Bonus Vocal Exercises
Keith Harris
02:13 2Myth Busting
03:17 3Where is all the money?
02:54 4Quiz: What Is Voice Over
5A Conversation With One Person
03:34Vocal Warm Up
03:43 7Breaking Down the Delivery Components
04:21 8Nailing the Feel
04:55 9Hitting or Noticing Words
03:28 10Becoming an Actor
03:26 11The Magic of Lists
04:34 12Five Key Characters
04:03 13Tongue Twisters
04:19 14Mic Technique and Studio Etiquette
05:53 15Quiz: Voice Over Performance
16Education in Mauritius
03:12 17The Ventsar ColorTouch
06:04 18Dodge Maps
04:16 19Quiz: case Studies
20Check List
02:46 21Microphones
06:34 22Preamps
02:51 23Finishing the Check List
04:33 24Creating Your Recording Space
04:57 25Sound Proof Booths
03:34 26Quiz: Home Studio
27Practice and Review
02:58 28Quiz: Closing
29Live Recording Session
10:01 30Adding Music
06:41 31Placing Audio into a Video
06:10 32Extra Services
04:23 33Quiz: Recording & Editing
34Your Demo is your Business Card
05:48 35Designing your Demo
02:30 36Recording Your Demo
03:25 37Quiz: Making a Demo
38Customer Service
04:37 39Expectations and Delivery
03:57 40Storage and Organization
03:31 41Gig Photo and the Fiverr Forum
03:56 42Quiz: Self Employment
43Water and Sleep
04:15 44Recording When Sick
04:17 45Quiz: Vocal Health
46Setting Goals
02:52 47Daily Schedule and Fiverr Forum
04:06 48Nerves
02:52 49Bonus Vocal Exercises
03:57 50Take a Break
01:51 51Quiz: Staying Motivated
52Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Bonus Vocal Exercises
vocal warm ups are good for anyone who uses their voice a lot. Just like with any kind of exercise, it's good to warm up the muscles in order to avoid strain or injury and the vocal cords are just the same. So I wanted to add a few more vocal exercises here to help get you going. Let's start with a breathing exercise. Sometimes we'll have impossibly long sentences to speak in our clients scripts and while we can take a breath when we need it. Also helps to learn how to regulate our breath for longer sections. And this exercise helps a lot. This exercise is called square breathing. What we're going to do is breathe in for a certain count and hiss out for that same amount. Let's start with the number five. We'll start by breathing in And then we'll hiss out for five. Let's go to eight. Nice work. Now let's do one more, going to the count of tan and you can use as many numbers as you want. I encourage you to move up to higher numbers and then go back and try the lower numbers and see how ...
much easier they are after doing this a few times after that we can take the same exercise and add a bubble or a tongue trill like this or I like bubbling because you can't do it if there is tension in your neck or throat bubbling and tongue trilling is not easy for everyone but try it and you might surprise yourself. Let's try one together, we'll do it to the number five. That gives you an idea and so on. Next, we're going to add a bit more tone to that by saying, oh kind of like singing along pitch, but over time we'll learn to stretch it out and extend our air. Let's try one together, You just take in a big breath and sing, oh, oh this doesn't have to be done super long or definitely not very loud. It just kind of helps get the voice going. The last exercise is designed to find the most relaxed phone ation of the voice and it's called the vocal fry. It sounds like this, it's kind of funny right now. The danger here is that we do not want to grind on the voice. This is a very gentle exercise but can be very healthy for the voice and also a very useful sound to have in your tool bag when doing reads. Let's try one together. Ah Nice work. In the next lesson, we're going to discuss a few more motivational ideas and when to take a break from the studio
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Ratings and Reviews
Joe Wiese
Keith Harris is an amazing teacher. His coarse is timeless. Thank you Keith. Please come up with another coarse.