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Key Considerations for Sales Channels

Lesson 21 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

Key Considerations for Sales Channels

Lesson 21 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

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21. Key Considerations for Sales Channels

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Lesson Info

Key Considerations for Sales Channels

Here are some key considerations for your sales channels. It's important to understand how a channel can be used, how orders are managed in the admin and who to reach out for support. Each channel has its own set of eligibility rules based on factors like country, currency, product type or category shipping policies and advertising standards. You'll see which channels are available from the Shopify admin. When you get an order from a sales channel, you can identify the order source in the order details page during the fulfillment, you can keep track of orders from different sales channels quickly in the order page by filtering them by sales channel, third party sales channels are generally supported by the channel providers, so you would have to reach out to them directly. But channels made by Shopify are supported by Shopify Support Team. We will now be moving to some marketing and analytics skills, which are important for your business to flourish right after another quick knowledge ...


Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Exercise - Create an Engaging About Us Page
More Recourses Part 1
More Recourses Part 2
Build a Successful Business with Outsourcing
Shopify Resource Links
Shopify Glossary
Creating an Engaging About Us Page
Create your own Site - Final Project
Business Model Checklist

Ratings and Reviews

Kiera White

Outstanding course for shopify store fundamental


Amazing course for learning basic Fundamentals of shopify

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