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Lightroom: Color Profiles

Lesson 14 from: Capture and Edit Photos of People in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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14. Lightroom: Color Profiles

Similar to social media photo filters, color profiles alter the underlying definition of color in your images. Jared shows how to assign color profiles and add effects.

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Color Profiles

There are a couple other things that we can do to this photograph, and one of 'em is assign a color profile. The color profile is kinda the underlying definition of the color inside of the photograph, and it's the next thing down from auto. So after you click the auto button, come on down to the profile area and click on the profile browser button. You can see that Adobe has a series of profiles already attached here for you. You can look at your favorites that you've added or you can look at the Adobe raw section where you have basically the standard ones that are associated with Adobe and with your camera. So this one is Adobe Color. That's what it comes. As you import your images, they're gonna be on Adobe Color. If you use Landscape, it's gonna be a lot more vibrant, but it's often too vibrant for me. So better is the Adobe Vivid. That still gives us some really nice colors, but it also maintains some of the skin tones a little bit better. But there's also some really great artisti...

c profiles. So if you go down to the vintage section, you'll find a bunch of vintage profiles. And just kinda scan through. I kinda like that one. It looks a little bit filmy. So I'm gonna click on that one, and then below it there's a slider. That slider allows me to determine how much of this profile I want to add to the photograph. So I can just drag this one back and forth to decide how much of this effect I really want to apply to the photograph. And I'm gonna apply about a little bit more than it started with. I like that look, and so now I'm gonna go up to the top and hit back. So now I've got a really nice film, kinda old look, vintage look to my photograph. And we did all of that by clicking two buttons. We clicked on the auto button and then we clicked on the profile that we wanted to use, and that's it. And we've got a really nice look to our photograph. Now, we can start to tweak a little bit more. Like, for instance, maybe we wanna go into the effects and add a little bit of clarity to it, because when we added this film effect, their faces got a little bit softer. So I'm gonna add a little bit of clarity so that we have a little bit more sharpness in their eyes. But otherwise, I really like the way that it looks. It's got that old, vintage look to it. It's perfect for the photograph that we took. So I'm satisfied with this.

Ratings and Reviews

T. Goss

I enjoyed this quick tutorial. A very good introduction to how to use lightroom.

Andrew Hunter

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