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Refining Your Edit: Preparation

Lesson 14 from: Adobe Premiere Pro CC Video Editing: The Complete Guide

Abba Shapiro

Refining Your Edit: Preparation

Lesson 14 from: Adobe Premiere Pro CC Video Editing: The Complete Guide

Abba Shapiro

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Lesson Info

14. Refining Your Edit: Preparation

Summary (Generated from Transcript)

In this lesson, the instructor discusses the process of refining video edits in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. He covers topics such as customizing the interface, using markers, different types of edits (lift edit, extract edit, roll edit), modifying edit points, ripple edits, slipping and sliding, J and L cuts, and replace edits. The instructor also provides tips on trimming clips and using keyboard shortcuts to streamline the editing process.


  1. What does it mean to refine an edit?

    Refining an edit refers to making adjustments to the timing, content, or placement of video clips in order to improve the overall quality and flow of the video.

  2. How can you customize the interface in Adobe Premiere Pro CC?

    The interface can be customized by rearranging and resizing panels, saving custom workspaces, and setting preferences for different tools and features.

  3. What are markers used for in video editing?

    Markers are used to indicate specific points in a video timeline, such as important moments, changes in content, or sections that need further editing or attention.

  4. What are lift and extract edits?

    Lift edits remove a selected portion of a video clip and leave a gap in the timeline, while extract edits remove a portion of a video clip and automatically close the gap.

  5. What is a roll edit?

    A roll edit is used to adjust the timing of a cut between two edit points without changing the overall duration of the sequence.

  6. What are ripple edits?

    Ripple edits are edits that automatically adjust the timing and position of surrounding clips when a portion of a clip is trimmed or removed, in order to maintain the overall timing and flow of the video.

  7. What are slipping and sliding edits?

    Slipping edits involve adjusting the in and out points of a clip without changing its overall position in the timeline, while sliding edits involve moving a clip horizontally along the timeline without changing its in and out points.

  8. What are J and L cuts?

    J and L cuts are types of edits where the audio and video from different clips overlap, allowing for a smoother transition between shots and a more seamless audio experience.

  9. What is a replace edit?

    A replace edit is a type of edit that allows you to replace a specific portion of a video clip with another clip, without overriding or deleting the original clip.

  10. How can you trim the beginning or end of a clip in Adobe Premiere Pro CC?

    There are several ways to trim the beginning or end of a clip, including using the trim edit tool, razor tool, or keyboard shortcuts such as delete or ripple delete.


Class Trailer

Understanding Editing: Bootcamp Overview


Understanding Editing: Overview


Understanding Editing: Video Examples


Tour The Interface: Digital Video Workflow


Tour The Interface: Project Panel


Tour The Interface: Choosing Your Shot


Tour The Interface: Music And Voice Over


Tour The Interface: Video Tracks


Tour The Interface: Edit Markers


Building a Rough Cut: Cut Planning


Building a Rough Cut: Selecting Media


Building a Rough Cut: The Edit


Building a Rough Cut: Edit Points


Refining Your Edit: Preparation


Refining Your Edit: Making Cuts


Refining Your Edit: Using Markers


Refining Your Edit: J and L Cuts


Refining Your Edit: Replace Edit


Working with Audio: Overview


Working with Audio: Levels


Working with Audio: Music


Working with Audio: Mixing And Syncing


Transitions: Overview


Transitions: Effect Controls


Filters & Effects: Overview


Filters & Effects: Using Multiple Filters


Motion & Animation: Motion And Animation Overview


Motion & Animation: Movement With Still Images


Motion & Animation: Picture In Picture


Motion & Animation: Motion Effects


Titling & Graphics: Overview


Titling & Graphics: Advanced Tools


Titling & Graphics: Roll And Crawl Effects


Titling & Graphics: Working With Photoshop


Speed Changes: Overview


Speed Changes: Stills And Variable Speeds


Color Correction: Overview


Color Correction: Lumetri Scopes


Color Correction: Contrast


Color Correction: Advanced Tools


Color Correction: Adjusting To A Master Clip


Finishing: Prepping for Output


Finishing: QC Edit Points


Sharing & Exporting: Overview


Sharing & Exporting: Size And Quality


Ingesting Media:


Ingesting Media: Transferring And Importing


Media Management & Archiving


Multi-Camera Editing: Overview


Multi-Camera Editing: Creating A Sequence


Multi-Camera Editing: Switching Multiple Cameras


Multi-Camera Editing: Finalizing


Creating Timelapses: Shooting Strategies


Creating Timelapses: Editing Images


Creating Timelapses: Importing Strategies


Creating Timelapses: Animation


Advanced Editing Techniques: Take Command Of Your Timeline


Advanced Editing Techniques: Transitions


Advanced Editing Techniques: Keyboard Shortcuts


Advanced Editing Techniques: Preference Hacks


Thinking Like an Editor: Editing Choices


Thinking Like an Editor: Telling the Story


Special Tools: Warp Stabilizer


Special Tools: Morph Cut


Special Tools: Green Screen


Lesson Info

Refining Your Edit: Preparation

What we're gonna look at today is we're gonna talk about refining your edit. And by refining we're gonna maybe we may wanna customize the interface a little bit. I wanna talk about that to make it work better for you. Maybe some markers so you can know where to put things. We're gonna do different types of edits. Lift edit and extract edits. We're gonna learn some modifications that we can do. There's something called a roll edit that you would do between edit points to adjust the timing of when a cut happens. And we'll also look at ripple edits and slipping and sliding. All terms which are jargon that you don't understand now but hopefully you will understand by the end. And something called J and L cuts which is really one of the most powerful types of edits that you can use. And you see it on television all the time. And then what if you wanted to replace the shot without over-riding it, what a replace edit would be. So that's the idea of what we're gonna do to bring your show to th...

e next level. And let's just hop right in. And what I've done is I've slugged in this interview. I've just focused the interview on his travel. I didn't wanna spend the time about when he was a kid. Just kind of a promo thing that he can use to say, oh how exciting is it to go on these tours. So I put it in. I cut to the different cameras to give us a little bit of variety but I wasn't really selective about being really precise on that outpoint or that inpoint. So you'll hear overlapping audio or maybe even entire chunks of video that I wanna move. And that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna start with just generally trimming and all the different ways you can trim the end or the beginning of a clip. It's just like if you were in a Word document and you wanted to lop off the last sentence or you wanted to add a new sentence at the beginning when you're telling a story. That's all we're doing with our trimming. So I'm gonna play and as I play this we'll go along and we'll make some decisions and we'll talk about why we're making those decisions. And then we'll move this edit forward. So we still wanna keep the opening so I'll just position my play head. Hit the space bar. I've seen a lot of your work. Real pretty stuff. I've seen a lot of your work. Real pretty stuff. So obviously I have some redundancy there and I can either just kind of get the feel for the rhythm when I do that. So if I wanted to trim off the head, there's a lot of different ways to do that. So I couldn't, let me go ahead and zoom in here. So normally you have your selection tool which is the V key. Think of it as the arrow, okay? That's your selection tool. It's pretty standard in all Adobe applications that the V key is your default, your ready position. Okay so if for some reason you start moving things and the cursor's not working, it's probably 'cause you maybe hit another keyboard shortcut by accident and you're no longer seeing that selection tool. But as the default when I put that arrow over an edit point, do you see how it changes to a little red bracket? That's a trim edit tool and I can grab the edge of a clip and pull it and make it shorter and remove that chunk. All I did was basically I sliced it off. And again there's five or six ways you can achieve the same results. And you're gonna decide what works best for you. I'm gonna show you some basics and then also some more advanced techniques that you might like because it saves you a few steps. Instead of five steps it's two steps. But basic trimming is whenever you're in the regular selection tool and you move to the edge of a clip, and I'm gonna zoom in just even a little tighter, depending on which way that's pointing, that's the part of the clip that you're trimming. So if I wanted to I could make this longer too. I could make this shorter. So it's a trim tool that allows me to remove part of the clip and I can be very precise with it. Another way that I could trim this, I'm gonna go ahead and hit undo, is I could razor blade this. Basically cut the clip in half and just delete the front half. The net effect is going to be the same, again it's your style. Now you can do this by switching to their blade tool and we have a whole slew of tools here that you can work with. And there's a keyboard shortcut for all of them. If you forget the keyboard shortcuts, the beautiful thing about the engineers at Adobe, if you hover your mouse over it, it will tell you what that tool is and what the keyboard shortcut is. So in this case I want to cut our razor blade. This is the razor tool but you're cutting so C. They're very intuitive on how they choose these keyboard shortcuts. So if I hit the C key, do see how that turns now to a razor blade? And wherever I put that razor blade it's gonna cut. It doesn't necessarily wanna cut where the play head is but I can snap it to the play head. So if I cut it, and let me go ahead and switch back. V key to my selection tool. You now see there's an edit point here. And I can select this clip and do whatever I want with it. I can delete it. I can relocate it if I wanted to. Now if I delete the clip and I'm just gonna use the delete key. Now, I wanna just throw in again, because people have different styles, maybe you don't remember what the key is to do something, delete is pretty easy. But sometimes it's like, I think I know what I wanna do, and I wanna do it to this specific location. Try right clicking or control click. You'll get a drop down menu that might even tell you what you wanna do and you can see there's definitely some options. There's something called a ripple delete which we're gonna talk about in just a moment but I could go ahead and I could cut that out. If I hit cut it's gone. SO if you don't remember the keyboard shortcut or you don't necessarily look at the dropdown menus, just try right clicking. It a lot of times helps you a lot. But if I select that and hit delete it removes the clip but it doesn't change the position of anything else in my timeline. Okay, a lot of times you don't want things to shift. Because it would throw off timing. If I did wanna close that space after the fact, I can select it again and then once again hit delete. So it closes the space 'cause I selected the empty area. We saw we could also do that with the trim and then I could, again, select that empty space. So that's a delete or a cut. You saw there was something in the drop down menu called a ripple delete. Okay, it does exactly what you think it should. It deletes in and then ripples everything to close the space all in one step. So I could select ripple delete, boom, one step. Undo this again. You can also use a keyboard shortcut. And they vary from Windows to Macs and they vary from full keyboards to partial keyboards. It's a little crazy. But if I have that selected, oh I had the wrong thing selected, there we go, boom. And this is where I, having all these shortcuts in my head, it's option delete on a Mac but I'm gonna show you another trick to say, ah, I don't remember all these shortcuts. I wanna know a shortcut. And this is something I like to do. If I'm doing something 15 - 20 times in a row, I should figure out what the shortcut is for that. And as a matter of fact, I keep a pad of paper and I write it down and I'll say, I'm doing this over and over again, this insert edit thing. What is the keyboard shortcut? And then I'll know to look it up and try to remember it. Don't try to sit there and remember all the keyboard shortcuts 'cause only remember the ones you need. So the beautiful thing is that there're two places to find all the keyboard shortcuts. One is in the help menu. If you go to the help menu and you click on keyboard and you're hooked to the internet it will take you to the web page. And I believe I am live. And this will show you all the keyboard shortcuts. You can print this out for both the Windows and the Mac side. So here we go. Default keyboard shortcuts, Windows, Mac. I wanna find out what ripple delete is. I can go here and I can say, ripple. Let's see, find that. I didn't search the page right. See I can edit beautifully but trying to use a web browser. Here we go, ripple delete. So it's shift delete on a Mac. Shift forward delete, which Mac users don't know about what a forward delete is. I use both by the way. To me it's a machine, that confuses me either way. So shift forward delete will remove that element and close the space. But the lesson here is not what the shortcut is, it's how to find the other shortcuts. So if you just go to that drop down shortcuts it will give you this printed out. It's great, or just search it at the time. If you're not connected to the web you can, let me just make sure that we're inside of Premiere. You can go under keyboard shortcuts and on a Windows machine it should be under file at the bottom. Okay, on a Mac it's underneath Premiere Pro. Keyboard shortcuts, it brings up this dialogue box. Which allows you to not only find them but also to modify or create your own shortcuts for shortcuts that don't exist. So there's a lot great little things that they've hidden in there that they haven't had a shortcut for but if I wanna just find something like, oh I don't remember how to remove an inpoint. I type in, in, and I can look down and I can scroll through and these are all the things that would have in. And under my sequence we have, let's see, it should be mark in. Here we go. Mark in is I, and so I wanna remove that. Try out. When in doubt, jump to another solution. Here we go. Option O, clear out. So if I typed in clear in. So I could learn what these things are. So it's very useful to go to the keyboard shortcuts and just type in what you want and see if there's a shortcut and we'll look later on in the customizing towards the end of the course about modifying some things. And as we go through I may add a keyboard shortcut here or there.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Abba Shapiro's Work File Information
Building a Rough Cut - Project Files
Refining Your Edit - Project File
Working with Audio Project File
Motion Effects - Project Files
Titling and Graphics - Project Files
Speed Changes - Project Files
Color Correction - Project Files
Finishing - Project Files
Multi-Camera Editing - Project Files (Large Download - 3.25GB)
Creating Timelapses - Project Files (Large Download - 1.25GB)
Thinking Like An Editor - Project Files
Special Tools - Project Files

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

I've never even tried video editing before this class. I opened the program once and panicked. After only 9 lessons I was able to throw a short video together (basic of course, but still pretty cool). I wish all of my teachers growing up were just like Abba. He goes over everything without dragging anything on for too long. He repeats things just enough for me to actually remember them, and he is funny. He keeps it fun and shows that even he makes mistakes. I can't even believe how much I have learned in less than a quarter of his class. I have a long way to go and am very excited to learn more. This class is worth every penny and more! I was hesitant on buying the class because I have CS6 and he works with CC, but I have already used what I've learned in his course to create a video. The first 9 lessons were already worth what I paid for the entire course. Thank you, Abba! You are an awesome teacher! You have me absolutely obsessed with creating right now! I highly recommend! You won't find this thorough of a course for this decent price!

a Creativelive Student

Just bought this yesterday and cannot stop watching!!!! What a FANTASTIC teacher-- just love the way he explains everything. For someone like me (who has a zillion questions) it is perfect. As soon as he introduces a feature, he explains several aspects in such a way that's easy to grasp and remember. So, so happy I got this. Thank you Abba and CreativeLive!

a Creativelive Student

I am only on lesson 19 and I am so glad I bought this class, so worth it and Abba packs so much information into these lessons its crazy. I will for sure have to come back and watch again when I need to remember to do stuff or need a refresher. He is funny and quirky and a great teacher. I so recommend this to anyone wanting to become a better video editor!! I am coming from being self taught and using iMovie and he makes it so simple and understandable. Can't wait to learn more :)

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