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Books, Magazines & Audio

Lesson 14 from: Thrift Store Shopping 101

Blair Stocker

Books, Magazines & Audio

Lesson 14 from: Thrift Store Shopping 101

Blair Stocker

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14. Books, Magazines & Audio

Lesson Info

Books, Magazines & Audio

So don't forget the book section. So what you'll find here are vintage books. I always look for vintage craft books and things like that. There's, also magazine. She confined magazines here really cheap and rip them a houston, and all sorts of up cycling projects make recycled flowers out of them, like in my up cycle slaughter class, but it's, fun to browse through here. Once in a while, you might find a treasure, but it's definitely worth checking out.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

10 Thrift Shopping Tips.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Carol Willyn Maple

I loved that the class gave me actionable ideas that I can use when I visit thrift stores. I shop for yarn and fabric for thrift stores, but had not thought of using clothes outside of their intended purposes.

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