we go into it so you there reacting, you're the background I'm guessing you're probably smiling screen too yes, yes and they're going through and you're like, oh, I love yes, great you can I I respond based on how they're responding, if they're kind of stone cold quiet, I tend to be and I don't know if that is the right thing or not, but I react based on how they're real getting ok that's for you based response on you're trying to match their energy exactly wonderful ok, so let's go over here. So as we saw when we started out, lorrie gave really clear expectations of what to expect we do the slide show to see the images for the first time they're having an emotional response on but let's see what happens in terms of after the slide show and wear more no, it'll be just get through and there are forty three you should whatever so this is just I heard some of eliminating some exactly you know, like I love that those lines that you love it just you and me and this is it's just kind of way of eliminating ones and really focusing on the ones that you're thinking about so so he is asking in several different ways what am I supposed to do? What is the right way to do this tell me exactly how to do the way this has to do it and everybody else does it so I could do it right and you're you're hearing him and you're saying it's okay it's going to be in china? Tio yeah, he kept going there correct, but you can't control that like he's going to do what he's going to dio I think you handled it very well in that case and you and you calm the energy you're like ok, because there could have been a way where he could have thrown you off with that and it might have felt a little intimidating, right? What do I knew? You know and I feel like and he's that's a very normal thing when look I don't do photo shoots I don't sit and look at my pictures what exactly do the people do in this situation, right? I think you handled that just spot on like no it's all right, thanks here some people all of them is a beloved five you know and then at that after that well figure out we'll talk more details about what you're thinking about doing with them and we'll talk about all the products again okay so then she says and then and then after this we'll get to that now one thing I did notice is now you're about to go into let's look at them one by one correct what I noticed when I saw this was a bit of a miss in terms of the transaction transition because you gave them a whole situation they saw the site show great there's a little bit of kind of who's controlling this what's happening and I think you know, kind of rain that back in going through the images one by one is a bit of a process right it's worth it but keep in mind is a bit of a process so I always like to do something on the lines of acknowledging that we're going in you know, buckle up all right just get them prepared for the fact that like, ok, we're going to start this some sort of transition that they can kind of reframe in their head what's about to happen so right now it's just really thinking about you know which ones you feel like I gotta have this one in that way I have to have it so what have I been helpful is just right there to turn them say ok, ready and however you would do it right some way that kind of gets him a little bit psyched up to do this and I often do with my clients I'm like all right it's a little bit stuff it's gonna be worth it? S o then you start going through things and you're using pressure gold on the pressure web mayor there yeah, you had a little more reactions here later later and if you have different so she's saying just cause he likes it and she doesn't like it doesn't mean it's out let's make a noted it and keep going and I was just going to say I'm using I print out a thumbnail she of all the images and I have a little line underneath it and I just started using a red for to make a red heart for love it and not write like it or just a slash for later, okay, wonderful. So if you don't have a presentation software that's designed for selling this is a good solution. If you don't want to get a software design for selling used you print out the thumbnails like a contact sheet and then you notice as you go along right, right? So as they're being displayed, you're not noting in any program now ok, which by the way, if you're not doing already I would definitely take the next step and take a photograph everything you physically noted and scan it in or scanning or physically take a photograph and put it on a file I'm tag it with the client's name so it could be searchable when you want it later that's a good idea and people just don't like you in the background holding e I don't like it back when I like me the background what we talked about before there are more coming up yeah there are other ones that there's this one that was him you know it's funny we have this one and this one yeah I thought this is interesting to me because what you do now is you show two images that air really similar but just wants a color black and white right there and then just a slightly different expression so why do you do that? I just when I convert to black and white it's just is an image that I feel like we'll be a little more compelling for some reason so why do you show the first one I don't know case they like that expression better or just to see that there is that difference ok you want to be able to say you can do it this way or this way but yeah you already feel like the back of what was you like I feel like the black and white is better so I probably should have just left that one in what it's a suggestion a suggestion would be if you minimize the choices they have and you present the ones that you know a real the good the only reason I would say to keep the other one in there is if if you think this might be a siri's or you might want to put together somewhere in an album but if you really feel like you like this expression better and you like a better black and white instead of saying here's the one I love and here's one that's not as good and I wouldn't have chosen but maybe you like it right it's confusing yeah instead if you just present and you simplify it about how many images are there here I think there are about forty three forty under forty five so you're not in an overwhelming state in terms of images you show no but again if you can kind of have it a little less to choose from they they will buy more you know I think because I had a lot more of the daughter and he just being younger I didn't have a cz many of him which is part of my shooting problem that I'm trying to corrects and just making sure I cover my basis I'm on shooting s o I have the variety right I probably left extras of him in the siri's just because I felt like I didn't have enough of him he wasn't represented very well and that is that is exactly that is exactly why when I say when I go out and shoots, I've always kept some way because you get lost in the chutes to get lost in expression you're thinking about the right shot you're trying to figure out with a kid you were photographing justice pierre to I mean, all the things that are happening it really helps to have something to touch base on, which is the whole reason for the posing book but it's also because it gives me an idea of what is the combination of images I want to deliver because it's really easy to finish the whole shoot, come back and say, oh god and a third child yeah, I've done that too many times now I feel like right that's not that's, not right when it gets that nuts you don't really keep in mind how much does she have everybody it's just not a racial you're keeping track of especially things start getting chaos katic but when it comes to selling and has a huge impact glad both later yeah, I like that but you are now ok this was good but because he said I like that one but she won't like the arm there's definitely dynamic here and then you said, well business way something way if we did something with your arm like that was that was what you wanted us so let's focus on the expression, the feeling the mood, the corps press the image you do like knowing that I can do something more with it if this image has been sent to a gallery and they've been that one part it would have been immediately ruled out because they don't like the arm if they have been controlling it and not saying to you in their head I just don't like the arm you wouldn't have known that but if it went up on screen and it was being controlled by you and then you say so what do you think if they didn't tell you like I would have loved to accept in the arm oh good to know you also notice here get some nice drinks out little festive you have lemons in your water I've lemons in my water that's awesome right baked blueberry muffins you baked blueberry muffins who wouldn't buy from someone with lemons in their water but no in the end the glasses and staff that's really fun I noticed here when you got tio around uh this section you start you started showing a three siri's let's watch this I also you the three series this one is fun do you have an opportunity to show that as a three siri's all put together not with this program okay do you tell the problem? Yes further visualized yeah, absolutely yeah, because that's not the first time it happens. What do you what do you get sometimes just the same thing okay, we see that next to each other or all can we see that in black and white or can we see that back in color? Right? It's there's deaf family issues that I know that have come up several times so well one solution for you right now if you don't want to change the offer programs would be to up front put that together and photoshopped have a template where you can just, you know, put three stories together printed out if that's what you want tio or be able to call it up separately on the screen and say here's something here's how I think it would look together the advantage of taking the extra couple of minutes to be able to create something is that sometimes people get it. This leads to see out of these three would be is a free service not really no, I don't I don't do this every day I don't see it, but if you show it right there they're like I see it you show what they buy it right? I see it visualize that I wanted taking the time up front to show a few things like this even if you have to take a few extra steps in a way that's not built into the program you're using it's worth it when we get over here we have uh this interesting part again three so he said yes that's what they want from the wall and you said but again we're not worried about what we're gonna do with it right now just do we love it or do we like it? I redirect clients like that all the time we don't even have to think about what we're gonna do about it right now that is not the point do you love this? T like we not going to deal with right now because I don't want them in the mindset of geometry and dollars and which is the one I'm gonna do this thing with I just want to see what you love and then we can talk about that because you're in a different state of mind depending on where we are in the process and then, um we get teo uh here you're showing she's showing photographs the couple together and there's a variety of them they're all a little bit different, right? Can you wait here and then this one slight difference in your facial expression? I mean as those images are really, really close to each other in terms of how they were too close, I don't know why that both okay, no and that I mean but start that's why we're observing this and I will tell you right now I know so that's a hundred different ways it is a lot easier to sit up here and critique than it is to d'oh, because I also do I teach and I shoot and I sell like I do this. I know it's a lot easier to sit up here on my white fancy chair that is shockingly painful on my bottom. It is such a thin, hard plastic right can that's the worst, you know, that year, I'm pretty sure I can't feel anything what good looks like it looks good. Just wait till tomorrow. Um but, uh, it's, so easy to be here, my fancy tall chair that is numbered me like crazy, then it is to be out there remember this all the time? I know that, but I do want you to pay attention because we learned by observing things that we do all the time and don't think about if you have a couple images that air so in protest of moving close to each other and you present them all, you're giving the your client a lot of decisions to make and dream their energy on these little things when you want their decision points to be about this bigger, more impactful things well, and I felt kind of drained by two like we spent and that more than just, you know, a few seconds and debating the two, and they were so similar and that's when I was like, why do I have both of these and that's your job? You get to be the editor? What? It was the mark twain quote, I said I would have written a shorter letter, but it didn't have enough time it takes time to edit down. It takes time to make the call on these things got these have intestinal decisions, and then we're gonna go right into it's one last point. I want to make sure I get out before korea because go to break. Um, is this interesting dynamic here in the relationship that we have tio observe and determine how to deal with, which is ideas on what it is you might like to deal with the engines? Did you have any ideas? I know when I came over, we have seen that I should you much different things they talked about, I got the sense you weren't exactly sure what you were looking for, just totally fine, I can go quickly through some of the different products we have talk for this is the so you're going right into all that, okay? Somebody tell you you have some rice for the group what I should have done I should have kept them in an emotional place at that point. Yes, one of the things we saw over here was when you guys were talking about were sliding right back into this when we were talking about the control this's a funky idea the idea of control but obviously so much about overcoming adversity and getting past no and having to worry about things like you know, what are they going to do is simply if I can put myself in the driver's seat, I could determine what happens next again that's not a bad thing that's the way we can conduct this in the most efficient way possible. And I did notice right around here that that very common thing we run into some times when we've got more than one buyer in front of us, which is that they have separate ideas about what they want okay way have standout announce, which is just a different product that images directly on it a little more finish because I have the framing you get different colors wait, I like this is a village that's cute little one but we don't have space to put things like this I like we will have the states starting you just weigh in this household so he said she said we don't the spaces like we will have a space stop doing that and they go back and forth and I've seen this escalate much further but basically I mean that fistfight michael gozo dujail I've seen that nest site much further and what I advise in that situation andi think what you do it's let's listen what you do yesterday you are thinking, you know it's a long term and much more room we want more space so another idea okay? So basically I'm guessing they're moving soon that's what that is in like a year in like a year so she's saying but we're here right now and he's like, who cares? We're gonna get there later I think he's just thinking even if we don't hang them up and they just stay in boxes until we move like they just yet they want to move they know they're going somewhere else eventually so what I'm thinking at that point well, I'm navigating this dynamic, which shouldn't necessarily be my job but it's all your job when you're right there is I don't wantto I don't want to gang up on anybody I want to be on everybody's side this regardless of what dynamic you're seeing in front of you right now, that doesn't define the whole relationship of the couple and so what I do is I just say I understand your point I understand your point what if we were to do something like this and come up with a solution that's that's mixed for all I think you go into talking about an album next the idea of like well maybe the solution is an album on dh this is a really interesting thing because laura you pitched the album you hear where they don't like it and then you give another reason a way for them to consider it tio is maybe an album like there's a lot of images that you were really interested in so that's the way to get a bunch of images that you'll always be so wait you're reading one but what you're really even have a wedding pictures up in our house we have never been something so I'm not really but think about in a few years no I think we should weigh wants the parents album using right down flipping through every single day but it's something for the kids a break out for whatever reason it's something that we're going down all right so what do you feel about that dynamic what just happened laurie it was just funny I mean he just kept talking over me so I had to like keep getting my words in there so that was wait say that again he kept talking so I had to keep getting my words in there why don't know why uh why that's what? Yeah because I'm watching that exchange and I'm kind of stressed are you guys feeling that yeah everybody he was to say his point he's saying do this and there's a little bit of a gang up on her yeah not intentionally think about that yeah and you're not doing that what you were doing is saying I hear your objection let me give you another way to think about it, which is great unfortunately because of the dynamic at play he's like basically fall in terms of tens of purposes saying yeah, yeah, yeah suck it there's you know, if you were to put yourself in her position, she might feel little gang death on which is fine if they sell the album now, but one of the things I don't ever want to deal with and I rarely to never do I have to deal with is buyer's remorse let's make sure we're really feeling good about this right here and now so one thing that might have been good is for you to look at her because she literally looked down she was ok. One thing that might have been helpful would have been to say to her, are you still feeling? Does that really make sense to you or do you have some reservations about it and then let her talk it through because he made a good point you made a good point but you were talking over each other it was all coming out at once and she just kind of just said kind yeah and that I mean that definitely happened a few times there are a few interactions like that where I was trying to finish what I was saying at least and then he just kind of jumped in and that was fine but you're right I should have just what a quiet moment and just let them you finished what he had to say and think about it and then address her I didn't even I don't even think about her that makes me no that's not for you to feel like you said I'm saying I'm merely talking about the fact that what could happen afterwards a stake of home and she said you know what honey I don't want that album and it's no longer about the album it's the fact that she got out voted and she doesn't have very positive feelings about it you know even though he I mean he gave the reason the rationale for wanting to have right album so so maybe what you can do in that situation is say wonderful ok so if he gets me out what are you going to get yeah that's you know like let's let's awesome I love that we're on the same page here let's talk more about what you had envisioned on dh kind of get the whole the whole sale but when you said you felt like you had to eat your words in, it might have been helpful when he started interjecting we talked before about that transition pause to just come in you know I'll be you and you couldn't you be him you cut it okay I'm you albums are wonderful because the situation of the earth is green and burned I want an album we're going to have an album I want I want a family album we're going to get it ok well that's a wonderful idea I have I like to look at albums at my parent's house all the time yeah, right friday okay? And then I'd be looking back and forth because you had a point you wanted to get out, you felt like you had to go over him and yet he's the one he's going to be making he and she making the purchasing decision so I would pull back let himself and still if you feel like this additional points to be made that he didn't make you get to then make them after but instead it becomes yeah like who can speak and say yeah, so just watch that again from a different perspective I think you're using right now flipping through every single day but it's something for the kids a break out for whatever reason it's something that we're going down so I mean, the way, and then so you showed me this one, and then he showed me that one in there too, totally different sizes what science? So here is this is a twenty five, thirty so that's pretty that's a pretty good size, so you can see it fits it's like a fire side standards is a standard size for if you're trying to make a visual impact over a fireplace, say, you know, aside like that might not work great in that space, but twenty by thirty is a pretty good, pretty good size twenty, thirty or thirty by forty if you're really looking, you have a big wall things and you're trying to make trying to fill it up with one really big image you really like. So what I think you do really well here, don't you guys think laurie has a very good natural town? They're like, comfortable, casual. This is good, great question, let me show you this is this. I think that does a lot to put them at ease, you're not sitting there saying there is no standard like you're saying, yeah, well, this and that and you're explaining and giving you, telling your showing examples, I think that goes a long way with your clients because they feel comfortable
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Fantastic course by a fantastic photographer and tutor. I would wholeheartedly recommend this workshop to anyone who is either; A) Established but currently seeking help to push their sales on, and also; B) Anyone who is at the beginning of their photography business, looking for insight and guidance at successful sales practice. Tamara is a smart and wonderfully engaging tutor. The sessions are informative, and thought provoking, but are presented in a nice relaxed, sincere and often fun manner. As i write this review - CL are having a sale, but even at full price, it's a bit of a no brainer. Just buy it, you'll not regret it. There is alot of valuable information here. Thank you Creative Live and Tamara Lackey. I'm a fan of you both! www.dannywoolford.com
a Creativelive Student
Awesome! I cannot believe this wonderful course is so inexpensive. Halfway through watching the downloads, I had a record sales session that more than paid for this course. Every photographer should buy this! Thank you Tamara!
This is a must see workshop. It sets the bar for right motivation in sales and business. I had never formally studied sales and I am so pleased that I got to hear Tamara's excellent and insightful understanding of how to sell without being the sales person that no one likes. As she so aptly put, 'we all love to buy but we hate to be sold to' FIVE STARS. Thanks Tamara!